D. 1. IVanovswk — the founder of virilogy — КиберПедия 

Папиллярные узоры пальцев рук - маркер спортивных способностей: дерматоглифические признаки формируются на 3-5 месяце беременности, не изменяются в течение жизни...

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D. 1. IVanovswk — the founder of virilogy

2022-11-24 239
D. 1. IVanovswk — the founder of virilogy 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Dmitry losiphovitch Ivanovsky was born in 1864. In 1888 he graduated from Petersburg University and began to study the physiology of plants and microbiology.

When D. I. Ivanovsky was investigating the tobacco mosaic disease (M03aWIHa¶ 60J1e3Hb -ra6aKa) he came to the conclusion that this disease occurred due to a microscopic agent, many times smaller than bacteria.

To prove this phenomenon D I. Ivanovsky had to make many experiments on various plants. At that time everybody

considered that bacteria were the smallest living organisms.

But then D. l. Ivanovsky had completed his experiment, he came to conclusion that the living organism smaller than bacteria existed in the environment. These living organisms were called viruses.

148                              AML'iHñcKHñ 93b1K AAR Met\ŽIU11HCKMX

D. l. Ivanovsky was the first scientist who was able to establish the new branch of microbiology   virologv.

llpoqumaùme npeàqoyceuua u 6blõepume me, wno coomgemcmgyom meteccmy.


l) Ivanovsky began to study the physiology of plants and microbiology.

2) Ivanovsky began to study various diseases of plants.

J) Tobacco mosaic disease occurred due to viruses.

2) Tobacco mosaic disease did not occur due to bacteria.


l) Ivanovsky came to conclusion that the living organism smaller than bacteria existed in the environment.

2) Ivanovsky came to conclusion that the living organism smaller than bacteria did not exist in the environment.

I) Virology is not the branch of Ynicrobiology. 2) Virology is the branch of microbiology.

llpoqumaùme u nepegeàume mexcm.


Professor P. F. Lesgaft was born in 1837. He was a prominent Russian anatomist and a talented teacher. He was the

                                                                                Pogen                     YCTHOÜ t-IH

first to work out the science of physical culture, After gradu-

ation from the Academy he worked for the Degree of Doctor of Medicine. This degree was given to him in 1865 and in 1868 he received the Degree of Doctor of Surgery.

About 130 scientific works were written by Prof. Lesgaft. Many of them were translated into foreign languages. One of his main books was called "The Basis of Theoretical Anatomy". In his work Prof. Lesgaft divided the muscles into two basic groups — static and dynamic. They were called strong and skilled (JIOBKMC).

He determined that the static muscles were formed by short bands of muscular fibers, the dynamic muscles were formed by the bands of long muscular fibers.

His studies on static and dynamic muscles were contin-

ued by other scientists.


1) to work out — pa3pa60TaTb

2) band [bænd] —

3) muscular — Mb1L1-yeqHb1V1

4) fiber ['falba] — BOJ[OKHO.

3aK0H Ltume npeðnonzeHun, 8bt6pag ltæ06XOÒUMbte no CMb1C-

ny gapuaHmb1.•

l) Lesgaft was a prolY1inent researcher who

a) studied the structure of the human bones

b) worked out the science of physical culture

c) was born in the 20th centure.

a) long bands of muscular fibers

2) Lesgaft determined that the static muscles were formed by

160          <        H3b1K KOAneAxeï1 Haùðume 3 maccme npeð,7D$ceHIÆ,     Ha.'

l) reorpad)H L1ecKoe 110]10xeHHe JIOHAOHa; 2) KOJIMqeCTBO HaceneHH¶ J10HA0Ha;

3) qacTh J10HA0Ha;

4) xapažcrepMcTHKY Becr-3HAa;

5) xapaKTepHcTHKY VICT-9Haa;

6) AOCT011PHMeqaTe-T1bHOCT1d;

     7) 3Haqe1-1He J10HAOHa KaK MOPCKoro nopTa.

Cicaozume no-anaauùcyu.•

CTOJIH1aa Bej1MK06PHTaHHH, íOJ1b1MOVf HHAYCTPuaJ1bHb1ìÍ H KYAbTYPHb1iÍ ueHTP, pañ0H 60rayeVr, pañ0H pa60qero K-nacca, H3BeCTHb1e MY3eH u TeaTPb1, KOMMepqeC1a,iÏf ueHTp CTPaHb1,  uež-rrp Bej1HK06pHTaHHH. U3BeCTeH BO BCeM MHpe, AOCTOf1PMMeqaTeJ1bHOCTH J10HA0Ha.

Ilpoqumaùme u nepeeeòume cneðyozque HtZ3gaHuq:

the West End, the East End, the City, Houses of Parliament, St. Paul's Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus, British museum.

flpoqumaùme u nepeeeðume mejccm,

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