Present Progressive (Continuous) — КиберПедия 

Своеобразие русской архитектуры: Основной материал – дерево – быстрота постройки, но недолговечность и необходимость деления...

Опора деревянной одностоечной и способы укрепление угловых опор: Опоры ВЛ - конструкции, предназначен­ные для поддерживания проводов на необходимой высоте над землей, водой...

Present Progressive (Continuous)

2022-11-24 279
Present Progressive (Continuous) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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YnpŽùKHeHHe 1. Ilocmaome anaeon to be g HY*HOÜ

l. The students. taking exam now. 

raimng now.

friend... waiting for me.

4. Granny... working in the garden.... you doing?

he going?

YnpažKHeHue 2. Bblõepu Present Simple unu Present


l. I English very well (speak, am speaking).

2. My sister... the piano in her room (plays, is playing).

3. Don't go out. It.. cats and dogs (rains, is raining).

4. We often... to the college on foot (go, going).

5. English families usually tea at 5 0'clock (have, are having).

6. The students. a teacher very carefully (are listening, listen).

Ynpa)KHCHue 3. nepeeeòume Ha anaquùwcuù


1. Bpaq OCMaTPHBaeT 60flbHOEO B nayme. 2. Mbl uneM B 60J1bHHUY ceïrqac. 3. HneT AOXAb, B03bMH.30HT. 4. I-ITO Tbi nenaeWb? HHTažo HHTepecHYf0 CTaTbK). 5. Mencecrrpa

YMb1BaeT nexaqero 60J1bHOFO B nanaTe.

120 AHTÄHÌCKHÜ 93blK MeÅH14HHCKMX n Past Progressive (Continuous)

Ynpa)KHeHMe 1. Ilepe?eðume Ha pyccxuù A3b1K.

l. When my brother broke his leg my mother was Wandering what to do.

2. When I came back home my parents were watching TV.

3. Yesterday when he was sitting in the room and reading a book he heard bad news on TV.

4. What were vou doing at 9 0'clock yesterdav?

YITpa)KHei111e 2. Ilocmaome aqaeo-Qb!, ÔaHHb1e e CKOÕKax e Past Progressive.

1. A nurse (to bind) her patient, when the ward doctor came.

2 She (to make) injection to a bed-patient when the stu- dents came into the ward.

3 The doctor (to take) the patient's pulse, when the pa tient's face got pale,

4 When he (to look) for some papers on his desk he saw a litt\e bottle.

Future Progressive (Continuous)

YnpaN<HeHHe 1. Tfocmc18bme a.qaeo„flbl, ðaHHbte cK06}?ax e Future Progressive.

l. Now he (to illustrate) how industry cooperates with the natural environment.

2. I (to visit) my granny at this time tomorrow,

3. What... you... at I l a. m. tomorrow? (to do).

                                                                 2.            121

4. Our doctor (to go) to the hospital when I meet him.

5. Tomorrow at 10 0'clock the nurse (to take out) the stitches.

Ynp'R)KHe11we 2. Ilepegeòume npeùqoyceHu.q Ha pyccKuù


Next Friday at 9 a. m. the dentist will be putting a I.

filling to my tooth.

2. At this time tomorrow we shall be discussing the results of the operation.

3. I shall be doing my homework since 4 up 6 0'clock.

4. At 9 0'clock tomorrow our ward nurse will be making injections, putting mustard plasters and cups.

Present Perfect Tense

YnpažKHeHHe 1. Ilepenuzuume npeò„.10Jcenun, 6b1õpae coomgemcmgyotsgyo (Þ Present Perfect Tense.

. you ever... the work of a sureeon in the operatingroom? (Did see, have seen).

 everything except the last article (have translated, has translated).

everything for the experiment (prepared, has


English test today (have written, to write).

YnpŽùKHeB1•fe 2. flocmagwne npeðnoojceHIÆfl 8 eonpocume:tbHyo (þ

l. The progress of chemistry has enabled our chemists to

make a lot of new chemical products.

122                     AHTÄHñcKHfi                           MeÀHElHHCKHX Konnenxefi H yqHAHM.1

2. The students have written Latin dictation

3. We have been to London with my friend.

4. She has given him this English book.

5. They have built new hospital in the village.

Past Perfect Tense

YupWKHeHMe 1. 111)0Humaùme npeðnoyceHuq. Onpeòenume e KOKOÙ nocneðoeameabHocmu cogepuzanucb ðeücmeug e npeà-nooscenuHx, noðgepcnume Past Perfect.

l. My toothache disappeared after I had taken some medicine. 2. He went to the college after he had had his breakfast. 3. When came home, our granny had made tasty dinner for us. 4. When Tom awoke, his mother had already gone.

Present Perfect Continuous

Ynpa*Beywe 1. flepenu¿uume npeònoozemm, &blãpae coomeemcmgyougyo (þopruy Present Perfect Continuous.

l. He... for 8 hours (have been operating has been oper-

2. He since 8 0'clock (has been operating have been operating)

3. I... German for 3 years (has been studying have been studying)

4. Peter for his exam since June (have been preparing has been preparing)


5. My friend... in the library since 9 0'clock (have been staying has been staying)

6. Tom... cigarettes for 20 years (have been smoking has been smoking)

Ynpa)K11eHne 2. Ilocmaome npeðA03çceHue gonpocume,ilbHYO (þop,uy

l. He has been driving for 3 hours.

2. Ann has been looking for a job for 6 months.

3. She has been typing since four o'clock.

4. Mr. Brown has been reading for two hours.

5. Mike has been waiting Mary for three hours.

6. I have been waiting for the bus since 10 0'clock.

3. Ilepeeeòume  c pyæcoeo Ha aH?JIUÜCKUÙ, ucnonæya Present Pethect u.qu Present Peffect Continuous.

I. Beqep fl neyarrmo. yxe 20 c.Tpa-


2. Mbl flHIJ.1eM KOHTPOJ1bHYIO pa60TY yxe 50 MMHYT. HeK0Topbœ CTyneHTb1 y,Ke 3RKOHHHJIM ee.

3. Tbi aaBHO >KaeLL1b MeHfl? HeT, TOJ1bKO HTO npul-ueaq.

4. HeM Bbl 3aHMMaJIMCb cer011H51 yrpoM? CaXaJIH nepeBbfl B cuy. CKOJ1bKO nepeBbeB Bbl floc.aAVlJ11d? IleBflTb.

5.  nepeBoxy CTaTb10 yxe 21Ba qaca, HO ellie He nepe-

Be-na ee.

6. Xupypr AenaeT onepaHH10 PKe      gaca, HO ewe He

3aK0HqHJ1 ee.

                             AHTM1žchHý £3b¥H         MeAHUHHCKhX                            n

Ynpa)KHeHHe 4. Ilocmaome npeðnoozenun e ompuqameflbHOù Øop.ite.

l. It has been raining all morning.

2. Peter has been writing letters since 3 0'clock.

3. She has been practicing the violin since after lunch.

4. We have been painting the fence all afternoon.

5. I have been reading a book about education in England for our lesson.,

Past Perfect Continuous

Ynpa>KHeHHe 1. Bb16epume coomgemcmeyngyo Øop»ty

Past Perfect Continuous mu Past Continuous

l. He was tired, because in the garden all day (was working had been working)

2. He told me that he... in the river every weekend for the last three years but he had never caught anything (had been fishing was fishing)

3. The tourists... for the bus very long so when it arrived, it was already too late (were waiting had been waiting)

4. She looked at the watch. She at her report for 5 hours

(was working had been working)

5. My wife said that the children... since 8 0'clock (had been sleeping were sleeping)

6, When I entered Jane's room yesterday I understood that she (was crying had been crying)

7. He said that he... at his report for a month (had been working was working)

 Future Perfect Continuous

Vnpa)KHeHHe l. Ilocma?btne e-aaeo;z e Future Perfect Continuous, Future Perfect, Future Indefinite Future Passive

l. If you come about 8:30 1 the match on television (shall be watching shall have watched)

2. If you come at 9:30 the match, by then (will be finished will have finished)

3. 1 hope J. it by that time (shall finish shall have finishcd)

4. By the end of this year I.. a thesis for 5 years (shall be writing shall have been writing)

YnpaNHeHMe 2. Mcno.Qb3Yùme Future Perfect unu Future

Perfect Continuous

l. We (finish) this exercise by 9 0'clock.

2. We are late. The lesson (start) by now.

 By the end of March he (live) here for three years.

4. Young Betsy is growing up. By this time next year she (begin) school.

5. Thev will be tired when they get there. They (travel) all day.

6. She (have) lunch by the time we arrive.

7. They (build) the road by the end of the year.

8. I (spend) all my money by tomorrow

9. We (fly') for twelve house by the time the planc lands.

10. The play (begin) before we reach the theatre.

Before the end of the year they (complete) the project.

the end of November.

12. I (work) for this company non-stop for twenty years by

126                                            MeAH14HHCKfiK K0A.\eAxeñ

Cornac0BaHHe BpeMeH

Sequences of Tenses

Vnpaxneaue I. nepegeðume npfiM)'Œo pegb e Kocgewtyo. l. The doctor says: "I'll examine your teeth".

2. The doctor said: "I'll prescribe you some medicine".

3. She said: "I translated the text'.

4. The teacher said: "Open the books and read the text". Ynpa>KHeHHe 2. Bbúepume HY3ZHb1Ù aqaewz.

l. Tom said that he.. and could not read any more (is tired, was tired).

2. My mother asked me... back with news (to phone phone).

Whenever he goes, he. a lot of new friends (makes, making).

4. If your knee hurts you very much, you a doctor (should see, would see).

5. She asked me what subjects... (I liked, did I like).

Bcno»tnume epaulffltan111KY u neŒccuKy: Ilocmaome enaeo.Q 8 HYD$CHOÙ d)OPMe:

l. In fainting a person consciousness.

A) is losing B) loses

2. Red rash... on his body yesterday.

A) appears

B) appeared

3. As the patient... of the dentist, the dental nurse, him an injection now.


A) are afraid of A) gives

B) is afraid of B) is giving from 5 to 6 0'clock yesterday.

A) was reading B) read

5. The svringe by the nurse ten minutes ago.

A) božld B) boiled

6. The patient... in a wheel chair into a ward in an hour.

A) will be taken

B) will take 7. Strong emotion, want of food, fatigue and pain the causes of fainting. A) are

8, Soon rny friend... a doctor

A) Will be

C) was

9. Last year during my work with infectious patients. I.

two important tasks: to take care of the patient and to prevent the spread of infection.

A) has

B) have

C) had

10. Grown up children with rickets... protruding bellies, big heads and crooked legs.

A) have

B) has

128             Английский язык для медицинских колледжей и училищ                                                       Рачел 2. Основной КУРС        “ 129
1 Высокая температура 23. Breathing is rapid    Р) делать переливание крови
А) headache and shallow
В) general pains 24. То empty the stomach б) положить холодную
С) hi2h temperaturc ткань на голову.
12. Корь: В правой колонке найДите перевоД кажДого английско-
А) int1uenza  
В) meas1cs го слова:
С) rickets 25. Епета                     А) грелка
13. Предотвратить распространение инфекции: 26. Hot-water bag          В) градусник
А) take саге ofthe hygiene 27. Thermometer          С) шприц
В) to prcvent the spread of infectioa 28. Syringe                    D) њпизма
С) the 6rst symptoms 29. Bed-pan                  Е) судно
НайДите в правой колонке перевод кажДого русского По симптомам опреДелите название заболевания:
выражения: 30. The symptoms of...
14. Укрепить сердце     А) to take blood test а patient has sore throat, fever headache, he often vomits.
15. Измерить кровяное В) to strengthen the heart His face is flushed, the skin is hot and dry. The.rash appears оп the second day.


16. Сделать анализ крови С) to take the pulseА) measles

17. Измерить пульс D) to take blood pressureВ) pneumonia

С) scarlet fever

ПеревеДите выражения:D) rickets

18. То put cold cloth А) опорожнить желудокЕ) influenza оп the headF) tonsillitis.


lt will relieve the pain В) делать рентген

20. То таке blood  С) это облегчит боль transfusion

21. То use x-ravs   D) причина обморока

22. The cause of fainting  Е) дыхание быстрое и поверхностное

5. Зак. 693

Pa 3 ê) e?ll 3

npoqmume u nepeaeðume meKcm.

1) Pacctcozume, 'Imo Bbl 0 Tunno;cpame.

2) }laùòume npeòA0JceH1ffi c aoaeoaa.Mu to be u to have. 06pamume 6k1UMGHUe Ha ux nepetß0ò.


Hippocrates was born in 460 B. C. on the island (OCTPOB) of Cos. He was the son of a doctor. Hippocrates studied medicine and then he went from town to town where he practiced the art of medicine. It is known that he drove out (Id3rwa-q) the plague [pletg] (MY'Ma) from Athens by lighting fires in the street of the city.

Hippocrates was known as an excellent doctor and a teacher of medicine. He established medical schools in Athenes and in other towns. He wrote several books and many case histories 601e3HH). Hippocrates taught

his pupils to examine the patient very attentively and to give him quick help. He created medicine on the basis of experience. He taught that every disease was a natural process and it had natural causes. Hippocrates treated diseases by exercise, massage, salt water baths, diet and suitable (non-

Pagge„i 3, Kypc YCTHOÜ peqi•l  131 medicine. He observed diseases such a

pneumonia, tuberculosis and malaria and added to the medical language such words as chronic, crisis, relapse (peuHAMB) and convalescence (Bb13110POBJRHVIH).

Hippocrates made medicine an art, a science and a profession.

Hippocrates is the most famous of all the Greek doctors. He is often called "the father of Medicine" and some of his ideas are still important.

Doctors in many countries take the Hippocratic Oath

(KNITBa). It is a collection of promises (06e111aHHe), written by Hippocrates, which forms the basis of the medical code ofhonour (KOAeKC gecTH). The Oath of Hippocrates contains many of his basic thoughts and principles.

Omeemwne Ha eonpocbl meccmy:

1) When was Hippocrates born?

2) How did he practice the art of medicine?

3) How did Hippocrates drive out the plague from Ath-

4) Was Hippocrates an excellent doctor and a teacher of medicine?

5) How did Hippocrates teach his pupils to examine patient?

6) How did Hippocrates treat diseases?

7) What are the words, added to the medical language, by Hippocrates?

8) Who is the most famous of all the Greek doctors?

9) Why is Hippocrates called "the Father of Medicine'

132                  AurAMñcKHú fl3blK        MeA11UilUCKHX                            yt-1HÄH111,

10) How is a collection of promises, written by Hippocrates. called" llpoqumaùme u nepeeeðume ðua-zoe:


Kate: Ha1102 Where are you going from, Helen?

Helen: Hallo Kate! I am returning home from the medical college. K. Why are you so late? H. I was at the meeting. K. What meeting?

H. The meeting was held to mark the graduation from medical college and I was invited to attend the cere mony.

K: Tell me, please, was there anything interesting at the meeting?

H. First of all I must say that it was a very solemn (TOPXeCTBeHHa',1) ceremony. Our young specialists looked very happy an excited.

K: Who made a speech?

H: The director did. Everybody was listening to her with great attention. I shall always remember the words of the professional oath of Hippocrates which the young specialists were repeating after the director.

K: What is the essence of this oath?

H: The young specialists promised to give all their strength, knowledge and abilities to people who need their help. They promised to devote all their life to the protection

                                                 Pasgen 3. Kypc        pet-IH

of people's health, to the fight against diseases, not to do any harm to their patients. They promised to be true to their profession.

K: Really, it is a great oath.

H: I felt great excitement. Now I understand still better all the responsibility which I am going to take after my graduation.

Bblyttume cnoea Kngrnßbl Tunnorpama.

Bbtnuwume aHaquüŒcue 9KguganeHmb1 cneòy,totgux CJlOûOcoqemaHuü.• c06paHHe 6b1JIO np0BenerH0, OTMeTHTb OKOHqaHHe MeAMUHHCKOFO KOJIJ1eAXa, 6b]Tb 11PUrJ1a1ueHHb1M, 110CeTHTb ue-



]lpoqmume u nepeeeðume me,tccm.


Man tried to protect health during the Middle Ages. Certain important health methods were used during this period. Epidemics of diphtheria, typhoid, fever, leprosy (lipoKa3a), influenza, bubonic plague and other diseases took mfllions of lives.

Leprosy was spread for hundreds of years. This disease was controlled not by medical means. The patients lived in special colonies away from other people. This was a very important advance in public health during this period.

134 -AHT.\Hüc.KHï1 r B3b1K MeAHUHHCKHX H yqHA1fU1 During the Middle Ages plague killed many millions of people in Europe.

In 1348 the "Black Death" struck (nopa31ffia) Britain: nobody knew how to fight with the disease. The doctors advised people to run away from the affected (nopaxeHHbre) areas. Evervbody agreed that plague was god's punishment

(60>KbS1 Kapa) for the sins (rpex) of men.

Omeembme Ha gonpocbl K me,l?cmy:

l) What diseases took millions of lives in the middle ages?

2) How was leprosy controlled in the middle ages? 3) What disease struck Britain in 1348 9 4) How was plague called?

5) Was plague god's punishment for the sins of man?

Ilpoumume u nepeeeàume meRcm.

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