Poor quality goods, wrong goods — КиберПедия 

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Poor quality goods, wrong goods

2022-09-29 42
Poor quality goods, wrong goods 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. We regret to have to tell you that you supplied the goods below the standard we expected from the samples.

2. The goods we have received do not tally with the sample on which we ordered.

3. Most of the goods delivered are not up to sample.

4. We are very sorry to have to inform you that your last delivery is not up to your usual standard.

5. We cannot possibly supply our customers with the goods we have received from you.

6. Unfortunately, when we opened case no.12 we found it contained completely different articles from those ordered.

7. Evidently some mistake was made and the goods have been wrongly delivered.

8. On comparing the goods received with the sample, we were surprised to find that the color is not the same.

9. We think the goods should be replaced as they do not match the sample.

10. Although the quality of these goods is not up to our usual lines we are ready to accept them at reduced price.

Damage and bad packing

1. We are writing to you to complain about the bad damage to the goods we received yesterday against above order.

2. We regret having to complain about some grave defects in the machines delivered by you in execution of our Order No. 15687.

3. We opened at random a number of cases which showed no sign of damage on the outside and found that the contents were badly damaged.

4. We regret that we have to complain about the way in which the last consignment has been packed.

5. The packing inside the case was insufficient with the result that there was some shifting of the contents and several cups have been broken.

6. The cartons appear to have been roughly handled during loading or unloading and as result the contents of the cartons have been badly damaged.

7. According to the report of the insurance surveyor the damage was probably due to insecure packing and not to any unduly rough handling of the case.

8. We feel obliged to complain in the strongest terms about the careless way in which the goods were packed.

9. We have to inform you that the delivered goods were badly damaged and cannot be used for the purposes intended.

10. We are holding the goods at your disposal pending your instructions as to how they should be returned.

Missing from delivery (shortshipment)

1. We regret to have to tell you that case 10 contains only 12 plastic bowls instead of 24 entered in the packing list.

2. We have inspected the case and have not found any signs of pilferage and we shall be glad if you will check up with your packing department before we make a claim.

3. Unfortunately, there is a discrepancy between the packing list of case 43 and your invoice: 3 dozen dinner services are correctly entered on the invoice but there were only 2 dozen in the case.

4. On checking the goods received we find that several items on your invoice have not been included. We enclose a list of the missing goods.

5. We regret to draw your attention to the fact that a shortage in weight was found after the goods had been discharged.

6. We would like to hear from you as soon as possible when we could expect the delivery of the balance of the goods against the above order.

7. This is not the first time when the goods are under - delivered and we are far from being satisfied with the service you offer.

8. We have to tell you that you have short-shipped the last consignment by 150 kg.

9. Unfortunately, you have not sent us all the goods ordered. The following goods are considered to be missing:

Delay in delivery

1. When placing an order with you we are particularly stipulated for the delivery within a fortnight.

2. As the delay in delivery lasted 6 weeks we have to refuse to accept the goods on the ground of late delivery.

3. In your acknowledgement of our order you stated that the consignment would be dispatched within 2 weeks and we are therefore very surprised that we have not had any advice of dispatch yet.

4. When we sent you our order we pointed out that prompt delivery was most essential.

5. As you know from our previous correspondence, these goods represent a considerable part of a big order, and it is absolutely essential that the delivery should be punctual.

6. We must ask you to dispatch the goods immediately. The explanation of the delay will be appreciated.

7. Although we have had no news from you since your letter of 12 May, we have no doubt that you did ship the goods on the 20th as agreed, but we have not be able to obtain insurance cover and the goods are therefore being carried at your risk.

8. The delivery of the goods was to have taken place last month, and we have been caused serious inconvenience through the delay.

9. Our stocks may become too low for us to be able to cope with Christmas trade.

10. We should warn you that we are holding you to your delivery contract and if any loss and damage results because of this late delivery we will be taking legal action.


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