Conditions and qualifications — КиберПедия 

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Conditions and qualifications

2022-09-29 46
Conditions and qualifications 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. This offer is firm for 7 days only.

2. The prices quoted are ex-works, but we can arrange freight and insurance if required.

3. This offer must be withdrawn if not accepted within 5 days.

4. This is a special offer and is not subjected to our usual discount.

5. Please let us have your order by the end of the month, as this price concession will not apply after that date.

6. Goods ordered from our old catalogue can be supplied only until stocks are exhausted.

7. Please note that goods supplied on approval must be returned, carriage paid, within 7 days if not required.

Supply and demand

1. On view of the brisk demand for this line, we advise you to place an order without delay.

2. Owing to the increased demand for this type of goods, our stocks have run very low.

3. We should be pleased to supply you on consignment basis.

4. As we have a good supply of these goods we can effect shipment within 3 days.

5. We can offer you a wide range (choice)(selection) of sizes and types from stock.

6. Our comprehensive stocks enable us to execute all orders promptly and to our customer’s specification.

7. Supplies of this commodity on world markets exceed the demand.

Closing lines


1. Our whole experience is at your service. We hope you will make use of it.

2. The enclosed catalogue will give you all the essential facts about our lines.

3. You may rely on us to give your requirements immediate attention.

4. An early reply would be appreciated.

5. As we execute all the orders in strict rotation, we strongly advise you to place your order without any delay.

Exercise 2. Read and translate the following letters from English into Russian.

(1) Dear Sirs,


We thank you for your enquiry of 30 March, and can confirm our telephone conversation of yesterday, in which we informed you that we can deliver part of the goods required from stock, in accordance with the enclosed detailed offer. For the balance we would require approximately two weeks from the date of receiving your confirmation that this arrangement is acceptable.


Prices as quoted are c.i.f. Liverpool

Packing in wooden cases.

Delivery as specified above.

Payment against documents, by banker’s draft.


We hope you will find our terms and delivery dates satisfactory. We can also assure you that you may count on our full cooperation and attention. We are looking forward to hearing from you.


Yours faithfully


(2) Dear Sirs,


Thank you for the interest shown in our products in your letter of 23November.

A copy of our illustrated catalogue is enclosed with samples of some of the skins we regularly use in our manufactures. Unfortunately we cannot send you immediately a full range of samples, but you may rest assured that such leathers as chamois and doeskin, which are not represented in the parcel, are of the same high quality.

Mr. Frank Watkins, our overseas Director, will be visiting St. Petersburg early next month. He would be pleased to visit you and bring a wide range of our goods. When you see them you will agree that the quality of materials used and the high standard of craftsmanship will appeal to the most selective buyer.

We also manufacture a wide range of handmade leather handbags in which you may be interested. They are fully illustrated in the catalogue and are of the same perfect quality as our gloves.

Your prompt reply would be appreciated.

Yours faithfully



(3) Dear Mr. Robinson,

We have carefully considered your letter of 21 December.

As our firms have done business with each other for several years, we should like to grant your request to lower the prices of our sportswear. However our own overheads have risen dramatically in the past 18 months, and to reduce prices by 10% you mention could not be done without considerably lowering our standards of quality. This is something we are not prepared to do.

Instead of 10% reduction on sportswear we suggest a reduction of 3% on all our products for orders of $1,000 or more. On orders of this size we are ready to make a reduction without lowering our standards.

I hope that you will agree to this suggestion and look forward to regular orders from you.

Yours faithfully



   Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with prepositionsand translate the sentences.

1. Our associates … Moscow were impressed … the selection … your gardening tools that was displayed … this year’s Gardening Exhibition held … Hamburg.

2. Replying to enquiry …17 September we have pleasure … confirming, that we can offer you immediately all the goods required …stock.

3. We usually deal …a 15% trade discount basis … regular purchases and large orders.

4. We enclose … the letter our revised catalogue and price-list. We have pointed … that the prices are subject …change.

5. Owing … the sharp increase … commodity prices we can offer you these goods …cost price (… very favorable terms).

6. You can encourage the demand … a new range … washing machines if you allow a discount … the trial order.

7. Our latest catalogue and export price-list have been sent …you … separate post.

8. It will be a pleasure to quote you terms … contract supplies, and our specialists are … your service … any time.

9. Our prices have already been cut to the minimum possible and these goods cannot be obtainable elsewhere … these rates.

10.  Due to the increases … freight charges which become effective next week the next consignment will be more expensive.

11. These brands are well known … you, and the consignment … question is … perfect quality.

12.  We would be glad to supply you … goods … receipt … your order.

13.   We have pleasure … sending … you …duplicate our Brochure No.127 containing a full description … our range … portable compressors.

14.  We are looking forward … hearing from you soon.

15.   We are sure you will find a ready sale … our products … Great Britain as have other retailers … Europe and America.


Exercise 4. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1. В соответствии с Вашим запросом от 15 мая мы прилагаем к письму наш последний каталог, в котором содержится более подробная информация о нашем оборудовании.

2. Наш представитель, Г-н Московцев, привезет с собой полный ассортимент нашей продукции и будет готов обсудить с Вами условия нашего контракта.

3. В ответ на Ваш запрос от 25 июня мы рады сообщить Вам, что все товары, перечисленные в Вашем списке, имеются у нас в наличии.

4. Мы можем отгрузить этот товар из Омска в течение трех недель с момента получения Вашего заказа.

5. Хотели бы обратить Ваше внимание на то, что нашим постоянным покупателям мы даем дополнительную скидку в размере 5% с цен, указанных в каталоге.

6. Как Вы просили, цены назначены на условиях СИФ Санкт-Петербург.

7. Поскольку в данный момент у нас огромное количество поступающих заказов, заказы выполняются в порядке строгой очередности.

8. Мы выражаем Вам благодарность за Ваш запрос от 20 марта и хотим сообщить, что только часть необходимых Вам товаров может быть поставлена со склада.

9. Данные бренды хорошо известны как у нас в стране, так и за рубежом, а партия товара, о которой идет речь, отличается высоким качеством.

10. Обращаем Ваше внимание на то, что цены на товар подвергаются изменениям без уведомления клиентов в соответствии с рыночными колебаниями.


Exercise 5. Translate the following letters from Russian into English.

(1) Уважаемые господа!

 Подтверждаем с благодарностью получение Вашего запроса от 20 января.

 Мы отправляем Вам отдельным почтовым отправлением образцы необходимых Вам товаров и надеемся, что Вы будете удовлетворены их качеством.

    Посылаем Вам также наш действующий каталог и прайс-лист. Мы хотели бы обратить Ваше внимание на то, что товары, помеченные в каталоге буквой С, имеются на складе и могут быть поставлены незамедлительно по получении Вашего заказа. Остальные товары могут быть отгружены во второй половине марта с.г. при условии, что мы получим Ваш заказ в течение двух недель от даты этого письма.

С цены товаров, помеченных буквой D, предоставляется скидка 5%. Все цены понимаются СИФ С.Петербург и включают стоимость упаковки.

 С уважением


(2) Уважаемые господа!

Мы были рады получить Ваш запрос от 26 июня, в котором Вы выразили заинтересованность продавать ассортимент наших товаров на Вашем рынке.

В ответ на Вашу просьбу о предоставлении Вам торговой скидки в размере 20% с сожалением сообщаем, что в данный момент можем предложить Вам только 15%. Однако мы готовы предоставить Вам скидку на количество в размере 5% на заказ свыше 2000 долларов. Надеемся, что Вы найдете наши условия приемлемыми.

Мы уверены, что сможем осуществить поставку в течение двух месяцев, как Вы и просили, но хотели бы подчеркнуть, что пока у нас не установятся хорошие деловые отношения, Вам придется платить наличными по получении товара.

К письму прилагается действующий каталог и прейскурант цен.

Еще раз благодарим Вас за интерес, проявленный к нашей продукции, и надеемся получить ответ в ближайшее время.

С уважением


(3)Уважаемые господа!

Мы рады получить Ваш запрос от 17 октября, в котором Вы интересуетесь нашими изделиями из натуральной кожи и условиями торговли.

Во-первых, разрешите заметить, что наша торговая марка хорошо известна во всем мире благодаря качеству нашей продукции, и мы уверены, что она будет пользоваться хорошим спросом на Вашем рынке. Полагаем, что Вы с этим согласитесь после получения прилагаемого каталога и образцов кожи и готовых изделий, которые отправлены Вам сегодня отдельным почтовым отправлением.

Из прейскуранта видно, что цены назначены ФОБ С.Петербург. На заказы свыше $50, 000 предлагаются скидки за количество, а при предоставлении обычных торговых рекомендаций оплата производится переводным векселем с отсрочкой 60 дней.

Еще раз благодарим Вас за запрос и уверены, что широкий ассортимент наших товаров произведет на Вас хорошее впечатление.

Если Вам потребуется дополнительная информация, незамедлительно связывайтесь с нами по телефону (3816) 275839.

С уважением

(4)Уважаемые господа!

Мы рады получить Ваш запрос и признательны Вам за проявленный интерес к нашим изделиям. Мы хотели бы сообщить Вам, что производим широкий ассортимент для всех возрастных групп, и поэтому выполнение вашего заказа не представляет для нас никаких проблем.

Мы могли бы предложить скидку за количество в размере 3% с цены нетто на заказы стоимостью свыше $1000. Сообщаем Вам, что обычная скидка, предоставляемая розничным торговцам, составляет 12%.

К письму прилагается наш последний каталог и прейскурант, цены в котором указаны СИФ Лондон.

Выражаем уверенность, что товар будет пользоваться спросом на Вашем рынке.

С уважением

Unit 4


If the buyer is satisfied with the terms of the seller’s offer, he may then place an order. Large companies as a rule use for ordering printed official order form, which has a date, and a reference number that should be quoted in any correspondence which refers to the order.. The advantages of order forms are quite obvious: they are pre-numbered and therefore reference is easy, besides printed headings ensure that no information will be omitted. On the back of such forms one can usually find general conditions under which orders are placed. Reference to these conditions must be made on the front, otherwise the supplier is not legally bound by them. A specimen of one of the orders is given below.


J B Simpson & CO LTD

18 Deansgate, Sheffield S11 2 BR

Telephone 0114234234

Fax: 0144234235


Order no.247                                                                       Date 12 June 2008

Nylon Fabrics Ltd.

18 Brazenoze Street


M60 8AS


Please supply:

Quantity        Items                             Catalogue       Price



     25           Bed Sheets (106cm) blue         75               ₤ 5.50 each


     25               Bed Sheets (120cm) primrose  84               ₤ 5.00 each


     50            Pillow cases blue                   117               ₤ 2.90 each


     50            Pillow cases primrose            121               ₤ 2.90 each





                                                                                        -------------------------------                                                                                 for J B Simpson & Co

Small companies may not have printed forms but instead make orders in the form of a letter. When making an order by letter, a buyer will generally include the following in his letter:

1)accurate and full description of the goods required: quantity, quality, catalogue number, packing etc.;

2) delivery requirements: place, mode of transport, terms of delivery;

3) terms of payment agreed in preliminary negotiations.


Even if the order is telephoned, it must be confirmed in writing. The printed order forms used by large firms are usually accompanied by a covering letter which allows the opportunity to make any necessary points and confirm the terms that have been agreed.

In the covering letter the buyer may not want to make all the points listed but it is better if he mention the method of payment and delivery, insurance and packing, special terms.

There are a number of different types of order: a trial order, a firm order, a standing order, an initial order, a follow-up order, an advance order, a bulk order, a repeat order etc.

After the order has been received, and its receipt acknowledged it is checked to see if it is correct and agrees with the original quotation. If the order is for future delivery it is entered into order books of the company. Orders which can be executed from stock are passed to the warehouse.

In many cases, however some problems and difficulties may arise: goods may be out of stock, a customer may ask for special terms or extension of the credit, delivery dates may have to be adjusted. In all these cases special correspondence is necessary and the execution of the order may be held up until these points have been settled.



Answer the following questions:

1. How an order can be placed?

2. Can an order be telephoned? Should it be confirmed in written form then?

3. What points should be mentioned in the covering letter?

4. What is the procedure after the order has been received?

5. What problems can arise during the execution of the order?



о rder заказ

Advance order

trial order пробный заказ

firm order твердый заказ

standing order постоянный заказ

initial order первоначальный заказ

follow - up order последующий заказ

bulk order оптовый заказ

repeat order повторный заказ

order form бланк заказа

Reference number

legally bound по закону быть обязанным

catalogue number (Cat. No.) номер по каталогу, каталожный номер

terms of delivery условия поставки

terms of payment условия оплаты

to confirm an order подтвердить заказ (что он остается в силе)

covering letter сопроводительное письмо

method of payment способ оплаты

method of delivery способ поставки

to acknowledge receipt of the order подтвердить получение заказа

quotation назначение цены, расценки

order books журналы заказов

to be out of stock отсутствовать на складе

extension of credit продление кредита

to adjust (delivery dates, prices) скорректировать (сроки поставки, цены)

to hold up задерживать (заказ) (зд.)



Exercise 1. Read and translate the sentences paying attention to the words and phrases in italics.

Opening phrases

1. Thank you for your offer of 3 July we accept on the agreed terms.

2. We enclose our order no. 6784  for small compressors.

3. Our indent no.B 4531 is enclosed (attached).

4.  Thank you for letting us have samples of …. We would be glad if you would supply us with ….

5. Please send through our forwarding agents, L. Jones and Co Ltd., the following goods.



Referring to quality, etc.

1. The quality of the goods must be up to sample (be as sample),(match the sample).

2. We must point out that the machines must be guaranteed to be to our own specification.

3. There is no market here for higher-priced goods. Please send only models in the medium price-range.

4. The material supplied must be of the perfect quality and we place an order subject to this guarantee.

5. The overall length must not exceed 3 meters, and the total weight must not be above 50 kg.


Alternative goods

1. If pattern no.17A is not available please send 17B or 17D instead.

2. We leave it to your discretion to supply a suitable substitute, should you not have what we require, but the price should not exceed $43.5 per unit.

3. If you have the similar article but of better quality, please supply it instead, provided the price is not more than 7% higher.

4. We are ready to pay up to $ 7.5, but only for a first class article.


Rejecting an offer

1. We are sorry to have to tell you that we cannot make use of you favorable offer at present.

2. We thank you for your offer and we will bear it in mind, should we have need of such goods at any time.

3. Thank you for your quotation for the supply of portable computers but we have been obliged to place our order elsewhere.

4. Many thanks for your reply to our enquiry about woolen goods. We will keep your catalogue for further reference, but we suppose your goods too highly priced for our market.

5. We appreciate your favorable offer, but we are of the opinion that the market would not stand the goods of this quality at all.


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