Which cured that Old Man of the West. — КиберПедия 

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Which cured that Old Man of the West.

2022-10-04 36
Which cured that Old Man of the West. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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There was an Old Person of Anerley,

Whose conduct was strange and unmannerly (поведение которого было странным и невежливым: «лишенным манер»);

He rushed down the Strand (он пронесся вниз на Стрэнду /улица Лондона/)

With a pig in each hand (со свиньей в каждой руке),

But returned in the evening to Anerley (но вернулся вечером).


There was an Old Person of Anerley,

Whose conduct was strange and unmannerly;

He rushed down the Strand

With a pig in each hand,

But returned in the evening to Anerley.



There was a Young Lady of Troy,

Whom several large flies did annoy (несколько, целый ряд больших мух надоедали, приставали);

Some she killed with a thump (убила тяжелым хлопком),

Some she drowned at the pump (нескольких утопила возле насоса),

And some she took with her to Troy (а некоторых она взяла с собой).


There was a Young Lady of Troy,

Whom several large flies did annoy;

Some she killed with a thump,

Some she drowned at the pump,

And some she took with her to Troy.



There was an Old Person of Berlin,

Whose form was uncommonly thin (строение тела которого было необычайно тонким);

Till he once, by mistake (он однажды по ошибке),

Was mixed up in a cake (был замешан в торт),

So they baked (так что испекли) that Old Man of Berlin.


There was an Old Person of Berlin,

Whose form was uncommonly thin;

Till he once, by mistake,

Was mixed up in a cake,

So they baked that Old Man of Berlin.



There was an Old Person of Spain (из Испании),

Who hated all trouble and pain (ненавидел какие-либо неприятности и боль);

So he sat on a chair (сидел на стуле; sit – сидеть),

With his feet in the air (с ногами в воздухе; foot – нога),

That umbrageous (мнительный, подозрительный, недоверчивый) Old Person of Spain.


There was an Old Person of Spain,

Who hated all trouble and pain;

So he sat on a chair,

With his feet in the air,

That umbrageous Old Person of Spain.




There was a Young Lady of Russia,

Who screamed so that no one could hush her (вопила так, что никто не мог успокоить ее);

Her screams were extreme (ее крики были чрезвычайными), –

No one heard such a scream (никто не слышал такого вопля)

As was screamed by that Lady from Russia (каким был выкрикиваемый этой дамой из России).


There was a Young Lady of Russia,

Who screamed so that no one could hush her;

Her screams were extreme,--

No one heard such a scream

As was screamed by that Lady from Russia.



There was an Old Man who said, 'Well (хорошо)!

Will nobody answer this bell (никто не ответит на звонок)?

I have pulled day and night (дергал день и ночь),

Till my hair has grown white (пока мои волосы не стали белыми; grow – расти; становиться),

But nobody answers this bell!'


There was an Old Man who said, 'Well!

Will nobody answer this bell?

I have pulled day and night,

Till my hair has grown white,

But nobody answers this bell!'




There was a Young Lady of Wales (из Уэльса),

Who caught a large fish without scales (поймала большую рыбу без чешуи; catch – поймать, ловить);

When she lifted her hook (когда она подняла свой крючок)

She exclaimed (воскликнула), 'Only look (только посмотрите)!'

That ecstatic Young Lady of Wales (исступленная).


There was a Young Lady of Wales,

Who caught a large fish without scales;

When she lifted her hook

She exclaimed, 'Only look!'

That ecstatic Young Lady of Wales.



There was an Old Person of Cheadle,

Who was put in the stocks by the beadle (был помещен в колодки церковным сторожем)

For stealing some pigs (за кражу нескольких свиней),

Some coats (шкур, курток), and some wigs (париков),

That horrible person of Cheadle (ужасный).


There was an Old Person of Cheadle,

Who was put in the stocks by the beadle

For stealing some pigs,

Some coats, and some wigs,

That horrible person of Cheadle.



There was a Young Lady of Welling,

Whose praise all the world was a-telling (чье восхваление весь мир говорил = которую все восхваляли);

She played on a harp (играла на арфе),

And caught several carp (карпов, сазанов),

That accomplished Young Lady of Welling (искусная, опытная).


There was a Young Lady of Welling,

Whose praise all the world was a-telling;

She played on a harp,

And caught several carp,

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