IV. Суффиксы, образующие существительные от прилагательного: — КиберПедия 

Эмиссия газов от очистных сооружений канализации: В последние годы внимание мирового сообщества сосредоточено на экологических проблемах...

История развития пистолетов-пулеметов: Предпосылкой для возникновения пистолетов-пулеметов послужила давняя тенденция тяготения винтовок...

IV. Суффиксы, образующие существительные от прилагательного:

2021-06-24 74
IV. Суффиксы, образующие существительные от прилагательного: 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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- ness: kind -      the kindness /доброта/

                   quiet -      the quietness/тишина/

                   happy -      the happiness /счастье/


- ity:     active -      the activity /деятельность/

                    real -      the reality /действительность/

                  stupid -      the stupidity /глупость/



                 frequent/ частый / - frequency/ частота /

                  Brilliant / блестящий/ -brilliancy / блеск, великолепие/


-ity         popular-popularity

              necessary – necessity


-y          modest-modesty


Exercise 12

Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. I spend time in the countryside because I enjoy the...............................(silent).

2. In this hotel, all our guests are treated like...........................(royal).

3. He places great..........................(important) on punctuality.

4. There is a.................(vacant) for a receptionist in that company.

5. There is no need for.............................(formal) here - we use each other's first names.

..................................(modest) is not one of her qualities - she boasts a lot.

6. The.............................(empty) of the old house frightened her.

7.....................(complete) of the project depends on how much money we have.



Exercise 13

Fill in the correct form of the words in bold forming nouns from adjectives.

1. You can tell that Ben has lived in Spain as he speaks the language with great               FLUENT  1                                                                                                                                                                              

•••-...........................  '                                                  -                                                         CONVENIENT 2

2. No one can question the..............of being able to buy goods over the Internet.         CONSCIOUS 3

3. The woman couldn't bear the sight of blood and lost...............................                            MAJOR 4

4. The.......of our customers are satisfied with our outstanding service and high-                           SAFE 5

quality products.                                                                                                                      HONEST 6

5. For their own........visitors of the zoo are required to keep away from the cages.              MODEST 7

6. He is a man of...............................and incredible courage.                                                VACANT 8

7. His.......does not allow him to talk about his work, but his musical compositions         IMPORTANT 9

speak for themselves.                                                                                                         PERFECT10

8. There is a short-term...........at the local post-office, in case you are interested.

9. We shouldn't underestimate the.................of regular exercise and healthy diet.

10. James didn't do well in his last performance but he is determined to achieve...............................next time.



Revision Exercises

Exercise 14

Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. The first (0) is given as an example.

Although recently there has been a small...reduction...........(0) in the                         REDUCE

number of people out of work in Europe,................(1)                                                 EMPLOY

is still the number one................(2) problem facing the fifteen member                      SOCIETY

states of the European Union. Moreover,................(3) of opportunity                         EQUAL

between men and women is still an issue that................(4) in many countries           POLITICAL

have not come to grips with. In................(5) such as the law and                               PROFESS

engineering women are still noticeable by their absence.................(6)                       EMPLOY

still discriminate against female................(7) in a number of ways                              EMPLOY

even if their................(8) are the same as those of men.                                             QUALIFY

It would be a pity if the................(9) of the EU on an economic                                   ACHIEVE

level were marred by................(10) in the vital area of social policy.                           FAIL


Exercise 15 *

Complete the gaps in the text with a noun formed from the word given in the margin. The first one has been done as an example.

Important social changes are taking place in the areas of (0) ...marriage., and the            0 MARRY

family. There is a global (1)......................going on in how we think of ourselves          1 REVOLVE

and how we form ties and (2)......................with others.   .                                       2 CONNECT

What most people call the traditional family was in fact a transitional phase

in family (3)                                                                                                                      3 DEVELOP

.................in the 1950s. By then the idea that romantic love was the best (4)                4 FOUND

....:.................for marriage had replaced the concept of marriage as an economic                                   

contract. The family has since changed further.

In the traditional family the married couple was only one part of the family system.                             

Ties with children and other relatives were equally important in day-to-day (5)                   5  EXIST

.......................Today the couple is at the core of what the family is. While statistically                 

marriage is still the norm, for most people its (6)......................has completely changed.  6 SIGNIFY

Although marriage promotes the (7)......................of a relationship by making a public    7 STABLE

declaration of (8).......................it is now the quality of the couple's relationship which                       8COMMIT

is considered the most important element.

A couple has its own exclusive history. It is a unit based upon emotional

communication or (9)......................Communication is both the means of establishing     9 INTIMATE

the tie in the first place and the basis for ensuring continuing (10)......................in the     10 HAPPY


Exercise 16

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