Образуйте от следующих глаголов существительные с помощью соответствующих суффиксов: — КиберПедия 

Таксономические единицы (категории) растений: Каждая система классификации состоит из определённых соподчиненных друг другу...

Биохимия спиртового брожения: Основу технологии получения пива составляет спиртовое брожение, - при котором сахар превращается...

Образуйте от следующих глаголов существительные с помощью соответствующих суффиксов:

2021-06-24 134
Образуйте от следующих глаголов существительные с помощью соответствующих суффиксов: 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Exercise 2

 Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets.

1  We hired a............................(paint) to paint the house.

2 The............................... (republic) are expected to win the elections.

3  A................................ (motor) was injured in an accident this morning.

4 My grandfather was a................................ (sail) when he was young.

5 The............................... (magic) entertained the children at the party.

6 The two............................ (contest) fought hard to win the competition.

7 There are lots of.............................. (beg) in this part of the city.

8 He isn't qualified yet - he's still a...................... (train).

9 Thousands of.............................. (tour) visit this monument every year.

10............................ (environmental) warn that several species are close to becoming extinct.

11 She's a.......................... (study) at the moment, and she works part-time.

Exercise 3

1. All new loans and mortgages need to be approved by the bank........first             MANAGE


2...............................broke into their flat and stole all their jewellery.                          BURGLE  


3.The first prize will be given to the...............who gets all the answers to the           CONTEST

quiz questions right                                                                                                                  

4. You will never hear anything honest from John. He is a compulsive.........                    LIE


5.................are warning people about the dramatic effect global warming has on the SCIENCE


6. Pablo Picasso is considered one of the most influential...........of the 20th century      ART  


7. Tom worked as a..................journalist before getting a senior position in the media.  TRAIN    


8. Jennifer was seriously overweight so she visited a...............who put her on a            DIET

healthy diet.

9. Being a war.............Paolo has found himself in hazardous situations.      CORRESPOND


10. The..............        .took beautiful photos of the bride and groom during their first dance

as a married couple.                                                                                          PHOTOGRAPH


II Суффиксы, образующие существительное  от глагола:



- ion/ - (a) tion - означает условие или какое-то действие

Например:        to act /действовать/ - action /действие/

                   to inform /информировать/ - information /информация/

                   to examine /экзаменовать; проверять/ - examination /экзамен/

                   to prepare /подготовить/ -   preparation /подготовка/


- ment: означает наличие качества, условия.

Например:        to agree /соглашаться/- agreement /соглашение/

                   to pay /платить/-  payment /плата/

                   to govern /править/ - government /правительство/


- al: означает определенный результат действия

Например:        to arrive /прибывать/ - arrival /прибытие/

                   to deny /отказывать, отрицать/ - denial /отказ, отрицание/

                   to propose /предлагать/ - proposal /предложение/


- y:       to deliver /доставлять/ - delivery /доставка/

                   to arm /вооружать/ - army /армия/

                   to discover /открывать/ - discovery/открытие/


- sion/ - ation /- tion: означает действие, процесс, состояние

Например:        to decide /решать/ - decision /решение/

                   to divide /делить/ -  division /деление/

                   to impress /производить впечатление/ - impression /впечатление/

                   to comprehend/ понимать / - comprehension/ понимание /



- age: означает сущ-е со значением действия, условия, или результата

Например:             to marry /жениться/ -  marriage/женитьба/

                          to use / использовать/ -usage / употребление/

- ance/ ence- от глаголов и прилагательных образуют существительные, обозначающие процесс, состояние или свойство:

Например:         frequent/ частый / - frequency/ частота /

                      Brilliant / блестящий/ -brilliancy / блеск, великолепие/


- y    – образует абстрактные и собирательные сущ-е

Например:  to discover / обнаружить / -discovery/ открытие /

                       to bake- bakery


- ure/- ture - образует сущ-е состояния, процесса, свойства

Например: to depart / уезжать / - departure / отправление /

                      To create / возводить / -creature/ создание /


- sis -     образует сущ-е состояния, процесса

Например: to emphasise / придавать особое значение / - emphasis / акцентирование /

                  to hypnotise/ гипнотизировать /-hypnosis / гипноз /



Exercise 4

Образуйте от следующих глаголов существительные с помощью соответствующих суффиксов:

to arrive -                                      to decide-                       

to govern -                                         to break-

to arm -                                             to leak-

to agree -                                          to refuse-

to recover -                                         to annoy-

to inform -                                         to prefer-

to propose -                                         to amuse-

to pay -                                              to direct-

to lead-                                             to mock

Exercise 5

These nouns are formed with the suffix ion. Complete the chart with the original verbs. There is an example at the beginning.

1. discussion.

2. decision.....

3. abolition....

4. addition.....

5. accusation

6. flotation.....

7. demolition.

8. repetition...

9. rendition....

10.  confession.

11. cohesion....

12. seclusion...





17. identification


19 Inoccupation...

20. collision.......

21. permission..

22. qualification

23. starvation..,

24. abolition.......

25. valuation.....



Exercise 6

Form nouns from the verbs.

Divide _____________________________



invite _______________________________


















to become extinct_____________________





Exercise 7


It is no exaggeration to say that the world has become a global village.              exaggerate

Modern methods of................(1) have made the world much smaller                  communicate

and the problems we face such as................(2) are not restricted to this                pollute

country. The................(3) of the rainforests in Brazil is everyone's                      destroy

problem and the................(4) which is common in many African countries         starve

is a challenge for Europe too. The................(5) of rare species is                       extinct

a tragedy for the planet as a whole and the................(6) of oil                             exhaust

supplies will shake the................(7) of the world's economy.                               found

The................(8) of the environment is the responsibility of all                             protect

nations, rich and poor. However, uncontrolled economic................(9)                 compete

between strong and weak nations leads to the................(10) of                           create

greater inequality between the rich and poor nations of the world.

Exercise 8

Use the word given at the end of each line to form a word that fits the gap in the same line.

A FORMAL LETTER Dear Sir or Madam,

I read your................................(1) in International Business magazine and I am ADVERTISE

writing for more information concerning entry................................(2) for the        REQUIRE

course in English Language................................(3). Could you tell me what        IMPROVE

language................................(4) are required? I do not possess the First             QUALIFY

Certificate and would like to know if................................(5) on the course            ACCEPT

depends on having the FCE? In fact, as I am an................................(6) for         ACCOUNT

an international................................(7) company I would be                                 INVEST

interested in a course which focuses on language................................(8) for      DEVELOP

both social and................................(9) purposes. I would also like to                    BUSY

know the................................(10) from the college to London and if                     DISTANT

................................(11) at all classes is obligatory, or whether an                       ATTEND    

occasional................................(12) for purposes of travel is acceptable.             ABSENT


I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully

Cathy Smith

Exercise 9

Exercise 10


Form verbs (for some form adjectives) from abstract nouns and translate:




























Exercise 12

Exercise 13

Revision Exercises

Exercise 14

Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. The first (0) is given as an example.

Although recently there has been a small...reduction...........(0) in the                         REDUCE

number of people out of work in Europe,................(1)                                                 EMPLOY

is still the number one................(2) problem facing the fifteen member                      SOCIETY

states of the European Union. Moreover,................(3) of opportunity                         EQUAL

between men and women is still an issue that................(4) in many countries           POLITICAL

have not come to grips with. In................(5) such as the law and                               PROFESS

engineering women are still noticeable by their absence.................(6)                       EMPLOY

still discriminate against female................(7) in a number of ways                              EMPLOY

even if their................(8) are the same as those of men.                                             QUALIFY

It would be a pity if the................(9) of the EU on an economic                                   ACHIEVE

level were marred by................(10) in the vital area of social policy.                           FAIL


Exercise 15 *

Complete the gaps in the text with a noun formed from the word given in the margin. The first one has been done as an example.

Important social changes are taking place in the areas of (0) ...marriage., and the            0 MARRY

family. There is a global (1)......................going on in how we think of ourselves          1 REVOLVE

and how we form ties and (2)......................with others.   .                                       2 CONNECT

What most people call the traditional family was in fact a transitional phase

in family (3)                                                                                                                      3 DEVELOP

.................in the 1950s. By then the idea that romantic love was the best (4)                4 FOUND

....:.................for marriage had replaced the concept of marriage as an economic                                   

contract. The family has since changed further.

In the traditional family the married couple was only one part of the family system.                             

Ties with children and other relatives were equally important in day-to-day (5)                   5  EXIST

.......................Today the couple is at the core of what the family is. While statistically                 

marriage is still the norm, for most people its (6)......................has completely changed.  6 SIGNIFY

Although marriage promotes the (7)......................of a relationship by making a public    7 STABLE

declaration of (8).......................it is now the quality of the couple's relationship which                       8COMMIT

is considered the most important element.

A couple has its own exclusive history. It is a unit based upon emotional

communication or (9)......................Communication is both the means of establishing     9 INTIMATE

the tie in the first place and the basis for ensuring continuing (10)......................in the     10 HAPPY


Exercise 16

Суффикс - able

1) Образует прилагательные со значением возможности осущест­вления:

acceptablе— допустимый;  

passable— проходимый;

drinkable— годный для питья;

adaptable легко приспосабливаемый.


2) Образует прилагательные со значением обладания некоторым качеством:

comfortable — удобный;

peaceable— миролюбивый;

lovable— привлекательный.


Суффикс - al

Образует прилагательные от существительных преимущественно латинского и греческого происхождения со значением подобия, сходства, обладания некоторым свойством:


additional — добавочный, дополнительный;

accidental — случайный;

comical — комический;

hysterical — истерический, истеричный.


Суффиксы – an (-ian, -ean)

Образует прилагательные и существительные со значение принадлежности к некоторой народности, родовому клану и т. п.;1 также идеологическому течению, научной школе и т. п.:

Arabian— аравиец; аравийка; арабский;

Georgian — грузин; грузинка; грузинский;

agrarian— сторонник аграрных реформ.


Суффиксы - ап t, - еп t

Образует прилагательные от глаголов (чаще всего французского происхождения), обозначающие свойство по данному глаголу:

radiant — сияющий, блестящий;

convenient удобный, подходящий; пригодный.


Суффикс - ar

Образует прилагательные от существительных и глаголов со значением обладания чем-то, сходства с чём-л.:

similar — подобный; похожий, сходный;

circular круглый, округлый.


Суффикс - агу

Встречается в прилагательных латинского происхождения:

dietary— диетический; диета;

secondary — второстепенный; вторичный;

contrary— обратный, противоположный.


Суффикс - en

Часто обозначает сделанный из чего-л.:

wooden деревянный.


Суффикс - ese

Образует от географических названий прилагательные со зна­чением национальности или языка:

Chinese— китайский;

Japanese— японский.


Суффикс - ful

Образует прилагательные со значением «обладающий данным качеством»:

Beautiful-живописный, красивый

Wonderful-изумительный, поразительный


Суффикс –ic, -ical

Образуют прилагательные от существительных со значением отрасль знания, науки, сфера деятельности:

scientific — научный;

electronic — электронный;

technological — технологический;

Однако, есть ряд прилагательных с суффиксами – IC, - ICAL, ко­торые вызывают определенную трудность у учащихся.



Прилагательное ELECTRICAL используется для описания систем, отраслей промышленности, компонентов и определенных машин или приборов:

Electrical equipment — электрооборудование; electrical receiver — электроприёмник, потребитель электро­энергии.

Прилагательное ELECTRIC описывает явления, связанные с элект­рическим током и напряжением, атмосферными явлениями, а также более простые приборы и машины:


electric discharge — электрический разряд;

electric engine — электродвигатель;

electric lighting — электрическое освещение, элект­рический свет;



NB! economic - economical

Прилагательное ecomonicпереводится как экономический и употребляется, когда речь идет об экономике в смысле народного хозяйства:

economic — экономическая безопасность;

economic crisis — экономический кризис;


Прилагательное economical   переводится как «бережливый, расчетливый, экономичный, экономный»:

Economical car — экономичный автомобиль;

Economical use — экономичное использование.


Прилагательное classic переводится как «типичный, традици­онный, проверенный временем»:

Classical mistake — типичная ошибка;

Classical ехатр1е — классический пример;


Прилагательное сlassic – classical переводится как «классический», иног­да «античный» в смысле о музыке, литературе, живописи; также об образовании:

Classical music  — классическая музыка;

Classical art  — античное искусство.


Суффикс – ive

Образует прилагательные (часто соотносимые с существитель­ными, оканчивающимися на –tion, -sion) обозначающие «относящийся к, принадлежащий, связанный с»:

native— родной; естественный, дикий; местный;

substantive— основной; самостоятельный;

creative — творческий, созидательный.

Суффикс - less

Образует от существительных прилагательные со значением лишённый чего-л., не имеющий чего-л.:

— бестактный;

— без корней, не имеющий корней; безродный.


Суффикс –ous

Образует прилагательные (часто от греческих, латинских и французских основ) со значением «обладающий данным свойством, признаком, характеристикой в значительной степени»:

dangerous — опасный;

hazadous— опасный, рискованный;

anonymous — анонимный, безымянный, неподписанный;

Суффикс - у

1) Образует прилагательные от существительных и глаголов со значением обладания чём-л., сходства с чём-л.; склонности к чему-л.:

healthy— здоровый, жизнеспособный, процветающий;

dirty — грязный, нечистый; испачканный;

witty — остроумный.

2) Образует прилагательные от прилагательных со значением ос­лабленной интенсивности качества:

yellowy — желтоватый;

Exercise 17

Fill in the spaces in the following sentences with the suitable adjectives formed from given words.

1. It is a very ____________road                                                                            DANGER

2. It was so____________that she couldn’t see anything.                                     FOG

3. Everyone knows this actress. She is very________________.                         ATTRACT

4. This case is very_______________.                                                                  COMFORT

5. He is a__________________ politician.                                                             FAME

  6. Great Britain is an.__________________country.                                              INDUSTRY

7. She plays the guitar and sheis very__________________.                               MUSIC

8. Her mother is very _____________. She always tries to save money.             ECONOMY

9. The shop is in the____________part of the city.                                                CENTRE

10. The people were very __________and   answered all her questions.            KNOWLEDGE


Exercise 18

Exercise 19

Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.

Reports slams TV for young

A new report describes the...................(6) effects of TV oil                                 HARM

children's educational and...................(7) development.                                      EMOTION

After...............(8) periods of watching VV, children tend to become                    LONG

absent-minded and.................(9). The report also says many TV programmes  FORGET

are...................(10) for children and it is the responsibility of parents to...          SUIT


Exercise 20

Exercise 21

Exercise 22

Exercise 23


Exercise 24

Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets:

1 I don't know what's wrong with him but he's ____________(SUSPECT) of everything around him.

2 Be careful when you go for a walk in the forest. There may be some___________(POISON) snakes around.

3 We all agree that Orlando Bloom is very good looking but we can't say he's a brilliant_____(ACT).

4 Winning gold medals both in 1,500 and 5,000 metres was a great____________(ACHIEVE) for the Moroccan athlete Hicham El Guerrouj.

5 Our team needs a________(DECIDE) manager to be___________(SUCCESS) in the Premier League.

6 Regular physical ___________(ACTIVE) helps you lose weight in a healthy way.

7 Everybody is talking about teenage ___________(VIOLENT) nowadays.

8 I can't walk properly for a week because of a ____________ (PAINFUL) in my knee.

9 My grandfather received a medal for his _____________ (BRAVE) in World War II.

10 The young boy was badly ____________ (INJURY) in the accident. The doctors are trying to keep him ____________(LIVE) on a life-support machine.

Exercise 25

Exercise 26

Fill In the blanks with the correct form of the words In brackets.

1      The ...artist... got.................reviews from the critics, (art, impress)

2      The police placed great..................on the..............they discovered, (important, evident)

3      His.................was proved thanks to the....................of an eye-witness who testified that

he had not been party to the act of.......................(innocent, present, violent)

4      You must be very.....................as this substance can be.............................(care, harm)

5      Lots of...........find...............in this............part of the town, (tour, accommodate, peace)

6      She is....................that her....................investments were.................., as she is now a

very........................woman and owns....................properties throughout the country.

(luck, finance, success, wealth, number)

Exercise 27

 Form an appropriate word form of the word in brackets to fit the sentence logically.


  1. You're always very...............of my work - you never praise me. (critic)
  2. We can't buy that car! It's far too................(expense)
  3. When Peter saw Helen's brand new computer, he felt so................(envy)
  4. Journalists claim that......of expression is essential if they are to report the truth.(free
  5. Many drugs are.............. and you should avoid taking them.(danger)/ (addict)
  6. Jane Austen is a famous English................(novel)
  7. Only a...............would say men are more intelligent than women! (sex)
  8. I'm absolutely...............with you for scratching my car.(fury)
  9. Do...............footballers earn too much money?(profession)
  10. Great Britain is also called the United............(king)
  11. We had several........moments waiting for the test result, (anxiety)
  12. .........are still working on a cure for AIDS. (science)
  13. When he found out about her affair, he flew into a.............rage (jealousy)
  14. Hilary and Jackie is a film about the......Jacqueline du Pre. (cello)
  15. Margery is 88 but she is still very.......and walks everywhere.(act)
  16. You must be a competent.......to attempt shooting those rapids.(canoe)
  17. His success made everyone else really........(envy)
  18. He made a.......which the committee accepted.(propose)
  19. If your......improves, you'll learn better, (behave)
  20. The athletes are the.......heroes.(nation)
  21. Odysseus was a genuine......figure, not just a myth, (history)
  22. Don't light this match here. These materials are all highly.......(flame)
  23. The dog looked dangerous, but his.......was obvious from the way he looked at us, s

     there was nothing to be afraid of. (friend)              

  1. The results of the test were.........only five people passed. (disaster)
  2. These papers are not to be shown to anyone, they're..........(confidence)

Exercise 28

PART II                                       PREFIXES

I Prefixes to express the negative meaning:

de- eg deactivate, decode

dis- eg disconnect, disappear

in-  eg indecisive, inconvenient

But: il- (before I) eg illegal

           im- (before m, p) eg immature, impossible

            ir- (before r) eg irresistable

but: unreliable, unrecognisable, unreasonable

non- non-toxic, non-fiction

un- unfortunate, unfair

Exercise 29

Exercise 30

Add un-, in-, il-, im-,ir-, dis- or non- to the following words:

To do, regular, moral, balance, obedient, honest, alcoholic, definite, dependence, able, literate, to inherit, order, governmental, legal, possible, probable, consistent, credible, content, mortal, rational, violent, responsible, connect,


Exercise 31

Add the correct prefixes to form 'the opposite of the words-in bold.


1. He's an ...un... interesting person. In fact, he's rather' boring.

2. Driving a car without a licence is........ legal.

3. I'm afraid I......... agree with what you just said.

4. I can't do this puzzle. It's........ possible!

5. The cake was........ resistible, so she ate three pieces.

6. The waiting room is a …….. smoking area.

7. He is........ literate. He can't read or write.

8.   I am........ decisive about where to go on holiday.

9. The telephone company........ connected the phone when he failed to pay the bill.

10. His comment was..... irrelevant to our discussion.


Exercise 32

Exercise 33

Fill in the correct form of the words in bold forming the opposite from the words given.

1. Betty took the meat out of the freezer and let it............................before                                 FROST 

cooking it.

2. Last winter John had a ski accident which was...............................as he                  CONVENIENT

missed the rest of the season..

3. Next week I will go to dinner with the ambassador and so I will have to wear a suit as..........

..............clothing is not appropriate for the occasion.                                                                 FORMAL

4. Every year in December teenagers gather in the city centre to collect money for

a charity which is a...............................organization.                                                                  PROFIT               

5. My grandmother always says that manners are almost......................in

today's world.                                                                                                                           EXISTENT

6. One wonderful feature of new tube stations is the number of lifts that

help to facilitate anyone with a................................                                                                     ABILITY

7. When Sarah quit her last job she didn't think she would be......................                     EMPLOYED

for so long. Being a doctor often involves working long and......................                                   REGULAR


8. Tina is always boasting about herself and her achievements. She is probably the                 MODEST         most...............................person I know.

9. John's handwriting was totally...............................and so I found it                                    LEGIBLE

impossible to read his letter.

10. Mary was...............................with the weather last summer as it rained                               LUCKY

everyday during her holidays.



Exercise 34

Fill in the spaces in the following text using a suitable negative prefix of the words given at the end of the lines.

The British government has decided to take the _________1 decision to ban                    POPULAR

smoking in public places. Though a lot of people find smoking____________2                  PLEASE

and though experts all agree it is ______________3 and that it costs the state                  HEALTH

a lot to treat victims of smoking, it is also ____________ 4 that many people get               DENY   

pleasure from the habit and find smoking _______________5 when they are                     RESIST

 in company. However, it is now __________ 6 to deny the antisocial nature of the habit.  POSSIBLE

As advertising has proved __________7 with many smokers, the government has             EFFECT

now made smoking ____________ 8 in most public places. Smokers who are                    LEGAL

__________ 9 to stop smoking may feel the new measures are unjust, but                       ABILITY

for the passive smokers for whom a room full of smoke is ___________10 they                  BEAR    

will come as a breath of fresh air.


Exercise 35

 Add a correct negative prefix to the following adjectives.







Relevant _____________________

Regular _______________________




Exercise 36

Exercise 37

Exercise 38

Exercise 39

Exercise 40

Exercise 41

Exercise 42

A. Memorial Day in the USA

Honoring the dead has been a practice of many_________ (1). The ancient                      1. civil

Druids, Greeks, and Romans__________(2) the graves of their loved                               2. decoration

ones with flowers. In the United States, the _______(3) have been                                     3. death

honored on Memorial Day since the time of the Civil War. In 1967                                     4. proclaim

a____________(4) of President Johnson and a____________(5)                                          5. join

congressional resolution officially recognized Waterloo as 'the birthplace of                      6. observation

Memorial Day'. And the Memorial Day is___________(6) on the last Monday                   7. proclaim

May. Each year the President of the US issues a special Memorial                                     8. city

Day__________(7) which includes a call for____________(8) to observe the                   9. peaceful

occasion as a day of prayer for.________________(9)


Memorial Day observances are by no means_____ (10) to the big___11)                                10.limit

cemeteries. In towns and cities, across the land, veterans1 groups, civic                              11. nation

______(12), family groups, and individuals decorate graves with flowers or with                    12.organize

small American flags. In many communities there are parades. Parade                                13. participate

__________(13) include veterans and armed forces and a lot of other people.                          14.tradition

Memorial Day has also________(14) marked the________ (15) of summer.                             15. begin


Exercise 43

Exercise 45

Exercise 46

 Fill in the spaces in the following text using a suitable form of the words given at the end of the lines.

In the past, any mother would be ________(1)                                                                    1    pride

if her children were round and slightly fat.

Those days are gone.________(2) have now                                                                        2   research

reached the______:__ {3) that too much fat                                                                           3 conclude

and sugar in children's diets are a major factor

in the_________(4) of heart diseases and other                                                                     4    develop

_______(5) when they are older. However,                                                                              5     ill

growing children need to eat a wide range of foods,

and their general health could be________(6)

by cutting out particular ones.                                                                                                  6   danger

Psychologists say that the_______(7) is not to                                                                      7   solve

change eating habits too fast, but to do it

_____{8), so that children do not lose muscle in                                                                      8 care

addition to fat. Parents should present food a

little________(9), spread butter thinly and                                                                              9 difference

avoid putting sugar on the table. Children

should also be_________ (10) to take part in                                                                            10 courage

sports: this way they will be using the calories that they have eaten.


Exercise 47

 Fill in the spaces in the following sentences using a suitable form of the words given at the end of the lines.


1. What can we do to reduce the_________                                                                         pollute

of the atmosphere?

2. The change in the climate has produced______________                                                  disaster


3. Many rare species are threatened   with______________                                                   extinct


4. Many of the gases produced by factories                                                                               harm

are_________ to our health.

5 Exhaust fumes have______________effects on                                                              damage

the environment.

6. Many countries must try and control the growth of the__________                                     populate


7. Protecting the environment is essential to our_____________,                                     survive



8. The protection of the environment is everyone’s_______________.                           responsible



Exercise 2

 Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets.

1  We hired a............................(paint) to paint the house.

2 The............................... (republic) are expected to win the elections.

3  A................................ (motor) was injured in an accident this morning.

4 My grandfather was a................................ (sail) when he was young.

5 The............................... (magic) entertained the children at the party.

6 The two............................ (contest) fought hard to win the competition.

7 There are lots of.............................. (beg) in this part of the city.

8 He isn't qualified yet - he's still a...................... (train).

9 Thousands of.............................. (tour) visit this monument every year.

10............................ (environmental) warn that several species are close to becoming extinct.

11 She's a.......................... (study) at the moment, and she works part-time.

Exercise 3

1. All new loans and mortgages need to be approved by the bank........first             MANAGE


2...............................broke into their flat and stole all their jewellery.                          BURGLE  


3.The first prize will be given to the...............who gets all the answers to the           CONTEST

quiz questions right                                                                                                                  

4. You will never hear anything honest from John. He is a compulsive.........                    LIE


5.................are warning people about the dramatic effect global warming has on the SCIENCE


6. Pablo Picasso is considered one of the most influential...........of the 20th century      ART  


7. Tom worked as a..................journalist before getting a senior position in the media.  TRAIN    


8. Jennifer was seriously overweight so she visited a...............who put her on a            DIET

healthy diet.

9. Being a war.............Paolo has found himself in hazardous situations.      CORRESPOND


10. The..............        .took beautiful photos of the bride and groom during their first dance

as a married couple.                                                                                          PHOTOGRAPH


II Суффиксы, образующие существительное  от глагола:



- ion/ - (a) tion - означает условие или какое-то действие

Например:        to act /действовать/ - action /действие/

                   to inform /информировать/ - information /информация/

                   to examine /экзаменовать; проверять/ - examination /экзамен/

                   to prepare /подготовить/ -   preparation /подготовка/


- ment: означает наличие качества, условия.

Например:        to agree /соглашаться/- agreement /соглашение/

                   to pay /платить/-  payment /плата/

                   to govern /править/ - government /правительство/


- al: означает определенный результат действия

Например:        to arrive /прибывать/ - arrival /прибытие/

                   to deny /отказывать, отрицать/ - denial /отказ, отрицание/

                   to propose /предлагать/ - proposal /предложение/


- y:       to deliver /доставлять/ - delivery /доставка/

                   to arm /вооружать/ - army /армия/

                   to discover /открывать/ - discovery/открытие/


- sion/ - ation /- tion: означает действие, процесс, состояние

Например:        to decide /решать/ - decision /решение/

                   to divide /делить/ -  division /деление/

                   to impress /производить впечатление/ - impression /впечатление/

                   to comprehend/ понимать / - comprehension/ понимание /



- age: означает сущ-е со значением действия, условия, или результата

Например:             to marry /жениться/ -  marriage/женитьба/

                          to use / использовать/ -usage / употребление/

- ance/ ence- от глаголов и прилагательных образуют существительные, обозначающие процесс, состояние или свойство:

Например:         frequent/ частый / - frequency/ частота /

                      Brilliant / блестящий/ -brilliancy / блеск, великолепие/


- y    – образует абстрактные и собирательные сущ-е

Например:  to discover / обнаружить / -discovery/ открытие /

                       to bake- bakery


- ure/- ture - образует сущ-е состояния, процесса, свойства

Например: to depart / уезжать / - departure / отправление /

                      To create / возводить / -creature/ создание /


- sis -     образует сущ-е состояния, процесса

Например: to emphasise / придавать особое значение / - emphasis / акцентирование /

                  to hypnotise/ гипнотизировать /-hypnosis / гипноз /



Exercise 4

Образуйте от следующих глаголов существительные с помощью соответствующих суффиксов:

to arrive -                                      to decide-                       

to govern -                                         to break-

to arm -                                             to leak-

to agree -                                          to refuse-

to recover -                                         to annoy-

to inform -                                         to prefer-

to propose -                                         to amuse-

to pay -                                              to direct-

to lead-                                             to mock

Exercise 5

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