Review of the past tenses and the related constructions — КиберПедия 

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Review of the past tenses and the related constructions

2021-05-27 48
Review of the past tenses and the related constructions 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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10.1. Use these verbs and verb groups to complete the narrative below.

offered       didn’t ask       had never played       asked       used to go (2) would practise      had had       wanted       was playing       couldn’t play

When I was a boy, I … to be a jazz musician. I used to play the drums. I … for hours every evening, and I would spend almost every weekend practising too. I … to my local jazz club every week to listen. One night a group called the Rollers … there. Unfortunately, their drummer … an accident on his way to the club, so he …. They … me to take his place, and of course I agreed. It was awful. I felt that I … so badly before. After that, I still … to the club, but I never … to play again, and they certainly … me.

10.2. Find the errors in these sentences and correct them.

1. When we had ate lunch, we were sitting in the garden.

2. While I looked for my keys, I remembered I left them at home.

3. Anna had used to play badminton when she had been at school.

4. When I got into bed, I was falling asleep immediately.

5. When I was finally finding the house, I was knocking at the door.

6. After Jill was giving Nick his books, she went home.

7. Maria would live in Sweden when she was a child.

8. I was using to get up early when I had gone sailing.

9. The Vikings had sailed to North America a thousand years ago. 

10. Pauline was sure she was seeing the tall man before.

10.3. Decide whether the verb form in italics is suitable or unsuitable.

1. While I had a bath, someone knocked on the door.

2. Sally didn’t go to a boxing match before.

3. Harry tried to repair the car, but he didn’t really know what he was doing.

4. What did you wear to the Ponsonby’s party?

5. Were you eating spaghetti every day when you lived in Italy?

6. I didn’t know you had bought a new car.

7. They all wanted to believe her, but suspected she was lying.

8. As Peggy walked home, she tried to remember what happened.

9. ‘What a terrible day!’ thought Lucy. Everything had gone wrong!

10. Although it rained a lot, I was enjoying my holiday last year.

10.4. Choose the most suitable verb form in each sentence.

1. While I had waited / was waiting / waited at the bus stop, I had noticed / was noticing / noticed a new shop which wasn’t / hadn’t been in the street the day before.

2. I had gone / went out into the garden to fetch my bike, but found / was finding that someone stole / had stolen it.

3. When George met / was meeting Diana at the party, he thought / was thinking that he saw / had seen / was seeing her somewhere before.

4. Emily got off / was getting off the bus, and walked / was walking into the bank when she realized / had realized / was realizing that she left / had left / was leaving her handbag on the bus.

5. After I was buying / had bought my new computer, I discovered that it wasn’t having / didn’t have enough memory.

6. I went to the post office to ask about my package, but they had said / said that it still hadn’t arrived / didn’t arrive.  

7. I suddenly remembered that I forgot / had forgotten my keys.

8. While Diana watched / was watching her favourite television programme, there was a power-cut.

9. Tom used to / would live in the house at the end of the street.

10. Who was driving / drove the car at the time of the accident?

11. By the time Sheila got back, Chris went / had gone.

12. David ate / had eaten Japanese food before, so he knew what to order.

13. I did / was doing some shopping yesterday, when I saw that Dutch friend of yours.

14. I used to like / was liking sweets much more than I do now.

15. What exactly were you doing / did you do when I came into your office yesterday?

16. Laura missed the party because no-one was telling / had told her about it.

17. Tony would / used to be a doctor.


10.5. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable verb form.

1. While I (try) to get my car started, a passing car (stop) and the driver (offer) to help me.

2. The police (pay) no attention to Clare’s complaint because she (phone) them so many times before.

3. Mary (not wear) her glasses at the time, so she (not notice) what kind of car the man (drive).

4. Nick (lie) down on the grass for a while, next to some tourists who (feed) the ducks.

5. Tom (admit) that he (hit) the other car, but said that he (not damage) it.

6. Sorry, I (not listen) to you. I (think) about something else.

7. Helen (feel) very tired, and when she (finish) her work, she (fall) asleep.

8. The police (get) to Clare’s house as fast as they could, but the burglars (disappear).

9. I (phone) you last night but you (not answer). What (you do)?

10. We (not go) out yesterday because it (rain).

10.6. Put each verb given into the past simple, past continuous or past perfect. More than one answer may be suitable.

The police suspected that Brian (a)………………(break) the window at his house because he (b)………………(want) to make them think that a burglar (c)………………(steal) his valuable stamp collection. They (d)………………(think) that Brian (e)………………(do) this because he (f)………………(need) the money. However, they (g)………………(not know) that Brian (h)………………(fly) to Brazil the week before, and (i)………………(be) abroad when the burglary (j)………………(take place).

10.7. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable verb form.

When Professor Mallory, the famous archaeologist, -1- (invite) me to take part in his expedition to find the Lost City of the Himalayas, I -2- (not hesitate) to accept his invitation. Mallory -3- (discover) an ancient map showing the position of the city, although no European -4- (ever go) to the area before. In fact, most of Mallory’s colleagues either -5- (believe) that the city -6- (never exist) or -7- (feel) that it -8- (vanish) long ago and ­ -9- (become) simply a legend. According to the Professor, the builders of the city -10- (hide) it among the mountains in order to protect its immense riches. He ­ -11- (believe) that the descendants of these ancient people -12- (still keep) themselves apart from the rest of mankind for the very same reasons. So when we -13-  (set off) on a cool May morning towards the distant mountains, each of us -14- (look forward) to exciting discoveries. For a week or more we -15- (climb) higher and higher, following the map, which Mallory -16- (study) from time to time. Then one afternoon, while we -17- (rest) at the top of a valley, we -18- (notice) that a rider on a horse -19- (wave) at us from the other side of the valley. A rider whose clothes -20- (shine) like gold!

10.8. Rewrite the sentences below using ‘be going to’.

Model: She didn’t take part in the contest. She fell ill. → She was going to take part in the contest, but she fell ill.

1. He didn’t play football. He forgot his boots.

2. They didn’t visit Oxford. They didn’t have time.

3. He didn’t see the play. There were no seats left.

4. I couldn’t do my home assignment. I had forgotten my books.

5. We didn’t watch TV. There was nothing interesting on.

10.9. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown. Use a participle clause.

Model: Martin studied all the proposals and then chose the most suitable for his company.

After studying all the proposals, Martin chose the most suitable for his company.    

1. Norman collected the parcel, but then he realised it was the wrong one.

After ……………………………………………………………………………... 

2. Sue left the house but first she checked that she had her keys.

Before …………………………………………………………………………....

3. Mark was parking his car when he noticed the wing-mirror was broken.

While …………………………………………………………………………….

4. Julia cleaned the house, but then she fell asleep on the sofa.

After ……………………………………………………………………………...

5. Brian bought a new television, but first he checked all the prices.

Before …………………………………………………………………………....

6. Alan was skiing in Switzerland and met his old friend, Ken.

While …………………………………………………………………………….

7. Kate took two aspirins, and then she felt a lot better.

After ……………………………………………………………………………...

8. Sheila went out for the evening, but first she washed her hair.

Before …………………………………………………………………………....

10.10. For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first, using no more than three words.

1. Michael took a deep breath and dived into the water.

After Michael …………………………… a deep breath, he dived into the water.

2. Terry was fatter.

Terry ……………………………………………………………….. to be so thin.  

3. Gary was sure his keys were not in his pocket.

Gary was sure ………………………………………………………….. his keys.

4. When he was younger David played tennis.

David ……………………………………………... tennis when he was younger.

5. Last summer, Julia got up early every morning.

Last summer, Julia used to ………………………………... early every morning.

6. We missed the bus so we took a taxi.

We took a taxi because ………………………………………………….. the bus.

7. In those days, we spent the summer in the mountains.

In those days, we ………………………………… the summer in the mountains.

10.11. Supply the English equivalents for the following sentences.

1. Раньше мы ездили на море дважды в год.

2. Он сказал, что уже ознакомился с нашим предложением.

3. На каникулах они занимались плаванием каждый день.

4. Они смотрели фильм, который купили накануне.

5. В молодости они вечно ввязывались в какие-то неприятные истории.

6. Врач осмотрел меня и спросил, когда я заболел.

7. К середине 2008 года их концерн занял 80% рынка ценных металлов.

8. Мы играли в нарды, когда пришел сосед и пригласил нас на ужин.

9. Принтер сломался до того, как ты попытался настроить систему.

10. Джейн вошла в кабинет, открыла окно и села в кресло.

11. В отпуске мы спали по 10 часов почти каждый день, если не ездили на экскурсии.

12. Когда-то наша компания владела крупнейшей сетью супермаркетов в стране.

13. Когда Джим зашел в кабинет, начальник просматривал новые предложения.

14. Она поинтересовалась, сколько раз я был в Китае раньше.

15. Она посмотрела на мои работы и сказала, что я делаю успехи.

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