Unit 3. The present simple vs. The present continuous — КиберПедия 

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Unit 3. The present simple vs. The present continuous

2021-05-27 97
Unit 3. The present simple vs. The present continuous 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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3.1. Choose the correct phrase in each sentence.

1. What time go you / do you go to bed on Saturdays?

2. Why are you waiting / do you waiting outside the door?

3. Don’t ask Tim. He doesn’t know / not knows the answer.

4. I having / I’m having my lunch at the moment.

5. When you leave / do you leave the house in the morning?

6. I don’t understand. What is happening / is happen?

7. Excuse me, does you know / do you know the time?

8. This is a great party. I’m having / Am I having a lovely time.

3.2. Rewrite each sentence so that the verb in italics is a negative contraction.

1. Naomi and Bill are watching television.

2. Peter likes chocolate cake.

3. I’m using this pencil at the moment.

4. The children are having lunch in the kitchen.

5. I get up early on Saturday.

6. Helen is writing a novel.

3.3. Decide whether the verb form in italics refers to the present or the future.

1. Where are you staying on Saturday night?

2. George retires at the end of next year.

3. What are we doing when the guests arrive?

4. I’ m trying really hard to understand this book.

5. Wait for me here until I get back.

6. Sue is leaving in the morning.

7. I’ m waiting for the bus.

8. I’m off now and I’ m taking the car.

9. They’ re showing a Woody Allen film on Channel 4 tonight.

10. I’ m going for a walk this evening.


3.4. Choose the correct sentence for each situation.

1. You want to invite a friend to your party on Friday. You say:

a) I have a party on Friday. Do you want to come?

b) I’m having a party on Friday. Do you want to come?

2. You find a wallet on your desk and ask the people nearby:

a) Who does this wallet belong to?

b) Who is this wallet belonging to?

3. A friend invites you to a snack bar at lunch time. You say:

a) Thanks, but I always go home.

b) Thanks, but I’m always going home.

4. A friend opens the door and says, ‘What are you doing?’ You reply:

a) I work as a secretary.

b) I’m repairing the computer.

5. You haven’t decided yet about buying a new bike. You say:

a) I think about it.

b) I’m thinking about it.

6. A friend asks, ‘Do you like lemon tea?’ You reply:

a) I prefer tea with milk.

b) I’m preferring tea with milk.

7. A friend asks you if you have finished the book she lent you. You say:

a) Sorry, I still read it.

b) Sorry, I’m still reading it.

8. It’s a hot day, but a friend has a heavy coat on. You ask:

a) Why do you wear a heavy coat?

b) Why are you wearing a heavy coat?


3.5. Choose the most suitable verb form in each sentence.

1. That can’t be right! I don’t believe / I’m not believing it!

2. Caroline can’t swim today. She has / is having a cold.

3. See you in the morning. I leave / I’m leaving now.

4. What do you do / are you doing? If you drop it, it will explode!

5. Stop doing that, Bill! You’re / You’re being very silly.

6. I drive / I’m driving! You can sit in the back with Martin.

7. What do we eat / are we eating this evening? I’m really hungry!

8. You’re a great cook! This cake tastes / is tasting wonderful.

9. Where do you go / are you going? I haven’t finished speaking to you!

10. Chemistry is hard. I don’t understand / I’m not understanding it.

11. What sort of work do you do / are you doing?

12. I can’t talk now. I cook / I’m cooking the dinner.

13. What shall we have? Do you like / Are you liking fish?

14. Can I borrow this typewriter? Or do you use / are you using it?

15. What do the people here do / are the people here doing in the evenings?

16. Follow that bus. Then you turn / are turning left.

17. A lot of people think that the Sun goes / is going around the Earth.

18. Excuse me, do you read / are you reading your newspaper? Could I borrow it?

19. Do you wait / Are you waiting for the bus to Newcastle?

20. Andy builds / is building his own house in the country.

21. My daughter works / is working in a restaurant for the summer, but she doesn’t like / isn’t liking it very much.

22. This cheese smells / is smelling awful.

23. I often try to read the newspapers in English but I am not understanding / don’t understand very much.  

24. The children grow up / are growing up very quickly. They look / are looking very like their mother now.

25. Sara seems / is seeming to be very upset. I think / am thinking she is worried about something.

26. Does this coat belong / Is this coat belonging to you?

27. No, my coat hangs / is hanging there behind the door.

28. I can hear / am hearing something downstairs. It sounds / is sounding as if someone tries / is trying to open a window.


3.6. Put each verb in brackets into either the present simple or the present continuous.

1. Don’t show me that picture! I (hate) mice!

2. Who (you, go) to the match on Saturday with?

3. In the winter, what (you, wear)?

4. I can’t stand horror films. I (think) they’re stupid!

5. Diana (not, usually, sit) next to Ellen.

6. Why (you, look at) me like that?

7. Excuse me. (this bus, stop) outside the station?

8. I (not take) the bus to school today.

9. What (usually, you, do) at the weekend?

10. Don’t worry about the cat. It (only eat) once a day.

11. I can’t work out the answer. (you, know) what it is?

12. What’s the matter? Why (you, stare) at me like that?

13. (you, speak) English? I’m looking for a hotel.

14. Elena (stay) with me while her house is being decorated. 

15. You should go on a diet. (you, put) on weight.

16. (they, speak) French or German? I can’t tell the difference.

17. There’s nobody here, and the door’s locked. What (we do) now?

18. What (you look) at? (I wear) the wrong clothes?

19. I (look after) Jack’s dog this weekend. (you want) to take it for a walk?

20. Who (drive) the Mercedes that’s parked outside?

21. I (still have) a pain in my leg but it (get) better.

22. Who (Sue dance) with? That’s not her brother, is it?

23. Harry always (look) untidy! He (wear) dirty jeans.

24. I (write) in reply to your advertisement in the Daily News.

25. That plant I bought (not grow) very much. And I (water) it every day.

26. Which hotel (you stay) in when you (come) here?

27. The baby always (wake up) when we (try) to go to sleep.

28. It always (start) raining when we (play) tennis.

29. I (write) a book at the moment so I (be) very busy.

30. Sally always (look) as if she (enjoy) herself.

31. David (stay) with us when he (visit) London.

32. Mary (save up) to go on holiday so she (spend) as little money as possible.

3.7. Decide whether these sentences are talking about the present in general or about the present moment. Complete the sentences by putting the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous.

1. My wife normally (work) at home, but she (spend) this month in Nottingham. She (teach) in a summer school there.

2. A: Look, it (rain) again. – B: Yes, it (rain) most days at this time of year.

3. Goodnight. I (go) to bed. I always (go) to bed early during the week.

4. Most days, John (cycle) to work, but since it (rain) today he (take) his car to work. So Mary (do) her shopping at the local shop instead of the supermarket where she usually (go).

5. A: Where are the children? – B: They (play) in the garden. They (get) home from school at about four and usually (go) straight out to play with their friends.

6. A: What work (your husband do)? – B: He (teach) French and German, and this term he (teach) English as well.

7. We usually (watch) the news on TV at 7 p.m., but tonight we (watch) that new soap opera.

3.8. Put each verb in brackets into either the present simple or the present continuous.

Dear Aunt Jean,

I -1- (just write) to tell you how much I -2- (appreciate) the money you sent me, and to tell you how I -3- (get on) in my first term at university. Actually, I -4- (really enjoy) myself! I -5- (study) quite hard as well, but at the moment I -6- (spend) a lot of time just making friends. I -7- (still stay) with my friend Sue, and I -8- (look for) somewhere of my own to live. Only a few of the first-year students -9- (live) in college here, and I -10- (seem) to be spending a lot of time travelling backwards and forwards. I -11- (go) to lectures every morning, and most afternoons I -12- (study) in the library. In fact I -13- (write) this letter instead of an essay on Hamlet! I -14- (think) I’ll buy some new clothes with the money you sent. Everything -15- (cost) a lot here, and I -16- (save) to buy a winter coat. It -17- (get) really cold here in the evenings. I now -18- (know) some other students and generally speaking we -19- (have) quite a good time socially! I -20- (also learn) to drive. See you soon.


3.9. Read the answers and then complete the questions.

1. Where ……………………………………………………………………. Sue?

She lives at the end of Axwell Road.

2. Do ………………………………………………………………………... Jim?

No, I don’t know him.

3. What ………………………………………………………….. at the moment?

I’m doing the flat.

4. Are ……………………………………………………………………… here?

No, I’m sitting over there.

5. Do ……………………………………………………………………….. here?

No, we change trains at the next station.

6. Why …………………………………………………………………………..?

I’m wearing two pullovers because I feel cold!


3.10. Complete each sentence with a present simple or a present continuous form, using the words in bold.

1. …………………………………………………………… cheese sandwiches?

You like

2. What time …………………………………………………………………….?

The sun rise

3. What ………………………………………………………….. at the moment?

You read

4. Sorry, I can’t talk. ……………………………………………………... a bath.

I have

5. We ……………………………………………………. in classroom activities.

Not watch movies

6. Look out of the window! ……………………………………………………...

It snow

7. This is an examination! Why ………………………………………………...?

You talk

8. Ann …………………………………………... to university by bus every day.


9. …………………………………………………………….. a uniform at work?

You wear

10. Pamela has got an interesting hobby. ………………………………… a boat.

She build


3.11. Match each sentence (a-h) with a suitable response (1-8).

a) What do you usually do on your birthday? 1) I have a party.
b) Would you like to meet again on Saturday? 2) I lie under the table.
c) What do you usually do when there is an earthquake? 3) I work in a travel agency.
d) Have you finished your homework? 4) Yes, we play every Friday.
e) What are you doing? 5) I’m still doing it.
f) What are you doing on Friday? 6) It’s hot in here. I’m opening some windows.
g) Are you in the university football team? 7) I’m going back to New Zealand tomorrow.
h) What do you do? 8) I’m having a party.


3.12. Rewrite each sentence. Use a verb from the box to replace the words in italics.

be     cost     feel     have (3)     see     smell     taste     think of

1. This flower has a wonderful perfume.

2. I think you are behaving in a very silly way.

3. She is expecting a baby in the summer.

4. Nancy is considering moving to Scotland.

5. Don’t go in. They are holding a meeting.

6. I am meeting Janet this evening actually.

7. Good clothes are becoming more and more expensive.

8. I am trying the soup to see if it needs more salt.

9. Helen is taking a bath at the moment.

10. I think that you would be happier in another job.


3.13. Render the following sentences into English.

1. Чем ты занят? – Я устанавливаю новую антивирусную программу на свой новый ноутбук.

2. Кем он работает? – Я не знаю. Я вижу его всего два или три раза в месяц. Он никогда не говорит о своих делах.

3. Я не понимаю, что она имеет в виду. Сегодня она ведет себя как-то странно.  

4. В чём дело? – Кто-то работает за моим компьютером.

5. Ты вечно забываешь ключи дома!

6. Мы работаем по 12 часов в сутки, поэтому и выглядим такими уставшими. Зато и зарабатываем много.

7. Сколько они предлагают нам за разработку этой программы? – Пять миллионов. – Звучит заманчиво!  

8. Какие у тебя планы на выходные? – Пока не знаю. 

9. Наш шеф уходит в отставку в следующем году.

10. Джейн гуляет с собакой в саду, а её брат моет машину. Кстати, они никогда не ссорятся. Это кажется просто нереальным.

11. Думаю, у них серьёзные проблемы с оборудованием. Между тем, оно стоит больших денег.

12. Полагаю, существуют различные версии этого продукта.

13. Они говорят на испанском или на итальянском? Я не могу отличить. – Они всегда говорят на итальянском.

14. Вы согласны с нашим предложением? – Я думаю над этим.

15. Вы осознаёте последствия Ваших действий? – Мне нравится играть с огнём. 

16. Они рассматривают возможность продажи 50% акций.

17. Успех этой сделки зависит от состояния финансового рынка.

18. Она не понимает, почему с ней так обращаются.

19. Концерт начнётся в семь часов. Думаю, мест уже нет.

20. Она владеет самым престижным домом моды в Восточной Европе и сейчас разрабатывает какую-то авангардную коллекцию.  

21. Эта книга состоит из 5 глав и включает 557 страниц текста.

22. Такого прибора не существует. Но одна японская компания уже ведет такие разработки.

23. Пока я живу в Лондоне. Но в августе я переезжаю в Барселону.

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