Task 21.Read information about EFA below and comment onthe  prospects of such-like organizations.What makes them strong? What makes them vulnerable? — КиберПедия 

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Task 21.Read information about EFA below and comment onthe  prospects of such-like organizations.What makes them strong? What makes them vulnerable?

2021-06-02 21
Task 21.Read information about EFA below and comment onthe  prospects of such-like organizations.What makes them strong? What makes them vulnerable? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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The European Free Alliance (EFA) works to make the idea of a “Europe of the Peoples” a political and cultural reality at the European and international level. It is an umbrella organisation that gathers 40 progressive nationalist, regionalist and autonomist parties throughout the European Union (EU), representing stateless nations, regions, and traditional minorities in Europe.

Task 22*. Listen to William Wohlforth, Daniel Webster Professor of Government at Dartmouth College, speaking on self-determination and secessionist conflicts at Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs (track 8-5).

S ummarise his ideas on four major underlying long-term forces that govern the politics of self-determination today. Use the following notes to develop your summary.

Underlying force 1: sovereignty is a huge prize as elites seeking sovereignty get different rewards:

-psychological rewards

- material rewards

- legal rewards

Underlying force 2:governments will have multiple andoverlapping reasons for opposing sovereignty claims:

- governments tend to view thestate as an indivisible thing

- government is worried that other groupswithin its territory may also seeksecession

- the reputational consequences for governments

Underlying force 3: possibility to employ violence.

Underlying force 4: sovereignty is notdetermined by law but by the convenienceand self-interest of great powers.


Task 1. Study the table below and discuss negotiation styles typical of different national cultures. Can you add information about other national cultures? What can you say about Russian negotiators?

Task 2. Read the description of the Russian negotiation style below. Do you agree with the opinion of EU experts?

The Russian profile:

1. a preference for generally worded agreements and the tendency to equate compromise with weakness;

2. a drive to promote a broad range of interests at the same time, thereby strengthening the Russian position through package deals between issues where the Russians have stronger and weaker positions;

3. careful preparation – and the Russian diplomatic education is one of the best in the world – while manipulating its environment as much as possible;

4. a tendency to instruct Russian negotiators very tightly – which is in line with the extremely dominant role of leaders and bosses in Russian society – in a steep hierarchical order;

5. a combative negotiation style, confrontational – blunt – stubborn: negotiation is war by other means;

6. divide and rule, being very patient if needed, a love for ‘drama’; very skilled in secretive and back-channel negotiation.

Task 3.Study the table below and answer the following questions:

Are you familiar with these countries? If so, do you agree with this information? Supply more information to fill in details.

Which country would you have the most problems with? Why?

What qualities are typical of Russian negotiators? Fill the bottom row, compare your observations and discuss them.

Negotiation qualities from around the world

  Educational Background Sex Age Technical knowledge Seniority/ Experience Power and authority Symbolic position of authority Follows standards Personal connections Social competence Social status
USA   male/female   +   +          
Japan + mostly male + + +   +        
Mexico + INA*   + +       + +  
Brazil + INA             + + +
France + mostly male           +   + +
Germany   mostly male + + +            
South Korea + mostly male   +             +
Spain + mostly male             +   +


*INA – information not available


Task 4. Listen to Richard Haass, President of Council on Foreign Relations, speaking on negotiations and model diplomacy and answer the following questions (track 8-6).

1.What is negotiations as a practice in foreign policy and diplomacy?

2. What types of negotiations are distinguished?

3. What is the role of context in negotiations?

4. What are the subjects in negotiations?

5. What makes the difference between negotiations and consultations?

6. What contributes to the success of negotiations?

7. What are the dangers to confront while negotiating?

8. What are the challenges and downsides of negotiations?


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