And the international politics of statehood — КиберПедия 

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And the international politics of statehood

2021-06-02 27
And the international politics of statehood 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Though most States in the international community are multi-national, most are also unlikely  (1 –сталкиватьсясвозможностьюнациональногосепаратизма).The world has many nations, perhaps so many that the international system could not accommodate them all if they demanded independent States of their own.If each potential national group became a State, there might be thousands of States rather than the 194 or so in the system today.Fortunately, it is unlikely that the world will have to confront such a problem. Most national movements’ demands (2 –недоходятдоофициальногоотделения) from their Home States, instead preferring expanded civil rights or (3 – бОльшуюавтономию) on their group’s behalf. Even among the States that do experience secessionist challenges, the chances are still quite small (about 1/3 overall) that the group will ever (4 – получитполнуюнезависимостьигосударственность).Home States often (5 – имеютцелыйрядсущественныхпреимуществ) relative to secessionists including professional militaries and superior funding. In addition, they have external legitimacy and the status quo on their side. Home States are both the subjects and beneficiaries of international law. They are recognized as the sole arbiters of affairs within their boundaries and other States have agreed (6 – невмешиватьсявихвнутренниедела). In separatist conflicts, the odds are stacked in favor of incumbent States.

The value of independent Statehood is obvious for separatist communities. In many cases religious, ethnic, geographic and ideological groups are repressed and persecuted (7 –своимисобственнымправительствомигражданами). They are stigmatized as backward by the majority (or the powerful) and are not afforded full civil and political rights. Independence offers a potential respite from oppressive social circumstances and (8 –возможностьнезависимоозвучиватьпозициювмеждународныхделах).Secession is also attractive for the nationalist elite, lured by the opportunity to become “big fish in a small pond” following independence.Unfortunately for secessionists, Home States also prize their sovereignty. Statesmen jealously guard their authority and often (9 – рассматриваютсвоютерриториюкакнеделимую).To maintain one’s domestic sovereignty is a matter of national pride and historical prestige, and permitting separation involves the surrender of significant natural resources, manpower, geographic advantage and material power in general. Consequently, there is little support among the world’s Statesmen for a “right of secession” to accompany the principle of self-determination (10 – отраженнойвуставеООН).Statesmen also tend to believe in a ‘domino theory’ of sorts in which allowing a single secession necessarily (11 –порождаетпоследующиеслучаиотделения). Leaders feel that granting permission for one group to secede (12 – станетсигналомслабости) to their domestic population, in turn fomenting additional separatism. Many Statesmen believe that supporting secession is as unwise as “showing blood in a lion’s cage” due to its potential demonstration effects. States with a tenuous hold on domestic authority could be especially sensitive (13 – поповодусозданиянежелательныхпрецедентов).On the whole it seems that States have (14 – убедительныепричины) for their overwhelming opposition to secessionist demands.


The list of phrases to use:

a) embraced by the United Nations charter

b) breeds further secessionism

c) fall short of formal separation

d) to face the prospect of national separatism

e) achieve full independence and Statehood

f) greater autonomy

g) not to interfere in their domestic affairs

h) by their governments and fellow citizens

i) will send a signal of weakness

j) have a number of material advantages

k) regard their territory as indivisible

l) compelling reasons

m) the possibility of an independent voice in international affairs

n) about setting unwanted precedents


Task 14. Translate the following sentences into Russian (A)and English (B), paying special attention to conditional patterns with if, provided, unless:


1. Unless the EU treaties (to reconsider) in terms of the possibility for subnational member-states to become individual members, the status of these entities (not to identify) fully and the future of Europe (not to be) clear.

2. The region’s economy minister said, “After scuppering a referendum, Spain (to risk) intensifying Catalonia’s push for independence unless it (to negotiate) over transferring more powers”.

3. Barcelona (not to allow) to play in La Liga if Catalonia (to break away) from Spain, the country’s football league chief Javier Tebas said as tensions mounted in the region over the possibility of an independence referendum the following month.

4. “If independence (to happen) in Scotland, I think it (to be) a political landslide on the scale of the break-up of the Soviet Union,” EU trade commissioner Karel De Gucht said after the results were announced.

5. Chinese authorities have asked the Tibetan spiritual leader to respect Buddhist traditions after the Dalai Lama claimed he (to refuse) to be reborn if Tibet (can’t gain) its independence from China.

6. An Australian politician, Pauline Hanson, recently highlighted, “If politicians (to continue) to promote separatism in Australia, they should not continue to hold their seats in this Parliament. They are not truly representing all Australians, and I call on the people to throw them out”.

7. Provided the Scottish Yes campaign (to prove) a success, that (to give) a drive for other European separatist movements. The Catalan separatists (to feel) more encouraged now as well as pro-independence Basques in northern Spain (to get) an official impetus to push their cession. Flemish speakers in Belgium (to demand) more autonomy while Corsicans (to put) more effort in breaking away from France.


1. Международному сообществу следует предупредить сепаратистов, что, если отделение произойдет в одностороннем порядке, им не удастся заручиться дипломатическим признанием.

2. Если региональным парламентам в Испании предоставят больше полномочий, территориальная целостность страны окажется под угрозой.

3. Если бы Шотландия проголосовала на референдуме за выход из состава Великобритании, Шотландский парламент начал бы переговоры с целью получения полной независимости к марту 2016.

4. После проведения референдума Дэвид Кэмерон признался: «Если бы Шотландия проголосовала за выход из состава Великобритании, я был бы сломлен. Я бы почувствовал, что у меня выбили почву из-под ног, почувствовал бы, что я будто ранен».

5. При условии, что Христианско-демократическая партия Италии приложила бы в прошлом году больше усилий по созданию привлекательного имиджа своего движения, их инициатива, направленная на отделение, получила бы больше поддержки, и политический ландшафт Италии изменился к настоящему моменту.

6. Если бы у Каталонии были законное право отделиться от Испании, регион уже давно получил бы независимость.

7. Если бы дела в экономике Канады не обстояли так хорошо, а Квебек не имел бы достаточно суверенных полномочий в составе Канады, сепаратистские настроения были бы более сильными.


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