Summer internship in commercial law — КиберПедия 

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Summer internship in commercial law

2022-01-17 76
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(5) I am a student of law at the University of Vienna, Austria. (6) I am now in my second year and expect to complete my degree in June 2013. (7) I am interested in applying for the summer internship in commercial law which is advertized on your website. (8) In my studies, I have completed all of the required courses successfully to date. I am particularly interested in commercial law, and have taken elective courses in debtor-creditor law and negotiable instruments. (9) Furthermore, I have frequently attended guest lectures and discussions at my university on topics related to commercial law. (10) I have also already gained work experience at a law firm, as I carried out an internship last summer at a small firm specializing in tax law in my hometown of Dornbirn. (11) There my duties included researching new legislation and helping the partners prepare cases for trial. (12) Full details of my studies and work experience are included on the enclosed résumé.

(13) The internship you are offering is especially attractive to me, as I would like to get to know what it is like to work at a large commercial firm with many international clients and to have the experience of working abroad in an English-speaking country.

(14) I am extremely motivated and a hard worker and I sincerely believe that I would make the best of such an opportunity.

(15) I can confidently say that I have a particularly good knowledge of English, as I have spent several summer vacations with my family in the USA and I have taken two courses in Legal English at my university. (16) I am enclosing writing samples in English as you request in your advert; the letters were written as part of my Legal English courses.

(17) Should you require further information, please do contact me. (18) I look forward to hearing from you.


Yours faithfully,

Julia Schwende


Ex. 23. Напишите письмо-обращение с просьбой пройти стажировку в иностранной компании.

Writing an Application Letter. Write a letter applying for an internship in a foreign company. Use your personal information and experience.


 К раткое письменное или устное изложение содержания текста (аннотирование) и подготовка к нему.

Exercise 28. Do you know how to write a summary?

a) Here you can find some rules of summary writing.

WHAT A SUMMARY SHOULD INCLUDE: · The main idea of the selection · The most essential supporting details or explanations · Only the information you have read · Objective and factual information from the reading · ¼ the length of the original essay · Your own words and the use of paraphrasing skills WHAT A SUMMARY SHOULD NOT INCLUDE: · Your opinion · What you think the author should have said · Copied material or a string of quotes from the selection  

b) Useful phrases for a summary

I’ll make a summary of the text.

The title of the text is …

The text is devoted to …

 At the beginning of the text …

The text says (describes, underlines, stresses) that …

The text goes on to say …

It is interesting to note …

At the end of the text…

In conclusion the author writes …

Прочитайте текст и перескажите его, используя фразы-клише из упражнения 28.


Many people think of a contract as a written agreement between people stating the exact details of promises they have made to each other. For example, when a farm agrees to supply fruit and vegetables to a supermarket, the two businesses will probably draw up a contract, containing many clauses about what kind of goods are to be supplied, how often and in what quantities; who is to pay for transport and unpacking; what prices are to be paid; and what happens if delivery is made too late for the shop to sell the goods. The contractors will try to think of all the possible circumstances which may arise - even unlikely events such as the vegetables being stolen by a third party while they were being transported.

However, not all contracts are written. There are many kinds of unwritten agreements between people which the law of most countries describes as contracts. They may continue buying and selling things for years by relying on trust and common sense, and if sometimes there is a disagreement, - for example, a supplier fails to deliver goods by the time he said he would - they manage to deal with the problem simply by discussion. However, if the disagreement becomes so serious that they cannot resolve it, they may decide it is necessary to take legal action. One of the most common kinds of legal action is to claim that a contract has existed and that one of them has broken the agreement. To win such an action it is necessary to show that the agreement can indeed be described as a contract.

The problem with unwritten contracts is that it may be very difficult to show evidence of the agreement you made. Of course, problems of evidence can arise even when there is a detailed written agreement. Indeed a court of law may decide that the contract consists not just of the written document you possess but includes things that were said but never written down.


Richard Powell 'Law Today', Longman, 1996, p. 38-39

 7.ПЕРЕВОД Задания лексико-грамматического характера к письменной части теста (переводу).

The Rule of Law

The concept of the rule of law is the cornerstone of any democratic society and government. It is the law which is used to decide disputes, not the wishes or ideas of any mere mortal, irrespective of his or her position. Moreover, the parties for the most part accept the fact that the dispute will be decided by a rule of law and that the winner and the loser alike will accept the determination without resorting to another method of resolution, such as force.

The study of law essentially concerns “rules of law”. A rule of law is a prediction as to what a court will or will not do in a given factual situation. It is then obvious that the facts create legal issues which are resolved by using rules of law. A majority of legal procedures are designed to discover the facts (e.g., the function of the jury is fact finding).

The law is one of the means for controlling the conduct of businesses. The basic role of law in business decisions is apparent. It constrains business in its decisions and in its selection of alternative courses of action. Certain conduct is illegal, and individuals or businesses who commit acts or omissions declared to be illegal are subject to sanctions, e.g., fines or imprisonment if the conduct is declared a crime. The sanctions may include liability for damages if the conduct is tortious (involving a wrongful act or a breach of contract). Besides, the law and legal sanctions may be used to prevent certain conduct or to require that certain things be done. Business decisions must be made within the law, or sanctions will be imposed. The law is the foundation for the regulation of all business conduct and decisions.


Упр.1 a) Найдите и переведите словосочетания со следующими словами: rule(s), business(es), damage(s), government.

б) Переведите заголовок текста, обращая внимание на различные значения словосочетания rule of law.

в) Найдите и переведите словосочетания со словом legal, обращая внимание на различные значения этого слова.

Упр.2 а) Переведите предложение с эмфатической конструкцией c местоимением it на русский язык.

It is the law which is used to decide disputes, not the wishes or ideas of any mere mortal, irrespective of his or her position.

б) Найдите и переведите предложения с местоимением it. Обратите внимание на перевод этого местоимения в разных моделях.

Упр.3 Найдите причастия 1 и 2 и проанализируйте их перевод в тексте. Обратите особое внимание на перевод страдательного залога с английского языка на русский.

Упр.4 Для организации информации внутри текста используются слова-связки (link words), например, in addition, however, thus и другие Какие слова-связки есть в данном тексте? Найдите и переведите предложения с ними.

Упр. 5 Переведите текст письменно на русский язык.

Legal Personality

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