Ex. 24. Role-play. A Job Interview. — КиберПедия 

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Ex. 24. Role-play. A Job Interview.

2022-01-17 79
Ex. 24. Role-play. A Job Interview. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
Заказать работу

Work in groups of 3-4. One of you is applying for a job. Choose any job from the unit and think about the questions that you might ask a potential employee and employer.


5. Проектная деятельность с представлением результатов в виде презентации    (возможна работа в малых группах) Презентация о любой юридической профессии. Пользуясь информацией, изученной на практическом занятии и дополнительными источниками сети Интернет, студентам предлагается рассказать о любой юридической профессии (уровень образования, обязанности, требования, экзамены, как стать практикующим юристом, умения и навыки). Результаты проектной деятельности могут быть представлены в виде устного сообщения, сопровождающегося презентацией   , или видеороликом. В ответе необходимо опираться на представленную ниже структуру презентации и использовать фразы, предложенные в задании:


Ex. 34. a) Расскажите о выбранной вами специализации. Чем она интересна?  Какова тема вашей магистерской диссертации? Какова теоретическая и практическая значимость вашей работы? При подготовке презентации пользуйтесь планом:

При подготовке презентации используйте следующие сайты и фразы:





How to make a presentation

I. Greeting the audience   Good morning/good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you for coming.
II. Introducing yourself   My name is ……… I am from…..  My name is ….and I’m +position… I’m +name+from+organization…  
III. Stating the purpose   Today I’m going to tell you about…… I’m here today to talk about …..
IV. Stating the main points   My presentation consists of three parts. First, I’ll tell you about …… Second, I’ll talk about ….. Finally, we are going to look at …..
V. Main part   Let’s start/begin with …. Now, let’s move on to …… And finally, I’d like to turn to ….
VI. Showing visuals and giving more details I’d like to show you a picture/a photo …. I’d like to add…….
VII. Conclusion   In conclusion, I’d like to say that …..
VIII. Questions   Now if you have any questions, I’ll be happy to answer them.

b) Задайте вопросы выступающему по теме.


5. ПЗ ПИСЬМО Практические задания, направленные на усвоение основных элементов письма личного и делового характера.

Работа в парах. Задайте вопросы своему товарищу и заполните его резюме.

Ex.17. Writing a CV. Fill in the CV for your partner. Make up questions about your partner's studies and work experience (if any) and ask him/her to answer them. Use Past Simple or Present Perfect (Simple or Continuous).



FIRST NAME(S)_______________


TELEPHONE (Work)____________                     (Home)___________________

Fax______________________                             E-mail____________________


Dates                       Company/Organization                             Job titles/duties

________              ____________________              __________________

________              ____________________              __________________


Dates                     Institution                                                Qualifications                                ________      _____________________             _____________________

________      _____________________             _____________________

OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION/SKILLS______________________________________________

HOBBIES AND INTERESTS _________________________________________


Ex. 18. Напишите свое резюме.

Writing. Write your own CV/career résumé  (no longer that two pages of A4 paper).You should include personal details (essential information only), your duties, achievements and relevant interests.

Оформление деловой корреспонденции:

Ex. 19. Language Focus 6. Business Correspondence.

a)  Оформление конверта

Addressing an envelope

  The Sender’s address
o Sender’s  Full Name o Street Address o City, State and Zip Code

                                                             The Recipient’s address

o  Recipient's Full Name o Street Address o City, State and Zip Code

b) Деловое письмо. Прочитайте рекомендации по оформлению делового письма.

Writing Business Letters. Read the tips for writing business letters. Remember not to use informal language like contractions.

1) Addresses:

- the Sender’s Address should be written in the top right-hand corner of the letter.

- the Recipient’s Address sh ould be written on the left, starting below the sender’s address.

Date: on the right or the left on the line after the sender’s address. Write the month as a word.

Salutation or greeting:

- Dear Sir or Madam,  - i f you do not know the name of the person you are                       

                                            writing to. But it is always advisable to find out the             

                                            name(s) of the recipient(s).

- Dear Mr Jenkins,       - i f you know the name, use the title (Mr, Mrs, Miss

                                           or Ms, Dr, etc.) and the surname only. If you are writing to a woman and do not know if she uses Mrs or Miss, you can use Ms, which is for married and single women.

4) The reference:

With reference to your advertisement in the Reporter,… your letter of May 5th,…

Thank you for your letter of May 5th.

5) The reason for writing:

  I am writing to

enquire about …

apologize for…



Could you possibly…?

I would be grateful if you could…?

Agreeing to requests: I would be delighted to…

Giving bad news:


I am afraid that…

Enclosing documents: I am enclosing… Please find enclosed

6) Closing remarks:

Thank you for your help.

Please contact us again if we can help in anyway there are any problems you have any questions

7) Reference to future contact:

I look forward to

hearing from you soon.

meeting seeing next Tuesday.

8) Ending a letter:

- Yours faithfully         - if you do not know the name of the person

- Yours sincerely         - i f you know the name of the person


9) Your signature: s ign your name, then print it underneath the signature. If you think the person you are writing to might not know whether you are male of female, put you title in brackets after your name.


Ex. 20. Заполните пропуски в письме, используя стандартные фразы из упр. 19.

Complete the letter, using standard phrases from Ex.19.

  Dear Mr. Cochet,   (1-Refere nce)_____________your phone call today, (2-Reason for writing) _______________for not sending you the conference program.   (3-Giving bad news)______________, it is still being finalized. However, (4-Enclosing documents) _____________a draft program with some updated information.   (5-Closing remarks)_______________   (6-Ending a letter)________________   Jacqueline Scott Jacqueline Scott Conference Organizing Committee


Ex.21. Просмотрите письмо, и ответьте на вопросы.

Scan the letter and answer the questions:

1. What kind of organization is she applying to?

2. Which areas of the law is she interested in?

3. What legal work experience has she had?

4. Which documents are enclosed in the letter?

Julia Schwende

(1)  Marktgasse 17

1210 Vienna


(2) 1 November 2012

 Robson, Mumsen and Meech LLP (3)

8 Hawthorn Road

Saffron Walden


CB11 3KL


Dear Sir or Madam, (4)

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