Explain the following words and word combinations in other words or give synonyms where it is possible. — КиберПедия 

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Explain the following words and word combinations in other words or give synonyms where it is possible.

2021-03-18 86
Explain the following words and word combinations in other words or give synonyms where it is possible. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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A long haul aircraft, to be intended for(A), to airdrop the paratroops (B); formation flights, unprepared airstrips (E); contraption, a demountable deck (F); in compliance with, airworthiness criteria, customer (I).


Translate from Russian into English.

1) Ан-70 дальнемагистральный военный транспортный самолёт с коротким пробегом, предназначенный для перевозки военного груза общей массой до 47 тонн.

2) В зависимости от эксплуатационного  режима и массы груза, Ан-70 может взлетать с бетонных взлётно-посадочных полос средней прочности, длинной 1800 метров.

3) Четыре двигателя D-27 с соосными вентиляторами обеспечивают высокую крейсерскую скорость при более низком потреблении топлива на 20-30%, по сравнению с другими современными турбореактивными самолётами.

4) Бортовые системы управления и диагностики позволяют Ан-70 работать автономно без какой-либо специальной наземной инфраструктуры.

5) Высокий технический и эксплуатационный потенциал Ан-70 делает возможным строить на его основе целый ряд моделей и военных, и гражданских: самолёт авиации раннего предупреждения, летающий командный пост, самолёт патрулирования, самолёт-заправщик и многие другие.

6) Консорциум является единственным юридическим лицом, имеющим право сроить Ан-70 и вносить изменения в его конструкцию.


  Focus on writing

Rearrange the following words to form meaningful sentences. Work in groups.

1) cargo / An-70 / intended for / up to 47t / of / total mass / of / a/ military / long haul / plane / transport / short take-off / military / airlifting / is.

2) speed / SV-27 coaxial fans / turbojets / with / high / consumption / at 20-30% lower / four D-27 engines / with / modern / fuel / ensure / other / cruising / comparing.

3) weather / every / in / latitude / any / at / for / avionics / operation / the / plane / integrated / of / digital / the / night / by / day / or / provide.

4) enable / load-carrying / to load / in-built / as / contraptions / the / unload / the cargo / it / plane / airdrop / well / as / and.

5) requirements / at / is / certification / with / its / present / the Air force’s / and / undergoing / AP-25 / criteria / An-70 / flight / airworthiness / compliance / tests.


2. Use the prepositions in the box to complete the sentences.

             in        on       for          over          without         by        up to            with           at               of           from     

1) An-70 can take off            the average-strength concrete runways 1800m long.

2) It carries 20 - 35t ____ cargo ____ 1450 - 3000km distance.

3) An - 70 is intended ____ airlifting military cargo of ____ 47t.

4) Four D - 27 engines ensure high cruising speed ____ 20 - 30% lower fuel consumption, comparing ____ other modern turbojets.

5) The integrated digital avionics provide ____ steady operation of the plane ____ day or night ____ every latitude ____ any weather, flights ____ the bank terrain.

6) ____ customers demand the plane can be equipped ____ the second easily demountable deck or roll - ways ____ container - handling.

7) On-board control and diagnostic systems allow An-70 to operate autonomously ____ any special ground infrastructure.

Write a summary of the text.



1. a) Read the text again. Find the details and fill in the table.

Load-carrying contraptions  
Integrated digital avionics  
International Consortium (founders and activity)  


b) Speak on the points from the table. Work in pairs.


c) Research any new transport aircraft and compare its performances with An - 70.


2. Work in groups. You are involved in developing of different systems or parts of the aircraft. Today you are to make a report to your boss. You are responsible for one of the following topics:


    - engines

    - avionics

    - loading and unloading

    - control systems

    - flight performances

    - ICMTA (Consortium)

Choose the topic to speak on. Invent and develop your own ideas for aircraft improvements.


                                        American Eagles

Preparing to Read

Look at the title of the text ''American Eagles ''. Write down 10 words that may be related to the topic. Then work in pairs, share the words and give your prediction about the contents of the text.

Look at the following list and try to guess what type of aircraft it is. Work in groups and share the information.


     extremely maneuverable

     air superiority

     unprecedented avionics

     high engine thrust-to-weight ratio

     tactical electronic-warfare system

     air-to-air weaponry

     advanced radars

     turn without loosing airspeed

     electronic countermeasures set

     weapon control stick


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