High-size long-time space station — КиберПедия 

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High-size long-time space station

2021-03-18 79
High-size long-time space station 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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A. Space has always drawn attention of mankind. But up to now man’s flights have been limited to near Earth space. The problem of long-time man’s flights is connected with the necessity of complex life-support system for long time of man’s existence in space. It needs a big volume of water, air and food. Theoretical calculations of space station with life-support system shows that a very big size and mass station is needed for long time space flight without the Earth support. However, the size and mass of station sent to the Earth orbit are limited by possibility of launch vehicle. So, now and then numerous projects of compound station which could be expanded at any time in free space have come out. All those projects contained rather complicated constructions with hermetic connections and systems of expanding which could not be used in real space flight.

B. The problem of making of a high-size frame can be solved by using of technology of the polymerization of fibre-filled composites and a reactionable matrix applied in space or on other space body when space station will be working during a long period of time. In due time the prepreg carries out into free space, unfolds and hence proceeds to the fast polymerization of a matrix.

C. This way of producing the artificial space vehicle airframes has some advantages – no complex mechanical structures are used that require hermetic sealing and other operations. The manufacture of this airframe does not require the permanent human presence. The prepreg may be unfolded automatically from the container under a program which eliminates the extravehicular activity of an operator in free space at all. This technology may be employed, along with Earth orbit, to make space stations on other celestial bodies such as the Moon, the Mars, asteroids, etc. The main advantage of this technology is the absence of restrictions on the frame sizes. Great volume of station can be released in one or some frames connected through transportation junctions. There are no restrictions on the station form.   

D. There are some basic specific space factors capable to influence the polymer curing. These are:


-sharp temperature drops depending on the surface solar radiation;

- erosive effect of different types of space radiation;

- specific atmosphere of a planet able to influence the polymerization on other celestial bodies.

E. For a long time, flights in far space stations must be equipped with the closed self-regulating ecological systems. The closed ecological system must exist during all time of space flight. Regeneration of air, water, microelement compounds and other must be conducted without human help. But this system must include cosmonauts, as a part of system. Studies of these systems are being carried out for a long time in different countries. As it was shown, the existence of this closed system is possible. Creation of the closed ecological system is possible to be based on our modern knowledge. On the other side, existence of the closed ecological system on modern space ships is not possible today. Stability of ecological system can be observed at a big diversity of plants, animals and microorganisms. So, for stability of this ecological system the space station must have very high volume. Sufficient volume can not be made on modern space ships created on usual technology. 

Comprehension check

1. Agree or disagree with these statements:

1. The size and mass of station sent to the Earth orbit are limited by gravity.

2. The problem of making of a high-size frame can be solved by means of cascade welding of superlight titanium alloy.

3. High-size frames could be done by using a reactionable matrix applied in space.

4. The manufacture of this airframe requires the extravehicular activity of an operator in free space.

5. The main advantage of this technology is the absence of restrictions on the frame size.

6. Closed ecological system can exist without cosmonauts on modern spaceships.

7. Vacuum, specific atmosphere of a planet, sharp temperature drops influence the polymer curing.

8. Future flights in far space must be supplied with self-regulating ecological system.


  2. Divide the text into logical parts. Think of the subtitle to each part. Highlight the topic words of each part.


3. Which of the following sentences summarize the main idea of the paragraph A most accurately?

1. Solving of the problem of long-time space man’s flight is impossible without new materials for space construction.

2. To improve the possibility of launch vehicle is the only way out to construct new space stations.

3. Long-time man’s space flight is possible only in closed ecological system.

4. Complex life-support system is needed to provide long-time man’s existence in space.

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