Driving Device КБ  Пункты здоровья     Hardness — КиберПедия 

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Driving Device КБ  Пункты здоровья     Hardness

2021-02-05 80
Driving Device КБ  Пункты здоровья     Hardness 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
Заказать работу

Reins             14        10           0

Rigging           9 5 per square of sail 0

Steering Wheel 10        25           5

Throttle          12        15           5

Rudder           10        25           5

Magically Treated —        ×2          ×2


Вторжение+ черта, she may also add those modifiers and benefits to the vehicular вторжение. Like a normal вторжение, this action provokes an внеочередная атака from the creature being вторжение, unless the driver has the Вторжение+ черта. The creature being вторжение can make this внеочередная атака on any part of the vehicle that is within reach.

When a vehicular вторжение is attempted, the target of the вторжение may choose to avoid the vehicle, allowing the vehicle to pass through its space without requiring a vehicular вторжение maneuver check. The creature or vehicle cannot avoid a maneuver check if the driver has the Вторжение+ черта, the vehicle is two or more размер categories Крупныйr than the target, or the target creature is замешательство, ступорd, опутываниеd, застигнут врасплох, беспомощьность, паралич, распластан, or шок. If the target does not avoid the vehicle, make the боевой маневр check as normal. If the maneuver is successful, the vehicle moves through the target’s space, and the target of the вторжение takes the vehicle’s ramming damage (see Table 4–3 for base ramming damage by размер, and individual vehicle stat blocks for their own ramming damage). If the driver’s боевой маневр check exceeds the target’s ЗБМ by 5 or more, the target takes twice the vehicle’s ramming damage. If the target is a creature, it is also Knocked распластан. If the target has more than two legs, it gets a +2 bonus to its ЗБМ for each additional leg it has. Vehicles that are вторжение are Knocked распластан if the opposing driver’s боевой маневр check result exceeds the vehicle’s ЗБМ by 10 or more. A vehicle that is Knocked распластан makes a sudden stop (see Sudden Stops on page 180).

It takes at least 5 действие полного ходаs and a СЛ 25 Сила check from creatures adjacent to the vehicle to push a Крупный land or water vehicle up from being распластан. For every размер category that the vehicle is Крупныйr than размер Крупный, increase the number of действие полного ходаs by three and the Сила check СЛ by 5.

The driver of a распластан air vehicle must succeed at a СЛ 25 Полет check immediately to avoid falling.

A vehicle equipped with a ram deals +2d8 points of damage with a vehicular вторжение.

Vehicular Bull Rush: As a быстрое действие, taken when the driver takes all but the “uncontrolled” action while driving the vehicle, a driver can choose to substitute all or some of her vehicular вторжениеs with vehicular таран maneuvers until the end of the vehicle’s movement that turn. A vehicular таран pushes a creature or a vehicle away without doing повреждение. If the driver does not have the Таран+ черта or a similar ability, initiating a vehicular таран provokes an внеочередная атака from the creature being таранed with the vehicle.

If the таран is successful, the target of the таран is pushed 5 feet away from the vehicle. If you succeed at the check for the vehicular таран by 5 or more, you can deal the vehicle’s ramming damage to the creature. For every 5 by which your attack exceeds your opponent’s ЗБМ, you push the target an additional 5 feet away. A creature being moved by a vehicular таран does not провоцирует внеочередные атаки, unless the driver possesses the Таран++ черта. You cannot таран a creature or vehicle into a square that is occupied by an object (including a vehicle). If there is another creature in the way of a таран, the driver must immediately make a боевой маневр check to таран that creature, taking a –4 penalty on this check for each creature being pushed beyond the first. If successful, the driver can continue to push the creature or vehicle a дальнобойное equal to the lesser result.

Ramming: Any time any part of a vehicle (including any creatures used as propulsion) enters the space of a creature or vehicle of its размер or Крупныйr, or the space of a solid sturdy object (like a wall or a building) no matter the размер of that object, it makes a ramming maneuver against that creature or object. There is no maneuver check for a ramming maneuver; its effects happen automatically. When a vehicle makes a ramming maneuver against a creature or an object, the vehicle deals its ramming damage to the creature or object, and the vehicle takes half that damage. The base amount of damage that a ramming vehicle does and takes is determined by its размер (see Table 4–3).

When a vehicle makes a ramming maneuver against a solid object, to determine how much damage both the solid object and the vehicle take, allow the vehicle to enter the solid object’s space. The vehicle воля only travel through that space if the damage is enough to destroy the solid object; in all other cases the vehicle takes the damage and then comes to a sudden stop directly in front of the solid object.

When a vehicle makes a ramming maneuver against a creature, a nonsolid object, or another vehicle, it can enter the space of the object or the creature, and even end its move within that space.

A vehicle can have a ram or similar ramming device on its forward facing. If it does, it ignores the damage for the first square it enters of a solid object, and all squares for other objects and creatures. A ram can be added to a Крупный vehicle for 50 зм, a Огромный vehicle for 100 зм, a Гигантский vehicle for 200 зм, and a Колоссальный vehicle for 400 зм. A vehicle cannot have a ram if it uses muscle propulsion (pulled).

If a vehicle is being pulled by a creature or creatures when the vehicle takes damage due to a ramming maneuver, the creatures that are pulling it are damaged as well, and are Knocked распластан. A successful Реакция проверка испытания (СЛ 10 + 1 for every 10 feet of the быстрое the vehicle was moving when it hit the vehicle, structure, or creature) halves the damage and the creatures pulling it are not Knocked распластан.

If the vehicle making the ramming maneuver is a muscle-propelled (pulled) vehicle, the creatures pulling the vehicle attempt to avoid making a ramming maneuver. If a ramming maneuver is imminent, those creatures decelerate at a rate of up to twice their acceleration as an прерывающее действие or attempt to swerve out of the way (automatically moving diagonally to avoid the vehicle or structure even if they were not driven to do so), avoiding the vehicle or structure if possible. The driver chooses which of these options occurs. A skilled driver can attempt to force the creature to continue the ramming maneuver, but doing so requires a СЛ 30 Дрессировка, Дипломатия, or Запугивание check, depending on the type and Интеллект of the creature. The driver makes this check as an прерывающее действие when the creature tries to decelerate or swerve out of the way.



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