Material Пункты здоровья per Square Hardness — КиберПедия 

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Material Пункты здоровья per Square Hardness

2021-02-05 76
Material Пункты здоровья per Square Hardness 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Sails                     5                 0

Dirigible                5                 0

Alchemical Engine 20                8

Magically Treated ×2               ×2

Taking Control of a Vehicle: If a vehicle has no driver, any creature can take control of the vehicle as long as the creature is within the driving space of the vehicle and makes a driving check as a свободное действие. The vehicle’s driver can always give over control to another adjacent creature that is within the driving space of the vehicle as a свободное действие. When a new creature becomes the driver, the vehicle moves on the new driver’s turn, but not on the new driver’s first turn after taking control of the vehicle. If a creature wants to take control of a vehicle from another forcefully, it must pull the driver off the controls as part of a grapple and take over the driving device as part of a pin. When a creature successfully pins a vehicle’s driver, it can choose to end the grapple immediately. When it does, the creature moves the current driver 5 feet to any unoccupied space within the vehicle (this movement does not провоцирует внеочередные атаки) and becomes the vehicle’s new driver.

Attacks against Vehicles: A vehicle has a base Armor Class based on its размер and other defenses the vehicle has. To calculate the vehicle’s actual КБ, add the current driver’s driving skill modifier (or Мудрость modifier, if it is using that ability to drive the vehicle) to the vehicle’s base КБ. Touch attacks against a vehicle ignore its driver’s driving skill or ability modifier; thus a vehicle’s base КБ is its touch КБ. A vehicle is never considered застигнут врасплох.

A vehicle has a base проверка испытания listed in its stat block. This determines its base Стойкость and Реакция проверка испытания. A vehicle is immune to effects that require a Воля проверка испытания (though drivers, crew members, passengers, and creatures providing muscle propulsion typically are not). To determine the vehicle’s actual Стойкость and Реакция испытания, add half the driver’s driving skill modifier (or half the driver’s Мудрость modifier) to the vehicle’s base проверка испытания.

Vehicles have пункты здоровья, but do not have Характеристикиs, and are immune to Характеристики damage or drain. They are also immune to кровотечение damage. A vehicle that takes damage in excess of half its total пункты здоровья gains the сломан condition. When a vehicle reaches 0 or fewer пункты здоровья, but has not yet reached negative пункты здоровья equal to the number of squares of its space, it is wrecked. When a vehicle reaches a negative number of пункты здоровья equal to the number of squares it takes up, it is destroyed (see Damaging a Vehicle on page 179).

Unlike other objects, vehicles do not take half damage from energy attacks, but do take half damage from all ranged weapons except siege weapons.

When attacking a vehicle, you can attack the vehicle’s structure, occupant, propulsion, driving device, or conveyance (if any).

Attacking the Structure: This is an attack against the vehicle itself. If successful, the vehicle takes damage normally.

Attacking an Occupant: This is a normal attack against an occupant creature. Occupants get partial cover or greater if the attack is coming from outside of the vehicle. Grappling the driver is one method for taking control of the vehicle.

Attacking Propulsion: Propulsion often has its own set of statistics, while creatures propelling a vehicle use their own statistics. Other types of propulsion have пункты здоровья and hardness determined by multiplying the values listed in the Propulsion Devices sidebar by the vehicle’s total number of squares of that type. Individual vehicle stat blocks also detail their propulsion.

If a vehicle is being pulled by creatures, and any of those creatures is killed, ступорd, шок, or becomes без сознания, the vehicle comes to a sudden stop (see Sudden Stops on page 180). If a vehicle has a crew, and half or more of that crew is killed, ступорd, шок, or rendered без сознания, the vehicle can no longer be controlled.

Attacking the Driving Device: A driving device is its own object with its own statistics. When a driving device gains the сломан condition or is едва жив, all driving checks are increased by 10. When a driving device is destroyed, the vehicle can no longer be driven. Driving devices are typically objects with object immunities and сопротивляемостьs. Attacking Conveyance: An attack against wheels, rudders, or similar forms of conveyance takes a –10 penalty on the attack roll, but does maximum damage to the vehicle (no roll necessary). If the attack is a critical hit, multiply this maximum damage by the critical multiplier of the attack.

Conveyances are typically objects with object immunities and сопротивляемостьs.

Vehicle Боевые маневры: Vehicles typically don’t have attacks, though some can be fitted with siege weapons (see page 177). A vehicle can make, and is often required to make, a vehicular таран, vehicular вторжение, or ramming maneuver as part of its movement. Unlike creatures, a vehicle can enter the space of creatures or objects Небольшойer than it, and when it does, it makes either a vehicular вторжение or vehicular таран. When a vehicle hits a creature or a vehicle that is its размер or Крупныйr, or it hits a solid object (a wall or structure that is immobile and has a hardness of 5 or more), it makes a ramming maneuver.

Vehicular Over Бегун: Any time any part of a vehicle (including any creatures used as propulsion) enters the space of a creature or vehicle Небольшойer than it, the driver must make a vehicular вторжение боевой маневр against the creature or vehicle. This may require the driver to make vehicular вторжение checks against the same creature numerous times as new parts of the vehicle enter its square.

When исполнение a vehicular вторжение, the driver uses the base МБМ of the vehicle plus her driving skill modifier (or Мудрость skill modifier if she is using that ability to drive the vehicle) as the МБМ of the vehicular вторжение. If the driver has черты that improve her МБМ when overRunning, like the



The following are some of the typical driving devices for vehicles, plus their usual Armor Class, пункты здоровья, and hardness. A сломан driving device increases the driving check of the vehicle by 10. When a driving device is destroyed, a vehicle cannot be driven until the driving device is repaired.


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