Surprise Follow-Through (combat) — КиберПедия 

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Surprise Follow-Through (combat)

2021-02-05 72
Surprise Follow-Through (combat) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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When striking one opponent, you catch its ally off guard.

Предпосылки: Сил 13, Бойня, Сокрушительный Удар, base бонус атаки +1.

Преимущества: When using Бойня or Бойня+, the second foe you attack on your turn is denied its Ловкость bonus against you.



Seeing an ally ярость fills you with your own fury.

Предпосылки: полуорк or orc, nonпринципиальность.

Преимущества: Whenever you are adjacent to an ally who is raging, you may choose to enter a similar but less powerful ярость as a свободное действие on your turn. This weaker ярость gives you all the benefits and penalties of a варвар’s ярость, except your бонус боевого духа to Сила and Выносливость is only +2. There is no limit to how long you can ярость, as long as you remain adjacent to a raging ally (for example, you could take a широкий шаг away from one raging ally toward another raging ally and maintain your ярость). As with a варвар’s ярость, when this weaker ярость ends, you are утомление. You cannot use this feat if you are утомление.



Your spirit lingers long after any other’s would have passed on.

Предпосылки: Вын 13, Крепкий Орешек, Двужильный, полуорк or orc.

Преимущества: When you are killed by пункт здоровья damage, your soul lingers in your body for a number of rounds equal to your Выносливость bonus. You are still мертв, but a creature can make a СЛ 10 Лечение check as a основное действие to realize that you can still be saved. You can be healed by magic as if you were alive. If you are healed enough пункты здоровья that you would no longer be мертв, you are alive again, but you gain one permanent negative level.



Killing fuels your ярость.

Предпосылки: полуорк or orc, ярость class feature.

Преимущества: When you are raging and your attack reduces an enemy to negative пункты здоровья or kills it, you regain 1 round of ярость. You may only use this feat if the fallen enemy had at least as many Hit Dice as you. You can only gain this benefit once per round.


Полуорк магические вещи

полуорки have access to the following магические вещи.



Aura faint иллюзия; CL 1st

Slot shoulders; Price 900 gp; Weight 1 lb.


This plain cloak only has any effect when worn by a member of a half-human народ such as a полуорк or полуэльф. It alters the wearer’s appearance similarly to a hat of Маскировка, but only to the extent that it conceals or alters the wearer’s non-human physical traits so the creature appears fully human. Any feature that is plausibly human remains. For example, a полуорк wearing the cloak loses his green or gray skin color and pointed ears, has no visible tusks, and is otherwise completely able to pass as a human version of his normal self. Likewise, a полуэльф wearing the cloak has round ears, humanlike eyes, and no other traits indicating эльф ancestry. The wearer has no control over the specific guise, and those familiar with his normal appearance can recognize him in his human guise.


Requirements Создание Волшебных Вещиц, Маскировка self; Cost 450 gp



Aura faint превращение; CL 5th

Slot ring; Price 3,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.


This ring allows its wearer to persevere through physical or mental trauma that hampers his actions. The ring has 5 charges, renewed each day. At the start of his turn, if the wearer is ошеломление, as a свободное действие he may spend a charge to activate the ring and ignore the ошеломление condition until his next turn.


Requirements Создание Колец, ускорение, первая помощь; Cost 1,500 gp



Aura moderate превращение; CL 10th

Slot none; Price 11,320 gp; Weight 12 lbs.


The blade of this +1 острое greataxe is carved from jet-black obsidian. When the wielder charges an enemy, he receives a +10 foot бонус усиления to his быстрое that round. Once per day, he can приказ the axe to grant all allies within 30 футов a +10 foot бонус усиления to базовая скорость for 1 round.


Requirements Создание Волшебного Оружия И Доспехов, поспешное отступление, острое лезвие; Cost 5,820 gp


Полуорк заклинания

полуорки have access to the following заклинания.



Школа: очарование (принуждение) [эмоция, разум];

Круг: алхимик 3, antiпаладин 3, жрец 4, инквизитор 3, следопыт 3, ведьма 4

Время сотворения: 1 основное действие

Components V, S

Дистанция: personal

Target you

Длит.: 1 мин./1 УЗ

Save Воли отменяет;

устойчивость к магии yes

You are transformed into a single-minded сила of уничтожение. You gain the ferocity monster special ability, a number of temporary пункты здоровья equal to 1d6 + your caster level (maximum +10), and a +4 бонус боевого духа on испытания against эффекты влияющие на разум. You cannot use the withdraw action or willingly move away from a creature that has attacked you.

When you use this заклинание, you immediately take 4 points of Интеллект damage. You must make a СЛ 20 concentration check to cast заклинания, and all other concentration checks to cast заклинания have a -5 penalty.



Школа: воплощение (создание);

Круг: чародей/волшебник 4, призыватель 2

Casting Time 10 minutes

Компоненты: V, S, F (dire wolf tooth)

Дистанция: 0 футов

Effect one quasi-real wolflike creature

Длит.: 1 hour/level (D) or 1 round/level; see text

Испытание: none (see description);

устойчивость к магии no

This заклинание conjures a крупный, quasi-real, wolflike creature made of roiling black smoke. It functions as фантомный скакун, except as noted above. In addition, the creature radiates an aura of ужас. Any creature with fewer than 6 Hit Dice within 30 футов (except the ghost wolf‘s rider) must make a испытание Воли or become потрясение for 1d4 rounds (this is a разум ужас effect).

A creature that makes its испытание Воли is unaffected by the steed’s ужас aura for 24 hours.

The ghost wolf may also be used in combat. Once per round, the rider may direct the ghost wolf to attack in battle as a свободное действие (bite +10, 1d8+6 points of damage); unlike an животное скакун, this does not require a Верховая Езда check or any training. Once the ghost wolf attacks, it lasts for only 1 round per level thereafter.



Школа: превращение;

Круг: алхимик 5, жрец 5, друид 5, чародей/волшебник 5, ведьма 5

Casting Time 1 hour

Компоненты: V, S, M (oils and ядs worth 3,000 gp), DF

Дистанция: атака касанием

Цель: willing полуорк атака касаниемed

Длит.: instantaneous

Saving Throw none;

устойчивость к магии no

You transform the target полуорк into a full-blooded orc. The target loses all of its полуорк особенности народа and gains the orc особенности народа.



Школа: превращение;

Круг: алхимик 1, antiпаладин 1, инквизитор 1, маг 1, паладин 1, следопыт 1

Время сотворения: 1 основное действие

Components V, S

Дистанция: personal

Target you

Длит.: 1 мин./1 УЗ

You gain a +20 foot bonus to your базовая скорость when charging and a +2 bonus on combat maneuver checks made to таран or Вторжение.



Школа: превращение;

Круг: antiпаладин 1, жрец 2, друид 2, инквизитор 2, маг 2, следопыт 1

Время сотворения: 1 основное действие

Components V, S

Дистанция: personal

Target you

Длит.: 1 мин./1 УЗ (D), special (see below)

Your teeth extend and sharpen, transforming your mouth into a maw of razor-sharp fangs. You gain a bite attack that deals 1d4 points of damage plus your модификатор Силы. If you confirm a критический удар with this attack, it also deals 1 point of кровотечение damage. If you already have a bite attack, your bite deals 2 points of кровотечение damage on a критический удар. You are considered proficient with this attack. If used as part of a full-attack action, the bite is considered a secondary attack, is made at your full base бонус атаки -5, and adds half your модификатор Силы to its damage.

You can end this заклинание before its normal duration by making a bestial roar as a быстрое действие. When you do, you can make an Запугивание check to demoralize all foes within a 30-foot radius that can hear the roar.


Optimistic and cheerful by nature, blessed with uncanny luck, and driven by a powerful wanderlust, полурослики make up for their short stature with an abundance of bravado and curiosity. At once excitable and easy-going, полурослики like to keep an even temper and a steady eye on opportunity, and are not as распластан to violent or эмоцияal outвзрывs as some of the more volatile народы. Even in the jaws of catastrophe, полурослики almost never lose their sense of humor. Their ability to find humor in the absurd, no matter how dire the situation, often allows полурослики to дальнобойное themselves ever so sсветly from the dangers that surround them. This sense of detachment can also help щит them from terrors that might immobilize their allies.

полурослики are inveterate opportunists. They firmly believe they can turn any situation to their advantage, and sometimes gleefully leap into trouble without any solid plan to extricate themselves if things go awry. Often unable to physically defend themselves from the rigors of the world, they know when to bend with the wind and when to hide away. Yet полурослики’ curiosity often overwhelms their добро sense, leading to poor decisions and narrow escapes. While harsh experience sometimes teaches полурослики a measure of caution, it rarely makes them completely lose faith in their luck or stop believing that the universe, in some strange way, exists for their entertainment and would never really allow them to come to повреждение.

Though their curiosity drives them to seek out new places and experiences, полурослики possess a strong sense of hземля and home, often spending above their means to enhance the comforts of domestic life. Without a doubt, полурослики enjoy luxury and comfort, but they have equally strong reasons to make their homes a showcase. полурослики consider this urge to devote time, money, and energy toward improving their dwellings a sign of both respect for stследопытs and affection for their loved ones. Whether for their own blood kin, cherihed friends, or honored guests, полурослики make their homes beautiful in order to express their feelings toward those they welcome inside. Even traveling полурослики typically decorate their wagons or carry a few cherihed keepsakes to adorn their campsites.

Physical Description: полурослики rise to a humble height of 3 футов. They prefer to walk barefoot, leading the bottoms of their футов to become roughly calloused. Tufts of thick, curly hair warm the tops of their broad, tanned футов.

Their skin tends toward a rich cinnamon color and their hair toward свет живые тени of brown. A half ling’s ears are pointed, but proportionately not much крупныйr than those of a human.

полурослики prefer simple and modest clothing. Though willing and able to dress up if the situation требованиеs it, their racial urge to remain quietly in the background makes them rather conservative dressers in most situations. Half ling entertainers, on the other hand, make their livings by drawing attention, and tend to go overboard with gaudy and flashy costumes.

Society: Rather than place their faith in empires or great causes, many полурослики prefer to focus on the simpler and humbler virtues of their families and local communities. полурослики claim no cultural homeland and control no settlements крупныйr than rural assemblies of free towns. Most often, they dwell at the knees of their human cousins in human cities, eking out livings as they can from the scraps of крупныйr societies. Many полурослики lead perfectly fulfilling lives in the тень of their крупныйr neighbors, while some prefer more nomadic lives, traveling the world and experiencing all it has to offer.

полурослики rely on customs and traditions to maintain their own culture. They have an extensive oral history filled with important stories about folk heroes who exemplify particular half ling virtues, but otherwise see little purpose in studying history in and of itself. Given a choice between a pointless truth and a useful fable, полурослики almost always opt for the fable. This tendency helps to explain at least something of the famous полурослик adaptability. полурослики look to the future and find it very easy to cast off the weight of ancient grudges or obligations that drag down so many other народы.

Relations: A typical half ling prides himself on his ability to go unnoticed by other народы-a trait that allows many полурослики to excel at thievery and trickery. Most полурослики know full well the stereotypical view other народы take of them as a result, and go out of their way to be forthcoming and friendly to the bigger народы when they’re not trying to go unnoticed. They get along fвоздухly well with гномы, although most полурослики regard these eccentric creatures with a hefty dose of caution. полурослики respect эльфы and дварфы, but these народы often live in remote regions far from the comforts of civilization that полурослики enjoy, thus limiting opportunities for interaction. By and крупный, only полуорки are shunned by полурослики, for their great size and violent natures are a bit too intimidating for most полурослики to cope with.

Полурослики coexist well with люди as a general rule, but since some of the more aggressive human societies value полурослики as slaves, they try not to grow too complacent. Полурослики strongly value their свобода, especially the ability to travel in search of new experiences and the autonomy this requires. However, practical and flexible as always, enslaved полурослики seldom fight back directly against their masters. When possible, they wait for the perfect opportunity and then simply slip away. Sometimes, if enslaved for long enough, полурослики even come to adopt their owners as their new families. Though they still сновидение of escape and liberty, these полурослики also make the best of their lives.

Alignment and Religion: Полурослики are loyal to their friends and families, but since they dwell in a world dominated by народы twice as крупный as themselves, they have come to grips with the fact that sometimes they need to scrape and scrounge for Выживание. Most полурослики are нейтральный as a result. Though they usually make a show of respecting the laws and endorsing the prejudices of their communities, полурослики place an even greater emphasis on the innate common sense of the individual. When a полурослик disagrees with society at крупный, he Воля do what he thinks is best.

Always practical, полурослики frequently worship the deity most favored by their крупныйr and more powerful neighbors. They also usually cover their bets, however, by giving Desna his due. The goddess of both luck and travel seems a natural fit for most полурослики and offering his a quick молебен every now and then is only common sense.

Adventurers: Their inherent luck coupled with their insatiable wanderlust makes полурослики ideal candidates for lives of adventure. Though perfectly willing to pocket any valuables they come across, полурослики often care more for the new experiences adventuring brings them than for any material reward. полурослики tend to view money as a means of making their lives easier and more comfortable, not as an end in and of itself.

Other such vagabonds often put up with this curious народ in hopes that some of their mystical luck Воля rub off. полурослики see nothing wrong with encouraging this belief, not just in their traveling companions, but also in the крупныйr world. Many try to use their reputation for luck to haggle for reduced fare when traveling by ship or caravan, or even for an overnight stay at an inn. They meet with mixed success, but there are just enough stories circulating about the добро fortune that befalls people traveling with полурослики to give even the most skeptical pause. Of course, some suspect that полурослики deliberately облако these reports for just that reason.

Male Names: Antal, Boram, Hyrgan, Jamir, Lem, Miro, Sumak, Tribin, Uldar, Vraxim.

Female Names: Anafa, Bellis, Etune, Filiu, Irlana, Marra, Pressi, Rilka, Sistra, Wyssal, Yamyra.



+2 Ловкость, +2 Харизма, -2 Сила: Полурослики are nimble and strong-Воляed, but their небольшой stature makes them weaker than other народы.

небольшой: Полурослики are небольшой creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to their КБ, a +1 size бонус к броскам атаки, a -1 penalty to their МБМ and ЗБМ, and a +4 size bonus on Скрытность checks.

замедление быстрое: Полурослики have a базовая скорость of 20 футов.

ужас less: Полурослики receive a +2 бонус народа on all испытания against ужас. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by полурослик luck.

Полурослик Luck: Полурослики receive a +1 бонус народа on all испытания.

Острые Чувства: Полурослики receive a +2 бонус народа on Внимание checks.

Sure- Footed: Полурослики receive a +2 бонус народа on Акробатика and Лазание checks.

Weapon Familiarity: Полурослики are proficient with slings and treat any weapon with the word “полурослик” in its name as a martial weapon.

Languages: Полурослики begin play speaking Common and Полурослик.

Полурослики with high Интеллект scores can choose from the following: дварфы, Elven, Gnome, and гоблин.



полурослики are naturally blessed with добро luck and adaptability to their surroundings. The following rules correspond with these attributes and may be used with any half ling character.



The following особенности народа may be selected instead of existing half ling особенности народа. Consult your GM before selecting any of these new options.

Adaptable Luck: Some полурослики have greater control over their innate luck. This ability gives them more options for how they can apply their добро fortune from day to day, but also narrows its scope. Three times per day, a half ling can gain a +2 luck bonus on an ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. If полурослики choose to use the ability before they make the roll or check, they gain the full +2 bonus; if they choose to do so afterward, they only gain a +1 bonus. Using адаптивное luck in this way is not an action. This особенность народа replaces half ling luck.

Craven: While most полурослики are ужасless, some are skittish, making them particularly alert. полурослики with this особенность народа gain a +1 bonus on initiative checks and a +1 бонус к броскам атаки when flanking. They take a -2 penalty on saves against ужас effects and gain no benefit from бонус боевого духаes on such saves. When affected by a ужас effect, their базовая скорость increases by 10 футов and they gain a +1 бонус уклонения to Класс Брони. This особенность народа replaces ужасless and half ling luck.

Быстроногий of Foot: Some полурослики are quicker than their kin but less cautious. полурослики with this особенность народа move at normal быстрое and have a базовая скорость of 30 футов. This особенность народа replaces замедление быстрое and sure-footed.

Ingratiating: полурослики often survive at the whims of крупныйr, more aggressive народы. Because of this, they go out of their way to make themselves more useful, or at least entertaining, to крупныйr folk. полурослики with this особенность народа gain a +2 bonus on skill checks for a single Исполнение skill of their choice, and Исполнение is always a class skill for them. They also gain a +2 bonus on Ремесло and Профессия checks. This особенность народа replaces Острые Чувства and sure-footed.

Low Blow: Some полурослики train extensively in the art of attacking крупныйr creatures. полурослики with this особенность народа gain a +1 bonus on critical confirmation rolls against opponents крупныйr than themselves. This особенность народа replaces Острые Чувства.

Outrider: Some полурослики specialize in Бой Верхом. Полурослики with this особенность народа gain a +2 bonus on Дрессировка and Верховая Езда checks. This особенность народа replaces sure-footed.

Polyglot: Some полурослики, especially those who spend a lot of time traveling, develop a talent for learning new languages. These полурослики gain a +2 бонус народа on Языкознание checks, and it is always a class skill for them. полурослики with this особенность народа also begin play with the ability to speak Common, Half ling, and any one other language of their choice (except for secret languages, such as друидic) in addition to дополнительные языкиs due to high Интеллект. They still gain the normal list of half ling дополнительные языкиs. This особенность народа replaces Острые Чувства and alters the half ling language особенность народа.

Practicality: полурослики value hard work and common sense. полурослики with this особенность народа gain a +2 bonus on any one Ремесло or Профессия skill, as well as on Проницательность checks and saves against иллюзияs. This особенность народа replaces ужасless and sure-footed.

Shiftless: полурослики have a reputation for larceny and guile-and sometimes it’s well deserved. полурослики with this особенность народа gain a +2 бонус народа on Блеф and Ловкость Рук checks, and Ловкость Рук is always a class skill for them. This особенность народа replaces sure-footed.

Swift as теньs: полурослики possess incredible Скрытность even while moving through obstructed areas. полурослики with this особенность народа reduce the penalty for using Скрытность while moving by 5, and reduce the Скрытность check penalty for sniping by 10. This особенность народа replaces sure-footed.

Underfoot: полурослики must train hard to effectively fight bigger opponents. полурослики with this особенность народа gain a +1 бонус уклонения to КБ against foes крупныйr than themselves and a +1 bonus on Реакция испытания to avoid Затаптывание attacks. This особенность народа replaces half ling luck.

Wanderlust: полурослики love travel and maps. полурослики with this особенность народа receive a +2 bonus on Знание (география) and Выживание checks. When casting заклинания or using abilities that provide or enhance movement, полурослики treat their caster level as +1 higher than normal. This особенность народа replaces ужасless and half ling luck.

Warslinger: Полурослики are experts at the use of the sling. полурослики with this особенность народа can reload a sling as a свободное действие. Reloading a sling still requires two hands and provokes внеочередных атак. This особенность народа replaces sure-footed.



You can combine various alternate особенности народа to create half ling subнароды or variant народы, such as the following.

Avenging: Unlike most полурослики, members of this subtype actively look for trouble in their quest to avenge sсветs and wrongdoings. Whether resisting a local bully, monster, or troops of an oppressive ruler, полурослик warriors of this secret subculture don masks and Ответный Удар on behalf of their community. These полурослики have the low blow, underfoot, and warslinger alternate особенности народа.

Nomadic: These полурослики were born on the road and most follow it until the end of their days. They travel fast and свет and never miss a chance for either profit or adventure. These полурослики have the Быстроногий-footed, polyglot, and wanderlust alternate особенности народа.

Slave Born: These полурослики come from lineages that have spent countless generations as property. Though usually free themselves, the weight of slavery still bears down on their souls, making them eager to please and распластан to sudden fits of ужас. These полурослики have the craven and ingratiating alternate особенности народа.


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