Характеристики особенности народа — КиберПедия 

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Характеристики особенности народа

2021-02-05 78
Характеристики особенности народа 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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The following особенности народа add to the base характеристики modifiers chosen in the характеристики modifier quality.

Standard (0 RP): Members of this народ start with Common plus their racial language (if any). Furthermore, choose up to seven languages (except for друидic or other secret languages). Members of this народ with high Интеллект scores can choose from any of these additional languages.

Xenophobic (0 RP): Members of this народ start with their racial language only. народы without a racial language cannot take this array. Furthermore, choose up to four languages (except for друидic or other secret languages), one of which must be Common (or Undercommon, if the народ is native to the Darklands). Members of this народ with high Интеллект scores can choose from any of these additional languages.


STEP 3: особенности народа

Once you have chosen all your racial qualities, you may then choose your особенности народа with your remaining RP.

особенности народа are divided into several categories: характеристики, defense, feat and skill, magical, movement, offense, senses, weakness, and other особенности народа. The number of особенности народа you can buy from each category depends on the power level of the народ you are creating-standard народы can pick no more than three traits from each category, advanced народы can pick no more than four traits from each category, and monstrous народы can pick no more than five traits from each category. Furthermore, traits in each category are organized by type-standard, advanced, and monstrous. Standard народы can only select traits from the standard section of each category, advanced народы can select traits from the standard or advanced sections, and monstrous народы can select from any section.

Unless stated otherwise, all особенности народа are extraordinary abilities, and each особенность народа can only be taken once. The following format is used for all особенности народа.

Name (RP Cost): Each особенность народа begins with its name. The number of RP each trait costs is listed in parentheses directly after the name. For особенности народа you can take more than once, this is the number of RP you pay each time you take the traits, unless stated otherwise in the Special линия of the trait description.



Advanced Харизма (4 RP): Предпосылки: None; Преимущества: Members of this народ receive a +2 бонус народа to Харизма. Special: This bonus can be taken multiple times, but each additional time it is taken, its cost increases by 1 RP. Its effects stack.

Advanced Выносливость (4 RP): Предпосылки: None; Преимущества: Members of this народ receive a +2 бонус народа to Выносливость. Special: This bonus can be taken multiple times, but each additional time it is taken, its cost increases by 1 RP. Its effects stack.

Advanced Ловкость (4 RP): Предпосылки: None; Преимущества: Members of this народ receive a +2 бонус народа to Ловкость. Special: This bonus can be taken multiple times, but each additional time it is taken, its cost increases by 1 RP. Its effects stack.

Advanced Интеллект (4 RP): Предпосылки: None; Преимущества: Members of this народ receive a +2 бонус народа to Интеллект. Special: This bonus can be taken multiple times, but each additional time it is taken, its cost increases by 1 RP. Its effects stack.

Advanced Сила (4 RP): Предпосылки: None; Преимущества: Members of this народ receive a +2 бонус народа to Сила. Special: This bonus can be taken multiple times, but each additional time it is taken, its cost increases by 1 RP. Its effects stack.

Advanced Мудрость (4 RP): Предпосылки: None; Преимущества: Members of this народ receive a +2 бонус народа to Мудрость. Special: This bonus can be taken multiple times, but each additional time it is taken, its cost increases by 1 RP. Its effects stack.


DEFENSE особенности народа

The following особенности народа augment the defenses of members of the народ.



Ancient Foe (3 RP): Предпосылки: None; Преимущества: Choose one monster type or one subtype of the гуманоид type. Members of this народ gain a +2 бонус уклонения to КБ against monsters of that type and a +2 бонус народа on combat maneuver checks made to захват creatures of that type.

Battle-Hardened (4 RP): Предпосылки: None; Преимущества: Members of this народ gain a +1 bonus to ЗБМ.

Bond to the Land (2 RP): Предпосылки: None; Преимущества: Members of this народ gain a +2 бонус уклонения to КБ when in a specific terrain type selected from the следопыт’s list of излюбленная местностьs. This choice is made at character создание, and cannot be changed.

Breeze-Kissed (4 RP): Prerequisite: потустороннее существо (native) with ties to the Plane of воздух or фея type; Преимущества: Members of this народ are surrounded by swirling winds, gaining a +2 бонус народа to КБ against nonmagical ranged attacks. They can calm or renew these winds as a быстрое действие. Once per day, a member of this народ can channel this wind into a single gust, making a таран or сбивание с ног combat maneuver attempt against one creature within 30 футов. Doing so exhausts the user’s breeze-kissed ability for 24 hours. This is a supernatural ability.

Cat’s Luck (1 RP): Prerequisite: The народ has at least a +2 бонус народа to Ловкость; Преимущества: Members of this народ gain the following экстраординарные способности: Once per day, when a member of this народ makes a Реакция saving throw, it can roll the saving throw twice and take the better result. It must decide to use this ability before attempting the saving throw.

wishcrafter (3 RP): Prerequisite: потустороннее существо (native) with ties to Elysium, Heaven, or Nirvana; Преимущества: Members of this народ gain кислота сопротивляемость 5, холод сопротивляемость 5, and electricity сопротивляемость 5.

Cornered Fury (4 RP): Предпосылки: None; Преимущества: Whenever a member of this народ is reduced to halfits пункты здоровья or fewer and has no conscious ally within 30 футов, it gains a +2 бонус народа on melee attack rolls and to Класс Брони.

Crystalлиния Form (2 RP): Prerequisite: потустороннее существо (native) with ties to the Plane of земля, конструкция type, or half- конструкция subtype; Преимущества: Members of this народ have reflective, crystalлиния skin that grants them a +2 бонус народа to КБ against rays. Once per day, they can deflect a single ray attack targeted at them as if they were using the Отбивание Стрел feat.

смерть less Spirit (3 RP): Предпосылки: None; Преимущества: Members of this народ gain сопротивляемость 5 against negative energy damage. They do not lose пункты здоровья when they gain a negative level, and they gain a +2 бонус народа on испытания against смерть effects, вытягивание жизни, negative energy, and заклинания or псевдозаклинания of the некромантия school.

Defensive Training, Greater (4 RP): Предпосылки: None; Преимущества: Members of this народ gain a +2 бонус уклонения to Класс Брони.

Defensive Training, Lesser (1 RP): Предпосылки: None; Преимущества: Choose one subtype of гуманоид. Members of this народ gain a +4 бонус уклонения to КБ against гуманоидs of the chosen subtype.

Desert runner (2 RP): Предпосылки: None; Преимущества: Members of this народ receive a +4 бонус народа on Выносливость checks and Стойкость saves to avoid fatigue and exhaustion, as well as any other ill effects from running, силаd marches, starvation, thirst, and hot or холод environments.

Dual-Minded (1 RP): Prerequisite: гуманоид with two subtypes or народ with half-конструкция or half-нежить subtype; Преимущества: Members of this народ gain a +2 bonus on all испытание Волиs.

Duergar Immunities (4 RP): Предпосылки: Dwarf subtype, at least a +2 бонус народа to Выносливость; Преимущества: Members of this народ are immune to paralysis, фантомs, and яд. They also gain a +2 бонус народа on испытания against заклинания and псевдозаклинания.

Elven Immunities (2 RP): Prerequisite: Эльф subtype; Преимущества: Members of this народ are immune to magic сон effects and gain a +2 бонус народа on испытания made against очарование заклинания and effects.

Energy сопротивляемость (1 RP): Prerequisite: дракон with ties to a дракон type that grants energy сопротивляемость or потустороннее существо (native) with ties to an elemental plane; Преимущества: Pick one of the following energy types that corresponds to the дракон type or plane the народ has ties to: кислота (земля), холод (вода), electricity (воздух), or огонь (огонь). Members of this народ have сопротивляемость 5 to the corresponding energy type. Special: This trait can be taken more than once. Each time it is taken, select an additional energy type that corresponds to another дракон type or elemental plane the народ has ties to.

Eternal Hope (2 RP): Предпосылки: None; Преимущества: Members of this народ gain a +2 бонус народа on испытания against ужас and отчаяние effects. Also, once per day, after a natural roll of 1 on a d20 roll, members of this народ may reroll and use the second result.

Exalted сопротивляемость (3 RP): Prerequisite: потустороннее существо (native) with ties to Elysium, Heaven, or Nirvana; Преимущества: Members of this народ gain устойчивость к магии equal to 6 + their character level against заклинания and псевдозаклинания with the зло descriptor, as well as any заклинания and псевдозаклинания cast by зло потустороннее существоs.

ужас less (1 RP): Предпосылки: None; Преимущества: Members of this народ gain a +2 бонус народа on all испытания against ужас effects. Special: This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by the удачное (greater or lesser) особенность народа. Fiendish сопротивляемость (3 RP): Prerequisite: потустороннее существо (native) with ties to Abaddon, the Abyss, or Hell; Преимущества:

Members of this народ gain холод сопротивляемость 5, electricity сопротивляемость 5, and огонь сопротивляемость 5.

огонь in the Blood (3 RP): Prerequisite: потустороннее существо (native) with ties to the Plane of огонь or дракон type; Преимущества: Members of this народ gain fast исцеление 2 for 1 round anytime they take огонь damage (whether or not this огонь damage overcomes their огонь сопротивляемость, if any). Members of this народ can Лечение up to 2 пункты здоровья per level per day with this ability, after which it ceases to function.

Halo (2 RP): Prerequisite: потустороннее существо (native) with ties to Elysium, Heaven, or Nirvana; Преимущества: Members of this народ can create свет centered on their head at Воля as a псевдозаклинание. When using the halo, a member of this народ gains a +2 ситуативный бонус on Запугивание checks against зло creatures and on испытания against becoming слепота or растерянность.

Hardy (3 RP): Prerequisite: The народ has at least a +2 бонус народа to Выносливость; Преимущества: Members of this народ gain a +2 бонус народа on испытания against яд, заклинания, and псевдозаклинания.

health y (2 RP): Prerequisite: The народ has at least a +2 бонус народа to Выносливость; Преимущества: Members of this народ gain a +4 bonus on Стойкость saves against болезнь and яд, including magical болезньs.

Hydrated Vitality (3 RP): Prerequisite: потустороннее существо (native) with ties to the Plane of вода, фея type, or растение type; Преимущества: Members of this народ gain fast исцеление 2 for 1 round anytime they submerge completely within a body of natural salt вода, fresh вода, or brackish вода. Stagnant, отравление, or trapped вода (such as вода within an artificial pit or a bag of holding) does not activate this ability. Members of this народ can Лечение up to 2 пункты здоровья per level per day with this ability, after which it ceases to function.

иллюзия сопротивляемость (1 RP): Предпосылки: None; Преимущества: Members of this народ gain a +2 бонус народа on испытания against иллюзия заклинания or effects.

Lifebound (2 RP): Prerequisite: A Выносливость score; Преимущества: Members of this народ gain a +2 бонус народа on all испытания made to resist смерть effects, испытания against negative energy effects, Стойкость saves made to remove negative levels, and Выносливость checks made to первая помощь if reduced to negative пункты здоровья.

удачное, Lesser (2 RP): Предпосылки: None; Преимущества: Members of this народ gain a +1 бонус народа on all испытания.

Mist Child (1 RP): Предпосылки: None; Преимущества: Whenever a member of this народ has concealment or total concealment, the miss chance of attacks against his increases by 5%.

mountain -Born (1 RP): Предпосылки: None; Преимущества: Members of this народ gain a +2 бонус народа on Акробатика checks made to cross narrow ledges and on испытания against altitude fatigue and sickness.

Natural Armor (2 RP): Предпосылки: None; Преимущества: Members of this народ gain a +1 бонус естественной брони to their Класс Брони.

Plagueborn (1 RP): Предпосылки: None; Преимущества: Members of this народ gain a +2 бонус народа on испытания against болезнь, ingested ядs, and becoming тошнота or дезориентация.

яд сопротивляемость (3 RP): Предпосылки: None; Преимущества: Members of this народ gain a бонус народа on испытания against яд effects equal to their Hit Dice.

Resist Круг: Drain (1 RP): Prerequisite: Negative energy affinity особенность народа; Преимущества: Members of this народ take no penalty from energy-draining effects, though a member of this народ can still be killed if it accrues more negative levels than it has Hit Dice. After 24 hours, any negative levels a member of this народ has accrued are removed without the need for any additional испытания.

Resistant (2 RP): Предпосылки: None; Преимущества: Members of this народ gain a +2 бонус народа on испытания against эффекты влияющие на разум and яд.

тень Blending (1 RP): Prerequisite: тень сопротивляемость особенность народа; Преимущества: Attacks made against members of this народ while they are within areas of dim свет have a 50% miss chance instead of the normal 20% miss chance. This trait does not grant total concealment; it just increases the miss chance. This is a supernatural ability.

тень сопротивляемость (2 RP): Предпосылки: None; Преимущества: Members of this народ gain холод сопротивляемость 5 and electricity сопротивляемость 5.

устойчивость к магии, Greater (3 RP): Предпосылки: None; Преимущества: Members of this народ gain устойчивость к магии equal to 11 + their character level.

устойчивость к магии, Lesser (2 RP): Предпосылки: None; Преимущества: Members of this народ gain устойчивость к магии equal to 6 + their character level.

Stability (1 RP): Предпосылки: None; Преимущества: Members of this народ receive a +4 бонус народа to their ЗБМ when resisting таран or сбивание с ног attempts while standing on the ground.

Stone in the Blood (3 RP): Prerequisite: потустороннее существо (native) with ties to the Plane of земля, конструкция type, дракон type, or half-конструкция subtype; Преимущества: Members of this народ gaining fast исцеление 2 for 1 round anytime they take кислота damage (whether or not this кислота damage overcomes their кислота сопротивляемость, if any). A member of this народ can Лечение up to 2 пункты здоровья per level per day with this ability, after which it ceases to function.

Storm in the Blood (3 RP): Prerequisite: потустороннее существо (native) with ties to the Plane of воздух, дракон type, фея type, or растение type; Преимущества: Members of this народ gain fast исцеление 2 for 1 round anytime they take electricity damage (whether or not this electricity damage overcomes their electricity сопротивляемость, if any). A member of this народ can Лечение up to 2 пункты здоровья per level per day with this ability, after which it ceases to function.

Stubborn (2 RP): Предпосылки: None; Преимущества: Members of this народ gain a +2 бонус народа on испытание Волиs to resist заклинания and псевдозаклинания of the очарование (чары) and очарование (принуждение) subschools. In addition, if a member of this народ fails such a save, it receives another save 1 round later to prematurely end the effect (assuming the заклинание or псевдозаклинание has a duration greater than 1 round). This second save is made at the same СЛ as the first. If the member of the народ has a similar ability from another source (such as a плут’s slippery mind class feature), it can only use one of these abilities per round, but can try the other on the second round if the first reroll ability fails.

нежить сопротивляемость (1 RP): Предпосылки: None; Преимущества: Members of this народ gain a +2 бонус народа on испытания against болезнь and эффекты влияющие на разум.

Unnatural (2 RP): Предпосылки: None; Преимущества: Members of this народ unnerve normal животноеs, and train to defend themselves against the inevitable attacks from such creatures. Members of this народ take a -4 penalty on all Харизма-based skill checks to affect creatures of the животное type, and receive a +4 бонус уклонения to КБ against животноеs. животноеs’ starting attitude toward members of this народ is one step worse than normal.



фея Damage сопротивляемость (3 RP): Prerequisite: фея type; Преимущества: Members of this народ gain СУ 5/холод iron.

Improved Natural Armor (1 RP): Prerequisite: Natural armor особенность народа; Преимущества: Members of this народ gain a +1 бонус естественной брони. Special: This особенность народа can be taken multiple times. Each additional time you take this trait, increase its cost by 1 RP. Its effects stack.

Improved сопротивляемость (2 RP): Prerequisite: сопротивляемость 5 to any energy type; Преимущества: Members of this народ increase their сопротивляемость to one energy type to 10. Special: This особенность народа can be taken multiple times. Each additional time you take this trait, increase its cost by 1 RP, and increase one other сопротивляемость to 10.

удачное, Greater (4 RP): Предпосылки: None; Преимущества: Members of this народ gain a +2 бонус народа on all испытания.

Moon-touched Damage сопротивляемость (3 RP): Предпосылки: None; Преимущества: Members of this народ gain СУ 5/silver.

Skeletal снижение урона (2 RP): Prerequisite: нежить type; Преимущества: Members of this народ gain СУ 5/bludgeoning.



снижение урона (4 RP; see special): Предпосылки: None; Преимущества: Members of this народ gain СУ 5/магия. Special: This can be increased to СУ 10/магия for an additional 2 RP. The type of СУ can be changed to one of the alignments (chaos, зло, добро, or law) if the народ is of the потустороннее существо (native) type with ties to the appropriate plane (chaos for a народ with ties to a принципиальность-aligned plane, зло for a народ with ties to a добро-aligned plane, etc.) for an additional 2 RP.

Elemental Immunity (4 RP): Prerequisite: потустороннее существо (native) with ties to an elemental plane; Преимущества: Pick one of the following energy types that corresponds to the plane the народ has ties to: кислота (земля), холод (вода), electricity (воздух), or огонь (огонь). Members of this народ are immune to the chosen energy type. Special: This trait can be taken more than once. Each additional time you take this trait, increase its cost by 1 RP. Each time it is taken, select another energy type that corresponds to another elemental plane the народ has ties to. If a народ has vulnerability to огонь and immunity to холод, it gains the холод subtype. If a народ has vulnerability to холод and immunity to огонь, it gains the огонь subtype.

Fast исцеление (6 RP): Предпосылки: None; Преимущества: Members of this народ regain 1 пункт здоровья each round. Except for where noted here, fast исцеление is just like natural исцеление. Fast исцеление does not restore пункты здоровья lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation, nor does it allow a creature to regrow lost body parts. Fast исцеление continues to function (even at negative пункты здоровья) until a member of this народ dies, at which point the effects of fast исцеление immediately end. Special: This trait can be taken multiple times. Each time fast исцеление is taken, its cost increases by 1 RP.

Rock Catching (2 RP): Prerequisite: крупный size quality; Преимущества: Members of this народ can catch небольшой, средний, or крупный rocks (or projectiles of similar shape). Once per round, a member of this народ that would normally be hit by a rock can make a Реакция saving throw to catch it as a свободное действие. The СЛ is 15 for a небольшой rock, 20 for a средний rock, and 25 for a крупный rock (if the projectile provides a magical бонус к броскам атаки, the СЛ increases by that amount). The member of this народ must be aware of the attack in order to make a rock catching attempt.


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