Task II. Say if the given statements are true or false. If the statements are wrong, please, corrects them using the information from the text — КиберПедия 

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Task II. Say if the given statements are true or false. If the statements are wrong, please, corrects them using the information from the text

2020-11-19 193
Task II. Say if the given statements are true or false. If the statements are wrong, please, corrects them using the information from the text 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. New Zealand is located in the Atlantic Ocean.

2. There is only one official language in New Zealand.

3. Elizabeth II - the queen of the UK – is also the head of New Zealand.

4. James Cook was the first European who visited New Zealand in the 18th century.

5. New Zealand’s economy depends on exports of agricultural products.

6. A great number of endemic species of New Zealand appeared as a result of the country’s geographic isolation and biogeography.

7. New Zealand is a home place for a few species of penguins.

Task III. Fill in the gaps using the words from the text to make the sentences correct

7. New Zealand__________________ two main landmasses and numerous smaller _________________.

8. The__________________ of New Zealand's population of 4.5 million is of European descent.

9. The Queen is represented by the Governor-General, whom she ________________ on the ___________ of the Prime Minister.

10. A Dutch ____________ Abel Tasman and his crew arrived in New Zealand in 1642.

11. New Zealand has a modern, __________ and developed ____________ economy.

12. Tourism plays a ________________ role in New Zealand's economy.

13. There are a lot of marine _______________ with almost half the world's whales, dolphins, and porpoises living in the waters of New Zealand.

14. The _____________ flightless kiwi is a national icon which is internationally used as a _____________ for people from New Zealand.


Task IV. Look through the text and find the sentences expressing these ideas

1. Wellington is not the biggest city in New Zealand.

2. New Zealand takes an active part in the international cooperation.

3. The Maori were the first people to settle in New Zealand.

4. New Zealand’s national currency has an informal name.

5.  Numerous unique species can be found in New Zealand.


Task V. Give the Russian/English equivalents for the following words and phrases

a. a total land area; the European descent; a predominant language; to hold a legislative power; remoteness; indigenous people; trading ships; developed market economy; raw material extraction; workforce; geographic isolation.

b. островная страна; многочисленный; глава государства; назначать генерал губернатора; исследователь; побережье; главные партнеры по экспорту; зависеть от; быть ответственным за что-либо/кого-либо; насекомые; уникальный; прозвище/кличка.


Task VI. Make up 2 sentences with lexical units from Task V or useful vocabulary and ask your group mates to translate them (the first sentence from English into Russian, the second one – vice versa)


Task VII. Replace the underlined words by synonyms from Topical vocabulary

1.  The country consists of two big and numerous smaller islands.

2. Most of New Zealand’s population come from Europe.

3. The Maori came to New Zealand form eastern Polynesia in several waves of canoe voyages at some time between 1250 and 1300.

4. Many European and North American whaling, sealing and trading ships and Christian missionaries visited the country in the 19th century.

5. The Governor-General carries out the functions of Queen Elizabeth II in New Zealand.

6. Whales, dolphins, and porpoises and large numbers of fur seals are reported to be numerous in New Zealand waters.


Task VIII. Make up correct sentences and translate them. The words in italics with the capital letters show the beginning of the sentences

1. prosperous, New, international, Zealand, is, a, and, a, of, many, member, country, organizations.

2. export, The, of, dairy, contributes, products, and, fruit, to, New Zealand’s, meat, GDP.

3.  Raw, its, material, is, a, extraction, sector, of, economy, significant.

4. unique, The, and, isolation, of, the, gave, remoteness, birth, land, to, numerous, species.

5. people, second, Kiwi, is, an, bird, of, and, it, gives, for, the, of, this, endemic, a, name, country, New, Zealand.

6. she, Elizabeth II, formally, the, the, state, and, is, by, the, of, is, Governor, head, represented, General.


Task IX. Discuss the following questions

1. What geographical characteristics of New Zealand do you know?

2. Who were the first people who arrived in New Zealand and when did it happen?

3. What can you say about the European visits to this country?

4. Which type of governing is used in New Zealand?

5. What is a legislative body of New Zealand and what is it composed if?

6. Can we say that New Zealand’s economy is highly dependent on foreign trade and why?

7. How can you describe the wildlife of New Zealand?


Grammar Focus

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