Task II.  Discuss the following questions — КиберПедия 

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Task II.  Discuss the following questions

2020-11-19 108
Task II.  Discuss the following questions 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Are most places of interest natural of man-created? Please, give the examples in each category.

2. What kind of tours would you choose to enjoy Australia’s nature?

3. Which place/places among the listed ones would you like to visit? Explain why.

4. Have you heard anything about Uluru?

5. What is shown in this picture?

6. Which event took place in 1930?

7. Do you know any other famous places in Australia that were not mentioned in this text? If yes, please, tell us about them.


Australia’s scientific world

Task I. Read and translate the text

The development of Australian science in pre-war era was dependent on the individual achievements of a few famous scientists. Several of the famous Australian scientists went abroad for better facilities, better payoffs and more recognition.

Throughout the last two decades, this situation has drastically changed. Appealing rewards have been given to Australian scientists, and research facilities have been greatly improved. What’s more, the great reputation of Australian scientific work is pulling in many foreign scientifics as well.

Here is a list of some Australian inventions that have changed the world.

Electronic pacemaker

In 1926 Dr Mark Lidwill made an impromptu pacemaker at Sydney's Crown Street Women's Hospital. A newborn patient was suffering from heart problems, so Mark connected the baby's heart to electrodes which stimulated the heartbeat with electric pulses. Concerned about the ethical issues involved with his invention, Mark declined recognition and patents for his invention that has saved many people throughout the world.

Medical application of penicillin

In 1939 Howard Florey, with a team of scientists, purified penicillin from a special strain of mould. The team demonstrated penicillin's ability to fight bacterial infection in mice and, later, humans. The antibiotic was mass produced and used to aid victims of World War II. Penicillin has been used around the world saving many lives through the combating of infection by common bacteria. Today, it is still widely used in combating infections, but its efficacy is at risk from the growing resistance to the antibiotic.

Plastic spectacle lenses

In 1960 Sola Optical released the first scratch-resistant plastic lens for glasses. The technology was further developed to create the first plastic bifocal, trifocal, and progressive-focus lenses. Plastic lenses are used throughout the world due to their many benefits including safety, their light weight, and durability.

Black box flight recorder

In 1961 Dave Warren created the black box flight recorder - the device that records voices from the cockpit as well as flight data. The durable boxes were designed to replay the final moments before a plane crash, revealing what went wrong. Today, every commercial plane flies with this Australian invention and the recorder sits in the back of planes, to reduce the chances of damage during a crash.

Ultrasound scanner

In 1976 Ausonics commercialised the ultrasound scanner. While studying ultrasound technology, CSIRO's Ultrasonic Research Centre discovered a way to differentiate ultrasound echoes bouncing off soft tissue in the body and converting them to TV images. This discovery forever changed pre-natal care as it gave expecting parents a window to the foetus without x-ray exposure. Ultrasound technology is also used in the diagnoses of medical problems of the breast, abdomen, and reproductive organs.

Cochlear implant (bionic ear)

In 1978 Professor Graeme Clark successfully tested the bionic ear. Cochlear implants are devices that are implanted into the head to electronically stimulate the auditory nerve. Graeme's motivation to advance hearing loss technology was spawned from his father's inadequate hearing.


In 1979 Channel 7 introduced live television broadcasting from racing cars, allowing viewers to watch the race from the driver's perspective. Today the Racecam has been adapted to fit other sporting events such as snow skiing, basketball and cricket.

Wi-fi technology

In 1992 John O' Sullivan and the CSIRO developed wi-fi technology. John and his colleagues were originally looking for black holes when they realised the potential of the technology.

Frazier lens

In 1993 Jim Frazier's deep-focus lens was patented in the United States. His innovative lens allowed for both the subject and background to be focused on at the same time. It also has the ability to rotate without the movement of the camera. The lens is now commonly used in movies and film throughout the world. Jim won an Academy Award in 1998 for his contribution.

Spray-on skin

In 1999 Professor Fiona Wood patented her spray-on skin technique. The innovation involves taking a small patch of the victim's healthy skin and using it to grow new skin cells in a laboratory. The new skin cells are then sprayed on the victim's damaged skin. This process significantly reduces recovery time and scarring. Fiona and her spray-on skin technique played a key role in treating burns victims from the 2002 Bali bombings.

Google Maps

From 2003 to 2004 brothers Lars and Jens Rasmussen developed the platform for Google Maps.


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