Suggested characters and situations. — КиберПедия 

Таксономические единицы (категории) растений: Каждая система классификации состоит из определённых соподчиненных друг другу...

Кормораздатчик мобильный электрифицированный: схема и процесс работы устройства...

Suggested characters and situations.

2021-01-29 127
Suggested characters and situations. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. A guide explains pictures to a group of tourists. The scene is set in a picture gallery.

2. A young woman finds herself in an artist's studio for the first time in her life. She does not know much about painting but does her best to conceal it and expresses her opinion about the pictures she is shown using words she picked from art books. Her praise of the pictures is over-enthusiastic and exaggerated.

Use the following:

It's the best picture I've ever seen.

It surpasses all work of old masters.

It's thought-provoking.

It was clever of you to...

The drawing is too divine!

I do like this effect!

The colour scheme is strikingly original.

The colours are extremely effective.

The composition is wonderfully balanced.

3. A young man shares his impressions about a recent art exhibition. He thinks he knows a lot about painting and criticizes severely everything he saw at the exhibition.

Use the following:

The drawing is all faulty.

The colour scheme is muddy.

The perspective lacks depth.

The greens (reds, yellows) are shrill.

The red (yellow, blue) patch kills whatever effect there might be.

Light is not rendered at all.

a feeble imitation of Post-Impressionists (of Rerich, of old masters, etc.)

The exhibition is a flop (one big flop).

Note. Students will be well advised to use reproductions for their role-playing; the latter should be carefully selected to meet each situation.

4. Sharing Impressions at an Exhibition of Young Artists.

a) An ancient art critic who keeps complaining that it is all "outrageously modern stuff" and "a dangerous outbreak from tradition".

Use the following:

in my young days

we should be taught by old masters

originality for originality's sake

it offends the eye

The drawing is...

The composition lacks...

If you remember the treatment of the same subject by Courbet...

b) A young artist whose pictures are exhibited, and who is anxious to draw attention to them.

Use the following:

I'd like your opinion about...

If you just take a look at...

This composition device is...

The treatment of light is...

What I meant to convey was...

c) The young artist's friend and fan, a girl, who enthusiastically supports all he says trying, at the same time, to fend off the attacks of the old critic (Character 1) and of the venomous critic (Character 5).

Use the following:

Yes, isn't it superb!

Oh, but do look at this landscape (portrait, etc.)!

It's quite a find, isn't it? tremendously effective

Oh, but it is unfair! How can you say such things? We're in the twentieth century now.

Well, what I say is...

You simply lack proper discrimination.

d) A sceptically-minded visitor who is sure that no young artist can create anything of value.

Use the following:

Well, I don't know but...

Somehow it doesn't strike me as...

I'm not sure what he aimed at but...

...decidedly lacks something

I wouldn't go so far as to...

...not much of an achievement

e) A venomous critic who never praises anything believing that it is a proof of high discrimination.

Use the cliches of disapproval and censure:

It’s rotten (nasty, beastly, ridiculous, outrageous, disgusting).

It’s below all criticism.

Too bad for words.

It couldn’t possibly be worse.

Absolutely inapt.

Completely meaningless.

Unbelievable trash.

I was repelled.

It made me sick (inf.).

It’s incredible, but...

I was shocked by...

What’s the use (good) of...?

What next, I wondered.

It was the last straw.

No good at all!

It’s a shame...

f) A middle-aged lady who is in raptures over everything she sees at the exhibition considering it a proof of high cultivation.

Use the cliches of praise and approbation:

It’s magnificent (lovely, superb, amazing, fantastic, incredible, great).

I’m absolutely thrilled (I’m thrilled no end).

I’m crazy about... (inf.).

a marvellous achievement

an impressive piece of art

It’s too divine for words (inf.).


Art Problems

I. All great art is believed to be thought-provoking. How do you understand this statement? Give examples of pictures that, in your opinion, stir thinking and imagination.

II. Children and Art. Is it necessary to teach art? How shall we teach children to look at pictures? (See G. B. Antrushina. Talks about Art for English Speech Practice, p.p. 16-20, 22.)

III. General Discussion


1. Work in group of 5–6 students (the whole group is participating in the discussion).

2. Elect a discussion leader who will act as the host (hostess) of the discussion:

a) leader opens the meeting and introduces the members to each other;

b) he invites each member to speak;

c) he politely interrupts any member who speaks too long;

d) he sums up the opinions of the speakers.

Note. In the course of the discussion observe the general rules:

Don't wander from the subject!

Don't monopolize the time and the discussion!

Don't be sharp towards those who do not agree with you!

Use the following formulas to make your entry into the discussion:

May I put a word in?

If you ask me...

It just occurred to me...

On the surface of it, it really is..., but...

Generally speaking...

Strictly speaking...

That depends on...

I want to press the point that...

On the one hand...

On the other hand...

Under the circumstances.

Conclude your reasoning in the discussion using such statements as:

All these show conclusively that...

To sum it all up...

All things considered...

The major point at issue was...

We can arrive at the conclusion that...

Topic 1. Different Genres of Painting.

Speak about different genres of painting (two or more students may choose the same genre provided they don't repeat each other in the discussion). Each student is to speak about the genre he has chosen pointing out its merits and advantages in comparison with other genres. It is essential that the participants should argue with each other, stressing the various merits of the genre they are defending and criticizing possible disadvantages of other genres.

Use the following:

My preference lies with the genre of portrait because...

I personally like genre paintings. They are...

My favourite painters are Shishkin and Levitan. So, naturally, I prefer landscape to other genres. You see...

I can't say I care much for still lifes. They seem to me meaningless, a merely decorative genre...

I can't agree that landscape has any social significance, because...

Will you explain what you meant by saying that the genre of portrait is thought-provoking? After all, a portrait is just a likeness of some person or other...

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