Going round a museum or art Gallery — КиберПедия 

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Going round a museum or art Gallery

2021-01-29 187
Going round a museum or art Gallery 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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There are two ways of going round a museum or gallery:

with a guide, with/in a group, on a guided/conducted tour or on one’s own, by oneself.


London galleries:

    The National Gallery (European art of all schools)

    The National Portrait Gallery (portraits of notable people, from the Middle Ages to the present time)

    The Tate Gallery (British paintings of all periods, modern foreign painting, modern sculpture)

Russian museums and galleries:

    The Pushkin Fine Arts Museum/Museum of Fine Arts

    The Tretyakov (Art) Gallery

    The Hermitage (Museum)

    The Russian Museum


Leonardo da Vinci

Raphael Santi



Rembrandt van Rijn




Van Dyck


Joshua Reynolds

Thomas Gainsborough

John Constable

Joseph Mallord William Turner

Francisco Goya


Edouard Manet

Claude Monet

Camille Pissarro

Auguste Renoir

Paul Cezanne

Vincent van Gogh

Paul Gauguin

Henri Matisse

Pablo Picasso



I. Group the topical vocabulary into the following areas: names of people concerned with painting, various actions within this area, forms and kinds of Fine Arts productions, the inventory to be found in a painter’s studio, ways of exhibiting art works, world famous places.

II. Give English equivalents for the following words and phrases and use them in sentences of your own:

произведение искусства, изобразительное искусство, прикладное искусство, народное искусство, художественная школа, художественный вкус, малохудожественный, знаток, современные художники, старые мастера, направление в искусстве, делать набросок, набросок, мазня, последний штрих.

III. Translate the following words into English and use them in a situation:

цветной мелок, мольберт, этюдник, масляные краски, акварельные краски, уголь, пастель, кисть, палитра, студия.

IV. A. Use “piece” as a component to translate the following into English:

шедевр; батальная сцена; жанровая сценка; натюрморт, изображающий цветы.

B. Use the word “sense” to translate the following word combinations into English:

чувство цвета, композиции; тонкое чувство художественной формы; чувство формы в живописи; ощущение пространства, движения, расстояния.

C. Use the word “colour” to translate the following into English:

чувство цвета; основные цвета; дополнительный цвет; теплые (холодные) тона; богатство красок; игра красок; чистая краска; яркие пятна; колорит художника; сдержанный колорит; палитра, где доминирует голубой; темные (светлые) тона

V. Supply attributes for the following nouns:

art, artist, skill, taste, master, model, figure, subject, brush, painter, painting, picture, reproduction, sketch, study, trend, view, portrait, form, colour, colouring, tint, light, stroke, technique, effect, finish.

VI. Supply direct objects for the following verbs:

to depict, to paint, to portray, to render, to catch, to capture, to treat, to emphasize, to convey, to place, to accentuate, to handle, to reveal, to indicate, to develop, to expose.

VII. Supply prepositional objects for the following verbs:

to paint in, to draw in, to draw from, to paint from, to pose for, to merge into, to blend with, to conform to, to break with.

VIII. Supply nouns to go with the following adjectives:

antique, infinite, moving, dull, graphic, fashionable, artistic, nude, historical, mural, equestrian, ceremonial, depressing, colourless, gaudy, cheap, remarkable, lyrical, original, artistic, exquisite, delicate, marvellous, vulgar, atmospheric, mature, marine, intimate, vertical, single, primary, brilliant, subtle, fierce.

IX. Insert suitable words from the active vocabulary:

1. Titian had a marvellous..........

2. A remarkable......... is conveyed in his landscapes.

3. He held the... in his left hand.

4. Ivanov made a great number of... of heads for his picture “Christ Appears before the People.”

5. Some very fine... by Renaissance Florentine painters were brought to the exhibition.

6. He... the scene before him truthfully.

7. The art class had several... posing for them once a week.

8. He did the portrait in one....

9. In Serov’s famous portrait of Yermolova the actress is... against a background of a grey wall.

10. The colours in this picture... into one another.

11. He stood watching the......... upon the water.

12. He encouraged you to try your hand at brighter colour harmonies and to allow yourself greater freedom as a....

13. The silhouette is drawn in agitated, uneven lines, the... is unbalanced, a violent contrast of......... is used.

14. The... was far removed from the final work.

15. Turner used... for immediate studies from nature, and... for those pictures which he intended to exhibit.

16. The... of the Impressionists differed from that of their predecessors in that they did not blend the colours together imperceptibly, but left the... clearly visible all over their canvases.

X. Choose the right word:

draw - paint

1. She placed the paper and pencil before me and told me I could... anything I liked. 2. The picture was... so that the eyes seem to follow you no matter where you are.

colours - paints

1. This possible picture she painted in glowing..., until the child’s pathetic dark eyes glistened with pleasure. 2. If you want cornflower blue you’d better mix these two.... 3. The warm... are red, yellow and orange.

picture - portray - represent

1. Roerich’s paintings for Kazan railway station in Moscow... combats between Russians and Tartars. 2. I could hardly... Charlie in this role. 3. The great tragic actress is... in her day dress. 4. The artist was concerned more with re-creating the radiance of Venice than with... the solid structure of its monuments.



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