Д.п.н., проф. В.Ф. Тенищева                                                                     — КиберПедия 

Типы оградительных сооружений в морском порту: По расположению оградительных сооружений в плане различают волноломы, обе оконечности...

Папиллярные узоры пальцев рук - маркер спортивных способностей: дерматоглифические признаки формируются на 3-5 месяце беременности, не изменяются в течение жизни...

Д.п.н., проф. В.Ф. Тенищева                                                                    

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Д.п.н., проф. В.Ф. Тенищева                                                                     0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Протокол № 1 от «31» августа 2016 г.

Test № 7

№№ вопроса Содержание вопроса ответ
1 The ship’s course … five hours ago. a) changed;                       c) was changed;     b) is changed;                        d) will be changed. c
2 There … a book on the table. a) is     b) are     c) were a
3 The ship’s position … by the Chief Officer two hours ago. a) defined;                       c) was defined;     b) is defined;                   d) will be defined. c
4 There is … cargo in the hold. a) much     b) many     c) very a
5 The weather information … every day. a) is received;                      c) will receive;     b) was received;                   d) receives. a
6 I … many friends in the college. a) has     b) have     c) am b
7 Tomorrow I … to the port. a) go;                          c) went;     b) will go;                   d) was going. b
8 There are … ships in the port. a) little     b) many     c) much b
9 When summer comes, they … ship-board training. a) have;                 c) will have;     b) had;                   d) are having. c
10 There is … coffee in my cup. a) little     b) few     c) many a
11 This equipment … modern. a) is;     b) am;     c) are. a
12 Смотри! В порту очень много судов. a) Look! There are too many ships in the port. b) Look! Here were many ships in the port. c) Look! There is many ships in the port. a
13 When we returned on board, he … the emergency transmitter. a) tuned;                  c) was tuning;     b) tunes;                   d) is tuning. c
14 We usually … English at the lesson. a) is been speaking     b) has spoken     c) speak c
15 Last year I … my holidays in Sochi. a) spend;                            c) spent;     b) is spending;                   d) was spending. c
16 My sister … music and literature. a) is liking     b) likes     c) like b
17 He is waiting … his sister. a) of;     b) for;     c) about;      d) at. b
18 If a radio-officer comes, I’ll call you. a) Если радист позовет, то я приду. b) Если радист скажет, я напишу. c) Если радист придёт, я позову тебя. c
19 The radio operator … the transmitter now. a) is repairing;              c) repaired;     b) repairs;                     d) was repairing. a
20 I … London in 2005. a) will visit     b) visited     c) visit b



«ГМУ имени адмирала Ф.Ф. Ушакова»

Специальность: Судовождение

Дисциплина:  Иностранный язык (I семестр)

Кафедра:         Иностранных языков

Проверка следующих компетенций: ОК-2, ОК-6, ОК-7, ОК-9, ПК-1, Т. А-II/1, А-II/2


I. Do the test № 8 on the knowledge of grammar rules and new vocabulary (ОК -2, ОК -6, ПК -1, Т. А - II /1, А - II /2).

II. Study the given text and tell what Russian seaman explored long time ago (ОК -2, ОК -6, ОК -7, ПК -1, Т. А - II /1, А - II /2).



Long time ago Russian seamen explored a considerable part of the North American coast and Alaska.

The first explorers came to the coast of Alaska at the beginning of the 18th century. Since then the number of Russian settlements in Alaska grew from year to year; they extended to the south where San Francisco stands today. Alaska was Russian territory for a long period of time.

In the summer of 1783 Grigoryi Shelikhov built two ships on which he went to the coast of America, bounding for Kodak. After a difficult journey he finally reached the island where he founded a Russian settlement. He established friendly relations with the Eskimos living there. Shelikhov set up a school for the natives where they studied Russian and arithmetic. Besides he sent young Eskimos to Irkutsk and Okhotsk where they continued their studies.

Grigoryi Shelikhov fitted out several expeditions to explore the north - western part of America and make maps of the coast. He promoted immigration of Russian to America and established regular communication with that distant land.

On his return Shelikhov wrote and published in 1791, two books about his travels in America. They were translated into German and English. The famous Russian poet Derzhavin called Shelikhov the Russian Columbus.


III. Report the following topic and be ready to answer the questions: Great Britain (ОК - 6, ОК - 9).

IV. Read back orders in emergency situations (ОК -2, ПК -12, Т. А -II/1, А -II/2).

Включите сигнал тревоги.  
Человек за бортом! Сбросить спасательный круг!  
Наденьте спасательный жилет!  
Проследуйте к месту сбора немедленно!  
Приготовьте двигатели в полную готовность и проинформируйте машинное отделение.  
Возьмите огнетушитель!  
Потушите огонь!  
Не пытайтесь потушить огонь!  
Установите двоих впередсмотрящих!  
Спустите спасательные шлюпки!  
Приготовьтесь покинуть судно!  


V. With a partner, make your own conversation and act it out (ОК -6).

________________________________________                          ________________________________

Начальник кафедры «Иностранных языков»                                      Экзаменатор

Д.п.н., проф. В.Ф. Тенищева                                                                   

Протокол № 1 от «31» августа 2016 г.

Test № 8

№№ вопроса Содержание вопроса ответ
1 I … many friends in the college. a) has     b) have     c) am b
2 There are … ships in the port. a) little     b) many     c) much b
3 We usually … English at the lesson. a) is been speaking     b) has spoken     c) speak c
4 My sister … music and literature. a) is liking     b) likes     c) like b
5 My friend … me to see a new ship yesterday … was very glad. a) invites, we     b) invited, I     c) is inviting, I b
6 Next week we … in that port. a) will arrive     b) come     c) arrived a
7 They … the cargo yesterday, because it was raining heavily. a) were loaded     b) do not load      c) did not load c
8 He … breakfast with … friend now. a) has, her     b) is having, his      c) had, his b
9 When Magellan approached the land, sailors … happy. a) was     b) are     c) were c
10 He … on board a container ship. a) sails     b) has been sailed     c) will visit a
11 They usually … to the swimming pool after classes. a) are going     b) goes     c) go c
12 When the Master entered the radio-room, I … a weather report. a) was receiving     b) has was received          c) will be receiving a
13 Did she look … her notes before the test-work? a) after;                 c) around;     b) on;                   d) through. d
14 What language … in foreign ports? a) do you usually speak;           c) did you usually spoke;     b) are you usually speaking;      d) were you usually speaking. a
15 They … the cargo the whole week. a) unloaded;     b) were unloading;     c) unload. b
16 Some of us … the hull at 3 o’clock yesterday. a) was painting;     b) were painting;     c) painted. b
17 They will take us … the bridge. a) in;     b) on;     c) to;      d) into. c
18 The radio operator … the transmitter now. a) is repairing;              c) repaired;     b) repairs;                     d) was repairing. a
19 When we returned on board, he … the emergency transmitter. a) tuned;                  c) was tuning;     b) tunes;                   d) is tuning. c
20 This equipment … modern. a) is;     b) am;     c) are. a



«ГМУ имени адмирала Ф.Ф. Ушакова»

Специальность: Судовождение

Дисциплина:  Иностранный язык (I семестр)

Кафедра:         Иностранных языков

Проверка следующих компетенций: ОК-2, ОК-6, ОК-7, ОК-9, ПК-1, Т. А-II/1, А-II/2


I. Do the test № 9 on the knowledge of grammar rules and new vocabulary (ОК -2, ОК -6, ПК -1, Т. А - II /1, А - II /2).

II. Study the given text and imagine Peter’s future profession (ОК -2, ОК -6, ОК -7, ПК -1, Т. А - II /1, А - II /2).



My Dear Mary,

I am writing this letter in the small cabin of a sailing boat which is at anchor in a North Malayan harbour.

This sailing boat will be my home for the next six months. I am going to accompany my friend, a shipbuilding engineer, on a sailing voyage half way round the world. We shall have to cover many hundreds of miles and it is difficult to say exactly how much time it will take because the speed of our sailing boat will depend on winds and currents. But they say that with a sailing ship the longest way may often be the quickest.

Now we are finishing our last minute preparations. We try to do everything as carefully as we can because after we leave here we shall see civilization only in two months' time.

Our little ship has provisions of every kind and more must still come aboard. It will not be too pleasant to find yourself short of supplies in the middle of the Indian Ocean.

As I know very little about navigation, my friend will have to do the greater part of the work till I learn enough to help him. I think I shall be able to become quite useful as the conditions for learning are extremely favourable. So when we reach England, I hope I shall know something about sailing.

Both my friend and I want to start on our voyage as soon as possible. The next six months promise to be so interesting.

Good-bye, my dear, with love and best wishes,

Yours, Peter.

P.S. If there is any chance to send you a letter I shall certainly do it immediately.



III. Report the following topic and be ready to answer the questions: London (ОК - 6, ОК - 9).

IV. Read back orders in emergency situations (ОК -2, ПК -12, Т. А -II/1, А -II/2).

Включите сигнал тревоги.  
Человек за бортом! Сбросить спасательный круг!  
Наденьте спасательный жилет!  
Проследуйте к месту сбора немедленно!  
Приготовьте двигатели в полную готовность и проинформируйте машинное отделение.  
Возьмите огнетушитель!  
Потушите огонь!  
Не пытайтесь потушить огонь!  
Установите двоих впередсмотрящих!  
Спустите спасательные шлюпки!  
Приготовьтесь покинуть судно!  


V. With a partner, make your own conversation about a towing operation and act it out (ОК -6).

________________________________________                          ________________________________

Начальник кафедры «Иностранных языков»                                       Экзаменатор

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