Д.п.н., проф. В.Ф. Тенищева                                                                     — КиберПедия 

Индивидуальные и групповые автопоилки: для животных. Схемы и конструкции...

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Д.п.н., проф. В.Ф. Тенищева                                                                    

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Д.п.н., проф. В.Ф. Тенищева                                                                     0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Протокол № 1 от «31» августа 2016 г.

Test № 4

№№ вопроса Содержание вопроса ответ
1 My friend … me to see a new ship yesterday … was very glad. a) invites, we     b) invited, I     c) is inviting, I b
2 Next week we … in that port. a) will arrive     b) come     c) arrived a
3 The second engineer … the main engine yesterday. a) overhauls     b) was been overhauled     c) overhauled c
4 Master is in the cabin now. He … with the agent. a) was working     b) is working     c) work b
5 They … the cargo yesterday, because it was raining heavily. a) were loaded     b) do not load      c) did not load c
6 He … breakfast with … friend now. a) has, her     b) is having, his      c) had, his b
7 Choose the right variant: a) Are you like to play chess? b) Did you liked to play chess? c) Do you like to play chess? c
8 He … the hull now. a) was painting     b) painted     c) is painting c
9 When Magellan approached the land, sailors … happy. a) was     b) are     c) were c
10 He … on board a container ship. a) sails     b) has been sailed     c) will visit a
11 If the weather is fine, we … ashore. a) will go     b) would go     c) were going a
12 This equipment … modern last year. a) is     b) am     c) was c
13 They usually … to the swimming pool after classes. a) are going     b) goes     c) go c
14 When the Master entered the radio-room, I … a weather report. a) was receiving     b) has was received          c) will be receiving a
15 We often … to many foreign countries. a) sail     b) sailed     c) were being sailed a
16 What … now, Michael? a) are you doing;              c) do you do;     b) did you do;                   d) were you doing. a
17 Did she look … her notes before the test-work? a) after;                c) around;     b) on;                   d) through. d
18 What language … in foreign ports? a) do you usually speak;           c) did you usually spoke;      b) are you usually speaking;      d) were you usually speaking. a
19 He is in his cabin now. He … about his future voyage. a) is thinking;              c) thought;     b) thinks;                     d) was thinking. a
20 Yesterday he got up, washed his face, had breakfast and … to the University. a) goes;                         c) went;     b) is going;                   d) was going. c



«ГМУ имени адмирала Ф.Ф. Ушакова»

Специальность: Судовождение

Дисциплина:  Иностранный язык (I семестр)

Кафедра:         Иностранных языков

Проверка следующих компетенций: ОК-2, ОК-6, ОК-7, ОК-9, ПК-1, Т. А-II/1, А-II/2


I. Do the test № 5 on the knowledge of grammar rules and new vocabulary (ОК -2, ОК -6, ПК -1, Т. А - II /1, А - II /2).

II. Study the given text and tell why the Antarctic research is important for the country (ОК -2, ОК -6, ОК -7, ПК -1, Т. А - II /1, А - II /2).



Two diesel-electric ships, the “OB", the “LENA” were specially designed and built for Antarctic research.

Their first important task consisted in carrying people, building materials and scientific equipment to the Antarctic continent and helping the construction of Mirny, the first base and station there. In November 1955 the expedition left Kaliningrad on the “OB”, the “Lena” following her sister-ship in December. After a very heavy passage the ship reached Mirny in the second half of January and started their unloading. During the unloading, the weather was frequently bad, the tractor trails from the ship to the base were often out of order and the two ships kept on changing their anchorages. In March the "OB" and the "Lena" left Mirny and began carrying out their programme of oceanographically work in the southern seas. Both the ships arrived in Leningrad in July 1956 greeted by thousands of enthusiastic citizens who had read much about the ships having successfully made this most difficult and dangerous passage.

The second Antarctic voyage of the “Ob” and the “Lena” lasted seven and a half months during which the ships covered more than 40,000 miles. After leaving Kaliningrad on the 7th of November 1956, the “Ob” arrived at Mirny on December 11, the “Lena” joining her in a month’s time. On being prevented by ice from going to the unloading place at Mirny, the “Lena” continued sailing westwards along the coast, without finding a safe anchorage. After covering some 200 miles the "Lena" managed to land the aircraft which was urgently required for the purpose of setting up the inland stations.


III. Report the following topic and be ready to answer the questions: Safety equipment (ОК - 6, ОК - 9).

IV. Read back orders in emergency situations (ОК -2, ПК -12, Т. А -II/1, А -II/2).

Включите сигнал тревоги.  
Человек за бортом! Сбросить спасательный круг!  
Наденьте спасательный жилет!  
Проследуйте к месту сбора немедленно!  
Приготовьте двигатели в полную готовность и проинформируйте машинное отделение.  
Возьмите огнетушитель!  
Потушите огонь!  
Не пытайтесь потушить огонь!  
Установите двоих впередсмотрящих!  
Спустите спасательные шлюпки!  
Приготовьтесь покинуть судно!  


V. With a partner, make your own conversation about what type of tanker to purchase, products you carry and do not carry and act it out (ОК -6)

________________________________________                          ________________________________

Начальник кафедры «Иностранных языков»                                       Экзаменатор

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