Careers in Mechatronic s Engineering — КиберПедия 

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Careers in Mechatronic s Engineering

2020-10-20 105
Careers in Mechatronic s Engineering 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Ex.1 Scan the abstract and answer the questions:


1 What is specific in the work of engineers in mechatronics?

2 What can they do?

3 How wide is the sphere of mechatronics engineering?

4 What knowledge do they need?

5 In what spheres can specialists of mechatronics work?

6 What skills should these specialists possess?

7 Do engineers in mechatronics have any perspectives?

Ex.2 Look through the text carefully to complete the spidergram:


The prime role of mechatronics is one of initiation and integration throughout the whole of the design process, with the mechatronics engineer as the leader. Mechatronics requires engineers with the ability to perform analysis in all three disciplines (mechanics,electronics and intelligent computer control). Experts in the interdisciplinary mechatronics field must acquire general knowledge of various techniques and be able to master the entiredesign process. They must be able to use the special knowledge resources of other people and the particular blend of technologies that will provide the most economic, innovative, and elegant and appropriate solution to the problem at hand. Industry needs mechatronics engineers to continue to rapidly develop innovative products with performance, quality and low cost.

Mechatronics - is a scientific and technical area dealing with the design, modeling and operation of systems and mechanical devices equipped with computer-based controllers. It is based on the research achievements of mechanics, electronics, microprocessor technology, information science, computer-based control theory.

A specialist of Mechatronics is an engineer with the in-depth knowledge in the major spheres of engineering science because the qualitative training of such a specialist is mainly orientated the demands of the Future rather than the achievements of the Past. Therefore, in the conditions of tough and ever-growing competition, such a specialist is ready to take up work in the high-tech sphere worthy of his/her education. The professional interests of a Mechatronic specialist range from scientific research to industrial activity in the sphere of hi-tech production.

Required skills vary from job to job, but the demand for various skills generally is driven by changes in technology. For skilled workers who keep up to date with the latest technology, the prospects for advancement are good. Nevertheless, employers will continue to need specialists who have strong technical skills and who understand an employer’s business and its requirements. Analytical skills, the ability to get along with a wide range of people, strong oral and written communication skills, good judgmen t, time management skills, and creativity are other desirable qualities.



Specialists of Mechatronics can:


- Develop algorithms and systems of robots, robototechnic and mechatronic systems control;

- Apply methods of computer-aided design to technical systems using appropriate software complexes;

- Use different algorithmic languages for programming;

- Develop microprocessor-based devices and control systems, as well as information and measuring complexes of technical control and diagnostics;

- Apply methods of artificial intelligence, develop intelligent interfaces, create knowledge and expert systems;

- Find their place in design and production departments, computer centres, process services, and in other industrial fields connected with the hi-end technologies, taking into account that Mechatronics students have thorough knowledge in such fundamental disciplines as "Computing Engineering", "Mechanics", "Electronics".


A specialist on Mechatronics can perform the following kinds of professional activity:

· Scientific research;

· Research and Development;

· Operational performance;

· Management and administration.


Text D

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