Ex.1 Form the nouns from the verbs and translate them. Use a dictionary if necessary. — КиберПедия 

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Ex.1 Form the nouns from the verbs and translate them. Use a dictionary if necessary.

2020-10-20 105
Ex.1 Form the nouns from the verbs and translate them. Use a dictionary if necessary. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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                  V                               N

evaluate – оценивать; устанавливать стоимость   evaluation - оценка, определение, определение ценности, определение стоимости, определять количество
1  recover         2  relate                 3  depend             4  diffuse              5  diversify           6  integrate      7  initiate         8  improve 9  enrich           10  behave                         

Ex.2 Form the verbs from the adjectives and translate them. Use a dictionary if necessary.


                   Adj                                           V

notable - заметный; видный, значительный to note – упоминать, отмечать, замечать, обращать внимание, делать заметки, записывать
1 innovative 2 hazardous 3 abandoned 4 integrated 5 embedded 6 disabled 7 related 8 sophisticated 9 enriched 10 improved                         

Ex.3 Match the words with their definitions. The first is done for you.

0  to diversify 1  to integrate 2  to initiate 3  to improve 4  to diffuse 5  to abandon 6  to enrich 7  to secure 8  to support 9  to issue -) to differentiate, vary, modify a) to adorn, embellish b) to unite c) to distribute, result in, publish, emerge d) to desert, leave e) to begin f) to encourage, stand by, back up g) to make better h) to guard, protect i) to scatter, extend

Ex.4 Read the passage below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Here is an example at the beginning.

  Mechatronical 0 engineering graduates can look for 1______ in almost every type of industry. The 2_______ mechatronical industries include 3________ vehicles, power plants, automotive,    farm implements, heavy 4_________, and machine   tools. Mechatronical engineering involves the 5_______, development, and construction of 6______ all of the physical devices and systems that 7_________ has 8_______. Mechatronic devices can be found in medicine and surgery, 9_________, buildings, homes, automobiles, the toy and 10__________ industry, intelligent aids for the elderly and 11_______. Typical examples 12_______ automobiles, aircraft, robotics, and agriculture 13________.   0 ENGINEER 1 EMPLOYER 2 TRADITION 3 TRANSPORT 4 EQUIP 5 DESIGNER 6 NEAR 7 TECHNOLOGICAL  8 PRODUCTIVE 9 AGRICULTURAL 10 ENTERTAIN 11 ABLED 12 INCLUSION 13 MACHINE

Ex.5  Read the text below and look carefully at each line. If the line is correct put a tick (√). If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word. There is an example for you (0).

Necessary skills

    Required skills have vary from job to job, but the demand for various skills generally is driven by changes in technology. For skilled workers who there keep up to date with the latest technology, the prospects need for advancement are good. Nevertheless, employers will be continue to need specialists  who have strong technical skills and who understand an     employer’s business and its requirements. This means if that specialist in Mechatronics will have to keep the abreast of changing programming languages and techniques. Persons have interested in becoming a specialist-Mechatronics must have strong problem-solving, analytical, and    communication skills because of troubleshooting and helping others are vital parts of the job, good organizational and   marketing skills. Analytical skills, the ability to get many along with a wide range of are people, strong oral and written communication skills, good judgment, time management skills, and creativity  are other desirable qualities have.         0 have 1 ____ 2 ____ 3 ____ 4 ____ 5 ____ 6 ____ 7 ____ 8 ____ 9  ____ 10 ____ 11 ____   12 ____ 13 ____ 14 ____   15 ____  

Grammar Practice

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