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Семя – орган полового размножения и расселения растений: наружи у семян имеется плотный покров – кожура...

История развития пистолетов-пулеметов: Предпосылкой для возникновения пистолетов-пулеметов послужила давняя тенденция тяготения винтовок...

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2020-06-02 167
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Заказать работу

1.    Редактор одобрил то, что репортер осветил данное событие в своем репортаже.

1. Образец оформления аннотации


на первоисточник (статью, книгу, сочинение и пр.)

1.Фамилия автора, полное наименование работы, места и год издания

2. Цели и задачи автора.

3. Структура издания и краткий обзор содержания работы.

4. Основные мысли, проблемы, затронутые автором.

5. Выводы и предложения автора по решению затронутых проблем



Крымский федеральный университет им. В. И. Вернадского

Институт иностранной филологии

Кафедра иностранных языков № 2


Образец экзаменационного задания


Статья для устного аннотирования на экзамен по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» для обучающихся 1 курса дневной формы обучения направлений подготовки 49.03.01 Физическая культура, 49.03.02 Физическая культура для лиц с отклонениями в состоянии здоровья (адаптивная физическая культура)

Cycling: for Your Body & for Your Mind

Cycling is commonly used means of a transport, and it is also a sport and a form of recreation. It is the usage of bicycles, and other cycles which are less used like unicycles, tricycles, and quadricycles. Cycling is considered as the most energy efficient form of traveling. There are many countries where cycles are used a road transport. The most salient feature of cycles includes no pollution, no noise and needs only less space for parking and riding. In this fast developing world, there are many who have passion for this wonderful vehicle. Some countries have given priorities for motorized traffics.

Cycling has many benefits. It helps to reduce chronic heart diseases, obesity, tomes muscles, improves respiratory health, enhance stamina, less chance for diabetics, heart attacks and strokes. It is a good idea to start cycling from the childhood. This helps to develop self confidence in a child and improves the growth. Cycling is suitable for all ages ranging from childhood to older people. Another salient feature of cycling is that it is one of the safest ways of transport. It is very safe for not only the riders but also for other travelers. Cycling helps you to enjoy the picturesque parts of the country without harming the environment.

In a health report it was found that cycling improves your mood. It will give you positive attitude and feel happier. According to a survey conducted by Department of

Transport small amount of cycling helps you to gain fitness than other regular exercises. It also gives you more strength and coordination. To start cycling there is no need of any homework, if you are a new cyclist then ride for a few miles first and then make it more. It is better to put helmets while cycling. It is safer and will not get any head injuries.

There are training tips to improve the fastness of cycling. If you are a beginner and want to ride fast then go through the training tips. One of the best ways to improve speed is to structure cycling. Right structure will help you to improve fast.

Nowadays there are many products that are used for cycling. They include shoes, helmets, bike lights, bike computers, bike hydration, bike trainers, bike pumps, cycling jackets, cycling gloves, cycling tights and pants, tire, tubes and wheels, bike tools, bike pedal, bike seats, etc. there are specially designed shoes for cycling purpose. It is useful to transfer pressure to the pedals. Every cyclist is recommended to wear cycling shoes for cycling. This improves your confidence and skills.

Cycling is the best way to maintain your health and gives peace of mind.


By Dev Saras


Крымский федеральный университет им. В. И. Вернадского

Институт иностранной филологии

Кафедра иностранных языков № 2


Список разговорных тем по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» для обучающихся 49.03.01 Физическая культура, 49.03.02 Физическая культура для лиц с отклонениями в состоянии здоровья (адаптивная физическая культура)

1. Personality. Personality types.

2. Travel and Tourism

3. Work. Working from home

4. Job interview

5. Language. Language training.

6. Disappearing languages

7. Business. Writing a business plan

8. Business dilemmas

9. Our university

10.  Crimea. Simferopol

11.  Russian Federation. Moscow

12.  Great Britain. London

13.  Sport in our life

14.  My Future Profession is a Coach


Крымский федеральный университет им. В. И. Вернадского

Институт иностранной филологии

Кафедра иностранных языков № 2


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