Major Outlines of the First Two American Parties — КиберПедия 

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Major Outlines of the First Two American Parties

2020-05-07 107
Major Outlines of the First Two American Parties 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Federalists (Democratic) Republicans Adams/Hamilton/Marshall Jefferson/Madison Well-born leaders Talented leaders; meritocracy Conservative/monarchy Liberal/democratic-republican Pro-British Pro-French Strong federal government States’ rights/limited federal power Strong judiciary Strong legislature; weak courts Permanent debt financed by wealthy Elimination of national debt Support merchants/manufacturing Support farmers, artisans Property qualifications to vote Open vote Evolved into Whigs in the Jackson years, then Republicans in 1854. Evolved into the Democratic Party under Jackson in 1828.

Important international treaties of the New Republic era:

1795 Jay’s Treaty postponed war with Great Britain for more than 15 years and Pinckney's Treaty of 1795 between the United States and Spain was very important because it guaranteed Midwestern farmers free use of the Mississippi River and the port of New Orleans and indirectly led to the Louisiana Purchase.


20. Westward ˈwɛstwəd expansion

· The Northwest territories of the American colony were first populated by more than 250,000 colonists during the 1700s.

· In 1783, the Treaty of Paris was signed, which established the first American boundaries границы between the 13 colonies.

· By 1803, President Thomas Jefferson purchased the vast land west of the Mississippi River from France (15 millions). Explorers Lewis and Clark were commissioned было поручено to explore the land that almost doubled the size of the United States.

· Most Americans believed that the expansion and migration to the west was their Manifest Destiny as part of God’s will.

· During the westward expansion, Native American nations that originally inhabited the land were removed and displaced to reserves. The land was sold to settlers ˈsetləz.

· The Santa Fe Trail opened in 1821, which opened up trade opportunities between Missouri mɪˈzʊəri and Santa Fe (New Mexico).

· The 1830 Indian Removal Act led to the removal of approximately 60,000 Native Americans from their ancestral anˈsɛstr(ə)l родовой land. Their terrible journey is now known as the Trail of Tears.

· Oregon Trail was opened in 1843. Settlers travelled using wagon повозка trains (Symbol)

· As part of the expansion, Congress passed the joint resolution of annexing Texas ˈtɛksəs. Texas originally belonged to the Mexican territory. As a result, the invasion of Mexico happened a year later. This is known as the American-Mexican War.

· In order to end the war, the Treaty of Guadalupe ˌɡwɑːdəˈluːp Hidalgo hɪˈdalɡəʊ was signed with Mexico ceding сдавать ˈsiːdɪŋ Upper California and New Mexico to the United States for the amount of $15 million.

· In 1848, gold was discovered at Sutter’s Lumber Mill in Coloma kəˈləʊmə, California. It led to the California Gold Rush that lasted until 1855.

· In order to encourage more settlers, the Homestead Act was signed in 1862 by President Abraham ˈeɪbrəham Lincoln. It gave 160 acres ˈeɪkəz of land free to families from the east upon migration.

· In 1867, Alaska was purchased from Russia for $7.2 million. Two years later, the first transcontinental railroad connecting the eastern and western parts of the United States was finished.

· Hawaii was annexed in 1898 and by 1912 Arizona became the last of the adjoining states.

· As the United States continued to expand, the issue regarding slavery became more complicated. The Missouri mɪˈzʊəriCompromise ˈkɒmprəmʌɪz of 1820 demarcated ˈdiːmɑːkeɪtɪd разграничил slavery north of the southern boundary of Missouri.

· Tension between slave and free states flared up вспыхнул in 1854 during the Kansas-Nebraska Act. In 1855, pro-slavery Missourians moved to Kansas to fraudulently ˈfrɔːdʒ(ə)l(ə)ntli обманным путем  vote in favor of slavery. The violent encounter between the anti- and pro-slavery advocates led to “Bleeding Kansas.”

· Following the land expansion, the American Civil War broke out in 1861.

· The era ˈɪərə of the wild west started after the Civil War. It lasted for 30 years, from 1865 until 1895. Untamed territories in the west were run by outlaws that were known for their disorderly and unruly behavior.


As the enslavement of African-Americans became a preferred aspect of the United States' society, people began questioning the morality of bondage. Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, the abolition отмена abəˈlɪʃ(ə)n movement grew—first through the religious teachings of the Quakers квакеры and later, through anti-slavery organizations.

Three major philosophies of the abolitionist movement: moral suasion ˈsweɪʒ(ə)n увещевание; moral suasion and political action; resistance through physical action.

Moral Suasion Many abolitionists believed in the pacifist approach to ending slavery. Abolitionists such as William Wells Brown and William Lloyd Garrison believed that people would be willing to change their acceptance of slavery if they could see the morality of enslaved people. Abolitionists published slave narratives, such as Harriet Jacobs' Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl and newspapers such as The North Star and The Liberator. Speakers such as Maria Stewart spoke on lecture to persuade people to understand the horrors of slavery.

Moral Suasion and Political Action Towards the end of the 1830s, many abolitionists were moving away from the philosophy of moral suasion. Throughout the 1840s, there was the burning question: how can African-Americans use both moral suasion and the political system to bring an end to slavery. The Liberty Party was established in 1839 by a group of abolitionists that wanted to pursue pəˈsju добиться emancipation of enslaved people via the political process. Although African-Americans were not able to participate in the electoral process, Frederick Douglass was also a firm believer that moral suasion should be followed by political action, Douglass turned his efforts to the Republican Party by writing editorials that would persuade its members to think about the emancipation of slavery.

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