Journeys of Columbus and Vespucci. — КиберПедия 

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Journeys of Columbus and Vespucci.

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Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer, navigator. While pursuing pəˈsjuː

добиваться a route to the Far East, he discovered a sailing route to the Americas. He led the first expeditions to the Caribbean, Central America, and South America.


Columbus made a plan to find a sea passage to the East, hoping to profit from the spice trade (the trade between civilizations in Asia, Africa and Europe).


The Catholic Monarchs of Castile and Aragon sponsored Columbus' journey and he left Castile in 1492; Later he made a landfall приплыл к берегу in the Americas on 12 October (now celebrated as Columbus Day). His landing place was an island in the Bahamas. Columbus visited Cuba and Hispaniola, establishing a colony (now Haiti) - the first European settlement in the Americas.


He made 3 more voyages to the New World, exploring the northern coast of South America (1498), and the eastern coast of Central America in (1502). He was uncertain that the Americas were a separate landmass and he gave the name "Indians" to the indigenous (ɪnˈdɪdʒɪnəs) туземные peoples (Native Americans) he encountered. Purposes:

1. The 1st voyage – the purpose was in finding a new trade route to the East

2. The 2nd - to explore and settle the new lands found by Columbus. Also to Christianize whatever natives they would find

3. The 3rd - resupplying the colonists and continuing the search for a new trade route to the Orient

Columbus didn't “discover” America — he never set foot in North America. During separate trips Columbus landed on various Caribbean islands that are now the Bahamas. Amerigo Vespucci was the first to confirm that the land was in fact a new continent unknown to Europeans.


Amerigo Vespucci was an Italian-born merchant, explorer who took part in early voyages to the New World on behalf of Spain around the late 15th century. His role on the voyages was chief navigator; his role included directing ships, preparing maps and discovering new routes to the New World.


1. The 1st voyage (1497) - many historians are unsure if the voyage took place

2. The 2nd voyage (1499 to 1500) - Vespucci explored the coastal areas of Venezuela and Brazil. He also sailed the South American coastline and gained a greater understanding of the different land positions

3. The 3rd voyage (1501 to 1502) - the purpose - to explore the south coast of South America. He discovered the bay which is today known as Rio de Janeiro. This voyage played an important role in determining dɪˈtəːmɪn определении the shape of the world. The expedition by Vespucci confirmed that this was in fact a new continent unknown to any Europeans.

4. 4th voyage (1503 to 1504) - there is little information about the voyage. The expedition was focused on Brazil exploration.



Columbus's "discovery" allowed the period of colonization to begin. This had a number of important effects. The eventual creation of the US is probably the most important of these effects.



11. British Colonies in North America

The 17th century marked the early beginnings of English rule in the Americas with the establishment of the Thirteen Colonies. The Thirteen Colonies were the colonies on the Atlantic coast of North America, starting with Virginia in 1607, and ending with Georgia in 1733. Each colony developed its own system of self-government

There were three types of colonies in North America:

1) Corporate ˈkɔːp(ə)rət– had a charter ˈtʃɑːtə устав given by the English monarch to stockholders акционеры. Virginia, Massachusetts Bay Colony

2) Proprietary colonies prəˈprʌɪət(ə)ri (proprietors were people appointed to govern there). Maryland – the first of this type; Pennsylvania – William Penn

3) Royal Colonies – under the direct authority of the king. New Hampshire, Georgia


England made its first successful efforts at the start of the 17th century.

The London Virginia Company created the first successful English overseas settlements at Jamestown in 1607. Its first years were extremely difficult, with very high death rates from disease and starvation, wars with local American Indians, and little gold. The colony survived and flourished by developing tobacco as a cash crop for the colony; it served as a beginning for the colonial state of Virginia.

The Puritans ˈpjʊərɪt(ə)n established the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1629 with 400 settlers. They fled бежать England, and in America, they attempted to create a “nation of saints” or a “City upon a Hill”—an intensely religious community designed to be an example for all of Europe. The Puritan economy was based on the efforts of self-supporting farmsteads who traded only for goods they could not produce themselves. Along with agriculture, fishing, and logging, New England became an important mercantile mə ː k(ə)nt ʌɪ l and shipbuilding center, serving as the hub for trading between the southern colonies and Europe.

In 1664, England took over the Dutch colony of New Netherland, including New Amsterdam, and renamed it the Province of New York. Pennsylvania was founded in 1681 as a proprietary colony of the Quaker, William Penn.

The colonial South included the plantation colonies of the Chesapeake region—Virginia and Maryland—and the lower South colonies of Carolina and Georgia. Carolina was not settled until 1670. The original settlers in South Carolina established a lucrative прибыльный trade in provisions, deerskins, and American Indian captives пленники with the Caribbean Islands. The settlers came mainly from the English colony of Barbados and brought African slaves with them.

Indentured Servants – peoplefrom Europe who agreed to work for a number of years in exchange for their passage to America. They were hired by farmers, planters, and shopkeepers.

Indentured servitude рабство was a method of increasing the number of colonists, especially in the British colonies, as well as a system of labor to support the new colonies. In the 17th century, nearly two-thirds of English settlers came as indentured servants.

Indentured servitude was a major element of colonial labor economics from the 1620s until the American Revolution. As indentured servants became more expensive, their labor was replaced by African slaves.

New England Colonies:

Massachusetts Bay Colony

New Hampshire


 Rhode Island Colony

Middle Colonies:

Delaware Colony

Province of New York

Province of New Jersey

Province of Pennsylvania

Southern Colonies:

Colony of Virginia

Province of Maryland

Province of Carolina

Province of Georgia


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