Success in the realities of management psychology — КиберПедия 

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Success in the realities of management psychology

2020-04-01 216
Success in the realities of management psychology 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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“The starting point of all achievement is desire.” – Napoleon Hill

“Action is the foundational key to all success.” – Pablo Picasso

These are fundamental principles that go hand in hand. In order for someone to achieve a modicum of success, they need the initial spark of inspiration to light the flame that will guide them through the action steps


Family values are key factors in shaping ideas around success. If it is measured in dollars and cents rather than the intangibles of loving relationship and overall wellbeing, it is common for someone to feel like a failure if they are not meeting standards.

When you ask most people what it takes to become successful, they’ll tell you that success comes from hard work. While yes, hard work is part of the equation, they are missing a large part. You can never become successful if you don’t have the right mindset. The right mindset cures everything. Your mindset will determine if you’re successful or if you’re unsuccessful.

It’s easy to stretch yourself thin and focus on too many ideas instead of one big idea. It’s a lot easier to become successful at one thing than it will ever be to be successful at multiple things. What can you focus on today that will help achieve your bottom line tomorrow?

There are so many ways you can learn something in today’s day and age that telling yourself you can’t do something is ludicrous. If you want to make six-figures, do your research on how others made six-figures. What habits are they doing different from the ones you have? How do they plan their day? What type of work are they doing? The answer to every question is there if you’re willing to do the research. Just because you don’t know how to do something shouldn’t hold you back from achieving whatever you set your mind too.

While not having an ego can lead you to the right mindset, you need to focus on building confidence for yourself. Confidence comes from taking action every day. You will not have any confidence if you sit and watch TV every day and why should you if you do that? You know how much work you’re actually putting in. Confidence is something you earn.

What can you do to make yourself mentally tougher? Are you taking the easy way or actually putting in the work? When you take the easy way, you will never get mentally tougher. You become mentally tougher overtime with each difficult task you accomplish. Follow the advice Goggins gives and do what you don’t want to do on a daily basis.

For manager success:

1) Adaptation is your magic bullet. Want your people to be highly productive? Motivated? Creative? Innovative? Then you need to learn how to adapt your work style to theirs.

2) People like structure and guidance. But people will sink under too much structure and guidance. Effective managers: lead through influence; know that experience (and the occasional failure) is the only way to learn, grow; ask questions that guide their team members to a solution; empower their team members to do their work on their own, as long as they provide updates and ask for help when needed; share information openly and transparently; remain open to new ideas.

3) Let your people lead in their area, even if you don't always agree with where they are going. If you want your employees to be empowered to do their best work that requires taking a step back. Remember, your role is to provide guidance, you can do this by asking questions to make sure your team member has fully considered their approach.

Never give critical feedback on people's emotions. Instead, focus on behavior and impact.

5) Be unapologetically optimistic. Positive feedback is significantly more motivating than critical feedback.

6) At the end of the day, you will be judged based on the success of your team. That means that they are your first priority.


Certain traits and ways of thinking are relevant to how much financial success a person achieves. Here is a brief guide to seven of them:


Curiosity involves observing others and learning new things. Be strong enough to be open-minded and to abandon beliefs and strategies that aren’t working for you.

Internal Locus of Control

This means that you believe the results you are getting in your life are due to your efforts and the mistakes you experience are your fault. This way of thinking puts you in control. People just like you, with similar backgrounds, obstacles, education level, and challenges are creating fabulous things in the world. And you can, too.


Conscientiousness is the personality trait that involves being careful and dependable and having self-discipline. Take pride in your work and be committed to doing it well.

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