How motivation can change our skills? — КиберПедия 

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How motivation can change our skills?

2020-04-01 194
How motivation can change our skills? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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in training, Say: "today I will surpass myself! Today will be better than yesterday! Today small victories await me!

In university I'll take the damn exam because I was studying yesterday. Дальше можете придумать сами)

Personal development — a lifelong process — through which you can assess your skills, understand your goals and manage tasks to accomplish your aims. It’s a process to improve your skills and attitudes to generate patterns in life that when combined lead to accomplishment of goals. It brings success in various parts of life like family, profession, financial and health.

Now first step to start any task is mental preparation. One must have a clear vision of what you want to achieve and why you want to achieve it. The answer to ‘why Ì want to achieve this?’ is called motivation. Motivation is a force that pushes you to stick to a plan and do needful.

Factors that stimulate desire and energy to stay continually committed to a task or to make effort to attain a goal. For example; when working on a large project we had a short deadline but they offered such a large bonus to finish early hence we found motivation to get it done.

Taking your skills to the next level would not be possible without the commitment to do so. This commitment demands passion, time, effort, and consistency. However, when you see the outcome of your hard work, all your sacrifices will be worth it.


Here are 17 motivating tips to improve your skills:

Find out what you are good at.

Do not hide them.

Be involved in activities that will require them.

Enroll in short courses and training that can enhance them.

Keep using them.

Practice, practice, and practice.

Watch online video tutorials.

Learn from the experts.

Be mentored by a pro.

Do not be content with your current level.

Ask others to help you evaluate your skills.

Monitor your growth.

Take criticisms constructively.

Avoid comparing your growth with others’.

Put your heart into whatever you do.

Give time and focus through consistency.

Use them to serve God and others.


Tell about Cognitive style

Cognitive style or thinking style is a concept used in cognitive psychology to describe the way individuals think, perceive and remember information. Cognitive style differs from cognitive ability (or level), the latter being measured by aptitude tests or so-called intelligence tests. There is controversy over the exact meaning of the term "cognitive style" and whether it is a single or multiple dimension of human personality. However it remains a key concept in the areas of education and management. If a pupil has a cognitive style that is similar to that of his/her teacher, the chances are improved that the pupil will have a more positive learning experience. Likewise, team members with similar cognitive styles likely feel more positive about their participation with the team. While matching cognitive styles may make participants feel more comfortable when working with one another, this alone cannot guarantee the success of the outcome.


Когнитивный стиль или стиль мышления-это понятие, используемое в когнитивной психологии для описания того, как люди думают, воспринимают и запоминают информацию. Когнитивный стиль отличается от когнитивных способностей (или уровня), последний измеряется с помощью тестов способностей или так называемых тестов интеллекта. Существует спор о точном значении термина" когнитивный стиль " и о том, является ли он единым или множественным измерением человеческой личности. Однако она остается ключевым понятием в области образования и управления. Если у ученика есть когнитивный стиль, который похож на стиль его учителя, шансы на то, что ученик будет иметь более позитивный опыт обучения, повышаются. Кроме того, члены команды с похожими когнитивными стилями, вероятно, чувствуют себя более позитивно в отношении своего участия в команде. В то время как соответствие когнитивных стилей может заставить участников чувствовать себя более комфортно при работе друг с другом, это само по себе не может гарантировать успех результата.


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