Give the main idea of the text in writing — КиберПедия 

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Give the main idea of the text in writing

2019-11-28 243
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 TOPIC 5 Design in Advertisement. Pop Art


Read and translate the text. Write out the new vocabulary

Design in business and advertisement means much. The story of style in the applied arts since the mid-to late fifties has been dominated by various new forces, including social and economic factors and certain aspects of technical and scientific progress. Now we have computer design, web design, advertisement design (for example consumer-product branding design) and the whole fashion of different types of ad, colors and so on.

The late fifties saw the birth of advertising as we know it today, a high-powered business dedicated to the development effective marketing techniques; it involved new design concepts and a whole new professional jargon of product packaging[1], market research, corporate images and house style.

The Pop Art movement embraced the work of a new generation of artists of late fifties and early sixties of both sides of the Atlantic. In Britain, in addition to the Independent Group, there were Peter Blake, Allen Jones. In USA Jasper Johns, Tom Wesselman, Claes Oldenburg and other formalized the language of product packaging, from beer cans to Campbell's Soup tins of strip cartoons[2], fast food, advertising hoardings[3] and pin-ups.

Pop Art at once reflected and glorified mass-market culture and injected a new vigor into the applied arts. Pop Art suggested a new palette оf colors and gave a fresh, ironical edge to the imagery of popular culture. Pop Art positively encouraged designers to exploit vulgarity, brashness[4] and bright color, and to use synthetic or disposable[5] materials in contexts in which they would formerly have been unacceptable. Pop Art has had a lasting effect on design in a wide variety of media, including interiors, graphics and fashion.

2. Find the English equivalents in the text:

прикладное искусство, различные силы, рекламный дизайн, дизайн торговой марки продукта, эффективные технологии, общие образы, движение, культура массового рынка, предложил новую палитру, ранее, продолжительный эффект, широкий выбор


Answer the questions to the text

1) Is design important in business and advertisement? Why?

2) What factors influenced the applied arts in the middle of the 20th century?

3) When did advertising appear? Why did it start developing rapidly?

4) What types of design are there nowadays?

5) When and where did the Pop Art movement come into being?

6) What is Pop Art? What does it deal with?

7) What are the features of the Pop Art style?

Give the main idea of the text in writing




Commercial Art


Read and translate the text. Write out the vocabulary

Overview of Commercial Art

Learn about the field of commercial art and what kinds of media it encompasses. To enter this field, commercial art education is most commonly offered at the undergraduate degree level and it can provide a foundation for a variety of careers. Commercial art applies artistic principles to a variety of fields. The work of commercial artists is used to sell, promote, explain, narrate, and inform. They may design media such as advertisements, logos, billboards, brochures, book covers, or product packaging. Commercial artists are typically employed by advertising agencies, newspapers, magazines, graphic design firms, television studios, and similar businesses.

Education in Commercial Art

Commercial art instruction is commonly available through associate degree programs offered by two-year community colleges. The curricula in these programs can serve as entry-level training or prepare program graduates to continue their education in bachelor's degree programs in related areas, like commercial photography, media arts, or illustration.

Students in an associate degree program can expect to complete courses in topics such as commercial art and illustration, color theory, drawing, graphic design, typography, multimedia design, and photography. They should also take courses that can familiarize them with the computer software programs commonly used in the commercial art business, such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.

Students interested in commercial art careers might also want to participate in internships to improve their professional skills and develop their portfolio. This collection of work showcases commercial artists' skills to potential employers, and it can be essential to landing a job.

Answer the questions

1) What do commercial artists design?

2) How long does a course in commercial art usually last?

3) What are the students expected to do?

4) What are the related areas of commercial art?

5) What  topics are studied by commercial art students?

6) What is a portfolio?

3. Find the English equivalents: включать в себя, применять принципы, рекламные объявления, рекламные агентства, степень бакалавра, учебный план, закончить курс, интернатура(практика), улучить профессиональные навыки, потенциальный работодатель


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