Read  and translate the text. Write out new vocabulary — КиберПедия 

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Read  and translate the text. Write out new vocabulary

2019-11-28 445
Read  and translate the text. Write out new vocabulary 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Where are you right now? At home, university, a friend’s house, a cyber cafe? Look around, what do you see? You see walls, floors, ceilings and furniture. At first glance it appears typical of interior space and your activities continue. Do you realize that you evaluate your surroundings and react to them? A positive reaction goes unnoticed. A negative reaction can affect your mood, health and interpersonal relations. The physical environment affects the occupants. It’s not just walls, floors, colors and furniture, it’s an environment that is created through design.

Interior design studies the relationship between physical space and its occupants. At first glance it might appear negligible but think of places you like. Certain restaurants, stores, rooms in your house or even the work place and ask why? Typically, it is due to the design of the space. Design elements work together in creating an environment that solicits response.

An interior designer learns to understand the design process and its application in daily life. This is an area in which we are all participants beginning from the colors in our nursery. What should be recommended? Shape the environment and thus, you will change the future.


3. Find the English equivalents in the text:

на первый взгляд, настроение, процесс создания дизайна, формовать (придавать форму, вид), элементы дизайна, создание окружающей среды, негативная реакция, межличностные отношения, казаться типичным, влиять, физическое пространство, реагировать, мебель, оценивать окружающий мир, оставаться незамеченным, изучать взаимодействие, благодаря дизайну пространства, учиться понимать, применеие дизайна в повседневной жизни


4. Answer the questions:

1). What affects us greater: positive or negative reaction to the environment?

2). What does interior design study?

3). Why do we like some places?

4). What must an interior designer know?

5). What should you do if you want to change your future?


Give the main idea of the text in writing


Match the words with their translation

1) escape 2) enclosure 3) purpose 4) to exert 5) development 6) to explore 7) contribution 8) approach a) цель b) развитие c) исследовать, изучать d) ограждение e) ограждение, закрытое пространство f) оказывать g) подход h) вклад


2. Read and translate the text. Write out the new vocabulary


In the modern world, human life activities are played out in interior spaces. We may love being out-of-doors for the sense of open air and sky, for the escape it offers from life inside enclosure, but the very joy of being outside reflects the reality that so much of life is spent inside.

Buildings and their interiors are planned to serve the purposes and styles from the times of their origins, but they exert their influence on the activities and lives that they house as long as they continue to be used.

The study of interior design, its development and change through history is a useful way both to explore the past and to make sense of the spaces in which modern life is lived.

Professional interior designers are expected to study design history, to know the practices of the past in the terms of “styles”, and to know the names and the nature of the contributions of those individuals who generated the most interesting and influential approaches to design.


3. Find the English equivalents in the text:

жизнедеятельность людей, вне дома, именно радость, отражать реальность, служить целям, со времен происхождения, оказывать влияние, вмещать, использовать пространство с пользой, изучать историю дизайна, знать правила употребления термина «стиль» в прошлом, суть вклада, влиятельный.

4. True or false:

1) Human life activities are played out in interior spaces.

2) The very joy of being outside reflects the fact that we spend a greater part of our life outside.

3) Buildings and their interiors exert their influence only on the activities of people.

4) The study of interior design, its development and change through history is a useful way to explore the past.

5) Professional interior designers are expected to know the names of the people who contributed much to the development of the design.


5. Answer the questions:

1) Why do we like being out-of-doors?

2) What does the joy of being outside reflect?

3) What are the buildings and their interiors are planned for?

4) Why is it useful to study the history of the interior design?

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