Use one of the following words to complete these sentences: — КиберПедия 

Поперечные профили набережных и береговой полосы: На городских территориях берегоукрепление проектируют с учетом технических и экономических требований, но особое значение придают эстетическим...

Кормораздатчик мобильный электрифицированный: схема и процесс работы устройства...

Use one of the following words to complete these sentences:

2019-12-19 233
Use one of the following words to complete these sentences: 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
Заказать работу


Doorman, stalls, porter, keyrack, required, in advance, places to stay, maid, lobby.


1. Ask the... to take your luggage upstairs.

2. The... has brought a cup of coffee in my room.

3. You won't have to tip the...

4. The hotel guests can find the keys to their rooms on the....

5. Do you know any... in the town?

6. There are a few... in the... where you can buy newspapers, cigarettes and some other things.

7. All guests are... to leave their keys at the desk.

8. Is it possible to reserve a room.....?


7. Replace the underlined word combinations with their synonyms. Make use of the text «At the Hotel».

1. If you have a chance to put up at the hotel you are lucky.

2. In the USA you have to fill in a registration form at the hotel.

3. We'd like a room for two with bath for the night.

4. How much is the room?

5. When travelling it is better to reserve a room in advance.

6. I'll be downstairs, in the hotel lounge.

7. Very often at our hotels tourists can see a notice «All reserved».

8. Guests must tell the clerk in advance about their leaving.

9. At the newsstand one can buy newspapers, cigarettes and souvenirs.

10. When staying at the hotel we had our breakfast in the refreshment room downstairs.

Complete the sentences:

1. The best way to reserve rooms (по телефону или телеграммой).

2. When do you stay at the hotel you (должны заполнить листок прибытия).

3. (горничная, швейцар, портье) are employees of a hotel.

4. One of the duties of a desk-clerk is (Bручить приезжому ключ от его комнаты).

5. At the hotel guests will find (Hoмера на одного, на двоих, а также «люкс»).

6. (Приезжим необходимо) to fill in an arrival card.

7. When going out guests (должны оставлять ключи у дежурного администратора).

8. (счет) includes 13 per cent service charge.

9. (В фойе у газетного киоска) you can find a lot of guests buying newspapers, cigarettes and souvenirs.

10.At the hotel the following services are available: (cтирка и утюжка белья, уборка номеров, междугородные телефонные разговоры).


9. Answer the detailed questions on the text:

1. What places to stay do you know?

2. What do they differ with?

3. Why do travelers usually reserve rooms at the hotel in advance?

4. Is it always easy to reserve a room at the hotel?

5. What are the duties of a desk-clerk?

6. What services do hotels usually run??

7. What information is required for filling in the arrival card.

8. What kinds of rooms are available at the hotels?

9. What is usually located downstairs at the hotels?

10. What are the duties of a doorman?

11. Where can guests get something to eat?

12. Why are guests required to notify the desk-clerk in advance about their leaving?


10. Translate into English:

1. Здесь много мест, где можно остановиться.

2. Я заказал в вашей гостинице одноместный номер с ванной. Могу я занять его?

3. Cколько дней вы собираетесь пробыть в нашей гостинице?

4. Заполните листок прибытия, предъявите паспорт и заплатите за пять дней вперед.

5. Все двухместные номера находятся на пятом этаже. Вот ваш ключ.

6. Moгу я заказать междугородный разговор из своего номера?

7. Вы можете получить любую информацию у администратора гостиницы.

8. Швейцар поймал вам такси.

9. Зaранее скажите администратору об отъезде.

10. He забудьте оплатить счет.

11. Горничные обычно не получают чаевые.


 Read and act out the dialogues:



Front Desk Clerk: Good afternoon. Can I help you?
Consuela: Yes. Do you have vacancies starting tonight?
Front Desk Clerk: Yes, ma'am, we do. How long would you like to stay?
Consuela: For four nights.
Front Desk Clerk: What kind of room would you like?
Consuela: A single, if possible.
Front Desk Clerk: Let me see... Will you be paying by credit card?
Consuela: Yes. MasterCard. Here you are.
Front Desk Clerk: That's Ms. Rodriguez? I'll just take an impression of your card. Would you please complete the guest registration card?
Consuela: Certainly.
Front Desk Clerk: Here's your credit card, Ms. Rodriguez, and our room key.
Consuela: Thank you.
Front Desk Clerk: This is your room charge card. You'll need this if you charge anything in the restaurant. Could you sign it here?
Consuela: OK.
Front Desk Clerk: Right. Your room is on the seventh floor. The bell captain will take your bags up to your room.
Consuela: Thank you.
Front Desk Clerk: You're very welcome. Enjoy your stay with us.





Clerk: Hi! Can I help you?
Martin: Yes, we had a reservation for this weekend.
Clerk: O'K, what's your name, sir?
Martin: Martin Baum.
Clerk: Oh, yes, here it is. A double for two nights
Martin: Yes, but would you happen to have a suite available this weekend?
Clerk: Well, the only one is the executive suite and that'll run you 140 dollars a night.
Martin: Oh. I see, it's a pretty high.
Clerk: This double is more than 20 feet square and has a refrigerator.
Martin: That sounds fine, then.
Clerk: Good, do you have a credit card, sir?
Martin: No. I'll be paying cash.
Clerk: Then, I'll have to ask you to pay a night plus 8$ tax comes to 128$. And would you fill out this registration form, please. Just put your name, address and the license number of your car.
Martin: Here you are.
Clerk: Fine, the bellman will take you up.


Social English


1. Complete this guest registration card:


STUDIOS INN HOTEL                                       HOLLYWOOD BOULEVARD


Guest Registration Card


Last name:______________ First name: ______________Middle initial: __________________



Home address: _________________________________________________________________


Home phone number: ____________________________________________________________

Company name: ________________________________________________________________

Company address: _______________________________________________________________


Company phone number: _________________________________________________________

Nationality (only for non-U.S. citizens): _____________________________________________

Passport number: _______________________________________________________________

Next destination:_________________________ Car License plate: _______________________

State: _________________________________________________________________________


                              Appeal to the police

               (Обращение в полицию)

Hello. Please, help me, my …    Здравствуйте. Пожалуйста,

                                                       помогите мне, у меня...

passport was stolen                     украли паспорт

documents were stolen                 украли документы

an air ticket was stolen                украли авиабилет

all my money was stolen                       украли все мои деньги

car was stolen                                                  украли автомобиль

I have left my… in a taxi.        Я оставил в такси (в автобусе)

   bag                                                          сумку

   suitcase                                                   чемодан

   case                                                         кейс

I have lost my…somewhere.                           Я где-то потерял…

  purse                                                       кошелёк

 wallet                                                       бумажник

There … in it.                                             В нём …

  was money                                               были деньги

was a travel ticket                                 был проездной билет

were receipts                                         были квитанции

Some people attacked me and               На меня напали и

snatched out my bag.                                     выхватили сумку.

  I have been left behind by…                            Я отстал от…

a train                                                        поезда

a bus                                                         автобуса

a ship                                                          теплохода

My things, money and documents          Мои вещи, деньги и

remained there.                                                документы остались там.

I did not noticed anything                       Я не заметил ничего

suspicious.                                              подозрительного.

Some strange fellow kicked                      Около меня всё время

his heels near me all the time.                          крутился какой-то субъект.

His appearance is…                                      Он выглядел так…

I am here on business.                                Я здесь в служебной                                                              командировке.

I am a tourist                                              Я приехал в качестве


This is a misunderstanding.                            Произошло недоразумение.

I have been mistaken for                                          Меня с кем-то спутали.


Will you call an interpreter?                       Можно пригласить                                                                 переводчика?

I shall explain everything to you.              Я вам всё объясню.

I have come from…                                   Я приехал из…

Please, call an official from…                           Пригласите, пожалуйста,


embassy                                                     посольства

the consulate                                              консульства               



- Hello, I'm looking for a place to spend my holidays. Could you offer me something interesting?

- Yes, certainly. How long are you going to travel?

- For about a fortnight.

- Do you like active holidays or would you prefer to stay somewhere in a quiet place just to relax?

- Well, I'd like to go on a sightseeing tour to Europe. I think Great Britain is the best place for it. It's a unique country, which is worth seeing. Besides, it's the best way to practise your English. - Which cities and towns would you advise me to visit?

- I think the best way to start exploration of Great Britain is to visit London, its capital.

- And how much is this tour?

- Well, it depends on the hotel, but the average price is about $600.

- And which hotel would you advise me to stay at?

- I would recommend you The New Barbican. It's a modem hotel, comfortably furnished and the prices are quite reasonable there.

- Is the hotel far from the main sights of the city? Where exactly is it?

- In Central Street. It's not far from the Tower of London and St. Paul's Cathedral.

- Fine, that will do. Let's sign a contract.


- So, where shall we go this summer? As for me, I'd prefer to go to China. I have always dreamed of visiting this exotic country. Just imagine tasting Chinese food! Besides, we can buy exotic souvenirs.

- Oh, no. It's too crowded there! And it's dangerous to travel to China because we can catch a serious disease. As for Chinese food, it's too spicy for me. Besides, I can't eat with chopsticks. And you?

- Neither can I. Well, then let's go to Australia. It's also an exotic country with different exotic animals. And if we stay at the seaside, we can learn windsurfing. It's very popular there.

- I don't think that going to Australia is a good idea. It's too far. I don't feel like spending so much time on board the plane. We'll be jet-lagged, I'm afraid.

- But we can practise our English! What's more, we'll be able to compare Australian English with British one. I think it's worth our efforts.

- Well, if you want to practise your English, why not go to the UK. It's much closer to Russia and it won't take us long to get there. More than that, we can buy a package tour and visit famous towns and cities, can't we?

- Yes, we can, but I hate packed holidays, because there are too many excursions. Besides, I have already been there twice. What I need is new impressions!

- Well, what about the USA? Have you been there?,

- No, I haven't been there yet. But it takes you a long time to get a visa to the USA. And the tickets are rather expensive, I'm afraid.

- Not as expensive as to Australia or China. It's a great chance to learn more about America and to make a lot of new friends. Besides, we'll be able to compare American English and British one. What do you think of it?

- Perhaps, I'll agree with you. America is an unusual country. And I think we'll never have a chance of going there again.


- Wow, we have our summer holidays at last! What shall we do? Shall we go to our country house?

- Oh, no! Let's try something different this year! I have always dreamed of going to the mountains. It's so exciting! We could see wonderful views, rare plants and drink pure water from mountain rivers.

- Mountaineering is not for me! I'm not strong enough and it might be tiring. Besides, it might be dangerous. There is always a possibility of injury and I am not a risk taker. Why not go to the seaside? It's nice and warm there.

- Seaside? There is not much to do except staying on the beach all the time. As for me, I like active holidays. Besides, air tickets and accommodation could be expensive.

- But we could go by car and rent a room in a private house. It won't be very expensive.

- Then we'll have to cook ourselves. In this case, we'd better go camping. We will be able to combine cooking with wonderful walks in the woods for berries and mushrooms. And if we're tired of one place, we can go to another and enjoy new picturesque scenery.

- If you want to change places, I suggest going on a sightseeing tour.

- Sightseeing tour? What is it?

- We could visit many world famous places, enjoy museums and galleries, and learn a lot of interesting things.

- That sounds exciting! But won't it be too expensive?

- Not at all, because we'll travel by coach and stay at inexpensive hotels.

- Great! When shall we leave?


- Do you like travelling?

- Actually, I don't. I can't stand long train or air journeys with heavy luggage. It's much better to stay at home and watch TV.

- But while travelling you can see a lot of interesting things that you can never see staying at home and watching TV. It goes without saying that travelling broadens the mind.

- I wouldn't say that. Most of tourist places are polluted and overcrowded. Today tourists have no respect for the countries they visit. The beauty of many places has disappeared for ever. So, who needs such holiday?.

- I can't agree with you. You don't have to visit popular tourist places, but you may discover new faraway places and enjoy the scenery. Besides, while travelling you can also improve your knowledge of foreign languages.

- Well, thanks to computers and the Internet we have plenty of opportunities to practise a foreign language at home.

- But you must admit that when you travel, you can try foreign food and make a lot of new friends.

- Perhaps, you are right. However, travelling is rather expensive nowadays.

- Not exactly! If you are short of money, you can have a working holiday. Why not go to Great Britain to help wildlife and improve the landscape?

- Well, it's a good idea! I'll think it over.



- Guess what! We've decided to go to the countryside tomorrow.

- It sounds great! But I am afraid your weekend won't be fine.

- What makes you think so?

- I think there will be a storm tomorrow.

- Well, if it is stormy, we'll stay at home. But I am sure our trip will be great!

- Are you? Why?

- The forecast is fine. I think it'll be warm. Just have a look! It's clearing up. I am sure it is going to be sunny. We'll go to the forest and pick mushrooms. I particularly enjoy walking in autumn because the trees are full of beautiful colours. I think autumn is the most beautiful season.

- Not exactly. Autumn is dull and rainy. As for me, summer is the best season.

- You are absolutely right. I can't but agree with you because we have our longest holidays in summer and we can go to the seaside and enjoy swimming in the sea.



                                           Topical Vocabulary


- to honour Zeus                               в честь Зевса

physical fitness and strength                 хорошая физическая форма и сила

a contest in discus and javelin                         соревнования по метанию диска

throwing                                      и копья

horse and chariot racing                                  гонки на лестницах

to compete                                             соревноваться

to honour winners                                           чествовать победителей

to attach much importance to                придавать большое значение


- to be abolished                                  быть запрещенным

to be renewed                                        быть возобновленным

to follow the pattern set by                   следовать модели,установленной

the ancient Olympic Games                   древние Олимпийские Игры

marathon race                                        марафон

inclusion of women                               включение женщин

to stand the test of time                         выдержать проверку временем

to maintain the ideal of amateurism      сохранять идеал любительства

                                                         (любительского спорта)

the International Olympic Committe     Международный Олимпийский


to be set up                                                     быть основанным

the central policy-making body                       центральный орган, определяющий


the Olympic movement                         олимпийское движение

a representative of participant countries представитель стран-членов

to make the ultimate decision                принять окончательное решение

to be allocated to a city                          приписываться городу

- to appear as host                                          выступать в качестве хозяина

the national anthem                               национальный гимн

to march past the Lodge of Honour       пройти мимо Почетной Ложи

a host country                                       страна-хозяйка

the Olympic hymn                                 Олимпийский гимн

to light the Olympic flame                     зажечь Олимпийский факел

- a motto                                                девиз

- to join the Olympic movement            вступить в Олимпийское движение

to collect medals                                    получить медали

to break Olympic and world records     установить Олимпийские и мировые рекорды

to host the Olympic Games                   принимать Олимпийские Игры




3. Ответьте на вопросы после перевода текста.


Answer the questions:


1. What is the history of the ancient Olympic Games?

2. How and when were the Olympic Games renewed?

3. What was the first modem Olympiad characterized by?

4. What are the functions of the International Olympic Committee?

5. How were the winter Games introduced?

6. What is the opening ceremony of the OlympIc Games and the OlympIc flag? 

7. What part does RussIa play Olympic Games?

8. What did Pierre de Coubertin say about the Importance of the Olympic Games?



Translate into English:


1. Древние греки придавали большое значение физической форме.

2. Древние Олимпийские Игры проводились в честь Зевса.

3. Древние Олимпийские Игры включали соревнования по метанию диска и молота и многие другие виды соревнований.

4. Когда Олимпийские Игры были возобновлены, за модель были взяты древние Олимпиады.

5. Дух любительского спорта древних Олимпиад прошел проверку временем.

6. Был основан МОК, центральный орган, определяющий политику олимпийского движения.

7. Когда МОК принимает окончательное решение о месте о месте проведения Олимпийских Игр, он определяет город, а не страну-хозяйку Олимпиады.

8. После вступления в Олимпийское движение российские спортсмены собрали огромное количество медалей и установили огромное количество рекордов.



-What are the most popular games in Britain today?

-Well, I suppose football and cricket.

- Are there any other outdoor games?

- Oh, there is tennis, golf, baseball and so on. Tennis is played all year round - on hard courts or grass courts in summer and on hard or covered courts in winter.

- What about horse racing?

- Oh, it's one of the most popular sports in Great Britain. Then there are, of course, walking races, running, swimming, boat races and boxing.

- I know that there are no winter sports in England. Is that true?

- Well, you see, the English winter isn't very severe as a rule, and we don't often have the chance of skiing, skating or tobogganing, but winter is the great time for hunting.

- Is there any golf links near London?

- Oh, yes, a great amount. There are dozens of good golf links within an hour or so of London. You ought to join a golf club if you're keen on the game.

- I think I shall if! get the chance. What about indoor games?

- Well, there is table tennis, chess, billiards and so on. By the way, do you play chess?

- Well, I do, but I'm not a professional, just an ordinary amateur.




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