Прочтите и переведите диалоги . Выучите диалоги наизусть . — КиберПедия 

Поперечные профили набережных и береговой полосы: На городских территориях берегоукрепление проектируют с учетом технических и экономических требований, но особое значение придают эстетическим...

Эмиссия газов от очистных сооружений канализации: В последние годы внимание мирового сообщества сосредоточено на экологических проблемах...

Прочтите и переведите диалоги . Выучите диалоги наизусть .

2019-12-19 465
Прочтите и переведите диалоги . Выучите диалоги наизусть . 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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(Read and translate the dialogues. Learn by heart.)

Dialogue 1

- Good morning. I've booked a KLM flight to Amsterdam for Wednesday 28th, but I can't travel on that day after all. Could I change my ticket to a flight on Friday 30th?

- Do you want to travel on the same flight on the 30th?

- Yes, if that's possible, please.

- Could I see your ticket, please? Just a moment. I'm sorry, but there're no seats on the KLM flight on the 30th. There's a British Airways flight, it departs at 15.30. Shall I try that for you?

- Yes, please.

- All right. Here's your ticket. September 30th, British Airways flight BA426 departing at 15.30 and arriving in Amsterdam at 17.00. You should be at Heathrow not later than 14.30 for check-in.

- Thank you.

Dialogue 2


- Good afternoon. Can I check in here for the British Airways flight to Amsterdam, please?

- Yes, madam. May I see your ticket and passport, please?

- Yes, here you are.

- Would you put your luggage on the scales here, please?

- Yes, sure. I hope I haven't got any excess.

- No, it's all right, only 15 kilos. Any hand luggage?

- Just this handbag.

- Which section would you like - smoking or non-smoking?

- Non-smoking, please. I'd also like an aisle seat.

- All right. Here's your seat number and boarding pass. Your flight will depart from Gate 5 at 15.30.

- Thank you.


Изучите следующие слова к тексту. Vocabulary (Study the following words to the text)

it goes without saying – само собой разумеется

to broaden the mind – расширять кругозор

shore - берег

resident – постоянный житель, местный житель

resident population – постоянное население, местное население

to increase - увеличиваться

undeveloped coastline – незастроенная береговая линия

inspection – осмотр

to reveal – показывать, свидетельствовать

ancient – древний

to occupy - занимать

except for – кроме

direction – направление

to assure – гарантировать, обеспечивать

to maintain – поддерживать, сохранять

substantial – существенный

gain - прибыль

to pollute – загрязнять

litter – мусор

major - главный

to destroy – разрушать

breath – дыхание

cave – пещера

entrance - вход

temple – храм, церковь

inscription - надпись

to chisel – высекать, вырезать

long-term – долгосрочный, длительный

benefit – прибыль, польза

to support – оказывать поддержку, поддержку

to protect – защищать

attitude – отношение

artefacts – остатки древней культуры

to accept – принимать

Прочитайте следующий текст и переведите предложения с новыми словами (Read the following text and translate the sentences with the studied words)

Text D

Tourism: Pros and Cons

Millions of people all over the world are fond of travelling. They travel to see other countries and continents, to discover different ways of life, to meet different people and to practise foreign languages. It goes without saying that travelling broadens the mind. While travelling we can see and learn a lot of things that we can never learn staying at home and watching TV or reading books. No wonder that a lot of people enjoy visiting new places.

Today tourism is the world's second largest industry. The Mediterranean shores have a resident population of 130 million, but this increases to 230 million each summer because of the tourists. In Spain. France, Italy and most of Greece there is no undeveloped coastline left. In Notre Dame in Paris 108 visitors enter each minute during opening hours.

Global tourism is big business. It can bring substantial economic gain to developing regions. But what are the effects of tourism?

The Mediterranean is the dirtiest sea in the whole world. Most popular resorts are polluted: litter has become a major problem. A lot of ancient monuments are being destroyed by unstoppable march of tourism. For example, the prehistoric paintings at Lascaux in France were being slowly ruined by the breath and bacteria from 200,000 visitors a year. The caves have now been closed to the public and a replica has been built.

At the entrance to one of the ruined temples of Petra in Jordan there is an inscription chiselled into the soft red rock. It looks as if it has been there for centuries. But closer inspection reveals that It is not so ancient after all. It reads: Shane and Wendy from Sydney were here. April 16th 1996.

Many of great cities of Europe, such as London or Rome, are now finding that their historic centres are fast becoming occupied by tourists with clicking cameras and left by all local residents except for the souvenir sellers.

So what's the way out? In my opinion tourism should be given a humanistic direction. Cultural and environmental groups should work together to assure that tourism can maintain long-term benefits. Governments should create special programmes to support local residents and to protect cultural monuments.

But first of all people should change their attitude to tourism. We shouldn't buy cultural artefacts or products made from wild animals. We should try not to pollute our environment, try to accept different cultures and support traditional lifestyles.


3. Ответьте на вопросы после перевода текста. Answer the questions:

1. Why do people travel? 2. What are the effects of tourism? 3. What are the favourite tourist spots in your country? Do they have any problems because of tourists? 4. Will the development of tourism bring economic gain to Russia? Why do you think so? 5. Should we reject tourism in order to preserve cultural monuments? Why? 6. What should we do to attract tourists to Russian cities and towns? 7. What is “socially responsible travel”?


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