Ex.1 Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты — КиберПедия 

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Ex.1 Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты

2019-08-26 2833
Ex.1 Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты 5.00 из 5.00 3 оценки
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остаточно распространенное заболевание; вирус очень устойчив; потеря аппетита; рвота и боль в верхней части живота; моча становится темного цвета.

Ex.2 Find Russian equivalents. Найдите русские эквиваленты.

The presence of hepatitis; even boiling does not destroy it; the eyes and skin become yellow; the child should remain in bed; ordinary household food can be given.

Ex.3 Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы.          

1.What kind of disease is hepatitis?

2. Name the common sources of hepatitis?

3. Does boiling destroy it?

4. When does the urine become dark in colour?

5. What are the typical symptoms of hepatitis?




Diphtheria is a highly contagious disease which mainly effects the throat. The symptoms are sore throat, fever, headache. There is difficulty in swallowing. There is a whitish patch in the throat and if it spreads to the windpipe, there is difficulty in breathing. The child looks ill and toxic. The disease can lead to many complications of nerves, heart and kidneys, and sometimes an emergency operation (tracheostomy) may have to be done if the windpipe gets blocked with the membrane and the child has difficulty in breathing. The child will have to be hospitalized in an infectious diseases hospital for 3-4 weeks, and then convalescence proceeds at home for a few weeks more. This disease can be prevented by immunizing the child.


1. contagious - заразный

2. to effect - поражать

3. whitish - беловатый

4. patch - налет

5. to spread - распространять, расстилаться

6. windpipe - дыхательное горло

7. complication - осложнение

8. emergency - неотложная помощь

9. convalescence - выздоровление

10. to proceed - продолжать

Ex.1 Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты.

Беловатый налет, заразное заболевание, трудности при дыхании, дыхательное горло, заболевание можно предупредить.

Ex.2 Find Russian equivalents. Найдите русские эквиваленты.

Difficulty in swallowing, to look ill and toxic, heart and kidneys, have to be hospitalized in an infectious diseases hospital, can be prevented by.

Ex.3 Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы.

1.What kind of disease isdiphtheria.?

2. What are the main symptoms of diphtheria?

3. Can the disease lead to many complications of nerves, heart and kidneys?

4. Can diphtheria be prevented by immunizing the child?



Scarlet fever (also called scarlatina in older literature) is an infectious disease which most commonly affects 4–8-year-old children and only sometimes in grown-ups.

There is no vaccine, but the disease is effectively treated with antibiotics. Most of the clinical features are caused by erythrogenic toxin, a substance produced by the bacterium Streptococcus pyogenes (group A strep.) when it is infected by a certain bacteriophage.

Before the availability of antibiotics, scarlet fever was a major cause of death. It also sometimes caused late complications, such as glomerulonephritis and endocarditis leading to heart valve disease, all of which were protracted and often fatal afflictions at the time.

It is important to recognize that strains of Group A Strep which produce the erythrogenic toxin are not inherently more dangerous than other strains which do not; they are merely more easily diagnosed because of the characteristic rash.

The disease passes from one person to another through the nose and mouth. Scarlet fever is usually spread by inhalation. Symptoms include sore throat, fever and a characteristic red rash. The beginning of the disease is quick. The patient has a sore throat, fever, headache and he often vomits. The face is flushed and the skin feels hot and dry. The temperature rises quickly on the first day and remains high for a few days. The rash appears on the second day. After the temperature falls the skin begins to peel.

We must isolate the child with scarlet fever and put him in bed. When the temperature is high the nurse gives him fluid diet and when the temperature falls she gives him nourishing food.


1. Scarlet fever - скарлатина

2. to pass - переходить

3. through - через, сквозь

4. to vomit - страдать рвотой

5. rash - сыпь

6. to peel - шелушиться

7. to isolate - изолировать

8. nourishing - питательный

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