Ex.1. Find Russian equivalents. Найдите русские эквиваленты . — КиберПедия 

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Ex.1. Find Russian equivalents. Найдите русские эквиваленты .

2019-08-26 3499
Ex.1. Find Russian equivalents. Найдите русские эквиваленты . 4.67 из 5.00 3 оценки
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the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation; an entrant may choose according to his or her abilities and wishes; paramedical personnel; master practical skills in clinical conditions; to carry on research work.

Ex.3 Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы.

1 Who finances and guides the higher medical education in Russia?

2. Where are the doctors trained?

3. Where are the specialists in pharmacy trained?

4. Who may enter a medical institution of higher education?

6. Whom do the medical colleges train?

7. What is the course of training at the medical institution of higher education?

8. How many semesters has the academic year?

9. What subjects does the curriculum include?

10. Where do the students have medical practice?

11. What are the students taught during medical practice?

12. Where do the students carry on research work?

13. When do the graduates receive their diplomas?

14. Where can the doctors improve their qualification?

15. For what degree does the post-graduate student defend a thesis?




There are many polyclinics in our country. Doctors of different specialties: therapeutist, neurologists, surgeons, dentists, oculists, psychiatrists, urologists and nurses wore there. There are many different laboratories, x-ray and procedure rooms, consulting and waiting rooms in our polyclinics.

When a patient comes to the polyclinics he goes to the registry first. A registering clerk on duty asks his name, address, age, occupation and writes it down in the patient’s card.

Doctors examine their patients in their consulting rooms. During the medical examination doctors question their patients thoroughly, listen to their heart and lungs, feel their pulse and take their blood pressure, palpate, auscultate and percuss them, make the diagnosis, fill in their cards and prescribe them a special treatment.

During the physical examination doctors use such methods as palpation, percussion, auscultation, questioning a patient, feeling his pulse, taking electrocardiograms, etc.

At the end of the physical examination doctors make a diagnosis, prescribe the necessary medicine and treatment if it is necessary.

Our doctors treat patients not only with the help of different mixtures, powders, injections, but they always use a good bedside manner and deal with patients very carefully.

The duty of the doctor is to treat a patient not only with different remedies but with a kind word and hearty attitude.


1. specialty - специальность

2. laboratory - лаборатория

3. therapeutist - терапевт

4. x-ray room - рентгеновский кабинет

5. neurologist - невролог

6. procedure room - процедурный кабинет

7. surgeon - хирург

8. waiting room - комната ожидания

9. psychiatrist - психолог

10. registry - регистратура

11. urologist - уролог

12. to auscultate - выслушивать(мед)

13. nurse - м.сестра

14. to percuss-выстукивать(мед.)

Ex.1 Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты.

Врачи разных специальностей, процедурные кабинеты, медицинский осмотр, поставить диагноз, измерять кровяное давление, лечить пациента.

Ex.2 Find Russian equivalents. Найдите русские эквиваленты.

Сonsulting and waiting rooms, listen to heart and lungs, to auscultate and percuss, prescribe them a special treatment, to use a good bedside manner.

Ex.3 Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы.

1.What are our policlinics equipped with?

2.Where do doctors examine their patients?

3.What do doctors do during the medical examination?

4. What kind of methods do doctors use during the physical examination?

5. How must the doctor treat a patient?



When patients are admitted to the hospital, they are examined by a doctor on duty in the reception ward. He gives the instructions to what wards and departments a sick person should be admitted.

A nurse on duty fills-in a patient’s case report (case history) in which she writes down a name and initial diagnosis made by a doctor at the polyclinic (= made by a district doctor).

At the in-patient department nurses begin working early in the morning. They take patient’s to, give them intramuscular and intravenous injections, take stomach juice for analysis apply cups and mustard plasters, give all prescribed medicines (remedies).

The drugs are kept in a special drug cabinet’. All medicines have labels with names and doses indicated on them.

Doctors begin to make rounds at nine o’clock in the morning.

After medical check-up (examination) doctors administer different procedures to the patients. They order electrocardiograms to be taken of some patients. Other patients are to undergo lab. tests. Some patients are administered a bed regimen, some are recommended (allowed) to have a walk, some are to follow a special diet to relieve pain in the stomach or to prevent stomach troubles.

As a rule the doctors treat their patients carefully that helps sick people to get better.

As soon as the patient is admitted to the in-patient department the ward doctor fills-in the patient’s case report (case history, case record, in-patient'’ card, in-patient’s chart – история болезни). It must include the information about the patient’s parents – if they alive or dead.

The doctor must know what caused the death and at what age the parents died. It is necessary for a doctor to know if anybody in the family has ever been ill with tuberculosis or has had any mental or emotional impairments. This information composes the family history (семейный, наследственный анамнез).

The patient’s medical history (case report, case record, medical in-patient card, chart) must include the information about diseases the patient had both as a child and as an adult. The doctor must know if a patient had an operation or a trauma. These finding compose the past history (PH past medical history, life history – жизненный анамнез). The patient’s blood group and his sensitivity to antibiotics must be determined. The doctor writes down the obtained information in the case report.

The attending doctor must know the symptoms and complaints of patients as well as how long the people have had these complaints.

The history of present illness makes a part of a case history. The history of present illness contains a lot of findings, i.e. information of the patient on his admission, the results of laboratory tests and X-ray examination, the course of the disease with any changes in symptoms and condition, the exact doses of the administered (prescribed) medicines, the effects of treatment.

The case history must always be written, very accurately and have exact and complete information.


1. case history (case report, in-patient card, in-patient chart, case record) – история болезни;

2. to cause the death – вызывать смерть;

3. mental or emotional impairments – душевные или эмоциональные нарушения (повреждения);

4. trauma – травма;                                   

5. past history (PH, past medical history, life history) – жизненный анамнез;

6. blood group – группа крови;

7. sensitivity – чувствительность;

8. the history of present illness – история настоящего заболевания.

Ex.1 Find Russian equivalents. Найдите русские эквиваленты:

To admit to the hospital, a reception ward, a doctor on duty, a nurse on duty, to fill-in a case report, initial diagnosis, to give intravenous injections, to give intramuscular injections, stomach troubles, bed regimen, accurately, exact, complete information, is admitted to the in-patient department, fills-in, the patient'’ case report, must include, if they alive or not, to cause the death, has ever been ill with, tuberculosis, any mental or emotional impairments, to compose, medical history, must include, to have an operation or a trauma, past history, sensitivity, the patient'’ blood group, the obtained information, symptoms and complaints.

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