Discussing the accommodation — КиберПедия 

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Discussing the accommodation

2019-08-07 499
Discussing the accommodation 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Student 1: Oh, the ball comes to the player! I have just wanted to wait for you in the hotel lounge. Have you finished your work yet?   Студент 1: О, на ловца и зверь бежит! Я как раз хотел подождать тебя в хол-ле гостиницы. Ты уже закон-чил свою работу?
Student 2: Yes, I have. But what are you up to?   Студент 2: Да. А что ты задумал?
Student 1: I know I’m a pain in the neck but I have got mixed up on the hotels. As far as I understand all the hotels are not the same.   Студент 1: Я знаю, что надоедаю, но я запутался с отелями. Насколько я понимаю, все отели неодинаковы.
Student 2: Your guess is right. There are different types of accommodation.     Студент 2: Твое предполо-жение правильное. Сущест-вуют различные виды разме-щения.
Student 1: I’ve heard that hotels are rated from 1-star to 5-star hotels. This is practically all I know.   Студент 1: Я слышал, что отели делятся на классы от 1 до 5 звезд. Это практи-чески все, что я знаю.
Student 2: Not much, really. On the one hand, the hotels are rated according to the purpose of travellers. On the other hand, they are rated according to the range of services and quality of comforts.     Студент 2: Да, негусто. С од-ной стороны, отели класси-фицируются в зависимости от целей путешественников. С другой стороны, они классифицируются в зависи-мости от перечня услуг и ка-чества удобств.
Student 1: That means there are a few different classifications. How are the hotels rated according to the purpose of travelling people?   Студент 1: Это значит, что существует несколько раз-личных классификаций. Как отели классифицируются по цели путешествующих?
Student 2: They are rated as commercial hotels, convention hotels, resort hotels and residential hotels.   Студент 2: Они классифи-цируются как коммерческие отели, конгрессные отели, курортные отели и стацио-нарные отели.
Student 1: I presume I know most of them. The commercial hotel is for business travellers, isn’t it?   Студент 1: Я полагаю, я знаю большинство из них. Коммерческий отель - для деловых людей, да?
Student 2: That’s it. Most commercial hotels are big city hotels. The Metropol hotel in Moscow falls into this group. So does the National hotel.   Студент 2: Так. Большин-ство коммерческих отелей - это отели больших городов. “Метрополь” в Москве попа-дает в эту группу. “Нацио-наль” тоже.
Student 1: The convention hotel is for convention participants.   Студент 1: Конгрессный отель - для участников конгрессов.
Student 2: Right you are. Convention hotels have a lot of convention facilities like meeting rooms and exhibit areas.   Студент 2: Ты прав. Конгрессные отели имеют обширную базу для про-ведения конгрессов, залы заседаний и выставочные площади.
Student 1: The resort hotel is for holiday-makers.   Студент 1: Курортный отель - для отдыхающих.
Student 2: Correct! Resort hotels have a lot of recreational facilities like swimming-pools, fitness centres, sports grounds.   Студент 2: Верно! Курорт-ные отели имеют обширную базу для отдыха – бассейны, тренажерные залы, спортив-ные площадки.  
Student 1: I have to admit that the term “residential” hotels puzzles me.   Студент 1: Я должен при-знать, что термин “стацио-нарные” отели озадачивает меня.
Student 2: Relax! The residential hotel is for long-term or permanent residents.   Студент 2: Расслабься! Стационарный отель - для длительно или постоянно проживающих.
Student 1: A comprehensive answer! And how are hotels graded according to the range of services and quality of comforts?   Студент 1: Исчерпывающий ответ! А как отели делятся по перечню услуг и качеству удобств?  
Student 2: You have already mentioned the star system. It is also known as French or European.   Студент 2: Ты уже упомя-нул систему звезд. Она также известна как фран-цузская или европейская.
Student 1: Right. The more stars, the higher the quality and the wider the range of services. Do all countries follow this classification?   Студент 1: Правильно. Чем больше звезд, тем выше качество и шире перечень услуг. Все ли страны при-держиваются этой класси-фикации?
Student 2: Not at all. There are national grading systems like the crown system in Great Britain, the key system in Sweden or the letter system in Greece. In the US the hotels are graded as superdeluxe, deluxe, expensive, moderate and inexpensive.   Студент 2: Вовсе нет. Су-ществуют национальные системы деления на классы, как система корон в Велико-британии, система ключей в Швеции или система букв в Греции. В США отели делятся на “суперлюкс”, “люкс”, “дорогие”, “средне-го класса” и “недорогие”.
Student 1: Superdeluxe is very luxurious, deluxe is luxurious. Is that correct? And what type of hotels is called tourist class?   Студент 1: “Суперделюкс” - это очень роскошный, “делюкс” - роскошный. Правильно? А какой вид отелей называют отелями туристского класса?  
Student 2: Inexpensive hotels are often referred to as budget, economy, second or tourist class.   Студент 2: Недорогие отели часто называют отелями бюджетного, экономическо-го, второго или туристского класса.
Student 1: There is a word “inn” in the names of some hotels like the “Holiday Inn” or the “Ramada Inn”. What does it mean?   Студент 1: В названиях не-которых отелей присутству-ет слово “инн”, как в “Холи-дей Инн” или “Рамада Инн”. Что оно означает?
Student 2: Inn is as a rule a countryside hotel. Such hotels are often located in pleasant sceneries. They provide comfortable but informal accommodation. However, the word “inn” has come from the early days of travel.   Студент 2: “Инн” - это, как правило, загородный отель. Такие отели часто располо-жены на приятных ландшаф-тах. Они предоставляют удобное, но простое размещ-ение. Однако, слово “инн” - “постоялый двор” пришло из ранних дней путешествий.
Student 1: A “motel” sounds like a “hotel”. How do they differ?   Студент 1: “Мотель” звучит, как “отель”. Как они разли-чаются?
Student 2: That’s pretty easy. A motel offers accommodation to travellers and provides parking lots for their cars opposite to their motel rooms.   Студент 2: Это очень легко. Мотель предлагает размеще-ние для путешественников и обеспечивает места для стоянки их машин напротив их комнат в мотеле.
Student 1: You know, I’ve come across “all-in” hotels in many hotel ads. Could you make it clear what they are?   Студент 1: Знаешь, я встре-чал отели “all-in” во многих рекламных объявлениях. Не мог бы ты пояснить, что это?
Student 2: “All-in” stands for “all-inclusive”. All-inclusive hotels offer all-in rates for full board and half board stays. Full board is bed, breakfast, lunch and dinner.   Half board is bed, breakfast, lunch or dinner.   Студент 2: “All-in” соот-ветствует “все включено”. Инклюзивные отели предла-гают комплексные расценки проживания с полным пан-сионом и полупансионом. Полный пансион - это разме-щение, завтрак, обед и ужин. Полупансион - это размеще-ние, завтрак, обед или ужин.
Student 1: If I’m not mistaken, breakfast is always included in the cost of a night’s accommodation.   Студент 1: Если я не оши-баюсь, завтрак всегда вклю-чен в стоимость суточного размещения.
Student 2: Normally, yes. Though there are rates “Room only”.   Студент 2: Обычно, да. Хотя есть и расценки “Только размещение”.
Student 1: Are there any new types of accommodation?   Студент1: Есть ли какие-ни-будь новые виды разме-щения?
Student 2: Yes, there are. Probably, you have heard about some of them. Like motels with parking space for the guests’ cars, there are boatels at the beachfront with moorage for the guests’ boats and yachts.   Студент 2: Да, есть. Веро-ятно, ты слышал о некото-рых из них. Так же, как мотели со стоянкой для машин гостей, существуют боутели на берегу с прича-лом для лодок и яхт гостей.
Student 1: Oh, right, I’ve heard of floatels. Are they floating hotels on water or something of the kind?   Студент 1: Ах, да, я слышал о флоутелях. Это плавучие отели на воде или что-то типа того?
Student 2: Quite so. Now, have you come across of condos?   Студент 2: Именно так. Теперь, ты встречал “кондо”?
Student 1: No, I’m afraid. I haven’t the foggiest notion!   Студент 1: Боюсь, что нет. Не имею ни малейшего понятия!
Student 2: Condos are condominiums where apartments are owned by individuals. Condos are situated in resort areas and used as second homes for recreation.   Студент 2: Кондо - это кондоминиумы, где кварти-рами владеют частные лица. Кондо находятся в курорт-ных районах и используются как вторые дома для отдыха.
Student 2: Any idea of airwates?   Студент 2: Имеешь пред-ставление об “эйруэйтах”?  
Student 1: No, I haven’t the slightest idea!   Студент 1: Нет, ни малей-шего представления!
Student 2: The airwate is the airport hotel for air passengers. It provides accommodation for people staying for one night only.     Студент 2: “Эйруэйт” - это отель при аэропорте для авиапассажиров. Он предо-ставляет размещение для людей, останавливающихся только на одну ночь.
Student 1: Are camping sites considered to be a type of accommodation?   Студент 1: Кемпинги счи-таются видом размещения?
Student 2: Why not? Tastes differ. People may prefer travelling by car or van and staying in their tent or van overnight.     Студент 2: Почему нет? Вкусы различны. Люди мо-гут предпочесть путешест-вовать на автомобиле или в автофургоне и останав-ливаться на ночлег в своей палатке или фургоне.
Student 1: In this case they will park and stay in a camping or caravanning site with special facilities, won’t they?     Студент 1: В этом случае они остановятся в кемпинге для автолюбителей или для автотуристов в автофурго-нах со специальными удоб-ствами, да?
Student 2: Right. And there is a marina for people who travel on boats and use them for accommodation... What?     Студент 2: Да. Существует марина - оборудованная пристань для яхт, для лю-дей, которые путешествуют на людках и используют их для размещения... Что?
Student 1: You know, I must apologize this time. I’ve taken up a job in the hotel line. I’m doing a night shift tonight.   Студент 1: Ты знаешь, я должен извиниться на этот раз. Я нашел работу в гости-нице. У меня сегодня ночная смена.
Student 2: That’s pretty impressive! A night shift?   Студент 2: Очень впечат-ляет! Ночная смена?
Student 1: Right. I don’t mind night time and even overtime. I want to test myself.   Студент 1: Да. Я не против ночного времени и даже сверхурочных. Я хочу про- верить себя.
Student 2: He who endures wins the gold!   Студент 2: Тот, кто выдер-живает, тот побеждает!
Student 1: Let’s call it a day. I’ve enjoyed talking to you!   Студент 1: Давай на этом закончим. Я получил удо-вольствие от нашего разго-вора!
Student 2: Same here!   Студент 2: Я тоже!
Student 1: Keep in touch!   Студент 1: Держи со мной связь!
Student 2: You, too!   Студент 2: Ты тоже!


according to   в соответствии с
airwate   гостиница для авиапасса-жиров
all-in, all-inclusive   “все включено”, инклюзив-ный
beachfront   на берегу, на береговой линии
boatel   боутель, гостиница на берегу с причалами для лодок и яхт постояльцев
budget hotel   бюджетная гостиница
camping site   кемпинг
caravan, van   автофургон
caravanning site   лагерь для автотуристов на автофургонах
comfort   удобство
commercial hotel   коммерческая гостиница
comprehensive   исчерпывающий
condo, condominium   кондоминиум, кооператив-ный жилой дом
convention hotel   конгрессный отель
countryside   загородная местность
crown system   система корон
deluxe hotel   гостиница класса “люкс”
economy class   экономический класс
exhibit areas   выставочные площади
expensive hotel   дорогой отель
to fall in   попадать в
fitness centre   тренажерный зал
floatel   плавучий отель
to follow   следовать
to grade   делить на группы, классы
grading system   система классификации
inexpensive hotel   недорогая гостиница
key system   система ключей
letter system   система букв
line   область,сфера деятельности
long-term   длительный
marina   оборудованная пристань для лодок и яхт
meeting room   зал заседаний
moderate hotel   гостиница среднего класса
moorage   причал для лодок и яхт
motel   мотель
overtime   сверхурочное время
parking lot   парковка, стоянка
parking space   место для стоянки
quality   качество
to rate   классифицировать
recreational facilities   база для отдыха, условия для отдыха, возможности для организации отдыха
to refer to   именовать, называть
to relax   расслабляться
resident   постоялец, проживающий
residential hotel   стационарная гостиница
scenery   ландшафт, пейзаж
shift   смена
sports grounds   спортивная площадка
star system   система звезд
superdeluxe hotel   гостиница класса “суперлюкс”
tent   палатка
yacht   яхта


Read the texts and answer the questions:


The inexpensive hotel is also called the 1-star hotel according to the European classification.

These are plain hotels and inns of small scale. Inexpensive hotels are modestly furnished. However, rather good facilities are provided for the guests. Bath and lavatory arrangements are offered, but they are not provided in every bedroom. Washbasins are provided in every bedroom.

As a rule the inexpensive hotels have got a lounge area. There are no phones in bedrooms, but the use of telephone is arranged. Not every room is fitted with a radio and a TV-set.

Meals are provided for residents but are usually limited to non-residents. In some inexpensive hotels meals are not served to non-residents at all.

Inexpensive hotels offer low prices. So they are used by the guests who cannot afford to pay much.

Some inexpensive hotels may be old enough with rather small rooms. But the main thing is that they are neat and clean and the service is friendly.

The inexpensive hotels are situated away from the city centre and far from convenient means of transportation. It means that the location is not convenient.


1. How is the inexpensive hotel also called?

2. What kind of facilities are provided in inexpensive hotels?

3. How are meals provided in inexpensive hotels?

4. What kind of guests are inexpensive hotels used by? What are
the prices like?

5. What may still attract the guests in inexpensive hotels?

6. Where are inexpensive hotels situated?


The moderate hotel is also called the 2-star hotel according
to the European classification.

These hotels offer a higher standard of accommodation than
the inexpensive hotels. However, according to the standards only
20 per cent of bedrooms contain a private bathroom or a shower with a lavatory.

TV-sets are provided in some bedrooms or there is a TV-set in a lounge. Assistance with luggage is arranged for the guests. There are bedside lights in the rooms. Wake-up calls are offered. The rooms are not air-conditioned which is a disadvantage for resort and beach hotels in hot countries.

Hot morning tea or hot breakfast is available. A bar and
a restaurant are not available in every moderate hotel.

The moderate hotels are located at a distance from centres of activity. Good transportation may not be available.

The prices are reasonable for the guests with limited incomes.


1. How is the moderate hotel also called?

2. What kind of accommodation is offered to the guests in the
moderate hotels?

3. What sort of facilities are provided in the moderate hotels?

4. What kind of services are arranged in the moderate hotels?

5. What may be a disadvantage in resort and beach hotels?

6. What sort of meals are offered in the moderate hotels?

7. Where are the moderate hotels located?

8. What are the prices like in the moderate hotels?


The expensive hotel is also called the 3-star hotel according to the European classification.

These are well-appointed and very comfortable hotels. A more spacious accommodation is offered to the guests.

According to the standards two thirds of bedrooms contain
a private bathroom or a shower with a lavatory.

All rooms are fitted with a telephone, a radio and a TV-set. Many expensive hotels offer private parking. In many expensive hotels dogs and other pets are admitted.

In resort or beach hotels in hot countries bedrooms are fitted with air-conditioning which is a great advantage. Often bedrooms in resort or beach hotels are not fitted with TV-sets.

Wake-up calls, room service, hair-dryers, porterage are offered.

Fuller meal facilities are provided for the guests. All expensive hotels have got a restaurant and a bar. Meals are provided on a half board basis. Hot tea in the morning and hot evening meals are always offered in the expensive hotels.

The expensive hotels usually have a rather good location. Good transportation is also available.


1. How is the expensive hotel also called?

2. What kind of accommodation is offered to the guests in the
expensive hotels?

3. What sort of facilities are provided in the expensive hotel?

4. What are bedrooms in the expensive resort hotels fitted with?

5. What kind of services are offered in the expensive hotels?

6. What sort of meals are provided in the expensive hotels?

7. Where are the expensive hotels located?


The deluxe hotel is also called the 4-star hotel.

These are exceptionally well-appointed hotels. A high standard of comforts and services is offered to the guests.

A private bathroom or a shower with a lavatory are provided in all bedrooms.

All bedrooms are fitted with a telephone, a colour TV-set, a radio.

The deluxe hotels offer a 24-hour access and a lounge service to the guests until midnight.

All deluxe hotels contain a variety of bars and restaurants. Meals are provided on a full board basis: hot breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The resort or beach hotels in hot countries offer private swimming-pools. The rooms are fitted with air-conditioning and mini-bars. Saunas and solariums are also provided.

The deluxe hotels have excellent locations in beautiful neighbourhoods and convenient transportation means.

The prices are rather high but the guests get their money’s worth.


1. How is the deluxe hotel also called?

2. What kind of accommodation is offered in the deluxe hotels?

3. What are bedrooms fitted with?

4. What sort of services are provided in the deluxe hotels?

5. What kind of meals are offered in the deluxe hotels?

6. What sort of facilities are provided in the deluxe resort hotels?

7. Where are the deluxe hotels located?

8. What are the prices like?


The superdeluxe hotel is usually called the luxury hotel. Such hotels are also known under the name the 5-star hotels.

These are exceptionally luxurious hotels. Extremely comfortable and luxurious guestrooms are offered to the guests. Perfectly appointed public rooms are provided for the needs of the guests: lounges, banquet halls, conference rooms.

The superdeluxe hotels offer the greatest convenience, the best comfort and the widest service to their guests.

All guestrooms include private bathrooms. All guestrooms are fitted with up-to-date equipment and amenities: room telephones, colour TV-sets, home videos, background music, mini-bars,
full-length mirrors, excellent furniture.

A variety of recreational facilities is provided for the guests: swimming-pools, health clubs and fitting centres, saunas, solariums, beauty parlours. Where gambling is allowed, the superdeluxe hotels contain casinos and night-clubs.

The superdeluxe hotels provide all-night lounge service and
all-night room service. Private parking lots are provided for the guests.

A variety of restaurants and bars cater for the needs of all kinds of visitors. They are open for breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner and supper.

The superdeluxe hotels have got a very high proportion of employees to guests and guestrooms. It means that a large number of people are employed to serve the guests. The proportion may be three employees to one guestroom. The employees are perfectly trained to meet the high standards of service.

The superdeluxe hotels are built and designed to provide service for wealthy and important guests. Such hotels are located in fashionable neighbourhoods with the best views and convenient connections.


1. How are the superdeluxe hotels also called?

2. What kind of accommodation is offered in the superdeluxe hotels?

3. What are the guestrooms fitted with?

4. What sort of recreational facilities are provided in the
superdeluxe hotels?

5. What kind of services are offered in the superdeluxe hotels?

6. How high is the proportion of employees to one guest or one
guestroom? What does it mean?

7. Where are the superdeluxe hotels located?


access   доступ
to admit   допускать, принимать
to afford   иметь возможность, позволять себе
amenities   удобства, комфорт
to appoint   обставлять, оснащать
arrangements   мероприятия, меры, приготовления, оформление
assistance   помощь, содействие
beauty parlour   салон красоты
bedside light   прикроватный свет, бра
to cater for   обслуживать
connections   средства связи, средства сообщения
convenient   удобный
to design   планировать, проектировать
exceptionally   исключительно
extremely   чрезвычайно
fashionable   модный, фешенебельный
full-length mirror   зеркало в полный рост
to furnish   обставлять, меблировать
guestroom   гостиничный номер
health club   клуб здоровья
home video   домашнее видео
income   доход
lavatory   туалет
limited   ограниченный
location   местоположение
lounge areа   cалон, гостиная, комната отдыха, вестибюль, бар
lounge service   обслуживание в вестибюле отеля
to meet the standards (met, met)   отвечать стандартам, соответствовать нормам
midnight   полночь
modest   скромный
modestly   скромно
neighbourhood   район, квартал
non-resident   не постоялец, не гость отеля
pet   домашнее животное
plain   простой, обычный
porterage   переноска багажа
private bathroom   отдельная ванная
proportion   соотношение
reasonable   разумный, приемлемый
scale   масштаб, размеры
to be situated   быть расположенным
spacious   просторный
standard   стандарт, норма
variety   разнообразие
view   вид
washbasin   умывальник
well-appointed   хорошо оборудованный, хорошо обставленный
worth   цена, стоимость
to get one’s money’s worth   получить справедливую цену, не переплатить


Fill in the blanks:

amenities   advantage   deluxe hotel
washbasins   disadvantage   moderate hotel
location   gambling   inexpensive hotel
facilities   incomes   superdeluxe hotel
neighbourhoods   standard   expensive hotel

1. Two thirds of bedrooms in the...... contain a private bathroom or a shower with a lavatory.

2. Twenty per cent of bedrooms in the...... contain a private bathroom or a shower with a lavatory.

3. The...... has luxurious guestrooms and perfectly appointed public rooms.

4. The...... is a small-scale plain hotel or inn.

5. In the...... all bedrooms are provided with a private bathroom or a shower with a lavatory and there is a lounge service until midnight.

6. Prices in moderate hotels are reasonable for guests with limited.......

7. All guestrooms in the superdeluxe hotel are fitted with

8. In the expensive hotel fuller meal...... are provided than in the moderate hotel.

9. In the expensive hotel bedrooms are fitted with air-conditioning which is an...... for hot countries.

10. In the inexpensive hotel...... are provided in every bedroom.

11. A high...... of comfort is offered to guests in deluxe hotels.

12. The...... of inexpensive hotels is not convenient.

13. In the moderate hotel bedrooms are not air-conditioned which is a...... for hot countries.

14. Deluxe hotels have excellent locations in beautiful.......

15. In many superdeluxe hotels there are casinos if...... is allowed in the area.


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