The food and beverage department — КиберПедия 

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The food and beverage department

2019-08-07 2316
The food and beverage department 4.75 из 5.00 4 оценки
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Most hotels have got some kind of food and beverage department. It includes a kitchen, a pantry, dining-halls, bars and cocktail lounges.

If the hotel’s kitchen has gained a reputation, it may increase the hotel’s business.

A hotel restaurant may serve individuals or groups. When a restaurant serves individuals it usually offers a la carte menus. When a hotel restaurant serves groups it provides table d’hote menus.

A hotel restaurant may prepare light meals, such as a continental breakfast. A continental breakfast includes juice, rolls, butter, jam and tea or coffee.

A hotel restaurant may prepare full English breakfast. It is a meal of juice, cereals, bacon and eggs, toast and marmalade, tea or coffee.

The rate, when the hotels offer accommodation and breakfast, has got the name of “bed & breakfast”.

A hotel restaurant may prepare both breakfast and one full meal: lunch or dinner. The rate, when the hotels offer accommodation, breakfast and one full meal, has got the name of “half board”.

A hotel restaurant may prepare breakfast, full lunch and full dinner. The rate, when the hotels offer accommodation and three meals, has got the name of “full board”.

A hotel restaurant may also serve brunch. It may be late breakfast or early lunch. The word “brunch” has recently appeared. It combines two words “breakfast”and “lunch”.

The food and beverage department is in charge of room service, too. When the hotel guests want to have their food and beverages in their rooms, the hotel provides this service.



1. What does the food and beverage department include?

2. How may the hotel’s kitchen increase the hotel’s business?

3. What kind of customers does a hotel restaurant serve? What
kind of menus are there?

4. What types of breakfast can a restaurant serve? How do they

5. What does the hotel rate “bed & breakfast”include?

6. What does the hotel rate “half board”include?

7. What does the hotel rate “full board”include?

8. What does the word “brunch”mean?

9. What is room service?


At the head of the food and beverage department is the food and beverage manager.

The kitchen supervisor is the head chef. He is in charge of specialist chefs, cooks and kitchen helpers.

The cooks do the actual cooking of meals. The chefs supervise them. The kitchen helpers wash, peel and cut up the vegetables, wash and cut the meat.

There is a pantry in the food and beverage department. It has got the dishes, china, glassware, napery, facilities for warming up the dishes. The storekeeper is in charge of the pantry. Her duties also include dispatching of food and beverages within the department.

There is also a wine steward. After the customers have chosen dishes on the menu, he recommends and serves wine to them.

The main person in the dining-hall is the maitre d’hotel. He is in charge of all restaurant services. He meets, greets and seats the customers. Often he takes the orders from the customers.

Waiters and waitresses serve food to the customers. They take orders and bring food to the tables.

The busboy cleans the tables, pours water and brings rolls for the customers.

The bartender mixes and pours alcoholic drinks for customers at the bar.


1. Who is at the head of the food and beverage department?

2. Who is the head chef in charge of?

3. What do the chefs, the cooks and the kitchen helpers do?

4. What is there in the pantry? Who is in charge of it?

5. What does the storekeeper do?

6. What does the wine steward do?

7. What are the duties of the maitre d’hotel?

8. What are the duties of the waiter?

9. What does the busboy do?

10. What does the bartender do?


At the head of the catering department is the catering manager.

The catering department is separate from the food and beverage department. It has got different functions.

The caterer provides different services from the restaurant.

The restaurant serves small groups of customers. A caterer arranges and prepares parties, banquets, large group meals.

The caterer has to deal with large quantities of food and beverages.

The caterer must also manage the employees who work at those gatherings.

Conventions always require this kind of service. Conventions are assemblies of professionals, businessmen or government officials. They get together to exchange ideas and information. Conventions use a lot of hotel facilities and catering services.

Experts have come to the conclusion that the success of a convention may strongly depend on a well-run banquet.

The catering business hasn’t yet reached its peak. The number of conventions has grown and volume of catering services has also grown. Conventions will continue to increase. So the need for catering services will increase, too.


1. Who is at the head of the catering department?

2. How do the catering department and the food and beverage
department differ?

3. What does the caterer have to deal with?

4. What are conventions?

5. What kind of conclusion have experts come to?

6. Why will the need for catering services increase?


A banquet is a formal dinner for a large group of people.

Hotels and restaurants often arrange and give banquets.

Many restaurants have got banqueting facilities. They can arrange meals in a special dining room for public and private functions. The public functions are company dinners, press conferences or fashion shows. The private functions are weddings, birthday parties or dinner dances.

For some of these functions restaurants provide table service usual or buffet service usual. It means that there may be waiter service, counter service or self-service.

Banquets have become part of conventions.

The banquet manager is in charge of the banquet. During the banquet the banquet manager and the staff of waiters and waitresses provide smooth service to a large number of people. The banquet manager handles the whole ceremony.

Before the banquet has started the banquet manager makes bulk purchases of the products for the banquet. Buying large quantities of food and beverages can be very profitable for the catering department.


1. What is a banquet?

2. What kind of functions do restaurants arrange banquets for?

3. What are public functions?

4. What are private functions?

5. What kind of service do restaurants provide at the banquets?

6. What does the banquet manager do?

7. Why are banquets profitable for the catering department?



assembly   собрание
bacon and eggs   яичница с грудинкой
band   оркестр, группа музыкантов
banqueting facilities   условия для организации банкетов
banquet manager   менеджер банкетов
banqueting services   обслуживание банкетов
bartender   бармен
bed and breakfast   размещение и завтрак
biscuit   сухое печенье
brunch   поздний завтрак, ранний обед
buffet service usual   обслуживание типа “буфет”
bulk purchases   оптовые закупки
busboy   уборщик грязной посуды, помощник официанта
a la carte menu   порционное меню
caterer   организатор oбщественного питания
catering manager   менеджер общественного питания, заведующий отде-лом общественного питания
cereals   овсяная каша, хлопья
to combine   сочетать, соединять
conclusion   заключение
continental breakfast   континентальный завтрак
counter service   обслуживание на раздаче у стойки
course   блюдо (как порядок подачи)
crisp   хрустящий
to cut up (сut, cut)   резать
delicious   вкусный
to dispatch   посылать, отправлять
to exchange   обменивать, обмениваться
fashion show   показ мод
fixed price menu   комплексное меню
floor show   представление среди публики
full board   полный пансион
full English breakfast   полный английский завтрак
to gain a reputation   завоевать репутацию
half board   полупансион
haute cuisine   изысканная кухня
home-made dish   блюдо домашней кухни
informal restaurant   обычный ресторан
luxury restaurant   роскошный ресторан
maitre d’hotel   метрдотель
marmalade   апельсиновый джем
to mix   смешивать, готовить путем смешивания
mixed drink   коктейль
order   заказ
party   вечеринка
to pour   наливать
profitable   выгодный, прибыльный, рентабельный
public   общественный
quantity   количество
rate   расценка, тариф
relaxed   непринужденный
roll   булочка
self-service   самообслуживание
smooth   ровный, спокойный
snack   легкая закуска
soda   содовая, газированная вода
sophisticated   изысканный, утонченный
storekeeper   заведующий складом, кладовщик
table d’hote menu   комплексное меню
table service usual   обслуживание за столами
to take orders (took, taken)   принимать заказы
volume   объем
waiter service   обслуживание официантами
to warm up   подогревать


Fill in the blanks:

room service   brunch   banquet manager
counter service   a la carte menus   wine steward
catering   quick snacks   bartender
half board   table d’hote menus   food and beverage
storekeeper   full board   haute cuisine

1. At coffee-shops customers have...... and drinks.

2. The...... dispatches food and beverages within the department and keeps the pantry.

3....... is late breakfast or early lunch.

4. The...... department arranges parties and banquets and often serves conventions.

5. Luxury restaurants are famous for their.......

6....... is a hotel rate when a hotel offers accommodation, breakfast and two full meals.

7. The...... recommends and serves wine to the restaurant customers.

8. The...... department serves individuals and small groups of customers.

9. The...... makes bulk purchases of food and beverages.

10.... is a rate when a hotel offers accommodation, breakfast and one full meal.

11. When restaurants serve groups, they provide...... menus.

12. For the banquet the catering department can arrange waiter service,......, or self-service.

13. The...... mixes and pours beverages for customers at a cocktail lounge or a bar.

14. Hotels provide...... when their guests want to have food and beverages in their rooms.

15. When restaurants serve individuals, they offer...... menus.



TO DEVELOP (правильный)

+ I (you, we, they) have developed.

He (she, it) has developed.

? Have I (you, we, they) developed?

Has he (she, it) developed?

- I (you, we, they) have not (haven’t) developed.

He (she, it) has not (hasn’t) developed.

TO GROW (неправильный)

+ I (you, we, they) have grown.

He (she, it) has grown.

? Have I (you, we, they) grown?

Has he (she, it) grown?

- I (you, we, they) have not (haven’t) grown.

He (she, it) has not (hasn’t) grown.

I. Make up interrogative and negative sentences:


+ They have offered continental breakfast.

? Have they offered continental breakfast?

- They have not offered continental breakfast.

+ The waiter has already come.

? Has the waiter come yet?

- The waiter has not come yet.

1. The kitchen helpers have peeled the vegetables.

2. They have cut up the vegetables.

3. I have arrived in time.

4. The convention has ordered a banquet.

5. The storekeeper has already brought the linen.

6. The customers have asked for full board.

7. We have had a full English breakfast.

8. The hostess has already seated the guests.

9. I have already mixed you a drink.

10. The tourists have been to a luxury restaurant.

11. The chef has already made his special dish.

12. The banquet has already begun.

13. This restaurant has already gained a good reputation.


II. Make up alternative questions:


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