Card 17. The respiratory system — КиберПедия 

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Card 17. The respiratory system

2018-01-14 95
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Like the beating of the heart and the circulation of the blood, breathing is of vital importance for the immediate preservation of life. Interruption of breathing for only a few minutes by suffocation or strangulation causes death. The respiratory system can readily be thought of in two main divisions. The first or upper part conducts air and as a corollary of this action, produces the voice. It consists of the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, and bronchial tree (bronchi). The second part receives the air and exchanges gases. This action occurs throughout the spongy of the lungs, which occupy the major part of the cavity on both sides of the chest.

It is by means of the organs of respiration that air is taken into the lungs and oxygen given to the blood. While oxygen is being taken into the blood, carbonic acid gas or carbon dioxide passes from the blood into the lungs and is breathed out.


1 курс, 1 семестр № 2 Аралық бақылау

Card 18. Heart


The heart is a hollow organ about the size of a man’s fist, made up of cardiac muscle, which contracts periodically from the first moment of life until the last. The rate of the heartbeat varies somewhat in different persons as well as in res ponse to specific demands of the organism at different times. In the adult it is usually from 70 to 75 per minute, while in children it is generally much higher.

Following each beat of the heart there is a period of rest for the muscle. This rest period is shorter during greater activity and longer when the body is quiet. On an average the heart muscle works, i.e., is in a state of contraction, about one third of the time. The heart is really two separate pumps, each composed of two chambers the auricle and the ventricle.

1 курс, 1 семестр № 2 Аралық бақылау

Card 19. Edinburgh

Edinburgh - the capital and second largest city of Scotland. Situated on the southern shore of the Firth of Forth, the city is overlooked by Salisbury crags and the hill Arthur’s Seat. It is built on rocky hill, one of which rises westward to a precipitous rock Castle Hill. Here since pre-Christian times, a castle has stood dominating the Lothian region. Along the crest of this ridge a continuous road called the royal Mile descends eastward from Castle Hill to Canongate and Holyrood Palace, residence of Mary, Queen of Scots. Each side of the Royal Mile is flanked by the “wynds” or alleys of the Old Town. Besides the castle and palace one finds here Parliament House, the Royal Exchange, and many XVI and XVII century dwellings, some carefully restored as museums. Seen from the southernmost street of the New Town, Princes Street, the ridge descending from Castle Hill to the old Town, presents such a magnificent vista that Edinburgh is often called the “Athens of the North”. More familiarly, it is nicknamed “Auld Reekie” because of the low-lying smoke and fog.

Much of the city’s industry is related to its metropolitan and cultural functions. Printing, publishing are the mops important commercial industries. Baking, confectionery and chocolate manufacturing, brewing, distilling, and bottling are also important. New industries include the production of rubber and electrical and marine engineering.

1 курс, 1 семестр № 2 Аралық бақылау

Card 20. THE LIVER

Structure: The liver is the largest gland of the body. It is a soft plastic organ. There are two principal lobes, the right and the left. The cells of the liver are arranged in lobules. These are elongated polygonal structures, having five, six or seven sides. Blood is brought from two sources: from the digestive tract and spleen by the portal vein and from the aorta through the hepatic artery.

Functions: The most obvious function of the liver is the formation of its external secretion, the bile. The other functions of the liver are numerous and varied. These are: blood formation in the embrio, stimulation of red bone marrow, production of fibrinogen, storage of iron and cooper, detoxication, protein metabolism, fat metabolism, heat production and many others.


1 курс,1 семестр № 2 Аралық бақылау



NOTHERN IRELAND, also known as Ulster, is still a part of the United Kingdom. It is made up of six countries: Antrim, Armagh, Down, Fermanagh, Londonderry, and Tyrone. One third of the population lives in and around the capital, Belfast. Belfast is also the most important port and commercial and industrial centre. Some parts of the territory, those that are not close to the capital, have remained mainly rural.

The Irish population is divided into two groups: the Protestants and the Catholics. The Protestants are of British origin. They are descendants of British settlers who came to Ireland in the XVIth and XVIIth centuries, during and after Reformation. The Catholics are mostly natives of Ireland.

The Protestants were the majority and dominated the Catholics with strong discrimination. In 1968 the Catholics began the movement for equal civil rights.

The fightings between the two groups of the population continue to this day.

Northern Ireland has a strong cultural tradition: songs, dances, literature and festivals.

It has its own Art Council, and there are orchestras, theatres, ballet and opera companies.



Population – население

Origin – происхождение

Descendants – потомок

Settler(s) – поселенец, переселенец

Discrimination – дискриминация

Civil rights – гражданские права



1 курс,1 семестр № 2 Аралық бақылау


Blood structure. The blood supplies all the tissues and organs of the body with oxygen and nourishment. It also removes from the tissues the products of metabolism which are not needed and carries them to the lungs, kidneys, liver, intestines, and other parts of the body where they are excreted.

Whole blood consists of a cellular fraction and a cell-free fluid portion, which is the plasma. The cellular fraction consists of red blood cells (erythrocytes). White blood cells (leucocytes), and blood plates (thrombocytes).

The chief constituent of the red blood cells is hemoglobin, an iron and protein compound that carries oxygen from the lungs to all the tissues and organs of the body. There are normally 4,500,000 to 5,000,000 red blood cells per milliliter and about 15 Gm of hemoglobin per 100 ml of blood.

The white blood cells are less numerous than red blood cells. There are normally from 5, 00 to 10,000 of them in each milliliter of blood

A majority of there cells are concerned with combating infection in the body. They destroy bacteria in the blood and tissues and also help neutralize poisons formed by bacteria by producing antibodies.


1 курс, 1 семестр № 2 Аралық бақылау

Card 23. LONDON

As well as being of the capital of England, London is the capital of the United Kingdom.

London was founded by the Romans in 43 A.D. and was called Londinium. In 61 A.D. the town was burn down and when it was rebuilt by the Romans it was surrounded by a wall. That area within the wall is now called the City of London. It is London’s commercial and business centre. It contains the Bank of England, the Stock Exchange and the head offices of numerous companies and corporations. Here is situated the Tower of London. The Tower was built by William the Conqueror who conquered England in 1066. He was crowned at Westminster Abbey. Now most of the Government buildings are located there.

During the Tudor period (16th century) London became an important economic and financial centre. The Londoners of the Elizabethan period built the firs theatres. Nowadays the theatre land is stretched around Piccadilly Circus. Not far from it one can see the British museum and the convent Garden Opera House.

During the Victorian period (19th century). London was one of the most important centre of the Industrial Revolution and the centre of the British Empire.

Today London is a great political centre, a great commercial centre, a paradise for theatre-goers and tourists, but it is also a very quiet place with its parks and its ancient buildings, museums and libraries.



Capital – столица

Found(ed) – основывать

Surrounded – окруженный

Crowned – коронованный

Westminster Abbey – Вестминстерское аббатство

Theatre land – район театров

Paradise – рай

Ancient – древний



1 курс, 1 семестр № 2 Аралық бақылау


One knows that during diastole the atria and the ventricles take in the blood. It has been determined that during the systole the atria and the ventricles discharge out the blood. The diastole of the ventricles takes place during the systole of the atria, and the systole of the ventricles takes place during the diastole of the atria. These functions of the atria and the ventricles compose the cardiac rhythm. The cardiac cycle lasts 0.9 second. The contraction of the atria lasts 0.2 and that of the ventricles 0.3. When the atria contract the ventricles are at rest. The diastole or the period of rest of the cardiac muscle lasts 0.4.

So during one cardiac cycle the ventricles work 0.3” but rest 0.6”.

The period of contraction of the ventricles is longer that of the atria and the systolic blood pressure is always higher than the diastolic one. Such an interesting cardiac rhythm which enables the heart to rest longer than to work is very important for the blood circulation. If the period of cardiac rest has become constantly shorter the rate of heartbeat increases. Such an increased rate of heartbeat may affect the heart and produce different cardiac diseases.


Рубежный контроль №4 1 курс Card №1. Open the brackets using verbs in Present, Past, Future Simple Passive. 1.The spinal column (to separate) vertebrae. (Present Simple) 2.The spinal column (to separate) vertebrae. (Past Simple) 3.The spinal column (to separate) vertebrae. (Future Simple) Replace the modal verbs with equivalents. 4.The renal blood can be constricted or dilated.   Fill in some, any or no. 5.Smooth muscle cells have … characteristic features.   Рубежный контроль №4 1 курс Card №2.   Open the brackets using verbs in Present, Past, Future Perfect Passive. 1. Many questions (to ask) at the seminar. (Present Perfect) 2. Many questions (to ask) at the seminar. (Past Perfect) 3. Many questions (to ask) at the seminar. (Future Perfect) Replace the modal verbs with equivalents. 4.We may divide all animals into two classes.   Fill in some, any or no. 5.There is … backbone in invertebrate animals.  
Рубежный контроль №4 1 курс Card №3. Open the brackets using verbs in Present, Past, Future Perfect Passive. 1.A report on muscular system (to make) 1st year student. (Present Perfect) 2. A report on muscular system (to make) 1st year student. (Past Perfect) 3. A report on muscular system (to make) 1st year student. (Future Perfect) Replace the modal verbs with equivalents. 4.Smooth muscles can contract slowly.   Fill in some, any or no. 5.Are there … special hospitals for children?   Рубежный контроль №4 1 курс Card №4. Open the brackets using verbs in Present, Past, Future Continuous Passive. 1.Numerous problems (to solve) medicine.(Present Continuous) 2.Numerous problems (to solve) medicine.(Past Continuous) 3.Numerous problems (to solve) medicine.(Future Continuous) Replace the modal verbs with equivalents. 4.Future doctors must know human anatomy very well.   Fill in some, any or no. 5.There are … illustrated books on Human anatomy.
Рубежный контроль №4 1 курс Card №5. Open the brackets using verbs in Present, Past, Future Simple Passive. 1.The ventral chamber (to divide) the diaphragm.(Present Simple) 2.The ventral chamber (to divide) the diaphragm.(Past Simple) 3.The ventral chamber (to divide) the diaphragm.(Future Simple) Replace the modal verbs with equivalents. 4.We must know all the functions of the lungs.   Fill in some, any or no. 5.Smooth muscles contract without … volition.   Рубежный контроль №4 1 курс Card №6. Open the brackets using verbs in Present, Past, Future Simple Passive. 1.The heart and the lungs (to enclose) the thorax. (Present Simple) 2.The heart and the lungs (to enclose) the thorax. (Past Simple) 3.The heart and the lungs (to enclose) the thorax. (Future Simple) Replace the modal verbs with equivalents. 4.I can describe the bones of the trunk.   Fill in some, any or no. 5.There is … special name for radius in English language.  
Рубежный контроль №4 1 курс Card №7. Open the brackets using verbs in Present, Past, Future Perfect Passive. 1.The functions of the brain (to discuss) the whole lesson.(Present Continuous) 2.The functions of the brain (to discuss) the whole lesson. (Past Continuous) 3.The functions of the brain (to discuss) the whole lesson. (Future Continuous) Replace the modal verbs with equivalents. 4.We cannot deliberately cause smooth muscles to lift our hands or open our mouth.   Fill in some, any or no. 5.You may come for consultation on physics … time from 5 to 8.   Рубежный контроль №4 1 курс Card №8. Open the brackets using verbs in Present, Past, Future Simple Passive. 1.The skeleton (make up) the bones of our body. (Present Simple) 2.The skeleton (make up) the bones of our body. (Past Simple) 3.The skeleton (make up) the bones of our body. (Future Simple) Replace the modal verbs with equivalents. 4.We may call the humerus, an armbone.   Fill in some, any or no. 5.A cardiac muscle fibers has … beginning and ending.  
Рубежный контроль №4 1 курс Card №9. Open the brackets using verbs in Present, Past, Future Simple Passive. 1.The beating of the heart (to control) the involuntary muscles. (Present Simple) 2.The beating of the heart (to control) the involuntary muscles. (Past Simple) 3.The beating of the heart (to control) the involuntary muscles. (FutureSimple) Replace the modal verbs with equivalents. 4.We may use this drug three times a day.   Fill in some, any or no. 5.Smooth muscles form the coat of … internal organs.   Рубежный контроль №4 1 курс Card №10. Open the brackets using verbs in Present, Past, Future Simple Passive. 1.The structure of the human body(to study)every year.(Present Continuous) 2. The structure of the human body (to study) last year. (Past Continuous) 3. The structure of the human body (to study) next year. (Future Continuous)   Replace the modal verbs with equivalents. 4.In this picture we can see the blood vessel size difference.   Fill in some, any or no. 5.The teacher asked … questions.  
Рубежный контроль №4 1 курс Card №11. Open the brackets using verbs in Present, Past, Future Continuous Passive. 1.Patients (to take care of) nurses.(Present Continuous) 2.Patients (to take care of) nurses.(Past Continuous) 3.Patients (to take care of) nurses.(Future Continuous) Replace the modal verbs with equivalents. 4.The renal blood can be constricted or dilated.   Fill in some, any or no. 5.Are … surgical departments in this hospital?   Рубежный контроль №4 1 курс Card №12. Open the brackets using verbs in Present, Past, Future Simple Passive. 1.The larger part of waste products of the body (to excrete) by urinary system. (Present Simple). 2.The larger part of waste products of the body (to excrete) by urinary system. (Past Simple) 3. The larger part of waste products of the body (to excrete) by urinary system. (Future Simple) Replace the modal verbs with equivalents. 4.We may divide all the muscles into two groups.   Fill in some, any or no. 5.I don’t know … of these diseases.
Рубежный контроль №4 1 курс Card №13. Open the brackets using verbs in Present, Past, Future Simple Passive. 1.Fluid and certain solids (to separate) from the blood kidneys. (Present Simple) 2.Fluid and certain solids (to separate) from the blood kidneys. (Past Simple) 3.Fluid and certain solids (to separate) from the blood kidneys. (Future Simple) Replace the modal verbs with equivalents. 4.Each type of muscles must perform definite functions.   Fill in some, any or no. 5.There were … patients that fell sick.   Рубежный контроль №4 1 курс Card №14. Open the brackets using verbs in Present, Past, Future Simple Passive. 1.The esophagus (to protect) the slippery mucus.(Present Simple) 2.The esophagus (to protect) the slippery mucus.(Past Simple) 3.The esophagus (to protect) the slippery mucus.(Future Simple) Replace the modal verbs with equivalents. 4.Under the microscope we can see the membrane which consist of different cells.   Fill in some, any or no. 5.There were … informative articles in this journal.  
Рубежный контроль №4 1 курс Card №15. Open the brackets using verbs in Present, Past, Future Simple Passive. 1.The blood to the all parts of the right side of the neck (to distribute) the right carotid artery.(Present Simple) 2.The blood to the all parts of the right side of the neck (to distribute) the right carotid artery.((Past Simple) 3.The blood to the all parts of the right side of the neck (to distribute) the right carotid artery.((Future Simple) Replace the modal verbs with equivalents. 4.One must remember that air is at all times full of bacteria.   Fill in some, any or no. 5.The blood capillaries are absent in … parts of the body. Рубежный контроль №4 1 курс Card №16. Open the brackets using verbs in Present, Past, Future ContinuousPassive. 1.The cardiac muscle (to nourish) coronary arteries. (Present Continuous) 2.The cardiac muscle (to nourish) coronary arteries. (Past Continuous) 3.The cardiac muscle (to nourish) coronary arteries. (Future Continuous) Replace the modal verbs with equivalents. 4.The heart may be described as a hollow organ that has four chambers.   Fill in some, any or no. 5.There are … differences between the veins, arteries and capillaries.
Рубежный контроль №4 1 курс Card №17 Open the brackets using verbs in Present, Past, Future Simple Passive. 1.The lungs (to renew) constantly.(Present Simple) 2.The lungs (to renew) constantly.(Past Simple) 3.The lungs (to renew) constantly.(Future Simple) Replace the modal verbs with equivalents. 4.The renal blood can be constricted or dilated.   Fill in some, any or no. 5.… muscular effort increases the number of respirations.     Рубежный контроль №4 1 курс Card №18. Open the brackets using verbs in Present, Past, Future Simple Passive. 1.The larger part of waste products of the body (to excrete) by urinary system. (Present Simple). 2. The larger part of waste products of the body (to excrete) by urinary system. (Past Simple) 3. The larger part of waste products of the body (to excrete) by urinary system. (Future Simple) Replace the modal verbs with equivalents. 4.One must know that mechanisms in the upper respiratory tract serve to filter and warm the air.   Fill in some, any or no. 5.There was … information about methods of examination at the lecture, so I left it.
Рубежный контроль №4 1 курс Card №19. Open the brackets using verbs in Present, Past, Future Simple Passive. 1.Outside the digestive coat salivary glands, pancreas and liver (to situate).(Present Simple) 2.Outside the digestive coat salivary glands, pancreas and liver (to situate).(Past Simple) 3.Outside the digestive coat salivary glands, pancreas and liver (to situate).(Future Simple) Replace the modal verbs with equivalents. 4.During the intense muscular activity the inspiration rate may rise.   Fill in some, any or no. 5.Give the patient … analgetic.   Рубежный контроль №4 1 курс Card №20. Open the brackets using verbs in Present, Past, Future Simple Passive. 1.The left heart chambers (to divide) the mitral valve. (Present Simple) 2.The left heart chambers (to divide) the mitral valve. (Past Simple) 3.The left heart chambers (to divide) the mitral valve. (Future Simple) Replace the modal verbs with equivalents. 4.One must know that smoking is harmful.   Fill in some, any or no. 5.… student has been absent from the lecture today.  
Рубежный контроль №4 1 курс Card №21. Open the brackets using verbs in Present, Past, Future Simple Passive. 1.The central portions of the abdominal cavity (to occupy) intestines. (Present Simple) 2.The central portions of the abdominal cavity (to occupy) intestines. (Past Simple) 3.The central portions of the abdominal cavity (to occupy) intestines. (Future Simple) Replace the modal verbs with equivalents. 4.One must know that the capacity of the bladder of an adult is about 350-500 ml.   Fill in some, any or no. 5.… nitrogenous waste products must be thrown off by the body first. Рубежный контроль №4 1 курс Card №22. Open the brackets using verbs in Present, Past, Future Simple Passive. 1.Carbon dioxide and water (to excrete) lungs.(Present Simple) 2.Carbon dioxide and water (to excrete) lungs.(Past Simple) 3.Carbon dioxide and water (to excrete) lungs.(Future Simple) Replace the modal verbs with equivalents. 4.In the process of metabolism certain waste products must be cast off.   Fill in some, any or no. 5.There are … blood vessels in mucous coat.
Рубежный контроль №4 1 курс Card №23. Open the brackets using verbs in Present, Past, Future Simple Passive. 1.A vast amount of information concerning use of Penicillin (to accumulate).(Present Simple) 2.A vast amount of information concerning use of Penicillin (to accumulate). (Past Simple) 3.A vast amount of information concerning use of Penicillin (to accumulate). (Future Simple) Replace the modal verbs with equivalents. 4.Everybody must know that liver plays important role in the vital activities of the organism.   Fill in some, any or no. 5.My new eyeglasses are very good, I can … now. Рубежный контроль №4 1 курс Card №24. Open the brackets using verbs in Present, Past, Future Continuous Passive. 1.The boy with diphtheria (to examine) doctor.(Present Continuous) 2.The boy with diphtheria (to examine) doctor.(Past Continuous) 3.The boy with diphtheria (to examine) doctor.(Future Continuous) Replace the modal verbs with equivalents. 4.The kidneys may be regarded as filters.   Fill in some, any or no. 5.The size and shape of the stomach vary with … amount of food.
  Card №1. sovereignty to separate vessel pharynx dilation treasure house trachea nucleus unanimously blood pressure   Card №2. skeleton cardiovascular esophagus to assist lung clot larynx pancreas plain muscular   Card №3. to adopt tissue skull state tongue breastbone digestive intestines coal-mining shoulder-blade   Card №4. convex stomach respiratory mucous low hills larynx elimination machine-building circulate Supreme Soviet    
  Card №5. ventricle unanimously substance chamber trunk coexistence capillary tributaries inhale elbow   Card №6. kidney plateaux circulation aorta muscle lumbar to be situated breathe judicial neck   Card №7. educational establishment blood joint foreign policy pelvic windpipe auricle mankind inhalation habit     Card №8. passage-way bladder windpipe spleen distinguishable coal-mining grain-farming contraction urethra thigh      
  Card №9.   civil liver saliva vertebra wrist mucous thorax to occupy an area branch digest   Card №10. chest circulatory knot digestive water ways urinary salivary treasure-house secretion artery   Card №11. cavity disturbance pelvis thorax jaw transparent ethnic groups digestion rib exchange   Card №12. extension fat pancreas connective tissue forearm atrium esophagus palm larynx vertebral column    
  Card №13. bronchus urine muscular pelvic abdomen tissue gall-bladder digestive hilus waste products   Card №14. thumb circulate pharynx trachea ventricle intestines blood pressure shoulder-blade exhalation clot   Card №15. alveolar digest excretion substance eliminate cardiovascular connective tissue vein urethra lining   Card №16. abdomen digestive alimentary canal limb blood pressure inhalation jaw ventricle salivary nourishment    
  Card №17. mucous glomerulus ankle urine secretion pancreas bronchial apex poison passage-way   Card №18. backbone ureter breathe circulation thorax secretion windpipe skull respiration salivary     Card №19. stomach trachea skull striated collarbone contract minute elimination elongate finger   Card №20. dilation fluid fundus separate false rib bean-shaped heart enclose skin mucus    
  Card №21. bronchus poor circulation diaphragm capillary elbow life-giving gas cone-shaped narrow contractile pulmonary vein   Card №22. kidney bronchial aorta poisonous digestive glands to transverse invertebrate musculation lumbar neck   Card №23. to bend joint alveolar pelvic width volition to include carbon dioxide spleen separable   Card №24. pulmonary artery to extend bone weight sovereignty systemic circulation bile-reservoir fibre colourless breathless    



Card №25 bronchus poor circulation diaphragm capillary elbow lowlands cone-shaped narrow contractile united        



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