Card 13. Climate of Great Britain — КиберПедия 

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Card 13. Climate of Great Britain

2018-01-14 94
Card 13. Climate of Great Britain 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Due to the geographic location of Great Britain the type of the climate is oceanic. There are no extreme contrasts in temperature in Britain because of the current of warm water flowing from the gulf of Mexico called the Gulf Stream.

Average British temperatures do not rise above 32 ۫C in summer and do not fall below- 10 ۫C in winter.

The prevailing winds from the ocean to the south-west bring rainfall throughout the year. The total national rainfall average is over 1100 mm annually. March to June tend to be a driest months, September to January the wettest.

The fogs of London, often made severe by mixture with city smoke, have worldwide reputation.

The rivers of the Great Britain are the Thames, the Tyne, the Severn, the Mersey; the biggest lakes are the Loch Lomond, the Lough Neagh. A considerable area of land is covered by meadows and heaths. The grass remains green all the year round. Thanks to climate conditions, Britain in truth looks like one great well-ordered park with its old trees, green meadows and hedges.



Gulf- залив

Prevailing- преобладающий

Rainfall-ливень, количество осадков


Meadow- луг


1 курс, 1 семестр № 2 Аралық бақылау

Card 14. Stomach


The stomach, the widest segment of the digestive tube, lies below the left of the diaphragm and extends obliquely to the pyloroduodenal flexure.

For purposes of description, it is usually subdivided into three portions.

The fundus is the portion cephalad to the cardiac orifice. The pars media of body lies between the fundus and the antrum.

The media is limited below by the angular incisura on the lesser curvative and the left vertebral border on the great curvative.

The antrum or pars pylorica is the segment between the media and the pyloroduodenal flexure.

The normal shape, size and position of the stomach are all variable, depending on the volume of gastric content, the position of the individual, the age of the individual and his constitutional type.

The stomach is abundantly supplied with blood from the coeliac axis, a short, wide artery which comes directly from the aorta and likewise gives branches to the liver, pancreas and spleen. The stomach is very richly supplied with nerves both from the nerve vagus and from the nerve sympathicus.


1 курс, 1 семестр № 2 Аралық бақылау

Card 15. LIVER

The liver is the organ primarily engaged in the intermediary metabolism of the materials absorbed from the gastro-intestinal tract and in the excretion of metabolic waste products.

The liver is a large, two – lobed, wedge – shaped gland; it weighs about 1500 grams. Its structure and manner of blood supply is a fine illustration of the close connection, so often observed, between structure and function.

The blood brought by the portal vein to the liver is rich in food materials and poor in oxygen, and another vascular system provides the liver cells with oxygen. The blood sent to the liver by the hepatic artery traverses its capillary system, unites with the blood sent to the liver by the portal vein and thus reaches the hepatic vein and returns to the heart.

Aside from its blood supply and lymph vessels, the liver possesses still another system which is peculiar to it. This system serves for the collection of the bile, secreted by liver cells, for the concentration of part of the bile in the gall- bladder and for the final flow of all the bile through the common duct into the duodenum.

The liver can act as reservoir for water to a limited extent.


1 курс, 1 семестр № 2 Аралық бақылау

Card 16. Population

The British Isles are the home of four nations- English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish. Even though foreigners often call all British people “English”, and sometimes have difficulty in appreciating the distinctions, the component nations of the United Kingdom are well aware of their own individual characteristics. The Scots, Welsh and Irish regard themselves as largely Celtic peoples, while the English are mainly Anglo-Saxon in origin.

British society as a whole does not have a uniform cultural identity. In 1988 the population of the United Kingdom was about 57 million inhabitants. This figure gives a population density of 600 persons per square mile (284 per square km). England has an average density of 980 persons per square mile (364 per square km). This average does not reveal the even higher densities in some areas of the country, such as south-east parts. Within Europe only the Netherlands has a higher population that England.







Density-плотность населения


1 курс, 1 семестр № 2 Аралық бақылау

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