Аннотирование профессиональных текстов из научных источников — КиберПедия 

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Аннотирование профессиональных текстов из научных источников

2018-01-14 257
Аннотирование профессиональных текстов из научных источников 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Задание I. Изучите фразы, используемые при написании аннотации научных текстов

v Useful Phrases to situate the research

· A central issue in... is...

· In recent years, researchers have become increasingly interested in……..

· Recently, there has been an increase of interest in..

·.Many recent studies have focused on...

· One of the most important/promising aspects/tasks of... is...

· Over the last decade, research on... has increasingly demonstrated that...

· The development of... has led to...

· The relationship between... has been investigated/explored by many researchers.

v Useful Phrases to present the research and its methodology

· The data clarify the relationship between...

· The data indicate/suggest that there is a connection between...

· In general, this analysis/research/investigation/description shows...

· This paper focused on/investigated/explored/showed...

· These results are consistent with...

· With one exception, the experimental data confirm...

· However, the results/findings described are fairly general...

· We are not yet in a position to offer explanations for...

· We advocate further research on..

· Although considerable amount of research has been devoted to..., few attempts have been made

· to investigate...

· Despite the importance/significance of..., little attention has been paid to...

· However, few investigations have focused on...

· However, little research has been undertaken to study the problem of... However, little is known about the...

· Further investigations are needed to...

· It remains unclear whether...

· This study seeks to understand...

· It would be thus of interest to study/learn/investigate...

· This method proved to be efficient for solving a number of various problems.

· In this paper, we demonstrate its application to...

· The major task of this study is to provide...

· The paper examines...

· The present study analyzes...

· The purpose of this paper is to give...

· This paper focuses on...

· This study expands the model of…….

Задание II. Переведите русские эквиваленты следующих английских глаголов

Outline, describe, give description, discuss, investigate, consider, analyze, examine, study, survey tackle, present, give, contain, deal with, provide, focus on, be focused on, be based on, assess, be devoted to, introduce, reveal, point out, demonstrate.


Задание III. Сопоставьте фразы на английском и русском языках

· изучать проблему · сообщать / представлять / информацию · начать подробного обсуждения · описывать метод анализа · обсуждать взаимосвязь между · рассматривать главным образом новые направления · давать тщательный анализ · содержать конкретное описание · сообщать / рассказывать / о последних достижениях · давать обзор новейшей литературы · давать оценку · указывать на, подчеркивать, что · рассматривать точку зрения · давать / приводить / данные о · работа посвящена · раскрыть проблему · рассматривать результаты эксперимента · проанализировать характер и истоки чего-нибудь o embark on a detailed discussion o discuss the relationship between o describe the method of analysis o provide information o study the problem o contain a factual description of o focus, concentrate on the new trends o consider the problem o present a refined analysis o treat the opinion o cover the latest achievements o assess o survey the recent literature o point out that o give, present, introduce data on o deal with the results of the experiment o the paper is devoted to o reveal the problem o examine and analyze the nature and origins of smth.  

Задание IV. Переведите предложения

1. Автор статьи дает описание результатов эксперимента.

2. В книге содержится анализ новых тенденций в области туризма.

3. Автор работы представляет (сообщает) важную информацию о темпах роста производительности труда.

4. В монографии рассматривается проблема туризма в развитых странах.

5. Автор данной публикации положил начало подробного обсуждения причин, вызывающих рост внутреннего туризма.

6. В статье дается обзор новейшей литературы по проблемам экологического туризма.

Задание V. Закончите предложения

1. The study was intended to establish..........

2..The primary aim of the paper was to describe..........

3..The chief purpose of the research is to test..........

4. The main task of the experiment was to present..........

5. In order to provide evidence for.......... a number of........... was undertaken.

6. The aim of the publication is to provide some information concerning …...

7. The article provides explanation for..........

8. The particular task of the study is to establish the regularities in..........


Задание VI. Прочитайте внимательно весь текст и скажите: 1) какая проблема рассматривается; 2) проанализируйте структуру каждого абзаца; 3) выпишите ключевые предложения абзацев, содержащих основную информацию; 4) на их основе изложите суть текста

“Sandstone Formation Study May Help Petroleum Industry”

Sandstone formation begins with sediment that turns to rock during diagenesis. Diagenesis defines the chemical and physical changes the sediment undergoes during burial, including cementation ("sediment glue") and compaction. "We want to understand what controls sandstone diagenesis," Reed said, "how it turns into sandstone."

Reed, along with professors Kenneth Eriksson and Michal Kowalewski, is evaluating three potential controls on sandstone diagenesis, including initial grain composition, past climate, and the environment of sediment deposition. They sampled Pennsylvanian (time period approximately 300 million years ago) sandstones from the Appalachian basin with known framework grain compositions, climatic histories, and depositional environments to compare and contrast diagenesis from the controlled sample set.

"Sandstone is made predominantly of quartz grains," Reed said. "We are looking at how quartz and an additional grain type—the lithic grain or rock fragment—influence how the sediment eventually turned to sandstone." They also are looking at how the climate, whether humid or arid, affects diagenesis. Finally, they are studying how depositional environments such as marine or stream settings compare in their influence on diagenesis.

After collecting and quantifying data from 70 rock samples under the microscope, Reed analyzed the results using statistical techniques. He and his colleagues found that upper Pennsylvanian samples are predominantly lithic arenites and lower Pennsylvanian samples are mostly quartz rich. Quartz was the most significant burial cement in terms of volume.

Considering the effects of climate, various cements, and environment, they found that quartz cement, most abundant in the lower Pennsylvanian quartz-rich sandstones, had less compaction-related loss of void space that could harbor fluids than the more lithic, upper-Pennsylvanian sandstone. "In view of the volume of quartz cement, the most likely source of silica-rich fluids is deeply buried brines mobilized by thrust loading associated with the building of the Appalachian mountains 250 million years ago," Reed said.

The reason for the work is that sandstone is one of the most important reservoir rocks exploited, Reed said. "It holds fluids—hydrocarbons such as oil and gas or water," he said. "If we can understand what happened during sandstone diagenesis, we can understand how the reservoir is built. If we can understand this, can we say something about the water or petroleum systems? Can we exploit this for gas or oil or water?"For example, sediment with space between it is an excellent place for finding oil or gas and is a good reservoir, he said. If the space between the sediment is filled with cement during diagenesis, then the sandstone has no place to store oil or gas.

Reed’s work will help scientists understand how climate, environment, and grain control sandstone diagenesis in order to determine whether a particular sandstone could be a possible source of petroleum, natural gas, or water.

Задание VII. Прочитайте текст и: 1) разделите текст на абзацы; 2) сформулируйте тему каждого абзаца и озаглавьте его; 3) дайте заглавие всему тексту.

“Population And Climate Change”

A “Malthusian” theory about the relationship between population growth and the environment suggests that as populations grow, they will strip their resources leading to famine, hunger and environmental degradation.As detailed further in this site’s section on population, that is an oversimplification and has largely shown not to be true. Instead, it has been factors such as politics and economics (i.e. how we use our resources and for what purpose) that has determined environmental degradation or sustainability.For example, the world’s wealthiest 20% (i.e. the rich countries) consume approximately 80% of the world’s resources, while the rest of humanity shares the other 20% of resource consumed, as noted in the consumption section of this web site.In regards to climate change, countries with large populations such as China and India have not been the countries contributing greenhouse gases for the decades that has been required to trigger climate change, as noted further above.While in total amounts their emissions might be high (China is second largest emitter after the United States, for example), per person, their emissions are significantly smaller as noted earlier.The atmosphere of course doesn’t “care” so to speak, but from the perspective of international relations, this is important: As stated above, penalizing developing countries for the problem mostly caused by the rich countries is not seen as fair by the developing world and so they will understandably resist demands by Bush, Blair and others to meet the same types of targets as industrialized nations.An additional concern however, is that as countries such as China, India and Brazil grow in prosperity, there will be large populations with purchasing power, consuming more goods and services, thus making more demands on the planet.Indeed, many environmentalists have constantly noted that if such countries were to follow the style of development that the rich countries used and emulate them, then our planet may not be able to cope much longer.Yet, as also noted in this site’s population section, researchers have found that depending on what variables you factor in, the planet can support an extremely large population, or an extremely small one. These ranges are ridiculously wide: from 2 billion to 147 billion people! Why such variance? It depends on how efficiently resources are used and for what purpose (i.e. economics).Researchers and commentators will often comment that “if we follow the present course” then there will be disaster ahead. To some extent there are already problems through global warming due to the slow response. Yet, rarely throughout history has the use of a resource remained constant. Many economists remind us that over time, more efficient and innovative ways emerge, so in there lies the hope that the present course will not be maintained. While some are overly optimistic that all the world’s problems will be solved because humanity always figures out an answer, many are usually wise to be cautious, given our violent histories.Technology investment into alternatives is therefore also important. President Bush’s State of the Union address in January 2007 called for cleaner (or at least more efficient) fuel use, implying that technology and consumption patterns have a bearing on environmental issues.The private sector as well as public has slowly been pouring more money into this, though many argue that far more could still be done, and that these alternative energy industries have not been given the kind of boost and support that the fossil fuel industry had. Hardly a month goes by without some news item of technology companies researching more efficient and innovative energy sources, or of large companies and local governments attempting some sort of initiative to cut down on wasteful energy consumption.Interestingly, many developing countries, including China and Brazil in particular, have been making progress towards cleaner and more efficient technologies, resulting in many countries being able to reduce their emissions to some extent, as also detailed further in this site’s climate justice and equity section. As the “common but differentiated responsibilities” principles recognize, it will clearly be in the interests of developing countries to continue do these things (and more) as they face enormous consequences from climate change if they do not.


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