Реферирование профессиональных текстов из научных источников — КиберПедия 

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Реферирование профессиональных текстов из научных источников

2018-01-14 727
Реферирование профессиональных текстов из научных источников 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Задание I. Изучите фразы, которые используются при написании реферата научного текста

v Introduction (the headline/title of the article, the subject and the main idea of it, the author and the source the text is taken from).

· The headline of the article/text /being summarized is

· The article's title is

· The analyzed text is headlined

· The author of the article is/the article is authored by

· The article was published in

· The text appeared on the internet site/the URL of the article is

· The paper is tracked to / taken from

· The main idea of the article/text is

· The publication focuses on /is focused on/concentrates on

· The text deals with/ presents/ describes

· The author gives/ presents a brief survey of the problem

· The author studies/ examines/ analyses/ considers/ investigates the nature and origins of the problem

· The paper / publication is devoted to

· The author outlines problem topic such as

· This study addresses the issue of

· The author describes/ gives description of

· The purpose of this publication is to draw the attention to the problem of

· The paper/article under consideration aims to

· The central/key/ultimate goal of the article is

· The major/primary part of this paper is to investigate

v The body of the summary (the main points of a piece of writing, peculiarities of research activity, methods).

· The publication/ a survey of consists of three parts

· First the author states/declares/maintains/suggests/explains/describes that ….

· The author begins by stating/claiming/explaining that

· •In his/her article «…..» the author argues/claims/reports/contends/ maintains/states that

· The central question to be examined in this paper is

· The study is important for a number of reasons

· Present understanding of ….. is as follows

· According to the author, this approach has a number of advantages: firstly

· Following the author,this point is particularly relevant to …..

· This raises the question whether …..

· The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that …..

· Support for this interpretation comes from …..

· There is some evidence to suggest that …..

· The importance of is demonstrated clearly by …..

· It is important to distinguish carefully between …..

· The author provides useful information regarding …..

· The author goes on to say that …..

· The article (author) further states that …..

· The author also believes/states/maintains/argues that …..

· The next section is based on the discussion of …..

· In the second/third part of the article effort is undertaken to analyze the nature of …..

v Conclusion (the main findings of the paper, key issues addressed in the study)

· On reading the article we realize the fact that …..

· The results of this study suggest a number of new avenues for research …..

· A number of key issues have been addressed in this study …..

· In conclusion the article reads that …..

· The author comes to the conclusion that …..

· The results obtained, indicate /show …..

· The results lend strong support to …..

· This study has highlighted a number of problem areas in existing theory …..

· In conclusion the article summarizes currently established principles…..


Задание II. Прочитайте пример аннотации и выделите ключевые фразы


The headline of the article is Air Travel – the Budget Way. The date and place of publication have not been specified.

The article offers a brief survey of today’s world budget airline industry, with a particular focus on South-East Asia and Europe.

The author of the article, Jane Winsley, starts by reporting on the successes of three major Indian no-frills airlines, which threaten to put an end to the railway’s dominance of long-distance travel in the country. Further, budget air travel advances in South-East Asia are highlighted and the most successful Asian budget carriers are listed. Finally, the author dwells on some successes of a number of European no-frills airlines such as Ryanair, Easyjet etc.

This highly informative article studded with facts and examples is an excellent presentation of the state of play in the global budget airline industry and can be of great use to businesspeople, policy makers, professionals and all those interested in current affairs in the world.


Задание III. Приведите русские эквиваленты следующих английских словосочетаний

v the main aim;

v the central thesis advanced;

v the chief task;

v the principal purpose;

v the particular stress;

v the primary object;

v a special concern.

Задание IV. Найдите в правой колонке английские эквиваленты, представленных в левой колонке фраз

· главная цель работы заключается в том, чтобы · основная задача публикуется статьи · главным тезисом, выдвинутым в публикации, является · значительное внимание в ходе обсуждения уделяется · особо подчеркивается значение · целью работы было определить · исследование предназначалось для · цель работы / статьи / · положить начало обсуждению · в задачу этого эксперимента входила оценка · обсуждаемая работа ставит своей задачей · рассмотрена статья делает попытку o the work was intended to determine o special concern of the discussion is o the particular stress is put on the importance o the main aim of the paper is to... o the central thesis advanced in the publication is o the primary object of the published article o the experiment was designed for estimation of o the study under discussion intends to... o the paper /the article/ under review aims at stringing up a debate o the research was intended to (for) o the article under consideration attempts

Задание V. Закончите следующие предложения, которые сообщают о целях и задачах работы

1. The study was intended to establish...

2. 2. The primary aim of the paper was to describe...

3. The chief purpose of the research is to test...

4. The main task of the experiment was to present...

5. In order to provide evidence for... a number of... was undertaken.

6. The aim of the publication is to provide some information concerning...

7. The article provides explanation for...

8. The particular task of the study is to establish the regularities in...

Задание VI. Предоставьте русские эквиваленты следующих английских глаголов

v Consist of, undertake effort,

v pay attention to,

v give emphasis to,

v be based on,

v be concerned with,

v be divided into,

v be followed by,

v begin with,

v introduce,

v open with,

v examine,

v show,

v end by,

v conclude with.

Задание VII. Предоставьте эквиваленты следующих английских фраз и составьте 5-6 предложений с ними

· монография / книга / состоит из 5 разделов · статья / работа / состоит из 4 частей · в первом разделе работы делается попытка проанализировать · во второй главе внимание уделено функционированию · в третьем разделе подчеркивается важность · основная часть рассматривает отношения между · следующая глава основана на результатах · последний раздел завершается иллюстративным материалом · статья начинается с · вторая глава знакомит с · в завершение в пятом разделе говорится о · в заключение в статье говорится, что o in the second chapter attention is paid to functioning of o the article begins with o in conclusion the article reads o chapter II introduces o the monograph /the book/ consists of five chapters o the article /the paper/ is divided into four parts o in the third section emphasis is given to o in the first part of the paper effort is undertaken to analyse o chapter V concludes with o the major part is concerned with relations between o the final section is followed o by illustrative material o the next chapter is based on the results  

Задание VIII. Найдите в правой колонке английские эквиваленты представленных в левой колонке фраз и составьте 5-6 предложений с ними

· сосредоточить внимание на сути проблемы · предложить способ решения данной проблемы · дать исчерпывающую оценку рассматриваемых проблем · интересно изложить проблему · проблема заслуживает дальнейшего исследования / рассмотрения · в статье исследуется проблема · основные проблемы остались незатронутыми / нерешенными o to make clear the nature of the problem o the problem is worth further investigation /consideration/ o the article examines /studies/ the problem of o there arise several problems o to focus on the heart /core/ of the problem o to offer a solution to the problem o to give a full assessment of the problems

Задание IX. Найдите в правой колонке английские эквиваленты представленных в левой колонке словосочетаний и составьте 5-6 предложений с ними

· представлять собой хорошо аргументированное изложение · быть ценным источником информации для специалистов данной области · стать важным вкладом в · представлять собой хорошо написано предисловие к · представлять огромный интерес для теоретического изучения · иметь первостепенное значение для практических целей · представлять значительную ценность как источник информации · предлагать интересное изложение проблемы o to be a very well written introduction to o to become an important contribution to o to be a well-motivated presentation of o to be a valuable recourse to researches in the field of o to have considerable value in providing information o to be of vital significance for practical purposes o to be of great interest for theoretical studies o to give an interesting exposition of the problem  

Задание X. Найдите в правой колонке английские эквиваленты представленных в левой колонке фраз и составьте 5-6 предложений, в которых вы даете оценку реферируемой работе

· The (present) book, paper, article, publication, presentation · is the (first) substantial comparative analysis of · is a useful backdrop to those interested in · is from its methodological viewpoint interesting to · is clearly and logically developed. · is well-organized. · is an excellent lucid and well- motivated presentation of · is a comprehensive view of the problems relating to · is a valuable resource to researchers in this field. · is an important contribution to the complete understanding of · is a very well written introduction to   o эта (настоящее) книга, работа, статья, публикация o o является (первым) значительным сравнительным анализом o является полезным подспорьем для тех, кто интересуется o интересна с методологической точки зрения для o изложена (написана) ясно и логично o o композиционно хорошо продуманная / организована / o представляет собой прекрасное, четкое, хорошо аргументированное изложение o представляет собой всеобъемлющий взгляд на проблемы, касающиеся o является ценным источником информации для тех, кто занимается этим вопросом (работает в этой области) o способствует полному пониманию o представляет собой хорошо (удачно) написано предисловие к (введение в)

Задание XI. Прочитайте текст и напишите реферат к нему

“Nuclear As A Suitable Alternative To Fossil Fuels?”

Although nuclear disasters such as Chernobyl, or geopolitical issues such as Iran are often cause for worry when talking of using nuclear energy, recent years have seen an emergent debate about the potential that nuclear energy offers as a large scale alternative to fossil fuels in a world where energy demands are rapidly increasing.

For some, the risks associated with the technology are too high and renewable energy is far safer, and has high potential. For others, nuclear is seen as either an unfortunate reality that will be essential part of the future mix or an area that has further potential.

When one of the biggest earthquakes on record followed by a devastating tsunami affected Japan in March 2011, some of the older nuclear power reactors at Fukushima suffered what eventually was realized as a nuclear meltdown. Of the numerous issues that the disaster raised, nuclear policy became an issue in many places around the world.

Japan’s nuclear reactors that suffered from the incredibly huge earthquake were the older models. Nuclear experts point out that the newer designs are much more robust. Many are still worried however. Even if newer ones are more robust, if an even more powerful earthquake does occur then are those going to be safe?

Civil society started to debate nuclear power in Japan more. Japan had about 30% of its electricity from nuclear power and had originally planned to increase that to 50%. However, given the growing concerns in the wake of the impacts at Fukushima, in May, Japan announced a change in strategy: abandon plans for half of Japan’s electricity to come from nuclear and instead look to renewables such as solar and wind energy.

But this has also got other regions around the world thinking about their nuclear energy strategies, too. For example,

· Many countries in Europe have been rethinking nuclear policies, Inter Press Service (IPS) notes. Germany in particular (more below). France, more reliant on nuclear power than any other country, has so far felt no need to change its nuclear power policy though anti-nuclear voices are growing louder. There are concerns about the use of nuclear power in seismic zones in some EU countries such as Bulgaria, Romania, and Slovenia.

· Italy — the only leading industrialized country without nuclear energy — also suspended its previous plans to build new nuclear power plants.

· IPS also noted that the European Union’ announcement that it will be carrying out stress tests on all 143 nuclear reactors in operation in the member countries. These tests could lead to shutting down several nuclear power plants, if needed.

· Germany has been profoundly affected by Fukushima, IPS also adds.

· After the Japan catastrophe, some 60,000 people gathered in an anti-nuclear demonstration at the oldest nuclear power plant, in Berlin. Many thousands demonstrated on other days, too.

· Previous ruling parties had decided to phase out nuclear power, but Angela Merkel’s government had always stated it would overrule it if it came into power and it did so last September.

· Another IPS report notes that a large number of environmental and energy experts have said that Germany could do without nuclear power by the mid 2020s and generate all its electricity needs from renewables by 2050.

· In mid-March, Germany “stunned” the world when announcing an accelerated phasing out of all 17 German nuclear reactors as an immediate reaction to the Fukushima disaster in Japan. The chancellor now says she wants to slash the use of coal, speed up approvals for renewable energy investments, and reduce CO2 emissions drastically.

· (Perhaps it is not as surprising as it first seems, as back in 2009 IPS noted thathalf of all Germany’s nuclear reactors had technical problems at some point in July 2009, failing to provide any electricity, but Germany did not suffer any power shortages as it produces more than it uses.)

· France gets 80% of its electricity from nuclear power, more than any other nation in the world. But in the wake of Fukushima, the French press, traditionally a supporter of nuclear power noted that in the previous year alone, there were over 1,000 accidents of different intensity in the France’s atomic power plants.. In addition, several French nuclear power plants are located in seismic zones as the previous IPS story notes. Given France’s dependency on nuclear power, it defends the use of it for now. Aging power plants are coming under more scrutiny now, however. Some experts there also believe that a combination of turning to renewals, while addressing wasteful and superfluous consumption could help reduce nuclear dependency.

· The US is also beginning to debate if it could handle a similar nuclear disaster. It is a large producer of nuclear power, and for now has put aside calls for a moratorium on nuclear power development in favor strengthening and assuring the public of the safety of its nuclear power plants.

· Philippines President Benigno Aquino has rejected the need for nuclear energy in his country in the wake of the crisis unfolding in Japan. Aquino wants a greater push towards non-nuclear energy sources, according to the Philippines media. The same article also notes that China, Thailand and Indonesia are all being more cautious in light of the events in Japan.

Others, however, are still interested in going ahead with nuclear power as many countries still see it as a way to reduce carbon emissions. Australia, as a major uranium exporter, is therefore keen to capitalize on this continued demand for nuclear power.



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