Assessment and Qualifications — КиберПедия 

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Assessment and Qualifications

2018-01-03 148
Assessment and Qualifications 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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28. to take/ do an exam - держать экзамен; to give an exam– экзаменовать; to pass/ do well in an exam- выдержать экзамен; do badly in/ fail an exam провалиться на экзамене; to resit (for) an exam = to take it again 29. to cheat in the exam - списать (нечестно с кого-либо) / to crib = to copy dishonestly 30. entrance / school-leaving examination-вступительные/ выпускные экзамены 31. to skip / miss classes (lectures)- прогулять / пропустить уроки; 32. to get /have a 5,4,3......; to give good/bad mark- получить хорошую/ плохую отметку 33. to make a mistake- сделать ошибку; 34. to receive grants / scholarship- получать стипендию 35. elementary / pre-intermediate / intermediate / upper-intermediate / advanced level 36. to cope (with)....- справиться с....; to cope with difficulties (task, problem…) 37. to acquire knowledge / skills / a habit- приобретать знания, навыки, привычку; work / school habits - трудовые, школьные привычки; bad/good habits; to develop good work habits; to break a habit – отучить от привычки; to be in the habit of doing something – иметь обыкновение что-то делать 38. to test / a test; to evaluate / evaluation-оценивать, оценка to assess /assessment-оценивание, оценка; oral quiz- устный зачёт 39. opportunity- возможность, удобный случай; take the opportunity; offer opportunities; find (afford) an opportunity to do something; miss an opportunity; have an opportunity for (of) doing something 40. to satisfy; satisfactory- удовлетворять, удовлетворительный; to be satisfied with……-быть удовлетворённым чем-то; a satisfactory answer –удовлетворительный ответ 41. to disappoint- разочаровать; to be disappointed (in a person, in some idea….) 42. success- успех; successful- успешный; to be a success- иметь успех 43. to turn to somebody for….(help, advice..)- обращаться к кому-то за…… 44. to consider- рассматривать, обсуждать, обдумывать; take into consideration 45. to communicate  


Teachers and students

  46. experience- опыт; to gain experience; to experience joy /happiness / excitement/satisfaction / disappointment / fear /great hardships- проявлять (выражать, испытывать) радость, счастье, волнение, удовлетворение, разочарование, страх, большие трудности 47. teachers:qualified (квалифицированный), experienced (опытный), fascinating (очаровательный), popular with children, to have a way with children- иметь подход к детям; strict (строгий), firm, lenient (мягкий, снисходительный), boring (скучный), irritable (раздражительный), to lose one’s temper-терять терпение; 48. Head Master/ Head Mistress / Principal / Head Teacher – директор 49. Deputy Head Teacher / senior master / senior mistress – завуч 50. Adviser / Class-Mistress / Form teacher - классный руководитель 51. Caretaker - завхоз (в школе) 52. Tutor- куратор 53. students:pupil, schoolboy / schoolgirl, first-former; school- leaver, graduate, repeater 54. to be absent from school; to miss your classes; to be a truant –прогульщик; to play truant (прогуливать) 55. to bring a written excuse from your parents; to have a good reason; it’s a lame excuse;  


School Activities

56. Carrying out experiments-проводить опыты 57. Solving problems-решать проблемы 58. Getting acquainted with somebody-знакомиться с кем-то 59. Developing a habit for……..развивать привычку….. 60. Holding discussions and conversations-проводить дискуссии 61. Participating in all kinds of activities-участвовать во всех мероприятиях 62. Going on educational excursions and trips-ходить(ездить) на экскурсии 63. Holding / taking part in / different contests and competitions- проводить /принимать участие в / различных конкурсах и соревнованиях

Describing the school where you study.

Plan: 1. Introduction (give general description of the place and people, some background and


2. Main body (good/bad points now, your problems, how things will develop in the future)

3. Ending (the school you’d like, about some changes at school)


I. Vocabulary (positive/negative)


1. Building /classrooms: (+)brightly painted/decorated, spacious, comfortable, contemporary,

enormous, gorgeous, impressive, magnificent, stunning, cosy,

(-) cramped, depressing, gloomy, noisy, unsightly, cluttered with, messy,

old-fashioned, tasteless

2. Classmates: (+) friendly, funny, helpful, confident, highly-gifted,

(-) boring, noisy

3. Teachers: (+) encouraging, helpful, motivating, stimulating, well organised, qualified,

experienced, fascinating, lenient, popular with children

(-) disorganised, boring, strict, demanding, irritable, lose one’s temper

4. Lessons: (+) interesting, motivating, well organised, hard-working atmosphere,


(-) long, boring, noisy, disorganised


II. Some models and useful patterns.

1. Building, facilities, location

· not far from.../ within walking distance of the centre / quite close to.../ it is about 10 minutes walk from...

· it looks (seems) well-organised / as if nobody has looked after it for years

· it gives you the impression of being....../ you are made to feel very welcome

· in general, it is a very welcoming place

· it overlooks the garden / noisy street so......

· the school is on a busy street, so noise is a problem

· it has excellent facilities including......

· the chairs are very uncomfortable and the cafeteria sells terrible food!

· the worst thing is that the classrooms are very cramped and dark, so they are rather depressing


2. Classmates

· my classmates are friendly and we have a lot of fun together

· to gain experience, to experience joy / happiness/ excitement/ disappointment/ fear

· there are bullies at my school who hit and kick me and my mates

· we are victims of theft

· my problem is with......./ school discipline is a major worry


3. Teachers and Lessons

· the teachers are encouraging and motivating, so I’m learning a lot

· sometimes the teachers are very demanding and I have a lot of homework to do

· there is a friendly/ informal/ uncomfortable... atmosphere there

· different methods and activities are used / modern teaching techniques and aids are employed


4. Possible changes at school

· school and behaviour problems (negative influence of school environment/ bullies/ theft.......

· the teachers wouldn’t force their ideas on the pupils

· wearing a uniform would not be compulsory

· to be able to choose subjects and teachers / a student council makes the rules.....

· a lot of........and less.........

· the atmosphere would be more relaxed



* to travel abroad * to please your parents

* to get a good job * to work on the computer


* to read English books * to play computer games


* to see English video films


* to pass an examination * to speak to foreign visitors

Should sell phones and pagers be allowed in class?



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