The Importance of Language learning. — КиберПедия 

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The Importance of Language learning.

2018-01-03 138
The Importance of Language learning. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1) A friend of yours wants to learn English as quickly as possible, but needs advice about what to do to be most effective. What is your advice? Act out a conversation.

2) Role-play.

Student A. You want to be a student at the institute for one month in July or August. You want to

stay with the British family. Telephone the secretary and ask about the cost of courses, the starting

dates of courses and where you can stay.

Student B. You are the secretary at............. Institute. A student wants to study at the institute and telephones you. Read the information and answer his/her questions.

Summer course dates: July 3rd-July 30th; July 31st- August 27th;

Course fees: £1,200 per four-week course (includes accommodation, all meals and the social


Accommodation: Available with a British family or at the Institute

Sports: Tennis, football, swimming, aerobics


Speaking 6. Give a two-minute talk on the topic

Task 1. Give a 2-minute talkon your school.

Remember t o say:

· what your school looks like

· what facilities it has

· why you like to study in this school

· what innovations you'd like to introduce, why

Task 2 Give a 2-minute talk on your favourite subject at school

Remember to say:

· why it is your favourite subject

· what things you do in a typical lesson in this subject

· what you have learnt by doing this subject

· whether you want to continue studying this subject in the future, and why

Task 3 Give a 2-minute talkon education.

Remember to say:

· about different types of education (in class, with a tutor, remote education)

· how important knowledge is in modern life

· what makes a person educated

· how you can get good knowledge

Task 4 Give a 2-minute talkon learning English.

Remember to say:

· whether it is easy or difficult to learn English, why/why not

· which activity at the lesson is the most important (listening, speaking, reading, doing tests), why/why not

· what activity you are good at and how you could improve these skills

· how you can use English in everyday life

Speaking 7. Role Play

Task 1 Role-play: looking for good language or any other courses

You decided to take a summer language course / computer course in ………School in Great Britain. Telephone the secretary and ask about:


· location

· length of the courses available / schedule

· course fees

· accommodation

· teachers experience

· details of the social programme

Remember to:

· be active and polite

· ask all the questions

· decide if this Language School suits you


Task 2. Role-play: looking for a new school

You’ve moved to a new area of the city and you are looking for a new school. You are very much interested in Maths and the English language. Phone one of the nearest schools to ask about:


· Subjects (classes a week)

· Timetable

· Class size

· Uniform

· Sports clubs


Remember to:

· be active and polite

· ask all the questions

· decide if this school suits you

A Help!

Инициирование разговора Развитие и завершение разговора
· Hello, school No 89. Can I help you? · Can I help you? · Hello. I’d like to do a course at this school. Can you give me some information? · Hello. I’d like some information on …..(the Art Class course) -Of course. What would you like to know? · I want to improve my computer skills. Could you give me some information about your courses? · I’d like some information on the Surfing the net classes, please. · First of all, when does …….start? - Well, the course begins …. (December 1st) and goes through to ……(May 12th) · When do the lessons begin/ finish?- We have… lessons a day. Students go to school 5 days a week. · How long does the class last? · And on which days are the lessons? – You can choose to enrol for the Monday and Wednesday classes or attend Tuesday and Thursday classes. · And what time are the classes? – Again you have a choice. Either 3.00 to 5.00 or 5.30 to 7.30. · Could you also tell me what the course syllabus includes? -Apart from doing/ learning ……we will also be doing a bit of…..and ….as well as…. · Do you have any price rebates for schoolchildren? · Do we have to pay an enrolment fee? · One more thing. Where are the classes held? – In the room…… It’s on the second floor. · What are the basic subjects? –Maths, Russian, English · How many Maths / English classes a week do you have? -4 classes a week. · Do you have a school uniform? What is it like? (the colour of the uniform is dark blue, and the girls are allowed to wear trousers) Is it compulsory? .Завершение разговора 1. OK. Thank you. / Thank you very much! 2. You’re welcome.

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