Воспаление) of the gum is called gingivitis. — КиберПедия 

Археология об основании Рима: Новые раскопки проясняют и такой острый дискуссионный вопрос, как дата самого возникновения Рима...

Автоматическое растормаживание колес: Тормозные устройства колес предназначены для уменьше­ния длины пробега и улучшения маневрирования ВС при...

Воспаление) of the gum is called gingivitis.

2017-12-09 217
Воспаление) of the gum is called gingivitis. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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A inflation

B introduction


C inflammation

D infection

There are many possible causes of caries, including smoking and eating excessive (углеводы).


A albumins

B proteins


C carbohydrates

D lipids



55. The organisms that (вызывают) most of diseases are already present in the environment.


A clean

B cure

C call

D cause



56. Every dentist is (отвечает) for the treatment of the diseases of the oral cavity.


A responsible

B respond


C response

D responsibility


Ключи к блоку тестов на лексику общепрофессиональной направленности:

1 B 15 D 29 A 43 B
2 A 16 D 30 D 44 D
3 D 17 C 31 B 45 A
4 C 18 B 32 B 46 C
5 D 19 C 33 D 47 B
6 B 20 A 34 C 48 D
7 D 21 B 35 B 49 C
8 B 22 D 36 A 50 A
9 D 23 B 37 D 51 B
10 B 24 D 38 D 52 B
11 C 25 C 39 B 53 C
12 D 26 D 40 D 54 C
13 A 27 B 41 C 55 D
14 B 28 C 42 D 56 A




Выберите английские эквиваленты к следующим русским выражениям в скобках:

The initial stages of periodontal disease are (бессимптомны).

A. severe

B. silent

C. strong

D. strange


Обесцвечивание) is one of the first symptoms of caries.

А. paleness

В. bluishness

С. pigmentation

D. discoloration


The most important symptom of caries is formation of (полостей).

А. overbite

В. malocclusion

С. cavities

D. palates


If periodontal disease is suspected, you may have additional tests (чтобы подтвердить) the diagnosis.

А. to confirm

В. to contribute

С. to consult

D. to congest


Side effects of а wrong local anaesthesia mау bе pain and (опухоль).

А. swollen

В. sickness

С. soreness

D. swelling


An implant was (введен) into the right lower jaw.

A. increased

B. inserted

C. interviewed

D. inoculated


7. The X-ray examination often suggests the (предварительный) diagnosis of periodontal disease.

A. productive

B. primary

C. private

D. preventive


What (меры) must be taken in case of dental abscess?

A. members

B. methods

C. membranes

D. measures


9. The patient was referred to hospital with severe chest pain (распространяющийся) to his left arm and lower jaw.

A. radiating

B. restricting

C. rising

D. resembling


The doctor examined the patient and diagnosed (острый) osteomyelitis.

A. approximate

B. acute

C. acquired

D. accurate


11. When brought to the dental department of the hospital he complained of (сильную) toothache.

A. strange

B. strong

C. sudden

D. severe


Loosening of teeth usually (встречается) in people suffering from periodontal disease.

A. occurs

B. occupies

C. opens

D. orders


Зубной камень) is the hard deposit that forms on the teeth.

A. calculosis

B. calculus

C. calcinosis

D. calcium


14. There were no other symptoms except for (боль) and edema.

A. pie

B. pin

C. pain

D. pine


Гиперплазия) is one of the pathologies of the development of teeth.

A. hypoplasia

B. hyperplasia

C. hyperactivity

D. hyperthermia


A carious tooth may become a common (источник) of infection.

A. swelling

B. sweat

C. source

D. cause


When the tooth is sensitive to hot and cold this (болезненность) is one of the first signs of caries.

A. tremor

B. tiredness

C. tendon

D. tenderness


Periodontal disease is (сопровождается) by many signs.

A. accumulated

B. accompanied

C. apparent

D. attracted


19. (Неприятный запах изо рта) is a characteristic symptom of periodontal disease and infective conditions of the nose, throat and lungs.

A. halucinogen

В. halogen

С. halitosis

D. hallucination


The disease usually needs an (немедленный) surgical intervention.

А. impersonal

В. impossible

С. immovable

D. immediate


21. (Процесс образования зубного камня) is connected with a number of factors.

A. calculosis

B. endocarditis

C. caries

D. calculi

If surgery is necessary nothing should (откладывать) it.

A. deal

B. detail

C. delay

D. delight


Нарушение пищеварения) is usually reflected on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity.

A. incoordination

B. indigestion

C. irritation

D. introduction


Увеличение) of the lymph nodes usually accompanies cancer.

A. enlargement

B. environment

C. entertainment

D. employment


The pain usually arises (внезапно).

A. all over the body

B. already

C. all the rest

D. all of a sudden


Gingival (отёк) may be caused by some kind of infection.

A. edge

B. edema

C. exhale

D. effort


27. Symptoms of caries include discoloration of the tooth and (образование) of cavities.

A. fibrillation

B. filtration

C. formation

D. foundation


Cancer of the oral cavity is most often seen on the lip, (язык) or soft tissues under it.

A. tongue

B. lung

C. lingual

D. lipid


Due to this research it may become possible (излечивать) some types of cancer.

A. to continue

B. to care

C. to confirm

D. to cure


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