Remember: a service charge of 10 to 15 percent is usually included in the bill. If service is not included, leave 10 to 15 percent tip. — КиберПедия 

История создания датчика движения: Первый прибор для обнаружения движения был изобретен немецким физиком Генрихом Герцем...

Индивидуальные очистные сооружения: К классу индивидуальных очистных сооружений относят сооружения, пропускная способность которых...

Remember: a service charge of 10 to 15 percent is usually included in the bill. If service is not included, leave 10 to 15 percent tip.

2017-11-17 466
Remember: a service charge of 10 to 15 percent is usually included in the bill. If service is not included, leave 10 to 15 percent tip. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
Заказать работу

In Austria tipping is widespread but large amounts are not expected.

Tipping is never required in Belgium.

In Denmark tipping is not customary. A token tip is appreciated.

Tipping is not widespread in Finland; a service charge is included in most bills.

In France and Spain small change can be left on the table as an additional gratuity for good service.

When you are in Germany or Sweden, round the bill up to the nearest full euro (minimum of 1-2).

In Greece you should leave the tip on the plate brought by the waiter on which the bill was presented.

In Italy you should tip anyone who provides a service for you. In restaurants small change (but never coins) can be left as an additional gratuity for good service.

An extra tip is expected.

In Norway and Switzerland tipping is not common outside the principle cities.

In Turkey tips are listed in U.S. currency because of the high inflation rate. A service charge is generally not included in the bill except for expensive restaurants. You pay your bill to the waiter or waitress at the table, but leave a 10-15 percent tip on the table.

In the United Kingdom wage levels for catering staff are deliberately set low in the expectation that tips will make up the difference. So, if the service charge is not included, leave a 10-15 percent tip.




Взято с сайта

Shops and Shopping



Preview Answer the questions. Then talk about your answers: 1. Do you like shopping? 2. What do you like to buy: clothes, food, anything else? 3. What is your favourite shop? Why? 4. How often do you go shopping? 5. Do you usually spend a lot of money and time doing shopping? 6. Do you prefer shopping on your own or with your family/friends?


Read and translate the text



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One of the features of London is the number of big stores, most of which can be found in or near the West End. These stores are a mixture of tradition and modernity and they are always ready to follow new trends.

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The big stores of London are vast multistory buildings, equipped with speedy lifts and escalators, with well-planned lighting, ventilation and heating. Departments are carefully named: “ Budget Dresses ” are really cheap dresses – but no customer likes to be thought of as a cheap shopper. Then there are newer words for the new trends in fashion – “Mix and Match”; “Unisex” – that says they sell clothes suitable for both sexes in this department. There are also boutiques that sell fashionable clothes but the prices are rather high and not many people can afford to buy things there. Shop assistants who work in such shops are very polite and eager to help customers with advice. Sometimes they offer discounts especially during big sales.

Another feature of London’s shopping life is the chain-stores, in which the goods are displayed on open counters. A wide variety of goods is offered – chiefly foodstuffs, household goods, clothing and stationary. These chain-stores have branches in most British towns.

Chemist’s is a special shop where you can buy not only medicines but also cosmetics, baby products and toilet supplies, such as shampoo, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes.

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You can also come across small shops like a butcher’s – selling meat or a greengrocer’s – selling fruit and vegetables, but they are not as common as large food stores.

Most of food stores, called supermarkets, operate on the self-service system: you go in, pick up a basket, walk round the shop and choose what you want. At the exit there is a cash-desk where you pay for all your goods together.




1. store[stɔː] These stores are a mixture of tradition and modernity. магазин Эти магазины – сочетание традиций и современности.
2. multistory [ˈmʌltiˌstɔːi] The big stores of London are vast multistory buildings. многоэтажный Большие магазины Лондона – огромные многоэтажные здания.
3. budget dresses [ˈbʌdʒət] бюджетные платья
4. suitable [ˈsuːtəbl] They sell clothes suitable for both sexes. подходящий Они продают одежду, подходящую для обоих полов.
5. сustomer [ˈkʌstəmə] покупатель
6. boutique [buːˈtiːk] бутик
7. to afford [əˈfɔːd] People can afford to buy things there. позволять себе Люди могут позволить себе покупать там вещи.
8. shop assistant [əˈsɪstənt] продавец
9. polite[pəˈlaɪt] вежливый
10. to be eager [ˈiːɡə] The shop assistant was very polite and eager to help. сильно хотеть, желать Продавец был очень вежливым и стремился помочь.
11. discount [ˈdɪskaʊnt] скидка
12. sale [seɪl] They offered me a discount because it was the time of sales. распродажа Мне предложили скидку, поскольку это было время распродаж.
13. chain-store [ˈtʃeɪn stɔː] There are many chain-stores in this town. сеть магазинов В этом городе много сетей магазинов.
14. open counter [ˈkaʊntə] It is very convenient to buy in the shop with open counters. открытый прилавок Очень удобно совершать покупки в магазинах с открытыми прилавками.
15. foodstuffs [ˈfuːdstʌfs] продукты
16. household goods [ˈhaʊshəʊld ɡʊdz] товары для дома
17. stationary [ˈsteɪʃənri] канцелярские товары
18. chemist’s [ˈkemɪstɪz] Unfortunately there is no chemist’s near my house. аптека К сожалению, возле моего дома нет аптеки.
19. toilet supplies [ˈtɔɪlɪt səˈplaɪz] товары личной гигиены, туалетные принадлежности
20. butcher’s[ˈbʊtʃərz] мясная лавка
21. greengrocer’s [ˈɡriːnɡrəʊsəɪz] Fruit and vegetables in this greengrocer’s are always fresh. овощной магазин Фрукты и овощи в этом овощном магазине всегда свежие.
22. supermarket [ˈsuːpəmɑːkɪt] супермаркет
23. self-service system [self ˈsɜːvɪs ˈsɪstəm] Most supermarkets operate on the self service system. система самообслуживания   Большинство супермаркетов работают по системе самообслуживания.
24. basket [ˈbɑːskɪt] корзина
25. cash-desk [kæʃ desk] There was a long line of people at the cash-desk. касса У кассы была большая очередь.
1. Answer the questions:


1. What is one of the typical features of London?

2. How do the big stores of London look like?

3. Why departments are carefully named?

4. What does “unisex” mean?

5. What is a boutique?

6. When do the shops give discounts?

7. What can you buy at chain-stores?

8. What is a chemist’s?

9. What kind of small shopsstill remained in London?

10. On what system do supermarkets operate?


2. Choose the correct word or word combination:


1. One of the features of London is the number of ….

a. foreigners

b. big stores

c. street traffic

2. Most of the shops can be found in or near ….

a. the West End

b. the East End

c. the City

3. The big stores of London are … buildings.

a. old-fashioned

b. vast multistory

c. modern

4. There also … that sell fashionable clothes.

a. supermarkets

b. chain-stores

c. boutiques

5. Shop assistants who work in such shops are very polite and eager to help customers with ….

a. advice

b. discounts

c. sales

6. In chain-stores the goods are displayed on ….

a. branches

b. cash-desk

c. open counters

7. Chemist’s is a special shop where you can buy not only … but also cosmetics, baby products and toilet supplies.

a. medicines

b. food


8. Most of food stores, called …, operate on the self-service system.

a. butcher’s

b. supermarkets

c. greengrocer’s



3. Complete the sentences:


1. These stores are a mixture of ………………………………………..……..……...

2. “Budget Dresses” are really cheap dresses – but no customer likes to be thought of as …………………………………………………………………………….……...

3. There are also boutiques that sell fashionable clothes but the prices are rather high and not many people …………………………………………..……………...…..

4. Sometimes they ……………………………………….especially during big sales.

5. A wide ………………………….. is offered – chiefly foodstuffs, household goods, clothing and stationary.

6. These chain-stores have branches in ………….….……………………………..

7. Chemist’s is a special shop where you can buy not only medicines but also cosmetics, baby products and toilet supplies, such as ………..………….............

8. You can also come across small shops like a ………………... – selling meat or a greengrocer’s – …………………………..., but they are not as common as large food stores.

9. When you go into a supermarket, you pick up a………………., walk round the shop and choose what you want and at the exit there is a..………...where you pay for all your goods together.



1. Match the words with their Russian equivalents:


1.mixture a.подходящий
2.fashionable b.цена
3.display c.следовать новым тенденциям
4.stationary d.модный
5.price e.скоростной
6.toilet supplies f.канцелярия
7.suitable g.туалетные принадлежности
8.follow new trends h.выставлять, показывать
9.speedy i.сочетание, смесь


2. Give the English equivalents:


1. большое количество магазинов...........................................................................

2. оборудовать скоростными лифтами и эскалаторами......................................

3. цены достаточно высоки......................................................................................

4. предлагать скидки................................................................................................

5. сети магазинов......................................................................................................

6. детские товары......................................................................................................

7. продавать фрукты и овощи..................................................................................

8. ходить по магазину...............................................................................................

9. платить за все товары..........................................................................................


3. Put the words in the correct word order:


1. a mixture of/ stores/ tradition/ these/ and/ are/ modernity

2. can/ to buy/ not many/ things/ there/ afford/ people

3. the goods/ counters/ are/ on open/ displayed

4. a special/ chemist’s/ where/ is/ buy/ medicines/ shop/ you can

5. there/ at/ a cash-desk/ is/ the exit

6. in this/ sell/ for both/ they/ sexes/ department/ suitable/ clothes

7. system/ operate/ service/ on the/ supermarkets/ self

8. cheap/to be/ no/ likes/ thought of /as a/ customer/ shopper

4. Match the words with their English definitions:


1.multistory selling various kinds of meat
2.boutiques where you pay for things assistant c.proper, fit
4.butcher’s d.writing paper, pens and pencils, envelopes
5.unisex e.having more than one floor f.person who works in a shop
7.suitable g.products used at home
8.stationary selling fashionable clothes
9.household goods i.suitable for both sexes




1. Моя подруга с удовольствием следует новым тенденциям моды. ………..……...


2. Наше офисное здание оборудовано скоростными лифтами. ……..………………


3. Покупатели часто заходят в этот магазин, так как цены здесь не очень высоки, а продавцы вежливы. …………………………………………………….…………….


4. Я с нетерпением жду сезона распродаж. …………………..………………………


5. Эти туфли были из старой коллекции, поэтому я получила 50% скидку. …….....


6. В нашем городе известная сеть магазинов часто предлагает товары со скидкой. …………………………………………………………………………………..……….


7. Цены в этой аптеке слишком высокие. …………………..………………………...


8. Когда я прихожу в супермаркет, я беру корзинку и долго хожу по магазину.


9. На кассе собралась большая очередь, а я торопился, поэтому ушел, ничего не купив. …………………………………………………………………………...………


10. Вам не следует покупать в этом овощном магазине фрукты – они не очень свежие. ………………………………………………………………………………...





1. Study the topics for composition then choose one and prepare a short report on it:


1. My favourite shop

2. I like / dislike shopping

3. Well-known supermarkets of our town – advantages and disadvantages

4. Shopaholics. Do they really exist?




Взято с сайта

Career Ladder


Preview Answer the questions. Then talk about your answers: 1. What do you do? 2. What does your job involve? 3. Are you responsible for anything or anyone? 4. Have you had much training from the company? 5. Have you been promoted since you started in the company? 6. How do you feel about your future prospects in the company? 7. Are you happy in the job?  




Read and translate the text


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When George left school he applied for a job in the account department of a local engineering company. They gave him a job as a trainee. He didn’t earn very much but they gave him a lot of help and advice with learning the job, and sent him on training courses.

George worked hard at the company and his prospects looked good. After his first year he got a good pay rise, and after two years he was promoted. After six years he was in charge of the account department with five other employees under him.

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By the time George was 30, however, he decided he wanted a fresh challenge. He was keen to work abroad, so he resigned from his company and started looking for a new job with a bigger company. After a couple of months he managed to find a job with an international company which involved a lot of foreign travel. He was very excited about the new job and at first he really enjoyed the travelling.

Взято с сайта
But having worked for six months, George started to dislike the constant moving around, and after a year he hated it; he hated living in hotels, and he never really made any friends in the new company. Unfortunately, his work was not satisfactory either and finally he was sacked a year later.

After that, George found things much more difficult. He was unemployed for over a year. He had to sell his car and move out his new house. Things were looking bad and in the end George had to accept a part-time job on a fruit and vegetable stall in a market.

To his surprise, George loved the market. He made a lot of friends and enjoyed working out in the open air. After two years, he took over the stall. Four years later he opened a second stall, and after ten years he had fifteen stalls. Last year George retired at the age of 55, a very rich man.


1. to apply for[ əˈplaɪ] He applied for a job. подать заявление о приеме на работу Он подал заявление о приеме на работу.
2. trainee [ˌtreɪˈniː] They gave him a job as a trainee. стажер Его приняли на работу в качестве стажера.
3. to earn [ɜːn] At first he didn’t earn very much. зарабатывать Сначала он зарабатывал не очень много.
4. training course [ ˈtreɪnɪŋ kɔːs] She was sent on training courses. курс обучения Ее послали на курсы обучения.
5. prospects [ˈprɒspekts] His prospects looked good. перспектива (карьерного роста) У него была хорошая перспектива карьерного роста.
6. pay rise [peɪ raɪz] After his first year he got a good pay rise. прибавка к заработной плате Через год он получил существенную прибавку к зарплате.
7. to promote[prəˈməʊt] After two years he was promoted. продвигать, повышать Через два года он получил повышение.
8. to be in charge of [tʃɑːdʒ] He was in charge of the accounts department. руководить, быть ответственным Он руководил отделом бухгалтерии.
9. employee [ɪmˈplɔɪiː] работник, подчиненный
10. under smb. He had five other employees under him. находиться в подчинении у кого-либо У него в подчинении было пять человек.
11. fresh challenge [ˈtʃælɪndʒ] He decided he wanted a fresh challenge. новая, более сложная работа Он решил, что ему нужна новая, более сложная работа.
12. to resign from [rɪˈzaɪn] She resigned from her company. увольняться из Она уволилась из компании.
13. to involve [ɪnˈvɒlv] He found a job which involved a lot of travel. включать в себя, состоять Он нашел работу, предполагающую много командировок.
14. to sack [sæk] Finally he was sacked. уволить В конце концов его уволили.
15. unemployed [ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪd] безработный
16. part-time job [ˌpɑːtˈtaɪm] He had to accept a part-time job. работать неполный рабочий день Ему пришлось согласиться работать неполный рабочий день.
17. stall [stɔːl] ларек, продуктовая палатка
18. to take over After two years, he took over the stall. взять под контроль, выкупить Через два года он выкупил палатку.
19. to retire [rɪˈtaɪə] He retired at the age of 55. уйти на пенсию Он ушел на пенсию в 55 лет.
1. Answer the questions:

1. What job did George apply for when he left school?

2. Did he earn very much at first?

3. How did the company help George?

4. When was he promoted?

5. What happened to him after six years at the company?

6. What did George want when he turned 30?

7. What kind of job did he find at the international company?

8. What were the problems he came across with?

9. Why was he sacked?

10. For how long was he unemployed?

11. What job did he have to accept in the end?

12. What happened when he started working at the market?

13. When did he retire?

2. Read the statements and say whether they are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones:


1. They gave him a job as a manager.

2. They sent him on training courses.

3. George worked hard at the company.

4. After four years he was in charge of the accounts department.

5. By the time George was 30 he decided he wanted a fresh challenge.

6. He found a job with the local company which involved a lot of foreign travel.

7. He liked living in hotels, and he made a lot of friends in the new company.

8. He was sacked two years later.

9. He had to sell his car and move out his new house.

10. To his surprise, George loved the market.

11. Five years later he opened a second stall, and after twelve years he had fifteen stalls.

12. Last year George retired at the age of 60, a very rich man.



1. Complete the words or phrases using words from the box:


pay resign foreign training fruit and vegetable open stall department challenge abroad company job


1. account……………………………………………….……………………………..

2. ……………………………………………………………………...………courses

3. ………………………………………………………………………...………..rise

4. fresh…………………………………………………….…………………………..

5. work……………………………………………………..………………………….

6. …………………………………………………………..…………..from company

7. international…………………………………………………………...……………

8. ………………………………………………………………………….…….travel

9. part-time ……………………………………………………………..…………….

10. …………………………………………………………………………..……..stall

11. …………………………………………………………………..……….………air

12. took over the…………………………………………………...…………………..


2. Match the words with their English definitions:


1.a trainee a.told to leave the company
2.promoted b.wrote an official request for
3.prospects c.a new exciting situation
4.employee d.included
5.sacked e.stopped working completely
6.a fresh challenge f.a very junior person in a company
7.applied for g.out of work / without job
8.part-time job h.more money
9.involved i.worker in the company rise j.given a higher position with more money and responsibility
11.retired k.working only some of the day or some of the week
12.unemployed l.future possibilities in the job


3. Complete these with a suitable word or phrase:


1.I don’t want a full-time job. I’d prefer to work ………………….... 2.She’d like to go on another training ………………………………. 3.I’m bored in my job. I need a fresh ……………………………….. 4.He works on a stall in the …………………………………………. 5.At the end of this year we should get a good pay …………………. 6.She’s got more than a hundred workers under ……………………. 7.I didn’t know he was the new manager. When did he take …….…? 8.It was a boring job and the pay was awful. Why did he….……….?  
4.Match the words with their Russian equivalents:


1.account department h.международная компания work abroad i.зарубежные командировки
3.satisfactory j.местная инженерная компания work out in the open air k.принять
5.take over the stall l.бухгалтерский отдел
6.unfortunately m.работать на свежем воздухе
7.foreign travel n.удовлетворительный company o.к сожалению
9.local engineering company p.выкупить палатку accept q.работать за рубежом


5.Give the English equivalents from the text above:


1. подать заявление о приеме на работу ………..………………………………….

2. стажер ………………………………..…………………………………………....

3. упорно работать …………………………..…………………………………..…..

4. работать за рубежом …………………………………..………………………….

5. через пару месяцев ………………………………………..……………………...

6. смог найти работу ………………………………………………….……….…….

7. постоянные командировки ……………………………………….……………...

8. уволили год спустя ………………………………………………..……………...

9. овощной киоск ………………………………………………………………..…..

10. выкупил киоск ……………………………………………………………..……..




1. Я подал заявление в компанию по производству оборудования. …………..….....


2. Стажеры, как правило, много не зарабатывают. ………………………..…………


3. Раз в пять лет компания отправляет сотрудников на курсы обучения. ……..…...


4. Через два года она получила повышение. ………………………………….……..


5. Мэри возглавляет бухгалтерию. ……………………………………………..……..


6. Он уволился из компании потому, что не получил повышения. ………….……..


7. Я не люблю зарубежные командировки. ……………………………………..……


8. Он работал так плохо, что был уволен через 3 недели. ……………………..……


9. Моя сестра была безработной около года. …………………………..…………….


10. Женщины в России уходят на пенсию в возрасте 55 лет. ………………..……...





1. Make a story about your own career ladder 2. Read and reproduce the dialogue in pairs


Student A is an adviser in an employment agency

Student B is Tom Oldman, looking for a job

In an employment agency

Adviser: How long have you been out of work, Tom?

Tom: Oh, seven months; 500 of us were laid off 1 at the same time.

Adviser: And what exactly did you do before?

Tom: Well, I started as a machine operator but eventually I became a foreman 2 in charge of about fifty people.

Adviser: Really? How long did you work there?

Tom: For five years. I joined when I was twenty-five.

Adviser: And what did you do before that?

Tom: I was in the navy 3. I joined when I left school. I left when I decided to settle down.

Adviser: Oh, right, and what have you been doing since you lost your job?

Tom: A bit of part-time work, gardening and driving. I prefer being outside or travelling around when I can. And applying for jobs, of course.

Adviser: How many jobs have you applied for?

Tom: Around sixty, but there are very few opportunities.

Adviser: Mm. Your qualifications are good and you’ve got a lot to offer. Have you ever thought about working in a call centre?

Tom: I’m not sure it is for me. I could not stay all day in an office. I’d rather have an outside job in a park or garden centre, but I’d prefer to work in a factory like before.

Adviser: Unfortunately there are very few vacancies in those areas.

Tom: Yes, I’ve got to be realistic, I suppose and it’s hard bringing up a family on unemployment benefit 4. Tell me more about the call centre.

Adviser: Well, you would get proper training and learn some useful new skills…and there would be opportunities for promotion too.



1. попали под сокращение

2. впоследствии я стал прорабом

3. военно-морской флот

4. пособие по безработице



Взято с сайта



Preview Answer the questions. Then talk about your answers. 1) In what sectors of activities – agriculture, industry, service do you work? 2) Which sectors do the people in your area work in? 3) How has this changed from generation to generation? 4) Do you know what CV is? 5) Have you ever written one?  




Read and translate the text




Interviewer: So tell us about CV s, then, Marika. What are the key things they include?

Marika: Well, you should start with brief personal details, of course. You know, name, age, and so on. Marital status is OK too, but no names of children or pets.

Interviewer: And next comes education, I suppose?

Marika: Yeah. You ought to list the schools and institutions you’ve attended in chronological order. Make sure that the dates make sense. Don’t forget details of the qualifications you obtained. Remember to put your grades too.

Interviewer: I see. And would you advise people to include copies of their qualifications, and so on?

Marika: No, they don’t need to do that, not at this stage.

Interviewer: Right. Now for the part of the CV which deals with work experience. Should we go through this in chronological order or start with the more recent, current job first?

Marika: I would definitely say begin with the present or more recent job first. Then work backwards. Give a brief description of each job and try to list one or two achievements.

Interviewer: That’s hard if you’re still a student, isn’t it?

Marika: True, but you can still mention things like “I was secretary of the Anglo-German society” or give details of any part-time or holiday jobs.

Interviewer: One last question. What about a photograph?

Marika: Well, it can go on an application form or with a covering letter, but there’s no reason why you can’t put it on your CV. If I were a job seeker, I’d invest in a studio photograph – one that made me look as good as possible, rather than one from a machine. And, of course, never send a picture of you on the beach or at the party – people have sent me some amazing things!


1. CV[siːˈviː] curriculum vitae[kəˈrɪkjʊləm ˈviːtaɪ] резюме
2. personal details[ˈpɜːsənl ˈdiːteɪlz] Personal details include name, age and address. личные данные Личные данные включают в себя имя, возраст и адрес.
3. marital status[ˈmærɪtəl ˈsteɪtəs] семейное положение
4. ought to[ɔt] быть должным
5. to list[lɪst] вносить в список, перечислить
6. to attend[əˈtend] You ought to list the educational institutions you’ve attended. посещать Вы должны внести в список образовательные учреждения, в которых Вы обучались.
7. in chronological order[ˌkrɔnəˈlɔdȝɪkəl ˌɔ:də] в хронологическом порядке
8. to obtain[əbˈteɪn] получать
9. qualification[ˌkwɔlɪfɪkeɪʃən] Put down the qualifications you obtained. квалификация Укажите сведения о присвоенных квалификациях.
10. grade [greɪd] Don’t forget to put your grades. оценка Не забудьте указать свои оценки.
11. work experience[wə:k ɪksˈpɪərɪəns] Work experience is not given in chronological order.   опыт работы   Опыт работы приводится не в хронологическом порядке.
12. current[ˌkʌrənt] текущий
13. backwards[ˌbækwədz] в обратном порядке
14. achievement[əˈtʃi:vmənt] Do you have any professional achievements? достижение Есть ли у Вас профессиональные достижения?
15. application form[ˌæplɪkeɪʃən fɔ:m] A photograph can go on an application form. заявление о приеме на работу   Фотографию можно поместить на заявление о приеме на работу.
16. covering letter[ˈkʌvərɪŋ ˈletə] сопроводительное письмо
17. job seeker[dȝɔb ˈsi:kə] Job seekers must be very active. человек, ищущий работу Люди, которые ищут работу, должны быть очень активными.


1. Answer the questions:

1. What is the dialogue about?

2. What should you start you CV with?

3. How ought you to list the schools and institutions you have attended?

4. Do you need to include copies of your qualifications?

5. How should you put down the information about your work experience?

6. What information can you include if you are still a student?

7. What does Marika say about a photograph?


2. Read the statements and say if they are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones?


1. You should start your CV with brief personal details.

2. If you have got children, you must put down their names and age.

3. You ought to list the schools and institutions you’ve attended in chronological order.

4. You must not put your grades.

5. You should begin with the present or more recent job first and then work backwards.

6. If you are still a student you shouldn’t write anything.

7. Employers don’t take photographs seriously, so don’t waste money on them.


3. Complete the sentences:


1. You should start with brief............................................................................... details.

2. Marital................................................... is OK too, but no names of children or pets.

3. Don’t forget details of the...................................................................... you obtained.

4. Should we start with the more recent,.......................................................... job first?

5. Give a brief description of each job and try to list one or two.....................................

6. It can go on an application.......................... or with a....................................... letter.

7. If I were a job......................................................, I’d invest in a studio photograph.

8. Never send a picture of you on the....................................................... or at the party.




1. Match the words with their Russian equivalents:


1.personal details a.хронологический порядок
2.marital status b.опыт работы
3.chronological order c.квалификации
4.qualifications d.достижения experience e.заявление о приеме на работу
6.achievements f.сопроводительное письмо
7.application form g.личные данные
8.covering letter h.семейное положение


2. Match the following English words with their definitions:


1.marital status a.happening or existing now
2.grades get, to receive
3.current c.arranged in the order in which the events happened
4.achievement d.something accomplished successfully obtain put down
6.chronological f.the condition of being married or unmarried list a reverse manner or order
8.backwards h.marks, points
3. Give the English equivalents:


составить список школ и институтов...........................................................................

сведения о присвоенных квалификациях.....................................................................

начать с наиболее поздней по времени работы............................................................

работайте в обратном направлении..............................................................................

краткое описание............................................................................................................

сведения о работе во время каникул.............................................................................

не пожалеть денег на профессиональную фотографию.............................................

потрясающие вещи.........................................................................................................




1. Для того чтобы найти работу, необходимо составить и разослать резюме.


2. Личные данные включают в себя имя, возраст, адрес и некоторые другие данные..............................................................................................................................


3. Информация об образовании должна быть представлена в хронологическом порядке.............................................................................................................................


4. Предоставляя данные о предыдущем трудоустройстве, необходимо указать характер выполняемой работы......................................................................................


5. Если Вы студент, можно указать сведения о внеучебной активности – участии в волонтерской деятельности, например......................................................................


6. Постарайтесь сообщить как можно больше сведений о своей профессиональной деятельности..................................................................................


7. На фотографии, как правило, обращается некоторое внимание, поэтому выберите самую удачную...............................................................................................


8. Работодатели говорят: «Мы Вас не знаем», поэтому не стесняйтесь делиться информацией о себе, иначе упустите шанс получить работу.....................................





1. Study the CV:
Curriculum Vitae
Toni Carter Personal details:  
Full name: Toni (Antonella) Carter
Date of birth: 14/02/78
Permanent address:

88 Whitecross Road

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St Albans

Herts WD3 8KY

Tel. / Fax: (01923) 0845841
Mobile: 0789 765782
Personal email: [email protected]
Marital status: Single
Educational history: I am currently following a part-time MBA programme in International Business at Randolf Business School 1997-2000 University of South Nottingham: BSc BusinessStudies 1994-1996 Dr Chalmer’s Sixth Form College: ‘A’ levels in Italian (A), Mathematics (A), Biology (B).   Skills: Word-processing. Excel. Power Point. Clean driving licence. Languages:Bilingual English / Italian   Employment history: September 2002-present Farinelli Fashions: Marketing Executive with responsibility for customer services. I regularly visit sales outlets in the south of England and our suppliers’ factories in Malta and Morocco. January 2001- September 2002 Kilt Corner: Shop Assistant, then Deputy Manager. August-December 2000 La Sorpresa Italian Restaurant: part-time waitress.   Hobbies and interests: Soccer:At university I was captain of the women’s soccer team. Playing the cello. Member of SN Chamber orchestra. In my gap year I travelled round Australia and south-east Asia. I developed a much broader awareness of other cultures and ways of life.
Referees: Catriona Flinn Manager, Kilt Corner 16 Gorton Street London W8     Professor K. Pradesh Randolf Business School 32 City Road London EC1B 7HG


2. Compose your own CV



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Cultural Differences (Germans versus Italians)



Preview Answer the questions. Then talk about your answers. 1) What do you know about Germany? 2) What stereotypes exist about the Germans? 3) What do you know about Italy? 4) What characteristics do the Italians possess? 5) Do you think these two nations are different?  





Read and translate the text


Germans value order, privacy and punctuality. They are thrifty, hard-working and industrious. Germans respect perfectionism in all areas of business and private life. There is an innate distaste for stepping out of line.

Family size is generally very small. Both parents often work outside the home. Responsibility and achievement are family values. It is common for young people to live together before or instead of marriage. There is greater variety of lifestyles in Germany today than in the past.

In corporate culture a strict vertical hierarchy exists, and power is held by a small number of people at the top. The corporate organization is logical and methodical; procedures and routines are done “by the book”.

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The boss is respected for being strong and decisive and working hard. Subordinates rarely contradict or criticize the boss publicly. The boss gives direction and may make even minor decisions. Objective criticism isn’t given or received easily; compliments are seldom given for work accomplished.

Rank is also very important, and it would be a mistake to set up a meeting between two people of different ranks. Fast-track promotions are rare; steady progress and job security are considered more important than rapid promotion. Cars, size of office and holiday venues are all important symbols of individual success.

Cultural achievement is Italy’s greatest source of pride. Inventiveness, imagination, intelligence and education are prized. Personal relations are scrupulously maintained with loyalty highly valued, especially in families. Italians are receptive to new ideas and fresh solutions.

The family is the most important affiliation in Italy. Strong, traditional ties bind families together. Northern families live in a nuclear unit. In the south, many generations live in the same town or even the same home.

Speaking about corporal culture we must note that there is a wide diversity of organizational styles. Organizations are built mostly on personal alliances.

The boss of the company is generally the owner, chairman or managing director. The boss is respected for charisma, creativeness, empathy and reliability.

Nothing of importance is done by a textbook plan. Pragmatism and improvisation are the key to success – protocol, rules and organization charts are generally ignored.


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