Some good topics of conversation — КиберПедия 

Поперечные профили набережных и береговой полосы: На городских территориях берегоукрепление проектируют с учетом технических и экономических требований, но особое значение придают эстетическим...

Своеобразие русской архитектуры: Основной материал – дерево – быстрота постройки, но недолговечность и необходимость деления...

Some good topics of conversation

2017-11-17 484
Some good topics of conversation 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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- Food and wine

- Art and music

- Sports

- Cars

- Politics (ask questions but never make a judgmental statement about their political system or a particular politician)

Do not discuss

- Salary

- Where someone lives

- Marital status

- Educational level

Smoking etiquette

Never smoke anyplace at any time without asking permission of your host, other guests, office colleagues, restaurant personnel, or anyone present who might object to sharing the environment with a smoker.




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Education in Britain


Preview Answer the questions. Then talk about your answers. 1) Do you have to pass examinations before you enter the university? How many? 2) Is the tuition free if you go to university? 3) Do most students enter the university at the age of 18? 4) How long do most courses last? 5) What do you know about postgraduate courses in Russia?  


Read and translate the text




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If you want to go to university, you must first pass examinations that most students take at the age of eighteen. They are called “A” levels. Most students take three “A” levels in three different subjects. To get a place at university you must pass the exams well, because the number of places is limited. At the moment, about 40 % of young people go to university in Britain.

When you get a place at university, the tuition is free, that means you don’t have to pay for the teaching. Some students may also get a grant. Grant is the money to pay for living expenses – food and accommodation. Students at universities are called undergraduates while they are studying for their first degree.

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Most Bachelor programs last for three years, some can continue for four, and some may be even longer – medicine, for example. The students can say they are doing law or studying for a degree in law. When they finish the course and successfully pass their examinations they receive a degree. This can be Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Science (BSc), Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) or Bachelor of Law.

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If you want to continue your education, you can do a second course – postgraduate course. Such students are called postgraduates and they are studying for a Master’s degree. The course also consists of lectures, seminars and practical studies and goes on for one or two years. You can get a Master of Arts (MA), Master of Science (MSc) or Master of Philosophy (MPhil) degree.

To obtain a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree you must study for two more years during which you conduct research on some subject, publish the results in scientific journals and write a research paper. You have a research advisor who helps you with your work.



Bachelor of Arts (BA) Бакалавр искусств
Bachelor of Science (BSc) Бакалавр науки
Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) Бакалавр инженерии
Bachelor of Law Бакалавр права
Master of Arts (MA) Магистр искусств
Master of Science (MSc) Магистр науки
Master of Philosophy (MPhil) Магистр философии
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Доктор философии




1. to go to [ˈentə] the university поступать в университет
2. to pass [pɑːs] an examination You must first pass examinations. сдавать экзамен Сначала Вы должны сдать экзамены.
3. limited[ˈlɪmɪtɪd] the number of places is limited ограниченный число мест ограничено
4. tuition[tjuːˈɪʃn] The tuitionis free. обучение Обучение бесплатно.
5. grant[ɡrɑːnt] Students may also get a grant. грант Студенты могут также получить грант.
6. living expenses[ˈlɪvɪŋɪkˈspensɪz] расходы на проживание
7. undergraduate[ˌʌndəˈɡrædjuət] студент-бакалавр
8. degree[dɪˈɡriː] Master’s degree степень степень магистра
9. to last[lɑːst] Most courses last for three years. длиться Большинство курсов длятся три года.
10. to continue[kənˈtɪnjuː] Some can continue for four years. продолжаться Некоторые продолжаются четыре года.
11. postgraduate[ˌpəʊstˈɡrædʒuət] магистрант/аспирант
12. to conduct research [kənˈdʌkt rɪˈsɜːtʃ] to conduct research on проводить исследования   проводить исследования по теме
13. to publish[ˈpʌblɪʃ] to publish the results in scientific journals публиковать публиковать результаты в научных журналах
14. research advisor [rɪˈsɜːtʃədˈvaɪzər] My research advisor is a PhD. научный руководитель   Мой научный руководитель – доктор философии.


III. Reading Comprehension


1. Answer the Questions

1. What are the examinations to go to university called?

2. At what age do young people pass them?

3. What is the percentage of people getting higher education in Britain at the moment?

4. Is the tuition free for everybody when you go to university?

5. What is a grant?

6. What is an undergraduate?

7. How long do most Bachelor programs at university last?

8. What is the first university degree?

9. What is the second university degree?

10. What should you do to obtain Doctor’s degree?

2. Choose the correct word or word combination

1. Most students take …”A” levels.

a) 2

b) 4

c) 3

2. The number of places at universities is ….

a) free

b) limited

c) vacant

3. At the moment, about … of young people go to university in Britain.

a) 40%

b) 50%

c) 30%


4. The money to pay for living expenses – food and accommodation – is called …

a) tuition

b) a grant

c) education

5. Students, studying for their first degree, are called ….

a) masters

b) postgraduates


6. Students are called postgraduates when they are studying for a ….

a) Master’s degree

b) Bachelor’s degree

c) Doctor’s degree

7. To obtain a PhD degree you must conduct … on some subject.

a) research

b) education

c) career

3. Complete the sentences

1. If you want to go to university, you must first pass ……………………………..

2. Most students take three ……………………....... in three different subjects.

3. To get a place at university you must pass the exams …………………...……...

4. At the moment, about 40 % of …………………. go to university in Britain.

5. When you get a place at university, the.................................................. is free.

6. Some students may also get a …………………………………….……………...

7. Students are called undergraduates while they are studying for their first ….......

8. Most university courses ……………………………………... for three years.

9. When they ………...………... pass their examinations they receive a degree.

10. Students are called ………… while they are studying for a Master’s degree.

11. To obtain a PhD degree you must study for …………….……… more years.

12. You have a …………………………..……… who helps you with your work.




1. Match the words with their Russian equivalents
1.Bachelor of Arts (BA) a.магистр в области естественных наук
2.tuition b.публиковать результаты
3.publish the results c.продолжаться
4.accommodation d.бакалавр в области гуманитарных наук
5.research advisor e.обучение
6.practical studies f.жилье
7.Master of Science (MSc) g.научный руководитель
8.continue h.практические занятия
2. Give the English equivalents

1. поступить в университет …………………………………………….………….

2. по трем разным предметам …………………………………………………......

3. число мест ограничено ………………………………………………………….

4. вам не нужно платить за обучение …………………………………………….

5. некоторые могут длиться дольше, например, медицина …………………......


6. учиться для получения степени в юриспруденции …………………………...


7. вы можете получить степень магистра в области гуманитарных наук………


8. лекции, семинары и практические занятия ……………………………………


9. написать научно-исследовательскую работу …………………………..…….

10. научный руководитель помогает ………………………………………….…...

3. Match the words with their English definitions


1. to enter a. products you eat
2. successfully b. to go on, to continue
3. to last c. study of a subjects in detail
4. undergraduates d. highest scientific degree
5. Doctor of Philosophy e. very well
6. research f. to carry out
7. food g. to go to university
8. to conduct h. students at university


1. Для того чтобы получить место в университете, нужно сдать три экзамена.


2. Большинство студентов платят за обучение, так как число бесплатных мест ограничено. ………………………………….…………………………………………


3. В настоящий момент около 40 процентов молодых людей Великобритании учатся в университетах. ……………………………………………………………...


4. Некоторые студенты могут получить грант. …………………….……………….


5. Некоторые курсы обучения в университете длятся дольше всех, например медицина. ………………………………………………………………………….. …...……………………………………………………………………….…………….

6. Вы можете получить степень бакалавра искусств или науки. ……….………...


7. Если Вы хотите, Вы можете продолжить своё образование и поступить в магистратуру. …………………………………………………………………….……


8. Курс обучения также состоит из лекций, семинаров и практических занятий. ………………………………………………………………………………….………..


9. Для получения степени доктора философии нужно учиться еще 1-2 года и написать исследовательскую работу. ……………………………………………….


10. У Вас будет научный руководитель, который поможет вам в Вашей научной работе. ………………………………………………………………………………….



1. Compare two systems of higher education – British and Russian 2. Read and reproduce the dialogue


Josh: You seem to know your way around campus. Have you been here long?

Ellen: I am a senior literature major. I will be graduating next June.

Josh: Your major is literature? Mine is too! But I’m just beginning my work in my major. You see, I just transferred to this university from junior college.

Ellen: Well, that’s great. Can I help you?

Josh: Perhaps you could tell me about the courses you’ve got to take for a literature major?

Ellen: Well, for a literature major you need to take eight courses, three required courses and five electives. First, you have to take “Survey of World Literature, Parts One and Two”. This is really two courses, and it’ll take two semesters and it’s required for all literature majors. The other course required for all literature majors is “Introduction into Literary Analysis”

Josh: You mean, if I want to specialize in American literature, I still must take two semesters of World Literature?

Ellen: Yes, because the two semesters are required for all literature majors.

Josh: But I only want to study American literature!

Ellen: At least you can take all of your five elective courses in the area that you want.

Josh: That’s what I’ll do then.




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Preview Answer the questions. Then talk about your answers. 1. Have you ever made a business trip abroad? 2. Do you think knowing English is enough to have business with foreigners? 3. What do you know about customs of different countries? 4. What countries do you think have strictest rules of etiquette: eastern or western? 5. What is the main topic of conversation between strangers in Russia?  


International Etiquette





Read and translate the text



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Travelling to all corners of the world gets easier and easier. We live in a global village, but how well do we know and understand each other? Here is a simple test. Imagine you have arranged a meeting at four o’clock. What time should you expect your foreign business colleagues to arrive? If they are German, they’ll bang on time. If they are American, they’ll probably be 15 minutes early. If they are British, they’ll be 15 minutes late, and you should allow up to an hour for the Italians.

When the first books giving advice on international etiquette appeared, the British thought this was a joke, because they assumed that the understanding of their language meant a corresponding understanding of English customs. Very soon they realized that they had a lot to learn about how to behave with their foreign business friends. And here are some examples:

The British are happy to have a business lunch and discuss business matters with a drink during the meal; the Japanese prefer not to work while eating. Lunch is a time to relax and get to know one another, and they rarely drink at lunchtime. The Germans like to talk business before dinner, the French like to eat first and talk afterwards.

Taking off your jacket and rolling up your sleeves is a sign of getting down to work in Britain and Holland, but in Germany people regard it as taking it easy.

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The Japanese have perhaps the strictest rules of social and business behavior. Seniority is very important, and a younger man should never be sent to complete a business deal with an older Japanese man. You should not expect the Japanese to shake hands when greeting someone. Bowing the head is a mark of respect and the first bow of the day should be lower than when you meet thereafter.

The Americans prefer to be casual and more informal than the Japanese, as illustrated by the universal “Have a nice day!” The British are cool and reserved. The great topic of conversation between strangers in Britain is the weather – unemotional and impersonal. In America, the main topic between strangers is the search to find a geographical link. “You really live in Ohio? I had an uncle who once worked there”.




1. to arrange[əˈreɪndʒ] I have arranged a meeting at four o’clock. договориться, организовать Я организовал встречу в четыре часа.
2. business colleagues[ˈbɪznɪs ˈkɔli:ɡz] He has some business colleagues in Sweden. коллеги по бизнесу   У него несколько коллег по бизнесу в Швеции.
3. etiquette[ˈetɪket] этикет
4. to assume[əˈsju:m] They assumed that it was a joke. считать, полагать Они посчитали это шуткой.
5. corresponding[ˌkɔrɪsˈpɔndɪŋ] соответствующий
6. to behave[bɪˈheɪv] They don’t know how to behave with foreigners. вести себя Они не знают как вести себя с иностранцами.
7. matter[ˈmætə] проблема, дело
8. rarely[ˈrɛəlɪ] The Japanese rarely drink at lunchtime. редко Японцы редко пьют во время обеда.
9. to get down[ɡet daun] to smth. Let’s get down to business. приступить Давайте приступим к делу.
10. to regard[rɪˈɡɑ:d] She regarded it as a compliment. расценивать Она расценила это как комплимент.
11. strict[strɪkt] строгий
12. behavior[bɪˈheɪvjə] The rules of socialbehavior in Japan are very strict. поведение Правила поведения в общесте в Японии очень строгие.
13. seniority[ˌsi:nɪˈɔrɪtɪ] старшинство
14. to complete[kəmˈpli:t] They couldn’t complete the deal. завершить Они не смогли завершить сделку.
15. bow[bau] поклон
16. casual[ˈkæʒjuəl] The Americans arecasual and informal. легкий в общении Американцы легкие и непринужденные в общении.
17. reserved[rɪˈzə:vd] They are very reserved. сдержанный Они очень сдержанные.
18. conversation[ˌkɔnvəˈseɪʃən] It is hard to start a conversation with a foreigner for me. разговор Мне трудно начать разговор с иностранцем.
19. link[lɪŋk] связующее звено




1. Answer the questions:


1. What does “we live in a global village” mean?

2. If you arranged a meeting at 4, when do the Italians probably arrive?

3. Why did the British regard the first books giving advice on international etiquette as a joke?

4. Why do the Japanese prefer not work while eating?

5. Whatis very important in Japan to complete a business deal?

6. Whatis a mark of respect in Japan?

7. What is the main topic of conversation between strangers in America and in Great Britain?


2. Choose the correct word or word combination:


1. If you arranged a meeting with your German business colleagues, they will probably...

a) be 15 minutes early

b) bang on time

c) be 15 minutes late


2. When the first books giving advice on international etiquetteappeared, the... thought this was a joke.

a) British

b) Japanese

c) Americans

3. The Japanese prefer not to... while eating.

a) laugh

b) talk

c) work

4. A younger man should never be sent to...a business deal with an older Japanese man.

a) discuss

b) start

c) complete

5. The first... of the day should be lower than when you meet thereafter.

a) bow

b) kiss

c) hug

6. The British are cool and....

a) reserved

b) strict

c) pleasant

7. In America, the main topic between strangers is the....

a) weather

b) geographical link

c) political situation


3. Complete the sentences using the words from the box:
German American British Italians French Japanese


1. The....................................are happy to have a business lunch.

2. The.................................... like to eat first and talk afterwards.

3. The........................ have perhaps the strictest rules of social and business behavior.

4. The................................... prefer to becasual and more informal than the Japanese.

5. You should allow up to an hour for the......................................

6. If they are................................................., they’ll bang on time.




4. Match the words with their Russian equivalents
1.seniority a.непринужденный
2.informal b.дела бизнеса
3.bang on time c.незнакомцы
4.corresponding d.обычаи
5.customs e.международный этикет etiquette f.редко deal g.появиться как раз вовремя
8.strangers h.соответствующий
9.rarely i.сделка matters j.старшинство


3. Give the English equivalents:


1. организовать встречу ………………………………………………….….…...

2. советы по международному этикету ……………………………….…….…..

3. понимание английских обычаев ………………………………………………………..

4. вести себя правильно …………………………………………………….……

5. обсуждать дела бизнеса за обедом …………………………………….…….

6. приступить к работе …………………………………………………….……...

7. расслабиться …………………………………………………………….……...

8. Вы не должны ожидать …………………………………………….………….

9. “Хорошего дня!” …………………………………………………………….....

4. Prove the following statements:


1. The Japanese have perhaps the strictest rules of social and business behavior.

2. The Germans are very punctual and businesslike.

3. The Americans are very sociable.


5. Match the following English words with their definitions:


1.rarely, co-workers
2.conversation b.organize
3.corresponding c.think, expect
4.assume d.severe, tough
5.etiquette, discussion
6.arrange, analogous
7.strict g.code, protocol
8.colleagues h.seldom, not often




1. На какое время Вы назначили встречу с зарубежными коллегами по бизнесу?...........................................................................................................................................

2. Предполагается, что высококвалифицированные инженеры должны иметь соответствующие знания физики и математики..........................................................


3. Они совсем не знают как вести себя с коллегами из африканских стран.........…


4. В Европе люди редко пьют алкогольные напитки в дневное время..................


5. После долгих выходных очень тяжело приступить к работе.................................


6. В восточных странах старшинство имеет большое значение................................



7. Правила социального поведения должны воспитываться в ребенке с раннего возраста............................................................................................................................


8. Много лет назад американская непринужденность в поведении шокировала сдержанных британцев..................................................................................................





1. Read the tips for travelers and discuss them. Do you find them strange? Can you think of your own examples?


In France you shouldn’t sit down in a café until you’ve shaken hands with everyone you know.

In Afghanistan you should spend at least five minutes saying hello.

In Pakistan you mustn’t wink. It is offensive.

In the Middle East you must never use the left hand for greeting, eating, drinking or smoking. Also, you should take care not to admire anything in your hosts’ home. They will think that they have to give it to you.

In Russia you must match your hosts drink for drink or they will think you are unfriendly.

In Thailand you should clasp your hands together and lower your head and eyes when you greet someone.

In America you should eat your hamburger with both hands and as quickly as possible. You shouldn’t try to have a conversation until it is eaten.




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The Conference
Preview Answer the questions. Then talk about your answers. 1. Have you ever taken part in a conference? 2. What does it take to get ready for a conference? 3. What was the most interesting or difficult part of your participation? 4. Would you like to take part in an international conference? What problems do you think you will face?


Read and translate the text



The main reasons for researchers to participate in scientific conferences are the following:

  • to get informed about the state-of-the-art;
  • to present their own research, and get reactions from peers;
  • to have their paper published in the conference proceedings;
  • to meet others working in the same domain.

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If you are interested to participate in the conference, you will submit a paper to the organizers. They will pass it on the members of the scientific committee and decide whether your paper can be accepted or not. You should get an acceptance or rejection message before a fixed deadline. With your letter of acceptance, you can ask for funding for travel, accommodation, and conference registration, all of which can be pretty expensive.

Sometimes papers can be accepted either for oral presentation, or as posters. At a designated time, you will be expected to stand near your poster in order to be able to answer eventual questions about it.

If your paper/poster is accepted, you may be asked to prepare a final document version of it for publication in the conference proceedings. Proceedings are typically published as stand-alone volumes, though sometimes they are turned into special issues of journals, or published only electronically on the web.

The conference organizers produce a detailed conference program which typically includes the following sections:

· registration: where you pay or confirm payment of the registration fee, and in return receive a badge identifying you as participant, plus documentation such as the latest program, invitations to social events, etc;

· plenary sessions: general opening and closing of the conference, panel discussions, and talks by "invited" speakers, the so-called renowned experts in the domain;

· parallel sessions: more specialized sessions with " contributing " speakers that take place simultaneously in different rooms (such sessions or "symposia" are organized by their chairperson, who is responsible for the focus and the selection of contributors);

· social events: coffee breaks, lunches, receptions, conference dinner, excursions, etc.

Typical international conferences last 3-5 days, starting around noon on the first day to give participants the time to register, and ending on the afternoon of the last day, with sometimes a half-day break in the middle for a touristic excursion. Smaller conferences (workshops) may not have parallel sessions, social events.




1. researcher[rɪˈsə:tʃə] исследователь
2. to participate[pɑ:ˈtɪsɪpeɪt] It is essential for researchers to participate in scientific conferences. участвовать Исследователям необходимо участвовать в научных конференциях.
3. state-of-the-art[steɪt ɔv ðe ɑ:t] последние достижения
4. peer['pɪə] His report got a positive reaction from peers. коллега, эксперт     Его доклад получил позитивные отзывы коллег.
5. conference proceedings[ˈkɔnfərəns prəˈsi:dɪŋz] Conference proceedings will be published very soon. материалы конференции   Материалы конференции будут опубликованы очень скоро.
6. domain[dəˈmeɪn] область
7. to submit a paper[səbˈmɪt ə ˈpeɪpə] You must submit your paper to the organizers in a week. предоставить доклад   Вы должны предоставить организаторам доклад через неделю.
8. scientific committee[ˌsaɪənˈtɪfɪk kəˈmɪtɪ] оргкомитет конференции
9. to accept[əkˈsept] принять
10. acceptance/ rejection message[əkˈseptəns/ rɪˈdʒekʃən ˈmesɪdʒ] I got an acceptance message from the scientific committee last week. сообщение о принятии доклада/отказе     На прошлой неделе я получил сообщение о принятии доклада от оргкомитета конференции.
11. poster[ˈpəustə] стендовый доклад
12. eventual[ɪˈventʃuəl] возникающий
13. designated[ˌdezɪɡˈneɪtɪd] At a designated time you are expected to stand near your poster waiting for questions. назначенный В назначенное время вы должны находиться возле стенда доклада, ожидая вопросы.
14. stand-alone volume[stænd-əˈləun ˈvɔljum] сборник
15. issue[ˈɪʃu] Proceedings are published as stand-alone volumes or in special issues of journals. выпуск Материалы публикуются в сборниках или в специальных выпусках журналов.
16. to include[ɪnˈklu:d] The conference program included an excursion. включать в себя Программа конференции включала в себя экскурсию.  
17. registration[ˌredʒɪsˈtreɪʃən] регистрация
18. to confirm payment[kənˈfə:m ˈpeɪmənt] You must pay or confirm payment at the registration. подтвердить оплату   Вы должны внести или подтвердить оплату при регистрации.
19. fee[fi:] взнос
20. plenary session[ˈpli:nərɪ ˈseʃən] A lot of people were present at the plenary session. пленарное заседание   На пленарном заседании присутствовало много людей.
21. panel[ˈpænl] discussion общее обсуждение
22. renowned[rɪˈnaund] He is a renowned scientist in this field. знаменитый Он — прославленный ученый в этой области.
23. parallel session[ˈpærəlel ˈseʃən] заседание секций
24. contributing[ˌkɔntrɪˈbju:tɪŋ] Parallel sessions are more specialized sessions with many "contributing" speakers. участвующий Заседания секций более специализированные, с множеством участвующих.
25. simultaneously[ˌsɪməlˈteɪnjəslɪ] They answered simultaneously. одновременно   Они ответили одновременно.
26. chairperson[ˌtʃɛəˈpə:sn] председатель
27. workshop[ˈwə:kʃɔp] There were no coffee breaks during the workshop. научно-практическая конференция Во время научно-практической конференции не было перерывов на кофе.
28. social events[ˈsəuʃəl ɪˈvents] The social events were very interesting and informative. культурно-развлекательная программа Культурно-развлекательная программа была интересной и информативной.


1. Answer the questions:


1. What are the main reasons for participating in scientific conferences?

2. What should you do first of all to participate in the conference?

3. What can you do when you get a letter of acceptance?

4. In what way are the proceedings typically published?

5. What parts does a conference normally consist of?

6. What do you do during a registration?

7. What are “invited” speakers?

8. By whom are “symposia" usually organized?

9. What is included in social events?

10. How long do most international conferences last?


2. Read the statements and say if they are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.


1. You should get an acceptance or rejection message any time you wish.

2. Sometimes papers can be accepted either for oral presentation, or as posters.

3. Proceedings are always published only electronically on the web.

4. Plenary sessions are more specialized sessions with "contributing" speakers that take place simultaneously in different rooms.

5. "Invited" speakers are the so-called renowned experts in the domain.

6. Social events include coffee breaks, lunches, receptions, conference dinner and excursions.

7. Typical international conferences last quite a long time – about a month.



1. Complete the words or phrases using words from the box:


social proceedings rejection volumes confirm breaks plenary time submit committee

1. conference...............................

2...................................... a paper

3. scientific..................................


5. designated................................

6. stand-alone...............................

7..................................... payment

8.......................................... events

9. coffee........................................

10.................................... sessions


2. Match the words with their English definitions:


1.peer a.printed and published copy
2.deadline b.well-known, prominent
3.include c.symposium, forum
4.eventual d.aid, engage
5.participate e.companion, colleague
6.renowned f.consist of, hold
7.issue g.possible, consequent
8.workshop h.time limit


3. Complete these with a suitable word or phrase:


1. I want to have my paper published in the..................................................................

2. You should get an acceptanceor.........................................before a fixed deadline.

3. You can ask for............... for travel, accommodation, and conference registration.

4. You must be able to answer....................................... questions about your poster.

5. You may be asked to prepare a......................................... version for publication.

6. The conference organizers produce a................................... conference program.

7. Plenary sessions include general................................................. of the conference.

8. Typical international conferences start around noon on the first day to give participants the time to..................................................................................................


4. Match the words with their Russian equivalents:


1.publish electronically on the web a.окончательный вариант
2.around noon b.устный доклад present research c.нагрудная карточка
4.badge d.ответственный за тему document e.представить исследование
6.responsible for the focus f.разместить в интернете в электронном виде
7.oral presentation g.около полудня


5. Paraphrase the sentences, changing the words in italics:

1. There are several reasons for scientists who conduct research to participate in scientific conferences.

2. I would like to get informed about the scientific achievements in medicine.

3. It is interesting to meet other researchers working in the same field.

4. With your letter of acceptance, you can ask for funding for travel and a place to stay.

5. At a certain time, you will be expected to stand near your poster and answer different questions.

6. Proceedings are typically published as separate volumes.

7. During the registration you must pay or prove that you have already paid the fee.

8. Often such sessions or "symposia" are organized by a person who will preside at the meeting.



1. Для того. чтобы стать известным ученым, нужно как можно чаще принимать участие в научных конференциях, как местных, так и международных......................................................................................................................................


2. Я часто встречаюсь с коллегами, работающими в той же области исследования, что и я...............................................................................................


3. Он получил письмо с отказом в регистрации, поскольку выслал свой доклад после указанного срока............................................................................................


4. Руководство нашего университета старается помочь с финансированием командировок – оплачивает расходы на жилье и проезд......................................


5. Чтобы подготовить устную презентацию, мне потребовалось три дня. …….....


6. Для получения гранта необходимо наличие не менее пяти публикаций в год......................................................................................................................................


7. Я столкнулся с проблемами при регистрации на симпозиум, поскольку не мог найти документ, подтверждающий оплату взноса................................................


8. Пленарные заседания – хороший шанс познакомиться со всемирно известными учеными во многих областях науки..................................................


9. Культурно-развлекательная программа предоставляет возможность пообщаться со своими коллегами и оппонентами в неформальной обстановке......................................................................................................................................


10. Международная конференция длилась всего четыре дня, но программа была очень насыщенной....................................................................................................





1. Read, translate and retell the text:



In making presentations the key is preparation. You should first of all find out how much the audience know about the subject. Are they experts or do they know very little? And adjust your language so that everybody can understand. If possible, visit the room where you’ll be giving the presentation beforehand and organize it precisely to your own requirements.

Once you know who you are presenting to and where, you’re ready to start preparing what you’re going to say. So stage one is the opening – the first few moments that can make or break the presentation. Then stage two, a brief introduction about the subject of your talk. Stage three – the main body of the presentation. And four, the conclusion, which should include a summary of your talk and your recommendations. Finally, the question and answer session.

I suggest that people memorize the opening as if they were actors. Write down the opening, record it, listen to it, and practice it again and again. If it is properly done, you’ll get the audience’s attention immediately, and you’ll feel confident during the rest of the presentation. After that, start using your notes. To make notes write the presentation out just like essay, select key points, read the full version over and over until it’s imprinted on your mind. Use small postcards but write no more than one or two key points on each.

When talking, face the audience at all times. Finally, remember that what you say is as important as how you say it. A good presentation is very much a performance.




At the restaurant

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Preview Answer the questions. Then talk about your answers. 1. Do you like dining out or do you prefer to have meals at home? 2. How often do you go to restaurants or cafes? 3. What dishes do you prefer to order? 4. Do you have a favourite restaurant in your town? 5. Can you say that you are a fan of Japanese, Italian or Russian cuisine?





Read and translate the dialogue




Waiter: Hi there! My name is Fred and I am your server for today. Do you want more time to look at the menu? No? OK, now our chef this evening is Jean-Paul, and everything on the menu is really great.

Ron: May be you can give us your personal recommendation?

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Waiter: Sure. Well, I love everything on the menu, but tonight the grilled tuna steak is fantastic. That is deep-sea Bluefin tuna from unpolluted Pacific Ocean waters around Hawaii. It’s grilled with a little genuine Italian extra-virgin olive oil, fresh basil and garlic, then a fresh lemon sauce – when I say fresh, I mean the sauce and the lemons are fresh – the lemons were picked from the tree this morning – the sauce is drizzled over the tuna. That comes with a vegetable selection; we have zucchini, eggplant and tomato this evening.

Cecilia: That sounds great. I’d like the tuna. With baked potato.

Waiter: OK. Anything else?

Cecilia: I’d like the spinach and bacon salad. Does that have a dressing?

Waiter: Yes, it does. It has an extra-virgin olive oil dressing with lime, garlic and fresh herbs.

Cecilia: That’s fine. And for dessertstrawberries, I guess.

Waiter: And for you, ma’am?

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Janet: I’ll try the tomato and mozzarella salad for starters, then the stir-fried vegetables, please.

Waiter: That comes on its own. Is that OK?

Janet: Yes, that’s fine. Oh, and I’d like an apple tart with cream, please. Thanks.

Waiter: Are you ready to order, sir?

Ron: Sure. I’ll have the melon with

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