III. Replace the italicized parts of the sentences by equivalents from the text. — КиберПедия 

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III. Replace the italicized parts of the sentences by equivalents from the text.

2017-10-16 653
III. Replace the italicized parts of the sentences by equivalents from the text. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. She knew very well that she was exceptionally beautiful.

2. There was a stranger among the guests, a young man who had been recently placed in charge of the county museum.

3. As soon as he saw her he realized he had seen the face before.

4. I never have my photos taken. But people often (every now and then) take snapshots when they see me in the street.

5. I can’t say I liked the couple.

6. The exhibition contained a great many interesting items (exhibits), extremely well arranged.

7. When I looked at the painting I realized that the resemblance was unbelievable.

8. People were shifting their position and pushing each other so as to have a good look both at the girl and the picture. 9. She was as unruffled as ever and didn't seem to regret what she had done in the least.

IV. Find English equivalents in the text.

ни в малейшей степени, оказаться, буквально, захваты­вает дух, любезный, скучноватый, самодовольство; считать, что так и надо; взять на себя заведывание, судить самому, в помощь, не особенно нравится, по счастливой случайности, гармонировать (с), хорошенько разглядеть, не хва­тает чего-либо, изрядная суматоха, отвлечь внимание (от); устроить так, чтобы кто-то был; ни тени сожаления, трудно поверить; не хватает ума, часто видеться (с), толпиться вокруг,; жить среди, вглядываться, быть всецело поглощен­ным, не. интересоваться живописью, ценный, опустевший, невозмутимый, невесело, отдать под суд

V. Fill the gaps with prepositions or adverbs wherever neces­sary.

1. John didn't care much... his host. But he had a nice and comfortable room... himself and enjoyed the quiet... the house. 2. He stood... the porch, peering... the darkness long... he had lost sight... the car that was carrying her away. 3. Mary wore a yellow gown to go... her beautiful golden hair and looked... a sunflower. All... a sudden she raised... her feet... the middle... dinner and walked the room,... so much as uttering a word. She fainted... the hall. The doctor was immediately sent.... He found no grave symptoms
and suggested, Mr. Haggard's annoyance, it must have
been a nervous breakdown. 4. Mrs. Morton was the first to
suggest they should get... a family reunion. 5. James took
it... granted that his friend's people he was staying... would
tolerate his presence as long as he chose to stay away... his
own family. He was not... the least concerned whether or
not he was putting them... any into lenience. It never
occurred him that he might be a bur (en... them. 6. His
friends warned him he would come...; bad end and their,
words turned... to be literally true: he was prosecuted and'
sentenced... six months' imprisonment... being mixed...
a put-up job.


VI. Answer the, following questions:

1. How did John's friend find himself at the Franklins'?What sort of beauty did Deborah possess? Why did the author not expect Deborah to be clever? 4. What did the new-comer among the guests say about Deborah's face? 5. Where did he promise to invite her in the spring? 6. What made John's friend admit Aubrey and his fiancée knew their job? 7. Why did everybody crowd round the picture? 8. How did Deborah behave at the exhibition/and what surprised the young man in the way she left the building? 9. What was discovered some minutes later? 10. What did John's friend say to the girl? How had he guessed it was a cleverly concocted scheme? 11. What did he find astonishing? 12. What had roused De­borah out of her quiescence? 13. Who had stolen the statu­ettes? 14. How had Aubrey made Deborah act as a cover girl? 15. How had Deborah found out what was going on?

VII. Change into indirect speech the passage from "There's
"one thing I don't..." (p. 258) to "they didn't prosecute

Aubrey" (p. 259).

VIII. Иск out words and phrases relating to a)" Deborah's
looks, b) her ways and reactions.

IX. Retell the story according to the given plan using the
following words and phrases:

1, John's friend makes Deborah's acquaintance.

to invite, to stay with his people, to get up a party, a beauty, odd phrase» to turn out to be true, sheer beauty, to take one's breath away, good looks, asking too much, in the way of brains, amiable, a trifle dull, well aware (of), perfectly prepared to, old friends, to take for granted, local phenomenon

Enter Aubrey Melcombe.

newcomer, beard, to take charge (of), to set eyes (on), perfectly familiar,- evidently, to give sittings to, to snap, such, nuisance, portrait, the living image (of), never heard of, to dwell among, to judge for oneself, to lend (to), ticket, for the opening, assistant, to distract (from)..., fiancée

Aubrey knows his job.

not to care much for, to admit, the opening (of), to gather in, to arrange admirably, the jewel of the show, to have a wall to itself, likeness, fantastic, mirror image, by a happy chance, plain, to match up well (to), to wonder, camera, to flash, to click, to crowd around, to stare (from.:. to), to get a good view (of), without losing sight, (of), terribly, embarrassed, to peer into the picture, utterly absorbed, to walk out, display of emotion, to discover, to be missing (from), a stand opposite, valuable, to be sent for, considerable fuss

4. John's friend gets a t the truth.

To be in, to guess', a put-up show, to distract attention (from), theft, reflectively, to arrange cleverly, to choose to go with, photographer, not that I need, coolness, astonishing hint of bitterness, trace of remorse, concocted scheme harshly' to see much of, fairly complete; to fall for, to puzzle, to rouse one (out of), to suggest, angry goddess, it was my turn to' make no bones (about), dealer, to undergo a subtle change follies, weary of, wonderful publicity, mirthlessly cover girl, without much fuss, silly (of), to prosecute, hasn't the wits, to see through smth., wryly, perfect mirror, couldn't help

X. Translate the following word combinations into Russian-
use them, in sentences of your own.

Fair — a fair face fair hair, a fair judge, fair play, a fair price, a fair trial, a fair mark, a fair decision, a fair codv a fair share (of), a fair chance (of), fair complexion, fair weath­er (wind), fair words, the fair sex.

Miss, missing— a statuette was missing, to miss the train, the missing link, the gun missed fire, to miss л friend to miss the target, to miss one's,to miss the first act, a list of the missing, to miss the point

bitterness bitter-a hint of bitterness, a sense of bitter,
ness, the bitter truth-, bitter fate, bitter tears, a bitter enemy
bitter cold, bitter disappointment, a bitter struggle, a bitter
quarrel, bitter words a bitter cup, a bitter pill to swallow
a bitter experience, to the bitter end

XI. Translate the following sentences according to the models:'
Model 1: to have one's paintings cleaned

1. Вам следовало бы вчера натереть пол

2. Когда вы собираетесь ремонтировать квартиру?

3. Забор, должно быть, только что покрасили. Осторожнее!

4. Мне бы хотелось переделать пальто; Оно старомодное.

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